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An in situ regeneration system for rice calli comprised of a callus growth stage and two regeneration stages was developed. After the first stage of regeneration, the medium is changed and the calli are immobilized in polyurethane foam supports, in each of which 3-5 regenerated plantlets develop from the immobilized calli during the second stage. While no significant change in callus size was observed during the first stage of regeneration, in the second stage callus enlargement and shoot regeneration predominated. In the light of these findings, calli were immobilized in the second stage after medium exchange. The use of 10-mm support cubes with an average pore size of 3.6 mm resulted in the most efficient immobilization and in situ regeneration. Medium exchange after 15 d gave the largest number of support cubes with shoots. When rice calli were cultivated in support cubes placed in 60 ml second-stage medium in a 500-ml flask, the immobilization ratio was 83%, and 82% of the support cubes contained 3-5 regenerated plantlets after 25 d. The shoot lengths of the regenerated plantlets obtained from the in situ regeneration culture were longer than those from a suspension culture. When support cubes with 3-5 regenerated plantlets were transferred from the flask to 1 4 MS solid medium supplemented with 10 g/l sorbitol and 5 g/l sucrose, the regenerated plantlets developed quickly into plants with a length above 10 cm after 10 d.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase activity was studied in 10 scented and two non-scented rice varieties. Kinetic studies at different pH levels and time intervals revealed that the optimal activity was exhibited around pH 8 and at 15 min. Specific activities ranged from 40–85 units mg?1 protein and all the scented varieties had lower values that non-scented ones.  相似文献   

The use of arsenic (As) contaminated groundwater for irrigation of crops has resulted in elevated concentrations of arsenic in agricultural soils in Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), and elsewhere. Paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main agricultural crop grown in the arsenic-affected areas of Bangladesh. There is, therefore, concern regarding accumulation of arsenic in rice grown those soils. A greenhouse study was conducted to examine the effects of arsenic-contaminated irrigation water on the growth of rice and uptake and speciation of arsenic. Treatments of the greenhouse experiment consisted of two phosphate doses and seven different arsenate concentrations ranging from 0 to 8 mg of As L(-1) applied regularly throughout the 170-day post-transplantation growing period until plants were ready for harvesting. Increasing the concentration of arsenate in irrigation water significantly decreased plant height, grain yield, the number of filled grains, grain weight, and root biomass, while the arsenic concentrations in root, straw, and rice husk increased significantly. Concentrations of arsenic in rice grain did not exceed the food hygiene concentration limit (1.0 mg of As kg(-1) dry weight). The concentrations of arsenic in rice straw (up to 91.8 mg kg(-1) for the highest As treatment) were of the same order of magnitude as root arsenic concentrations (up to 107.5 mg kg(-1)), suggesting that arsenic can be readily translocated to the shoot. While not covered by food hygiene regulations, rice straw is used as cattle feed in many countries including Bangladesh. The high arsenic concentrations may have the potential for adverse health effects on the cattle and an increase of arsenic exposure in humans via the plant-animal-human pathway. Arsenic concentrations in rice plant parts except husk were not affected by application of phosphate. As the concentration of arsenic in the rice grain was low, arsenic speciation was performed only on rice straw to predict the risk associated with feeding contaminated straw to the cattle. Speciation of arsenic in tissues (using HPLC-ICP-MS) revealed that the predominant species present in straw was arsenate followed by arsenite and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). As DMAA is only present at low concentrations, it is unlikely this will greatly alter the toxicity of arsenic present in rice.  相似文献   

The process of methylmercury accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that rice consumption can be an important pathway of methylmercury (MeHg) exposure to humans in Hg mining areas and also in certain inland areas of Southwestern China. The seed of rice has the highest ability to accumulate MeHg compared to other tissues. The main objective of this study was to investigate the process of (MeHg) accumulation in rice seed (Oryza sativa L.) by monitoring MeHg levels in specific tissues of rice plants experiencing various levels of Hg multisource pollution during a full rice growing season. Four groups of experimental plantations were utilized, distributed among a rural artisanal Hg production site and a regional background control site. Our results suggest that the newly deposited Hg is more readily transformed to MeHg and accumulated in rice plants than Hg forms with an extended residence time in soil, and soil is the potential source of MeHg in the tissues of rice plants. MeHg in soil was first absorbed by roots and then translocated to the above-ground parts (leaf and stalk). During the full rice growing season only a very small amount of MeHg was retained in the root section. In the premature plant, the majority of MeHg is located in the leaf and stalk; however, most of this MeHg was transferred to seed during the ripening period.  相似文献   

Grain accumulation of selenium species in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient Se biofortification programs require a thorough understanding of the accumulation and distribution of Se species within the rice grain. Therefore, the translocation of Se species to the filling grain and their spatial unloading were investigated. Se species were supplied via cut flag leaves of intact plants and excised panicle stems subjected to a ± stem-girdling treatment during grain fill. Total Se concentrations in the flag leaves and grain were quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spatial accumulation was investigated using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microtomography. Selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenomethylcysteine (SeMeSeCys) were transported to the grain more efficiently than selenite and selenate. SeMet and SeMeSeCys were translocated exclusively via the phloem, while inorganic Se was transported via both the phloem and xylem. For SeMet- and SeMeSeCys-fed grain, Se dispersed throughout the external grain layers and into the endosperm and, for SeMeSeCys, into the embryo. Selenite was retained at the point of grain entry. These results demonstrate that the organic Se species SeMet and SeMeSeCys are rapidly loaded into the phloem and transported to the grain far more efficiently than inorganic species. Organic Se species are distributed more readily, and extensively, throughout the grain than selenite.  相似文献   

实现以PCR为基础的水稻种质的耐储藏性检测,将大大加快水稻及其他粮食作物耐储藏品种的培育和推广。本研究首先使用12个籼粳特异性PCR标记对育种与生产中常用的35个籼粳稻进行基因型鉴定,然后,依据基因型信息的聚类分析,将不同籼粳基因型水稻分为籼型、偏籼型、偏粳型和粳型共4类。结果表明,籼型和偏籼型品种老化指数均小于50%,而偏粳型和粳型水稻材料则大多不耐储藏或储藏性较差,偏粳型材料较粳型材料耐储藏性好,并且储藏后粳稻的总酸变化较剧烈。利用籼粳特异性标记的籼粳基因型分析与籼粳型态指标结合可以快捷、简便而有效的鉴别特殊的耐储藏品种,为耐储藏品种筛选与育种提供基础。  相似文献   

Rice is a staple food for more than 3 billion people in more than 100 countries of the world but ironically it is deficient in many bioavailable vitamins, minerals, essential amino- and fatty-acids and phytochemicals that prevent chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and obesity. To enhance the nutritional and other quality aspects of rice, a better understanding of the regulation of the processes involved in the synthesis, uptake, transport, and metabolism of macro-(starch, seed storage protein and lipid) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals) is required. With the publication of high quality genomic sequence of rice, significant progress has been made in identification, isolation, and characterization of novel genes and their regulation for the nutritional and quality enhancement of rice. During the last decade, numerous efforts have been made to refine the nutritional and other quality traits either by using the traditional breeding with high through put technologies such as marker assisted selection and breeding, or by adopting the transgenic approach. A significant improvement in vitamins (A, folate, and E), mineral (iron), essential amino acid (lysine), and flavonoids levels has been achieved in the edible part of rice, i.e., endosperm (biofortification) to meet the daily dietary allowance. However, studies on bioavailability and allergenicity on biofortified rice are still required. Despite the numerous efforts, the commercialization of biofortified rice has not yet been achieved. The present review summarizes the progress and challenges of genetic engineering and/or metabolic engineering technologies to improve rice grain quality, and presents the future prospects in developing nutrient dense rice to save the everincreasing population, that depends solely on rice as the staple food, from widespread nutritional deficiencies.  相似文献   

超级杂交水稻种子内生细菌群落结构及其多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用构建16S r DNA克隆文库的非培养方法,对超级杂交水稻品种深两优5814及Y两优900种子内生细菌群落结构多样性进行研究。实验表明,深两优5814种子内生细菌含13个OUT,第一优势菌属为Pantoea,丰度为89.44%,第二优势菌和第三优势菌分别为Flavobacterium及Methylobacterium;Y两优900种子内生细菌含13个OUT,第一优势菌属为Pantoea,丰度为76.11%,第二优势菌和第三优势菌分别为Pseudomonas及Xanthomonas。由研究可见,泛菌属细菌为水稻种子中的优势菌群,同时,水稻种子基因型对其内生细菌的丰度及多样性具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proteases hydrolyse storage proteins to provide precursors for perpetuating species. The aim of this study was to investigate and characterise different proteases in germinating brown rice. RESULTS: The protease activity of brown rice increased sevenfold during 7 days of germination. It was highest on day 6 when determined at pH 3.5. With casein as substrate the proteases showed two catalytic groups: acidic proteases with an optimal pH of 3.5 and alkaline proteases with an optimal pH of 8.0. The acidic protease activity was inhibited by Ba2+ and Pb2+ but stimulated by Zn2+, while the alkaline protease activity was inhibited by Ca2+ and Pb2+ but stimulated by Mg2+ and Zn2+. SDS‐gelatin‐PAGE assay showed two protease activity bands at pH 3.5, while two different bands with higher molecular weights were observed at pH 8.0. Inhibition assay revealed that pepstatin A and E‐64 inhibited 67.63 and 38.26% respectively of the protease activity at pH 3.5, indicating the presence of aspartic and cysteine proteases. Metalloproteases played a major role under alkaline conditions (88.37% inhibition with EDTA). CONCLUSION: Germinated brown rice proteases fall into different classes with different properties. This study is helpful for their further purification. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Naturally infested paddy rice was used to compare the effectiveness of polypropylene bags and hermetic storage containers over 12 months of storage in a warehouse. Insect pest identification as well as the infestation level, percentage of damaged grain, weight loss, and moisture content were evaluated. Five insect species associated with stored rice were identified during the storage period, namely lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica), red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum), rice/maize weevil (Sitophilus spp.), angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) and flat grain beetle (Cryptolestes ferrugineus). The lesser grain borer was the most predominant species with an average incidence above 70% after twelve months of storage, followed by the rice/maize weevil with an incidence of 17%. When compared to hermetic storage containers, polypropylene bag showed the highest mean infestation level with 233.3 individuals/kg after six months of storage, representing about 8-fold of the number of insects recorded in hermetic containers after six months of storage. In polypropylene container, the percentage of damaged grain and weight loss increased significantly achieving a maximum of 6.98% and 5.56% respectively, whereas using hermetic containers the highest percentage of damaged grain reached was 3.24% in polyethylene drum and the weight loss was 1.62% in GrainSafe bag. The results from the study show that the use of hermetic storage containers is a green alternative for safe storage of paddy rice, for 12 months without application of pesticides, bringing multiple advantages for smallholder farmers, lever food security and income generation for smallholder farmers and rice milling companies.  相似文献   

This study focused on the analysis of the volatiles present in rice extracts (Oryza sativa L.) produced under various extraction conditions (i.e. the range of temperature was 50, 60 and 70 °C, and particle size was whole, 355, and 710 μm) The main volatiles identified were ethyl palmitate, benzenemethanol, nonanal, hexanal and 3-methyl-1-butanol. The highest levels of flavour compounds extracted from rice cultivated in Icheon and Cheorwon were recorded at an extraction temperature of 70 and 60 °C, respectively, and at a rice particle size of 355 μm. Non-volatile rice extracts were tested for antioxidant activity using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2, 2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) assays. The antioxidant activity of Icheon rice extracts at a concentration of 2000 ppm was found to be 84.33 and 84.39% in the DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively.  相似文献   

Black rice is rich in anthocyanins-plant pigments. The aim of this work was to identify anthocyanins in black rice using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization — mass spectrometry with diode array detection. Four different anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-glucoside, peonidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside) were identified in black rice. Thermal stability of the four anthocyanins in black rice extract was studied at selected temperatures (80 °C, 90 °C and 100 °C) in the range of pH 1.0–pH 6.0. The results indicated that the thermal degradation of anthocyanins followed the first-order reaction kinetics. The temperature-dependent degradation was adequately modeled on the Arrhenius equation. The calculated values of activation energies (Ea), t1/2 and k were different for the four anthocyanins. The degradation rate of monomeric anthocyanin increased with increasing heating temperature and pH values. Especially, as heating temperature increasing to 100 °C and pH value to 5.0.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to prepare and evaluate an instant soup formulated with broken rice and beans processed by thermoplastic extrusion using a pilot‐scale, single‐screw extruder. The final product was characterised regarding its physicochemical composition, amino acid profile, functional–technological properties and sensory performance. The extrusion parameters were set using three extrusion zone temperatures (30, 40 and 70 °C), a screw speed of 177 rpm, feed rate of 260 g min?1. and circular matrix of 3.85 mm. The final product contained considerable levels of protein (12.91 g per 100 g) and dietary fibre (8.07 g per 100 g). Amino acid profile analysis showed that only sulphur‐containing amino acids and tryptophan were limiting with the remaining present in adequate concentrations to meet children's requirements. Regarding functional and technological properties, the instant soup powder showed appropriate water solubility and water absorption indexes as expected. The soup sensory analysis indicated good acceptability, with a purchase intent index of 71%.  相似文献   


Nickel (Ni) concentrations in milled rice obtained from China and their variations among different provinces and varieties, as well as associated health risks, were investigated. Results showed that the mean Ni concentration in milled rice was 0.49 ± 0.51 mg/kg, which was much higher than reported in United Kingdom, French and Iranian cereals. There were significant variations (< 0.05) of Ni concentrations in milled rice among different provinces and among varieties in the same province. According to the dietary risk assessment, the mean values of the target hazard quotient for chronic risk ranged from 1.24 to 1.46 for 2–4, 4–7 and 7–11-year-old children, and all values of margin of exposure for hypersensitivity risk were considerably below 10 for all age groups, indicating that the current dietary exposure to Ni in rice is of concern for 2–11-year-old children and Ni-sensitised individuals. It is essential to establish a continuous monitoring programme to control Ni contamination in rice.  相似文献   

Intermittent drying was studied by tempering rough rice (Philippine Seed Board, PSB-RC 52 variety) in between during hot air drying. The study was performed using a three-level, three-factor fractional factorial design and aimed to determine the optimum combination of drying air temperature (X1), air speed (X2) and tempering time (X3) that resulted in high milling recovery (MR), high head rice ratio (HRR), short drying time (DT), high grain hardness (H), high germination ratio (GR), high degree of whiteness (W) and low cracked grains ratio (CGR). Drying air temperatures used varied from 35°C to 55°C. Airspeed, on the other hand, significantly affected H only and tempering time affected DT at the 95% significance level. Optimum drying conditions of 45°C drying air temperature and a tempering time of 2 h were established for the intermittent drying of rough rice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was conducted to determine anthocyanin content from the grains of 10 Korean black rice varieties. Moreover, the primary constituents including protein and oil were evaluated. Anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (1) and peonidin-3-O-glucoside (2), were isolated and elucidated using reversephase C18 chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detection and electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (DAD-ESI/MS). Anthocyanin showed significant differences and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (1) (52.1±6.3-1,601.0±8.5 μg/g) exhibited a markedly higher content than peonidin-3-O-glucoside (2) (ND-82.6±1.2 μg/g). Among varieties, ‘Heugjinjubyeo’ showed the highest anthocyanin (1: 1,601.0±8.5, 2: 82.6±1.2 μg/g), whereas ‘Heughyang’ was the lowest (1: 52.1±6.3 μg/g, 2: ND). Protein and oil exhibited the minor differences and their contents ranged from 10.7±0.0 to 14.1±0.1% and from 2.1±0.0 to 2.9±0.0%. Overall results suggest that anthocyanin can be a key factor in functional property of black rice and ‘Heugjinjubyeo’ may be very important source concerning nutritional value.  相似文献   

This research aimed to extract polysaccharides and improve the property of sulphate‐modified purple glutinous rice bran, cv. Kum Doi Saket. The effects of temperature, ratio of sulphur trioxide–trimethylamine (STMA) to sample and reaction times were studied. The results showed that the degree of substitution (DS) of sulphated polysaccharides was 0.01–0.53. Low molecular weight sulphated polysaccharides were obtained, and the functional groups of the sulphated polysaccharides were confirmed using FT‐IR. No enhancement of the antioxidant activity of the sulphated polysaccharides was observed. Interestingly, immunomodulatory activity, including inducing cytokine production (iNOS, TNF‐α, IL‐1β and IL‐10) via up‐regulated mRNA expression, was significantly increased by 10–86% when compared to the crude polysaccharides.  相似文献   

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