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The data are presented for seismic events with an energy higher than 103 J that have taken place in the Oktyabrsky Mine from 2002 to 2003, and apparent velocities are estimated for regularly formed clusters of such events. A complex analysis is performed for the experimental measurements conducted for estimating development of deformation processes in rock masses during long-term mining of copper-nickel ores in the Oktyabrsky Mine field. Interconnection of the deformation processes and the local seismic regime is considered in the analysis.__________Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 5, pp. 3–25, September–October, 2004.  相似文献   

An analysis is performed for the relation between seismic regime and movement of undermined rock strata in working bedded copper-nickel deposit within mountainous zone of the Taimyrsky Mine.__________Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 6, pp. 5–22, November–December, 2004.  相似文献   

An estimate is made for the effect exerted by the ratio of area of bearing elements formed in the mined-out space to area of overlying rock undermining on the development of geomechanical processes. Recommendations are made regarding the diagnostics and control of stress-strain state in mined massifs, as well as the sequence and technological schemes of stoping.__________Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 1, pp. 3–8, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

The application of a rock bolting system for Indonesian underground coal mines has been attempted for several years without any success. Recently, two new underground mining trials were conducted in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in order to investigate the possibility of using rock bolting to address the technical challenges of underground coal mines under weak geological conditions. Unfortunately, one of the trials failed and was given up due to a fatal roof fall accident. However, in another trial, even though roof falls have occurred within the working area, the bolted roadways showed reasonable stability over time. Moreover, a comprehensive monitoring system has been installed in order to monitor the ground behaviour and its characteristics. This application of a comprehensive monitoring system has enhanced the ability to increase the level of support and to react to changing/deteriorating conditions. This paper describes the conditions and geotechnical issues for underground mines in Indonesia, and discusses the applicability of the rock bolting system to address problems associated with weak strata conditions in Indonesia.  相似文献   

The in-situ experiments with the use of borehole deformometers are carried out. It is established that the response to blasting is of the marked alternating character, and approaching of explosion foci to the measurement points leads to increase in strains with nonlinear dependence on the distance. The dimensions of geoblocks involved in the deformation processes and the velocity of their movement are determined.  相似文献   

Based on the quantitative estimations, it is demonstrated that available classifications of rocks by drillability disagree on the scales. Empirical formulae are obtained to compare the scales depending on uniaxial compressive strength of rocks. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 6, pp. 53–62, November–December, 2005.  相似文献   

确定采动条件下金属矿山上覆岩体破坏区域与应力行为,以某金属矿为背景,采用RFPA计算程序对该矿山在开采过程中上覆岩体破坏特征及力学行为进行研究,同时结合声发射技术对采动条件下覆岩的破坏区域及应力分布范围进行深入分析,提出采动条件下的金属矿山覆岩破坏的“三区”概念及应力分布划分原则。研究表明:金属矿上覆岩随着采动影响可以划分为垮落区、塑性区、弹性区三个区域;并对各区域的应力行为特征进行分析归纳,上覆岩体应力分布分别呈现拉应力-拉应力区、拉应力-压应力区、压应力-压应力区、剪应力-压应力四个区域;其中拉应力-拉应力区和拉-压力区主要分布在采空区靠近悬空面上方和下方区域,压应力-压应力区主要分布于开采工作面正上方,剪应力-压应力主要分布于采空区周边围岩。该研究结果可为金属矿山三带的圈定和采取有效支护措施控制采空区围岩稳定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The in situ experiments are carried out with the use of measurement system based on longitudinal borehole deformometer. It is established that technological explosions exert the maximal effect on a rock mass in the direction of driving a mine working. The workings located under the explosion foci undergo the minimal horizontal deformations.  相似文献   

The design features of a mining excavator with the dynamic bucket and the results of investigations into the loads in mechanisms and metal constructions of the machine are described. The possibility is substantiated for the creation of quarry excavators - power shovels with the dynamic bucket as modifications of mass-produced machines with minimum new units.  相似文献   

针对目前岩体结构面信息获取,尤其在高原矿山上,主要是以人工现场接触测量为主,劳动强度大、效率低下的现状,借助先进的ShapeMetrix3D三维数字摄影测量系统,对甲玛矿4 420 m、4 440 m、4 460 m、4 465 m及4 490 m五个分段的巷道岩体结构面进行摄影测量,对获取到的结构面参数进行分组、分析,得到结构面几何特征参数的详细数据,并对其进行数理统计计算、分析,拟合出结构面各种几何信息的概率分布模型。通过选取典型测点进行结构面扫描分析,统计得到各分段各岩性结构面优势产状分布规律、所有分段各岩性结构面优势产状分布规律,结果表明:甲玛矿整体上岩体节理状态中等,个别中等偏下,其中,4 465 m分段最好,4 440 m、4 460 m分段次之,4 420 m、4 490 m分段最差。本文通过对甲玛矿地下巷道进行结构面几何参数统计,为甲玛矿下一步岩体稳定性分析等工作提供定量依据。  相似文献   

露天矿山高陡岩质边坡的稳定性严重威胁着矿山的安全生产,尤其是对于地质条件复杂、地层分布不均匀且节理裂隙发育的变质岩和侵入岩形成的破碎带发育的边坡更是如此。为确保某矿山的安全生产,通过力学试验的方法确定了岩石的物理力学性质,通过Hoek-Brown强度准则将岩石的力学性质转化为岩体的力学性质并对岩体的质量进行了评价。同时,采用FLAC3D数值模拟技术将高陡岩质边坡进行数值研究。结果表明:终了边坡的安全系数为1.31,边坡总体上处于稳定状态,但是通过对边坡中部的最大主应力分析可知,边坡中部随着开采的进行,可能存在冒落、垮塌或滑坡的风险,针对边坡存在的风险提出了预防措施。研究为矿山的安全生产提供了科学指导,同时为相似矿山的边坡处理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对黑宝山煤田金水四分场区煤系沉积特征分析 ,对整个黑宝山煤田的对比性提供一些依据  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for creating the computer data base of structural and strength properties of enclosing rocks of coal deposits with respect to lithologic layers using the regularities of association with geological and genetic signs. The data base is formed at the stage of designing the open-pits for the purpose of constructing the spatial models of the rock mass and separating the overburden stratum into benches.  相似文献   

A sensor for measuring movements in block rock mass through boreholes is presented. Being an organic part of multichannel instrumental set, the sensor ensures revealing of deformation changes in the controlled zones of block geomedia, which is of key importance when stress variations and fatigue failure in rock mass are determined. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 3, pp. 106–115, May–June, 2005.  相似文献   

李红涛  杜波  张驎 《中国矿业》2012,21(2):19-22
我国煤炭工业安全高效矿井建设原为"高产高效"矿井建设。以1992年高产高效矿井建设为起点,到2006年从转变煤炭工业发展理念出发,提出安全高效矿井建设的概念。至今,我国煤炭工业已经过了近20年的安全高效建设,前后经历了摸索探讨、规范发展、提高和推广发展的三个阶段。本文主要分析研究了安全高效矿井的概念及建设经验。我国安全高效矿井是以开采机械化、安全可控化、综合效益最大化为目标,建设的基本经验是:以建立先进的地质保证系统为基础,以发展采掘机械化为引擎,合理集中生产为重要措施,生产系统稳定可靠为必要保证,矿井信息化建设为支撑,科技进步和管理创新为必要条件。  相似文献   

Modeling of flotation has been the subject of many investigations aiming at better understanding the process behavior per se, and as well for process design, control and optimization purposes. With this regard, the importance of hydrodynamic characteristics, either as manipulated or measured variables, are paramount. The interfacial area of bubbles (Ib) is introduced in Part 1 of this paper as a hydrodynamic variable providing more information about the size distribution than the commonly used bubble surface area flux (Sb). Experimental evidence shows that the bubble size distribution can exhibit normal, lognormal, and even multi-modal shape. Unlike the Sauter mean diameter (d32) and Sb, the interfacial area of bubbles is derived from the complete bubble size distribution, and takes into account these specific characteristics. Fundamental expressions are proposed to allow characterising Ib using the population mean and standard deviation. Experimental results indicate that for lognormal bubble size distributions, Ib correlates well with the gas hold-up and d32. Part 2 of the paper analyzes the correlation of gas dispersion characteristics with flotation rate constant.  相似文献   

张红波 《中国矿业》2007,16(12):31-33
安全预警制度缺失、财务制度安排不合理、员工安全意识培训制度流于形式和安全生产管理监督制度脆弱,是导致我国矿业企业安全生产形势十分严峻的重要原因。本文认为,为改善我国矿业企业的安全生产管理现状,形成长久的安全机制,制度创新是一种理性的选择。指出:在目前,我国矿业企业应集中于安全预警制度创新、员工安全意识培训制度创新、财务制度创新和监督激励相容制度创新,其中,监督激励相容制度创新尤为重要。  相似文献   

A comparative estimation is performed for the up-to-date methods of rock failure with respect to the specific energy consumption of failure. The spheres of application of the methods discussed in executive elements of mining machines are tentatively determined depending on the properties of rocks.  相似文献   

介绍了南山矿土地利用现状和已经取得的成果 ,并从充分利用现有采矿废弃地的生态潜力 ,恢复重建原有生态系统功能的角度出发 ,提出了南山矿生态系统重建方案 ,可供同类型矿山借鉴  相似文献   

介绍了南山矿土地利用现状和已经取得的成果,并从充分利用现有采矿废弃地的生态潜力,恢复重建原有生态系统功能的角度出发,提出了南山矿生态系统重建方案.可供同类型矿山借鉴。  相似文献   

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