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We evaluated the effect of physiologic hyperinsulinemia (plasma insulin 329 +/- 62 vs 687 +/- 62 pmol/L) on counterregulatory hormone responses in 8 IDDM subjects studied during a 2-hour hypoglycemic clamp study with an equivalent degree of hypoglycemia (plasma glucose 3.1 +/- 0.1 and 3.0 +/- 0.1 mmol/L, respectively). Plasma epinephrine levels were increased by 71% during the last 60 minutes of hypoglycemia in the high insulin study (840 +/- 180 vs 1440 +/- 310 pmol/L, respectively p = 0.006). In addition, plasma cortisol and norepinephrine were also increased in the high insulin study (by 19% and 24% respectively, p < 0.01, for both). Plasma growth hormone and glucagon concentrations were not altered by high dose insulin infusion. In spite of increased epinephrine secretion, the glucose infusion rate required to maintain glucose was 2-fold greater in the high insulin study, and there was greater suppression of lipolysis in that group. We conclude that hyperinsulinemia may enhance counterregulatory hormone secretion in IDDM.  相似文献   

Aneurysmal bone cyst of the long bones in a purely intracortical or subperiosteal location is unusual. Three such cases are reported, and the radiographic and pathologic differential diagnoses are discussed. Those subperiosteal or intracortical aneurysmal bone cysts with radiographic features similar to the intramedullary variety should suggest the same diagnosis. However, the radiographic features may be less specific, so that a diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst must be entertained when considering a subperiosteal or intracortical lytic lesion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In patients with type I diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia occurs commonly during sleep and is frequently asymptomatic. This raises the question of whether sleep is associated with reduced counterregulatory-hormone responses to hypoglycemia. METHODS: We studied the counterregulatory-hormone responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in eight adolescent patients with type I diabetes and six age-matched normal subjects when they were awake during the day, asleep at night, and awake at night. In each study, the plasma glucose concentration was stabilized for 60 minutes at approximately 100 mg per deciliter (5.6 mmol per liter) and then reduced to 50 mg per deciliter (2.8 mmol per liter) and maintained at that concentration for 40 minutes. Plasma free insulin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and growth hormone were measured frequently during each study. Sleep was monitored by polysomnography. RESULTS: The plasma glucose and free insulin concentrations were similar in both groups during all studies. During the studies when the subjects were asleep, no one was awakened during the hypoglycemic phase, but during the final 30 minutes of the studies when the subjects were awake both the patients with diabetes and the normal subjects had symptoms of hypoglycemia. In the patients with diabetes, plasma epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia were blunted when they were asleep (mean [+/-SE] peak plasma epinephrine concentration, 70+/-14 pg per milliliter [382+/-76 pmol per liter]; P=0.3 for the comparison with base line), as compared with when they were awake during the day or night (238+/-39 pg per milliliter [1299+/-213 pmol per liter] P=0.004 for the comparison with base line, and 296+/-60 pg per milliliter [1616+/-327 pmol per liter], P=0.004, respectively). The patients' plasma norepinephrine responses were also reduced during sleep, whereas their plasma cortisol concentrations did not increase and their plasma growth hormone concentrations increased slightly. The patterns of counterregulatory-hormone responses in the normal subjects were similar. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep impairs counterregulatory-hormone responses to hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes and normal subjects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of short-term antecedent hypoglycemia on responses to further hypoglycemia 2 days later in patients with IDDM. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We studied eight type I diabetic patients without hypoglycemia unawareness or autonomic neuropathy during two periods at least 4 weeks apart. On day 1, 2 h of either clamped hyperinsulinemic (60 mU.m-2.min-1) hypoglycemia at 2.8 mmol/l or euglycemia at 5.0 mmol/l were induced. Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia was induced 2 days later with 40 min glucose steps of 5.0, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, and 2.5 mmol/l. Catecholamine levels and symptomatic and physiological responses were measured every 10-20 min. RESULTS: When compared with the responses measured following euglycemia, the responses of norepinephrine 2 days after hypoglycemia were reduced (peak, 1.4 +/- 0.4 [mean +/- SE] vs.1.0 +/- 0.3 nmol/l [P < 0.05]; threshold, 3.4 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/l glucose [P < 0.01]). The responses of epinephrine (peak, 4.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 3.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/l [P = 0.84]; threshold, 3.8 +/- 0.1 vs. 3.6 +/- 0.1 mmol/l glucose [P = 0.38]), water loss (peak, 194 +/- 34 vs. 179 +/- 47 g-1.m-2.h-1 [P = 0.73]; threshold, 2.9 +/- 0.2 vs. 2.9 +/- 0.2 mmol/l glucose [P = 0.90]), tremor (peak, 0.28 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.37 +/- 0.06 root mean square volts (RMS V) [P = 0.19]; threshold, 3.2 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.1 +/- 0.2 mmol/l glucose [P = 0.70]), total symptom scores (peak, 10.6 +/- 2.1 vs. 10.8 +/- 1.9 [P = 0.95]; threshold, 3.3 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.6 +/0 0.1 mmol/l glucose [P = 0.15]), and cognitive function (four-choice reaction time: threshold, 2.9 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.0 +/- 0.2 mmol/l glucose [P = 0.69]) were unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: The effect on hypoglycemic physiological responses of 2 h of experimental hypoglycemia lasts for 1-2 days in these patients with IDDM . The pathophysiological effect of antecedent hypoglycemia may be of shorter duration in IDDM patients, compared with nondiabetic subjects.  相似文献   

This study reports experiments designed to evaluate the dose and temporal effects of an atmospheric pollutant, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) aerosol, on the dynamic components of the respiratory cycle. Ventilation was measured in a whole-body barometric plethysmograph in unanesthetized, unrestrained animals following a 4-h exposure to H2SO4 aerosol at 14.1, 20.1, or 43.3 mg/m3. Lung injury was assessed by histopathology and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Aerosol exposure with H2SO4 caused marked alterations in both the magnitude and composition of the ventilatory response, which were both dose and time dependent. At the highest concentration tested, there was a significant increase in tidal volume (deltaVt) and a decrease in breathing frequency (f) immediately after exposure. Analysis of BAL fluid at this time showed increased inflammatory cells and protein in the acid exposed animals, and histology showed hyaline membranes and acute inflammatory cells in the proximal acinar region. By 24 h postexposure, f significantly increased whereas deltaVt decreased. This pattern of breathing was interspersed with short periods of apnea. The onset of rapid, shallow breathing was associated with histological evidence of diffuse pulmonary edema. By contrast, the immediate postexposure period at the lowest concentration of H2SO4 aerosol was characterized by a significant increase in f and little or no effect on deltaVt. These effects diminished with time, and at 24 h postexposure ventilatory parameters were indistinguishable from baseline values. An apparent crossover between the effects associated with the high and low exposure concentrations was seen at the intermediate exposure concentration; however, closer inspection of these findings on an animal-by-animal basis revealed two populations of animals with respiratory characteristics of either the high-exposure or low-exposure groups. The data suggest that the guinea pig exhibits complex interactions between dose and time to response that are consistent with the activation of neural reflexes. The indirect plethysmographic method provides a simple means to assess these responses in a model system that avoids the use of anesthetics, surgery, and restraint.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether two effects of acute caffeine ingestion--decrease in cerebral blood flow and increase in brain glucose use--alter the recognition of and physiologic responses to hypoglycemia. DESIGN: On two occasions, a hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique (2 mU/kg body weight per minute) was used to maintain plasma glucose at 5 mmol/L for 90 minutes, followed by 60 minutes at 3.8 mmol/L, and then 2.8 mmol/L. After 30 minutes at 5 mmol/L, participants consumed, using a randomized, double-blind design, caffeine-free cola with or without caffeine (400 mg) added. SETTING: Yale Clinical Research Center. PARTICIPANTS: Eight healthy, nonobese volunteers (5 men; age range, 20 to 33 years). MEASUREMENTS: Middle cerebral artery velocity (V MCA), counter-regulatory hormone levels, hypoglycemic symptoms, and cognitive function (P300 evoked potentials). RESULTS: Caffeine caused an immediate and sustained 23% decrease in VMCA from 64 to 49 cm/s (point estimate of difference, +15 cm/s [95% CI, 10 to 21 cm/s], P < 0.001). At a glucose level of 3.8 mmol/L, only the participants given caffeine had warning symptoms and "felt hypoglycemic." Moreover, the level of epinephrine was 118% ([CI of point difference, 76% to 158%] [CI, P < 0.001]) higher after caffeine consumption compared with placebo. Similarly, levels of norepinephrine (41% [CI, 26% to 60%], P < 0.002), cortisol (65% [CI, 26% to 78%], P < 0.008), and growth hormone (60% [CI, 16% to 143%], P < 0.05) were higher after caffeine consumption compared with placebo. At 2.8 mmol/L, epinephrine (40% [point estimate of the percentage difference], P < 0.05), norepinephrine (27%, P < 0.05), and cortisol (24%, P < 0.05) levels were higher, participants were more aware (P < 0.02) of hypoglycemia, and P300 latency was prolonged in the group that consumed caffeine (7.2%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Acute ingestion of caffeine is associated with sympathoadrenal activation and awareness of hypoglycemia at a glucose level not usually considered hypoglycemic. Our data suggest that individuals who ingest moderate amounts of caffeine may develop hypoglycemic symptoms if plasma glucose levels fall into the "low-normal" range, as might occur in the late postprandial period after ingestion of a large carbohydrate load.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta were induced to fire in bursts with application of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, 20 microM) and apamin (100 nM) while recording intracellularly in the rat brain slice. L-Arginine (300 microM), a substrate for nitric oxide (NO) production, increased both the number of spikes per burst and the magnitude of interburst hyperpolarizations. Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 100 microM), N-nitro-L-arginine, and 7-nitroindazole inhibited NMDA-induced burst firing by reducing the number of spikes per burst. Moreover, L-arginine (100 microM) reversed the inhibition of burst firing produced by L-NAME. These findings suggest that NO facilitates NMDA-induced burst firing in DA neurons.  相似文献   

Garcinia kola, (a herb grown in Nigeria; calorific value 358.54 k.cal/100 g) inhibited in vitro lipid peroxidation of rat liver homogenate in a dose dependent manner. The inhibitory activity of G.kola was not affected by heating (100 degrees C/10 min). The antioxidant component of G.kola was soluble in aqueous and ethanolic media. The active component(s) in G. kola responsible for its inhibitory activity on lipid peroxidation is tentatively identified as isoflavones.  相似文献   

Episodic release of luteinizing hormone (LH) by the pituitary gland is controlled by hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). In the period leading up to the preovulatory surge of LH, estrogen increases the number of pituitary receptors for GnRH and sensitises the gonadotropes to GnRH. The postreceptor events that are responsible for the increase in responsiveness to GnRH are not clearly delineated, but LH release is known to be Ca2+ dependent. The present study addressed the question as to whether or not estrogen may act to modify voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry in normal gonadotropes. Primary cultures enriched in gonadotropes or somatotropes were produced from anestrous female sheep. Conventional whole-cell patch-clamp recording was used to measure inward membrane current in the absence of GnRH treatment, with and without 10 nM estradiol-17beta (E2) treatment for 0 to 36 h. Nystatin-perforated whole-cell patch-clamp recording was used to record membrane voltage responses to GnRH. Ca2+ current density (ICa, pA/pF) began to increase after 2 h exposure to E2, and reached peak values of about 200% of control by 16-20 h (p < 0.005), then declined. If E2 was withdrawn at 24 h, ICa returned towards control values by 36 h. If E2 treatment was continued beyond 24 h, however, ICa fell to about 75% of control by 36 h (p < 0.005). Actinomycin D prevented the enhancement of ICa. E2 was without effect on Na+ current density in gonadotropes, or on ICa in somatotropes. The proportion of ICa carried by L-type and N-type channels in gondadotropes was not changed by E2. Ovine gonadotropes respond to GnRH with membrane potential fluctuations driven by periodic activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels, and synchronised action potential generation. This response was found to be sensitive to E2. Responses were categorised according to the pattern of activity evoked by 10 nM GnRH. Without E2 treatment, 11/14 cells responded with oscillations and 3/14 cells responded with spiking (hyperpolarizations following single action potentials). After 20 h 10 nM E2, just 1/14 cells responded with hyperpolarizing oscillations while 13/14 cells showed spiking activity. The predominance of the spiking pattern in E2-treated cells is consistent with the increased Ca2+ flux, and with enhanced LH release. We conclude that E2 has a transient effect on gonadotropes to enhance voltage-gated Ca2+ channel function. The time-course and biphasic nature of the influence of E2 on ICa may be physiologically appropriate to the preovulatory LH surge. Enhanced Ca2+ influx may participate in increased Ca2+-dependent hormone release, while the delayed inhibitory action of E2 on ICa may serve to limit the duration of the surge.  相似文献   

The effect of the oxidized form of neopterin (NP) on the NADPH-dependent superoxide-generating oxidase (NADPH-oxidase) was investigated in both whole-cell and cell-free activation systems by using peritoneal macrophages of rats which had received an intraperitoneal injection of mineral oil. In the whole-cell system, NP remarkably inhibited the generation of superoxides in macrophages stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). NP also showed an significant suppression of the activation of superoxide-generating NADPH-oxidase in the cell-free system using solubilized membranes and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a stimulant. The 50%-inhibitory concentration (IC50) of NP was about 1 microM in both assay systems. In a kinetic study, competitive inhibition of the NADPH-oxidase by NP was observed in the cell-free system with a calculated inhibition constant (Ki) of 6.50 microM. These findings suggest that NP may play an important role in the suppression of superoxide generation via the inhibition of the NADPH-oxidase in phagocytes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: An inhibitory serum factor of mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) has been associated with successful pregnancy after lymphocyte transfusion in women with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA). OBJECTIVE: Investigate whether the inhibitory serum factor of MLC is essential for a successful pregnancy. METHOD: Sera from 33 healthy pregnant women and from 40 women with RSA were assessed by a one-way MLC in which the woman's lymphocytes were stimulated with her partner's lymphocytes or with third party lymphocytes. RESULTS: An inhibitory serum effect (inhibition > 50% as compared to normal serum) was detected in 45% of the pregnant women who had at least 1 previous parity, in 8% of the primigravidea, in 29% of those with one abortion and in 58% of those with more than one abortion. CONCLUSION: MLC inhibitory serum factor does not seem to be an essential factor for pregnancy development. Therefore, it should not be considered as a parameter for the assessment of RSA patients.  相似文献   

1. Glibenclamide, a blocker of ATP-sensitive potassium channels, has been shown to antagonize relaxin as a uterine relaxant in the rat in vivo but not in vitro. The aim, therefore, was to investigate whether the discrepancy between the two studies was a consequence of differences in (1) muscle layers, (2) hormonal conditions or (3) spasmogens utilized. Relaxin was compared with salbutamol and levcromakalim. 2. Relaxin was of similar potency as a uterine relaxant against oxytocin (0.2 mM)-induced spasm with tension measured in the circular or longitudinal muscle layers. Glibenclamide (10 microM) did not antagonize relaxin or salbutamol in these preparations but greatly antagonized levcromakalim (91-fold). Relaxin was a relaxant of tension activated by transmural electrical stimulation in uteri from rats that had been ovariectomized, although the maximal effect was only 30 +/- 15%, and in uteri from rats that had been treated with 17 beta-estradiol benzoate. Glibenclamide was not an antagonist of relaxin in the latter preparation but did antagonize levcromakalim (118-fold). Relaxin also inhibited spontaneous phasic tension development in uteri from ovariectomized rats but again was not antagonized by glibenclamide. 3. Because relaxin was not antagonized by glibenclamide under any of these various conditions, it would appear that the in vivo-in vitro discrepancy in the antagonism of relaxin by glibenclamide is not attributable to the effects of different muscle layers, hormonal conditions or spasmogens. It may be that the mechanism of action of relaxin or glibenclamide or both differs between in vivo and in vitro preparations.  相似文献   

The effect of daily triiodothyronine (T3) treatment (first injection on the day of birth) was studied on the postnatal development of various parts of the rat brain. It was found that the T3 treatment resulted in an increase of the cell multiplication in the external grannular layer of the cerebellum but decreased the cell division or had no significant effect in the periventricular germinal layer and in the polymorph layer of the dentate gyrus. From the 10th day the T3 treatment resulted in a decrease of the cell division in all secondary germinal layers examined. As a reason for this different effect is can be suggested that the triidothyronine acts differently upon the various neuronal and glial precursors or upon the germinal layers producing them.  相似文献   

Several pituitary hormones, including corticotropin (ACTH), growth hormone (GH), prolactin, and beta-endorphin (but not thyrotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone, or luteinizing hormone), are released in response to hypoglycemia in normal subjects. In patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), the degree of glycemic control is known to alter ACTH and GH responses to hypoglycemia. The current study was performed to examine the effect of glycemic control on prolactin and beta-endorphin responses to hypoglycemia in subjects with IDDM. We performed 3-hour stopped hypoglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp studies (12 pmol/kg/min) during which plasma glucose was decreased from 5.0 mmol/L to 2.2 mmol/L in steps of 0.6 mmol/L every 30 minutes in 20 subjects with uncomplicated IDDM (12 males and eight females; age, 26 +/- 2 years; IDDM duration, 10 +/- 1 years; body mass index, 23.6 +/- 0.6 kg/m2) and 10 healthy subjects (five males and five females aged 30 +/- 1 years). The 10 diabetic subjects in good glycemic control (mean hemoglobin A1 [HbA1], 7.5% +/- 0.3%; normal range, 5.4% to 7.4%) were compared with the 10 poorly controlled patients (mean HbA1, 12.6% +/- 0.5%; P < .001 v well-controlled diabetic group). During hypoglycemia, prolactin levels in the well-controlled diabetic group did not change (7 +/- 1 microgram/L at plasma glucose 5.0 mmol/L to 9 +/- 2 micrograms/L at plasma glucose 2.2 mmol/L), whereas prolactin levels increased markedly in the poorly controlled diabetic group (7 +/- 2 micrograms/L to 44 +/- 17 micrograms/L) and healthy volunteers (12 +/- 2 micrograms/L to 60 +/- 19 micrograms/L, P < .05 between IDDM groups). The plasma glucose threshold required for stimulation of prolactin secretion was 2.2 +/- 0.1 mmol/L in well-controlled IDDM, 3.0 +/- 0.4 mmol/L in poorly controlled IDDM, and 2.4 +/- 0.1 mmol/L in healthy subjects (P < .05 between IDDM groups). Responses in males and females were similar. The increase in beta-endorphin levels was also attenuated in well-controlled IDDM patients (4 +/- 1 pmol/L at plasma glucose 5.0 mmol/L to 11 +/- 4 pmol/L at plasma glucose 2.2 mmol/L) versus poorly controlled IDDM patients (5 +/- 1 pmol/L to 26 +/- 7 pmol/L) and healthy subjects (8 +/- 1 pmol/L to 56 +/- 13 pmol/L). The plasma glucose threshold required for stimulation of beta-endorphin release was again lower in well-controlled IDDM versus poorly controlled IDDM patients (2.2 +/- 0.1 v 3.0 +/- 0.3 mmol/L) and healthy subjects (2.5 +/- 0.4 mmol/L, P < .05 between IDDM groups). In conclusion, prolactin and beta-endorphin responses to a standardized hypoglycemic stimulus (plasma glucose, 2.2 mmol/L) are reduced and plasma glucose levels required to stimulate release of prolactin and beta-endorphin are lower in well-controlled IDDM compared with poorly controlled IDDM and healthy subjects. Thus, stress hormones not previously considered to have a primary role in plasma glucose recovery from hypoglycemia are affected by glycemic control, suggesting a more generalized alteration of hypothalamic-pituitary responses to hypoglycemia in IDDM patients with strict glycemic control.  相似文献   

Using reliable displacement radiobinding assay (RBA) and ELISA, the existence of anti-human growth hormone autoantibodies (hGHAA) was confirmed in idiopathic hypopituitary patients with growth impairment. Six of 35 hypopituitary patients (17.1%) and 1/85 (1.2%) control children proved positive for hGHAA by RBA (>control mean + 3 SD). IgG isotype-hGHAA by ELISAIgG (> control mean + 3 SD) were positive for 6/34 (17.7%) and 3/85 (3.5% hypopituitary and control children, respectively. Due to an asymmetry to the right of the ELISAIgG distribution, an alternative cutoff based on a nonparametric method was obtained, and positive results for hypopituitary children increased to 10/34 (29.4%). Three of 34 hypopituitary patients but no control children were positive for hGHAA of IgM isotype. The hGHAA were detected in children with or without perinatal problems. These autoantibodies may represent markers of a major autoimmune process involving a portion of the anterior pituitary and may contribute to the development of hypopituitarism in over 15% of hypopituitary children.  相似文献   

We report a case of biopsy-proven polyarteritis nodosa (classic type in association with the antiphospholipid syndrome. Medium-sized arteriopathy was confirmed on visceral angiography. Elevated anticardiolipin antibodies were detected before initiating therapy with methylprednisolone and IV pulse cyclophosphamide. Rapid subsidence of symptoms correlated with a gradual normalisation of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. After 6 months of therapy anticardiolipin antibodies were within normal limits. Only one similar case has been reported so far.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the ability of the chemotherapeutic agent suramin to inhibit angiogenesis in experimental models in vitro and in vivo. In the culture of rat aortic rings on fibronectin, suramin dose-dependently inhibited vascular cell growth, achieving the maximal effect (mean - 88% versus controls, P < 0.05) at 400 microg/ml. Image analysis showed that suramin could inhibit microvessel sprouting in fibrin from rat aortic rings as evaluated by the ratio between the cellular area and the mean gray value of the sample (sprouting index); suramin at 50 microg/ml significantly reduced the sprouting index from the control value of 0.35+/-0.04 to 0.14+/-0.02 mm2/gray level (P < 0.05). Likewise, the area occupied by cells was 19.2+/-1.8 mm2 as compared with 41.8+/-4.2 mm2 in controls (P < 0.05). In the rat model of neovascularization induced in the cornea by chemical injury, suramin at 1.6 mg/eye per day reduced the length of blood vessels (0.7+/-0.1 mm as compared with 1.5+/-0.1 mm in controls, P < 0.05). In the same model the ratio between the area of blood vessels and the total area of the cornea (area fraction score) was decreased by suramin from 0.19+/-0.02 in controls to 0.03+/-0.003 (P < 0.05). Suramin given i.p. at 30 mg/ kg per day markedly inhibited the neovascularization induced in the rat mesentery by compound 48/80 or conditioned medium from cells secreting the angiogenic protein fibroblast growth factor-3 (FGF-3). The area fraction score in control rats treated with compound 48/80 was 0.31+/-0.03, and this was reduced to 0.07+/-0.01 by suramin (P < 0.05). After i.p. administration of FGF-3 the area fraction score was reduced by suramin from 0.29+/-0.03 to 0.05+/-0.01 (P < 0.05). These results provide evidence that suramin exerts inhibitory effects on angiogenesis in both in vitro and in vivo models.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) and thyrotropin (TSH) responses to a 200 mug intravenous thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) bolus were measured by radioimmunoassay in 11 women with hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea and 9 with normoprolactinemic amenorrhea. In all cases, the tests were carried out under basal conditions and repeated during bromocriptine treatment. In women whose basal PRL level was normal; TRH caused a maximal PRL increment of 85 +/- 25.2 mug/l (mean +/- SE), while those women whose basal PRL level was raised showed a smaller increase (5.2 +/- 11.9 mug/l) (P=0.02). The peak levels were not significantly different in these two groups (95.0 +/- 26.7 and 134.6 +/- 35.9 mug/l) (P is greater than 0.1). During bromocriptine treatment, the raised PRL levels decreased in all cases, but levels over 30 mug/l remained in 3 patients, one of whom turned out to have a pituitary tumor. Prolactin responses to TRH were markedly inhibited in normoprolactinemic patients by the dose of bromocriptine used. The mean maximal net increase of PRL was 2.0 +/- 0.9 mug/l in normoprolactinemic patients and 11.0 +/- 8.1 mug/l in hyperprolactinemic patients taking bromocriptine. After TRH stimulation during bromocriptine, the peak PRL levels in hyperprolactinemic patients were higher (32.7 +/- 10.5 mug/l) than in normoprolactinemic patients (7.2 +/- 1.5 mug/l). Unlike what has been described for hypothyroid patients, the basal TSH level in euthyroid amenorrhea patients was not affected by bromocriptine, and we found that bromocriptine has no effect on the TRH-TSH response.  相似文献   

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