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Abstract— It is shown that autofrettage at low temperatures is superior to autofrettage at room temperature in enhancing the fatigue resistance of thick-walled tubes against pulsating internal pressure. The physical reason is based on the well-known temperature dependence of the mechanical behaviour of metals and alloys which generally exhibit an enhancement of both the yield stress and strain hardening behaviour at lower temperatures. As a consequence, significantly larger compressive residual hoop stresses can be introduced during pressurization at low temperatures than at room temperature. Experimental data obtained on thick-walled tubes of the metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 L which were subjected to pulsating internal pressure at room temperature after autofrettage at temperatures between-110°C and room temperature are presented. These data demonstrate convincingly the advantages offered by low-temperature autofrettage in enhancing both the fatigue life in the finite-life region and the fatigue endurance limit in comparison with autofrettage at room temperature. In conclusion, some specific materials requirements for optimum low-temperature autofrettage performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Construction projects often involve significant environmental impacts (EIs). Although EI assessments are required for these projects, the commitments made in the EI statements are rarely followed up. As a consequence, the emphasis on and the awareness of these issues in the contractor's organisation are often insufficient. Drawing on a case study of the City Tunnel Project in Malmo, Sweden, this paper illustrates how the EIs identified in the EIA can be followed up by integrating them in the project- environmental management system, the construction contract procurements, and the EMSs and work instructions of the contractor. The use of environmental procurement preferences is suggested to provide a link between the EIA and the contractors' EMSs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Disruptive technology can be defined as an emerging technology whose arrival in the marketplace signifies the eventual displacement of the dominant technology in that sector. Defining and assessing a set of key metrics for a disruptive technology at its early stages can substantially aid an enterprise to develop requirements, identify, and in turn increase the possibility of the successful launch of a disruptive technology. This article aims at defining a set of key metrics for evaluation of a possible disruptive technology. A case study is subsequently used for demonstrating the metrics identified. The article concludes with its relevance to the engineering management domain and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Res Mechanica—The International Journal of Structural Mechanics and Materials Science Editor: J. H. Gittus.
Stability Problems in Engineering Structures and Components, Edited by T. H. Richards and P. Stanley  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Fretting fatigue by R. B. Waterhouse
Impact dynamics by J. A. Zukas, T. Nicholas, H. F. Swift, L B. Greszczuk and D. R. Curran
Elastohydrodynamics of ballbearings by Hamrock and Dowsond  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Vibration: Beams, Plates and Shells. Editors A. Kalnins and C. L. Dym
Measurement of Force by Elastic Devices by B. Swindles and R. C. Debnam  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Metal Fatigue by N. E. Frost, K. J. Marsh and L. P. Pook
Vector and Tensor Methods by F. Chorlton
Photoplasticity by J. Javornicky  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     

Drug Therapy For Asthma - Research And Clinical Practice edited by John W. Jenne Shirley Murphy Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1987) Price $169. 75, 1,157 pages hard cover

The Newton Handbook Derek Gjertsen Published by Routedge and Kegan Paul, 1987 Available from Methuen Inc. 29 West 35th Street New York, NY 10001 Price $59.95, 665 pages hard cover

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Of The United States (Fourth Edition) D. J. DeRenzo Published by Noyes Data Corporation Park Ridge, NJ Three hundred pages, hard cover $72. 00  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Localized corrosion, edited by F Hine, K Komai, and K Yarnakawa;
Theory and practice of force measurement, by A Bray, G Barbarto and R Levi;  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Experimentnl Stress Analysis, J. W. Dally & W. F. Riley.
Measurements For Stresses In Machine Components. V. F. Yakolev and I. S. Inyutin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Free Vibration Analysis of Beams and Shafts by D. J. Gorman
Electronic and Switching Circuits by S. M. Bozic, R. M. H. Cheng and J. O. Parsons
Quality Technology Handbook Second Edition, 1975, N.D.T. Centre  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Elements of Experimental Stress Analysis by Professor A. W. Hendry Pergamon International Library
Integral Equation Methods in Potential Theory and Elastostatics by M. S. Jaswon and G. T. Symm Computational Mathematics and Applications Series  相似文献   

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