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Methane prediction in dry and lactating Holstein cows.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data from six experiments (two with dry cows) were used to predict partitioning of gross energy to CH4 in Holstein cows using selected independent variables, some of which were intercorrelated, and a stepwise backward elimination regression procedure. Methane outputs ranged from 3.1 to 8.3% (mean 5.5) of gross energy intake for 134 dry cow balance trials and from 1.7 to 14.9% (mean 5.2) of gross energy intake for 358 lactating cow energy balance trials. This is equivalent to 176 and 300 g/d or 245 and 419 L/d of CH4 for dry and lactating Holstein cows, respectively. Digestibilites of hemicellulose and neutral detergent solubles were positive predictors, and cellulose digestibility was a negative predictor of CH4 output in dry cows fed all forage diets, but hemicellulose digestibility was not a significant variable for predicting CH4 production by lactating cows fed diets with concentrate and forages. Fiber digestibility generally remained in models to predict CH4 output. Except for one data set, regression equations accounted for 50 to 72% of the variation in percentage of gross energy partitioned to CH4 by Holstein cows. Results confirm that increased concentrate feeding reduces CH4 production. Supplementation of lactation diets with fat generally increases fat digestibility, and this trait was associated with reduced CH4 output. Results enable 1) estimation of CH4 output for calculation of metabolizable energy and 2) computation of the contribution from dairy cows to global warming.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility and retention of Mn by dairy cows was used to compare 2 sources of Mn and to estimate Mn requirements. In experiment 1, Holstein cows at dry-off (60 d prepartum) were fed a basal diet with no supplemental Mn (43 mg of Mn/kg of dry matter) and received a daily bolus of 0 or 200 mg/d supplemental Mn from MnSO4 or from Mn-Met (6 cows per treatment) until parturition. Approximately 30 d before parturition, cows were moved to metabolism stalls for total collection of feces and urine. No differences were observed between Mn sources, but apparent absorption of Mn (6.4 vs. 2.3%) tended to be greater, and apparent retention of Mn (44 vs. 12 mg/d) was greater, for cows given supplemental Mn compared with control cows. In the second experiment, apparent Mn digestibility data from 8 experiments conducted with lactating dairy cows (39 dietary treatments and 160 observations) were combined with data from experiment 1. The regression equation of intake of digestible Mn on Mn intake (i.e., Lucas test) was as follows: intake of digestible Mn (mg/d) = −151 + 0.26 × Mn intake (mg/d). Based on that equation, Mn intake had to equal 580 mg/d to meet the metabolic fecal Mn requirement. The corresponding dietary concentration, assuming dry matter intakes of 21 and 12 kg/d for lactating and dry cows, respectively, were 28 and 49 mg/kg dry matter. These concentrations are approximately 1.6 and 2.7 times higher than those needed to meet the Mn requirements for lactating and dry cows, respectively, as calculated using the 2001 National Research Council dairy requirements model.  相似文献   

In three experiments patterns of water turnover and body composition estimated by deuterium oxide were studied in Holstein cows. In the first experiment, four lactating cows were infused with deuterium oxide, and blood samples were taken during 4-d collection. Milking was stopped; cows were reinfused with deuterium oxide and resampled. Slopes of deuterium oxide dilution curves indicated lactating cows turned water over more rapidly than nonlactating cows. In the second experiment with the same four cows, during 4-d collection, deuterium oxide concentrations in milk, urine, and feces showed dilution patterns similar to deuterium oxide in blood. Sampling milk may be an alternative to sampling blood. In the third experiment, 36 Holstein cows were fed 55, 65, or 75% alfalfa, smooth bromegrass, or equal parts of each forage as total mixed rations; remaining portions of rations were a grain mixture. Body composition was estimated at -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mo postpartum. Empty body water, protein, mineral, fat, and fat percentage decreased from prepartum to postpartum. First calf heifers contained less empty body water, protein, and mineral than older cows. Cows fed diets with 55% forage had more body fat than those fed diets with 75% forage. Cows fed alfalfa-based diets had more gastrointestinal fill regardless of grain than cows fed diets that contained alfalfa and smooth bromegrass. Gastrointestinal fill of cows increased from prepartum to 5 mo postpartum.  相似文献   

Our objective was to model dry matter intake (DMI) by Holstein dairy cows based on milk energy (MilkE), body weight (BW), change in BW (ΔBW), body condition score (BCS), height, days in milk (DIM), and parity (primiparous and multiparous). Our database included 31,631 weekly observations on 2,791 cows enrolled in 52 studies from 8 states of the United States, mostly in the Upper Midwest. The means ± standard deviations of these variables were 24 ± 5 kg of DMI, 30 ± 6 Mcal of MilkE/d, 624 ± 83 kg of BW, 0.24 ± 1.50 kg of ΔBW/d, 3.0 ± 0.5 BCS, 149 ± 6 cm height, and 102 ± 45 DIM. Data analysis was performed using a mixed-effects model containing location, study within location, diet within study, and location and cow within study as random effects, whereas the fixed effects included the linear effects of the covariates described previously and all possible 2-way interactions between parity and the other covariates. A nonlinear (NLIN) mixed model analysis was developed using a 2-step approach for computational tractability. In the first step, we used a linear (LIN) model component of the NLIN model to predict DMI using only data from mid-lactation dairy cows (76–175 DIM) without including information on DIM. In the second step, a nonlinear adjustment for DIM using all data from 0 to 368 DIM was estimated. Additionally, this NLIN model was compared with an LIN model containing a fourth-order polynomial for DIM using data throughout the entire lactation (0–368 DIM) to assess the utility of an NLIN model for the prediction of DMI. In summary, a total of 8 candidate models were evaluated as follows: 4 ways to express energy required for maintenance (BW, BW0.75, BW adjusted for a BCS of 3, and BW0.75 adjusted for a BCS of 3) × 2 modeling strategies (LIN vs. NLIN). The candidate models were compared using a 5-fold across-studies cross-validation approach repeated 20 times with the best-fitting model chosen as the proposed model. The metrics used for evaluation were the mean bias, slope bias, concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), and root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP). The proposed prediction equation was DMI (kg/d) = [(3.7 + parity × 5.7) + 0.305 × MilkE (Mcal/d) + 0.022 × BW (kg) + (?0.689 + parity × ?1.87) × BCS] × [1 – (0.212 + parity × 0.136) × exp(?0.053 × DIM)] (mean bias = 0.021 kg, slope bias = 0.059, CCC = 0.72, and RMSEP = 2.89 kg), where parity is equal to 1 if the animal is multiparous and 0 otherwise. Finally, the proposed model was compared against the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (2001) prediction equation for DMI using an independent data set of 9,050 weekly observations on 1,804 Holstein cows. The proposed model had smaller mean bias and RMSEP and higher CCC than the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle equation to predict DMI and has potential to improve diet formulation for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

A dry matter intake (DMI) prediction equation was estimated by using a data file that contained 124 treatment means collected from published studies. Animal factors considered for inclusion in the prediction model were body weight (BW) and its natural logarithm, BW(0.75), milk yield (MY) and its natural logarithm, milk fat and protein yields, month of lactation and its square, as well as its natural logarithm. The dietary factors considered were the percentages of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein and hemicellulose in the ration dry matter together with the square of all these predictors. The multiple regression model selected by using the maximum R2 method include both animal and dietary factors as independent variables. The accuracy of this DMI prediction equation was evaluated and compared with that of five other equations previously published by using three independent datasets also containing treatment means collected from literature. Even though the latest NRC equation was slightly more accurate than the equation proposed in this study with the three evaluation datasets, the latter can be used for some applications for which the NRC equation is not appropriate.  相似文献   

To evaluate dietary N and P partitioning, 36 Holstein cows grouped by parity were assigned at calving to diets supplemented with soybean meal (S) or a combination of S and blood meal (B). Diets S and B were formulated to contain 16.2% CP and 0.35% P using mono- and dicalcium phosphate (PM) or wheat bran (WB) as the supplemental source of P. Actual dietary P contents were 0.38, 0.36, 0.34, and 0.34% for SPM, BPM, SWB, and BWB. Two-day total collections of feces, urine, and milk were conducted between 30 and 45 d in milk (DIM), then all cows were fed a control diet until 120 DIM. Between 120 and 150 DIM, cows were again fed the diet assigned at calving, then 2-d total collections of feces, urine, and milk were conducted. Milk production was similar for cows fed diets containing WB (SWB or BWB) when compared with cows fed PM. However, DMI tended to be lower, and P intake and total P excretion were lower in response to WB (20.7 kg/d, 71.9 g/d, and 40.3 g/d) compared with cows fed PM (23.0, 86.7, and 46.8 g/d). Apparent digestibility of dietary P did not differ due to source of supplemental P, averaging 45% across diets. The lower P intake by cows fed WB resulted in lower absorbed P and lower retained P (32.2 and 7.5 g/d) compared with those fed PM (40.6 and 13.4 g/d). Apparent N digestibility, urinary N, and N retention were not affected by P source. Blood meal decreased apparent N digestibility and absorbed N, and also decreased P retention compared with S. In later lactation, cows retained proportionately more absorbed N and P in body tissue and secreted less in milk than they did in early lactation. Results indicated the organic source of P (phytate-P) in WB can be used to provide a substantial portion of the P needed in dairy cattle diets after peak lactation, but the amount of WB in the diet during early lactation should be limited to prevent suppression of DMI and P retention.  相似文献   

The water intake of 41 lactating dairy cows managed according to current dairy farm practices was individually and continuously monitored to 1) investigate drinking behavior and 2) determine factors affecting water intake. The cows were housed in a free-stall barn and fed once daily with a corn silage and concentrate-based total mixed ration (48% dry matter content; 20.6 ± 3.3 kg/d of dry matter intake). Cows were milked twice daily, with a yield of 26.5 ± 5.9 kg/d. The daily free water intake (FWI) was 83.6 ± 17.1 L, achieved during 7.3 ± 2.8 drinking bouts. The drinking bout water intake was 12.9 ± 5.0 L. Almost three-fourths of the FWI occurred during working hours (0600 to 1900 h). Consumption peaks corresponded to feeding and milking times. More than one quarter of the daily FWI was met during the 2 h after each milking. About 75% of the present cows visited the watering point at least once during the 2 h after the evening milking. It is probable that drinking behavior evolved with lactation, but further studies are required to identify the relationship between lactation stage and drinking behavior. The most relevant factors affecting the daily FWI of lactating cows were best combined according to the following predictive equation: (R2 = 0.45; n = 41 cows, n = 1,837): FWI, L/d = 1.53 × dry matter intake (kg/d) + 1.33 × milk yield (kg/d) + 0.89 × dry matter content (%) + 0.57 × minimum temperature (°C) - 0.30 × rainfall (mm/d) - 25.65. The results obtained using these equations were in agreement with the equations developed by other researchers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of housing and nutrition on the development of hoof horn disease (as identified by the appearance of hoof horn hemorrhages) in primiparous lactating Holstein cows. The first objective was to investigate whether replacing butyl rubber mats in cubicles (free stalls) with thicker mattresses filled with chopped rubber would significantly reduce hoof horn hemorrhages, and if this reduction would so affect the level of hoof horn hemorrhages as to make it similar to that observed in primiparous cows in straw yards. The second objective was to investigate the effect of methionine supplementation for the first 13 wk of lactation on the development of such hemorrhages. This study confirmed that both sole and white line hemorrhages increase during early lactation in housed cows, although the pattern of development of white line hemorrhages is not identical to that of sole hemorrhages. Housing primiparous cows in straw yards after calving significantly reduced the development of hoof horn hemorrhages, but replacing cubicle mats with thicker mattresses had no significant effect. Providing 115% of calculated methionine requirements had no significant impact on the development of hoof horn hemorrhages.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake, which is usually used to estimate individual variation of feed efficiency, requires frequent and accurate measurements of individual feed intake to be carried out. Developing a breeding scheme based on residual feed intake in dairy cows is therefore complicated, especially because feed intake is not measurable for a large population. Another solution could be to focus on biological determinants of feed efficiency, which could potentially be directly and broadband measurable on farm. Several phenotypes have been identified in literature as being associated with differences in feed efficiency. The present study therefore aims to identify which biological mechanisms are associated with residual energy intake (REI) differences among dairy cows. Several candidate phenotypes were recorded frequently and simultaneously throughout the first 238 d in milk for 60 Holstein cows fed on a constant diet based on maize silage. A multiple linear regression of the 238 d in milk average of net energy intake was fitted on the 238 d in milk averages for milk energy output, metabolic body weight, the sum over the 238 d in milk of both, body condition score loss and gain, and the residuals were defined as REI. A partial least square regression was fitted over all biological traits to explain REI variability. Linear multiple regression explained 93.6% of net energy intake phenotypic variation, with 65.5% associated with lactation requirement, 23.2% with maintenance, and 4.9% with body reserves change; the 6.4% residuals represented REI. Overall, measured biological traits contributed to 58.9% of REI phenotypic variability, which were mainly explained by activity (26.5%) and feeding behavior (21.3%). However, apparent confounding was observed between behavior, activity, digestibility, and rumen-temperature variables. Drawing a conclusion on biological traits that explain feed efficiency differences among dairy cows was not possible due to this apparent confounding between the measured variables. Further investigation is needed to validate these results and to characterize the causal relationship of feed efficiency with feeding behavior, digestibility, body reserves change, activity, and rumen temperature.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine factors that affect the expression of estrus. Thirteen lactating Holstein cows were ovariectomized about 4 to 6 wk postpartum and then challenged repeatedly with progesterone and estradiol benzoate to induce estrus six times during the postpartum period. Each challenge included 5 d when the cow was primed with progesterone through insertion of a progesterone-impregnated, foam rubber pessary. Estradiol benzoate (1 mg) was injected intramuscularly 36 h after removal of the pessary. Groups of two to three cows each began the experiment at 3-mo intervals to avoid confounding treated simultaneously. Observations for estrous behavior were at 8-h intervals following each challenge. A minimum of three sexually active cows were always observed together to avoid differences in estrous behavior caused by having too few sexually active animals in the group. Observations for estrous behavior were at 8-h intervals following each challenge. During each observation, cows were observed for 30 min on dirt and for 30 min on concrete. Standing behavior was not influenced by postpartum interval, season of year, or milk yield. Mounting behavior increased from the first to the sixth postpartum challenge, but it was not affected by season of year or milk yield. Duration of estrus, mounting activity, and standing activity were greater on dirt than on concrete. These results indicate that the surface on which cows were observed had a profound effect on sexual behavior; however, postpartum interval, season of year, and milk yield were of minor importance.  相似文献   

Dairy cows that have a difficult calf delivery (dystocia) are more likely to develop health complications after calving, reducing productivity and welfare. Understanding the behavioral cues of dystocia may facilitate prompt obstetric assistance and reduce the long-term effect of the challenging delivery. The aim of this study was to describe the effects of dystocia on dairy cow behavior during the period around calving and to assess the use of these behaviors as potential indicators of dystocia. Individual dry matter intake, water intake, feeding and drinking time, meal size, standing time, and number of transitions from standing to lying positions (bouts) were recorded during the 48-h period before and after the time of calf delivery for 22 Holstein cows [11 cows with dystocia and 11 cows with unassisted delivery (eutocia)]. Cows with dystocia consumed 1.9 kg less during the 48 h before calving compared with cows with eutocia (14.3 ± 1.0 vs. 16.2 ± 1.0 kg, respectively), and this difference increased to 2.6 kg in the 24 h before calving (8.3 ± 0.7 vs. 10.9 ± 0.7 kg/d). There were no differences in drinking time between the groups, but cows with dystocia consumed less water 24 h before calving (22.4 ± 4.4 vs. 36.2 ± 4.4 kg/d, respectively) and consumed more water during the 24-h period after calving (56.9 ± 3.1 vs. 48.7 ± 3.1 kg/d) compared with cows with eutocia. Cows with dystocia transitioned from standing to lying positions more frequently than cows without dystocia beginning 24 h before calving (10.9 ± 0.7 vs. 8.3 ± 0.7 bouts/d). Dry matter intake and standing bouts in the 24 h before calving were the most accurate variables in discriminating between cows with and without dystocia, suggesting that cows with dystocia begin to alter their behavior beginning 24 h before calving.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of fructose and phosphate (Pi) infusions on dry matter intake by dairy cows to further understand the mechanisms controlling feed intake related to hepatic energy status. We performed 3 experiments in which we infused fructose and Pi intravenously or abomasally to Holstein cows. The first experiment used 8 cows (4–8 d postpartum) in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with 1 square of multiparous and 1 square of primiparous cows. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used including jugular infusions of solutions (1 L/h) containing fructose or glucose (0.6 mol/h) and Pi (NaH2PO4) or NaCl (0.3 mol/h). Periods were 24 h, including 2 h for infusions and 22 h for recovery. The second experiment used 4 multiparous cows (74–81 d postpartum) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design and infused fructose or glucose and either Pi or no Pi at the same rates as experiment 1. Periods were 24 h, including 1 h for infusions and 23 h for recovery. The third experiment used 4 ruminally cannulated multiparous cows (15–26 d postpartum) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design and infused fructose or glucose and either Pi or NaCl at the same rates as experiment 1 but to the abomasum. Periods were 24 h, including 1 h for infusions and 23 h for recovery. In each experiment, feed intake was recorded by a computerized data acquisition system; blood was analyzed for the concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and Pi; and the liver was analyzed for the concentration of Pi (experiments 2 and 3 only). Overall, fructose infusion increased DMI by fresh cows when infused intravenously and abomasally, but it did not affect DMI by mid-lactation cows. Fructose infusion also reduced hepatic Pi, and Pi infusion increased hepatic Pi when infused abomasally but not intravenously. These results suggest that fructose increases feed intake, likely by sequestering Pi and preventing ATP production. When infused intravenously to multiparous cows, Pi increased DMI and did not affect hepatic Pi content. However, when infused abomasally, Pi reduced DMI and increased hepatic Pi content. These results suggest that although Pi infusion prevents the effect of fructose loading and reduces DMI, it also increases intake through a competing mechanism. Examining long-term effect of Pi infusion on DMI could determine if competing mechanisms complicate the determination of P requirement for dairy cows. These results are consistent with the control of feed intake by hepatic energy status in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate estimates of the inevitable fecal loss component of the P maintenance requirement of lactating Holstein cows consuming differing amounts of a low-P diet. The maintenance requirement for P is the sum of inevitable (e.g., unavoidable) endogenous fecal P plus endogenous urinary P when an animal is fed near its true P requirement (i.e., zero P balance). Urinary excretion of P is normally very low in healthy cattle. Inevitable fecal P is the main part of the total P maintenance requirement; it can be expressed as grams of fecal P/kilogram of dry matter intake (DMI). Twenty-one multiparous lactating Holstein cows (55 to 253 ± 6 d in milk, range ± SD; 0 to 171 ± 64 d pregnant) with a wide range of pretrial milk yields (25.3 to 47.3 ± 1.23 kg/cow per day) were selected to achieve a range in DMI and assigned to treatment groups of low, medium, and high DMI. To obtain an even greater range in DMI, rations fed to cows in the low and medium treatment groups were restricted to 75 and 50% of their pretrial ad libitum intakes, respectively. Dry matter intakes during the experiment averaged 11.3 (low), 15.3 (medium), and 25.1 (high) kg/cow per d, respectively. All cows were fed the same low-P diet (0.26% P, dry basis) throughout the experiment. Phosphorus balances of cows in all treatments were not different from zero and unaffected by DMI. Average daily total inevitable fecal P excretion was 15.3, 18.2, and 26.3 g/cow for low, medium, and high DMI, respectively. Inevitable fecal P excretion was 1.36, 1.19, and 1.04 g/kg of DMI for low, medium, and high and decreased linearly with increasing DMI. The regression equation to estimate inevitable fecal P excretion across the range of DMI was: (g/d) = [0.85 ± 0.070 (g/d)] × DMI (kg/d) + [5.30 ± 1.224 (g/d)]; (R2 = 0.90). This equation can be used to estimate the inevitable fecal P component of the total P maintenance requirement of lactating Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Dry matter intake (DMI) and feed efficiency are economically relevant traits. Simultaneous selection for low DMI and high milk yield might improve feed efficiency, but bears the risk of aggravating the negative energy balance and related health problems in early lactation. Lactation stage-specific selection might provide a possibility to optimize the trajectory of DMI across days in milk (DIM), but requires in-depth knowledge about genetic parameters within and across lactation stages. Within the current study, daily heritabilities and genetic correlations between DMI records from different lactation stages were estimated using random regression models based on 910 primiparous Holstein cows. The heritability estimates from DIM 11 to 180 follow a slightly parabolic curve varying from 0.26 (DIM 121) to 0.37 (DIM 11 and 180). Genetic correlations estimated between DIM 11, 30, 80, 130, and 180 were all positive, ranging from 0.29 (DIM 11 and 180) to 0.97 (DIM 11 and 30; i.e., the correlations are inversely related to the length of the interval between compared DIM). Deregressed estimated breeding values for the same lactation days were used as phenotypes in sequential genome-wide association studies using 681 cows drawn from the study population and genotyped for the Illumina SNP50 BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA). A total of 21 SNP on 10 chromosomes exceeded the chromosome-wise significance threshold for at least 1 analyzed DIM, pointing to some interesting candidate genes directly involved in the regulation of feed intake. Association signals were restricted to certain lactation stages, thus supporting the genetic correlations. Partitioning the explained variance onto chromosomes revealed a large contribution of Bos taurus autosome 7 not harboring any associated marker in the current study. The results contribute to the knowledge about the genetic architecture of the complex phenotype DMI and might provide valuable information for future selection efforts.  相似文献   

We determined if differences in digestibility among cows explained variation in residual feed intake (RFI) in 4 crossover design experiments. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 109; 120 ± 30 d in milk; mean ± SD) were fed diets high (HS) or low (LS) in starch. The HS diets were 30% (±1.8%) starch and 27% (±1.2%) neutral detergent fiber (NDF); LS diets were 14% (±2.2%) starch and 40% (±5.3%) NDF. Each experiment consisted of two 28-d treatment periods, with apparent total-tract digestibility measured using indigestible NDF as an internal marker during the last 5 d of each period. Individual cow dry matter (DM) intake and milk yield were recorded daily, body weight was measured 3 to 5 times per week, and milk components were analyzed 2 d/wk. Individual DM intake was regressed on milk energy output, metabolic body weight, body energy gain, and fixed effects of parity, experiment, cohort (a group of cows that received treatments in the same sequence) nested within experiment, and diet nested within cohort and experiment, with the residual being RFI. High RFI cows ate more than expected and were deemed less efficient. Residual feed intake correlated negatively with digestibility of starch for both HS (r = ?0.31) and LS (r = ?0.23) diets, and with digestibilities of DM (r = ?0.30) and NDF (r = ?0.23) for LS diets but was not correlated with DM or NDF digestibility for HS diets. For each cohort within an experiment, cows were classified as high RFI (HRFI; >0.5 SD), medium RFI (MRFI; ±0.5 SD), and low RFI (LRFI; <?0.5 SD). Digestibility of DM was similar (~66%) among HRFI and LRFI for HS diets but greater for LRFI when fed LS diets (64 vs. 62%). For LS diets, digestibility of DM could account for up to 31% of the differences among HRFI and LRFI for apparent diet energy density, as determined from individual cow performance, indicating that digestibility explains some of the between-animal differences for the ability to convert gross energy into net energy. Some of the differences in digestibility between HRFI and LRFI were expected because cows with high RFI eat at a greater multiple of maintenance, and greater intake is associated with increased passage rate and digestibility depression. Based on these data, we conclude that a cow’s digestive ability explains none of the variation in RFI for cows eating high starch diets but 9 to 31% of the variation in RFI when cows are fed low starch diets. Perhaps differences in other metabolic processes, such as tissue turnover, heat production, or others related to maintenance, can account for more variation in RFI than digestibility.  相似文献   

Twenty primiparous lactating Holstein cows were fed diets supplemented with either .5% sodium chloride or .75% sodium bicarbonate. Those fed the latter diet conserved chloride by reducing the chloride concentration in urine, feces, and, to a small but nonsignificant amount, in milk. The low chloride diet did not affect consumption of feed dry matter and water or milk production and composition. There was no indication of pica or other aberrant taste behavior. One half of the cows in each diet group was given free choice salt block of trace elements. Those fed the low chloride diet consumed more salt (337 versus 149 g/cow per wk). When chloride requirements have been established and data on chloride composition become more widely available, it will be possible to include both sodium and chloride in diet formulations and omit salt. This will reduce the amount of salt needed as either a sodium or chloride supplement.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to quantify the change in the prediction of dry matter intake (DMI) resulting from the inclusion of rumination time (RT) in the 2001 National Research Council (NRC) DMI prediction model. Forty-one Holstein cows fed the same total mixed ration were involved in a 10-wk study. Individual DMI were measured daily. The accuracy and precision of the original NRC prediction model, based on body weight, fat-corrected milk, and week of lactation as independent variables, was compared with the accuracy and precision of the same model with RT as an additional independent variable. The RT estimate was significant in the model developed but had a low value (0.031 kg/h). Root mean square prediction errors were very similar in the 2 models (1.70 and 1.68 kg/d) as were the other indicators (R2, linear bias, random error, and concordance correlation coefficient) selected to compare the models in this study. These results indicate no gain in DMI prediction precision or accuracy when RT is included in the NRC model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the interaction between 2 constant ambient temperatures [thermoneutrality (TN; 15°C) and high temperature (HT; 28°C)] and 2 levels of Na bicarbonate supplementation [calculated to provide diet Na contents of 0.20%DM (Na−) and 0.50%DM (Na+)] on water partitioning in dairy cows. Treatments were compared on 4 dry and 4 mid-lactation Holstein cows according to 2 Latin squares (1 for each physiological stage) over the course of 4 periods of 15 d. Diets consisted of a total mixed ration based on maize silage. Dry cows were restricted to their protein and energy requirements, whereas lactating cows were fed ad libitum. The daily average temperature-humidity index was 59.4 for TN and 73.2 for HT. Lactating and dry cows had higher vaginal temperatures at HT than at TN, but the increase was more pronounced in lactating cows (+1.05 vs. +0.12°C for vaginal temperature, respectively). Dry matter intake (DMI) of lactating cows decreased by 2.3 kg/d at HT. Free water intake (FWI) and estimated volume of water lost to evaporation increased at HT in both lactating and dry cows; no interactions were observed between temperature and physiological stage. When expressed as a proportion of DMI, the increase in evaporation that occurred with increasing temperature was completely compensated for by an increase in FWI for both physiological stages. The urinary water excretion increased slightly at HT in lactating cows but not in dry cows, which may be related to the low chloride content of the offered diet. High Na supplementation increased DMI slightly in lactating cows, but milk yield was not affected. Sodium supplementation did not limit the decrease in DMI observed in lactating cows at HT; this observation is likely due to the high diet electrolyte balance of the offered diets. Sodium supplementation increased FWI in lactating cows and urinary flow in both physiological states. The interaction between ambient temperature and Na supplementation did not affect either water intake or water evaporation. This study demonstrates that the development of predictive models for water intake that include environmental variables could be based on mechanistic models of evaporation.  相似文献   

Four lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas and permanent indwelling catheters in the mesenteric artery, mesenteric vein, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic vein were used in a cross-over design to study the metabolism of propylene glycol (PG). Each cow received 2 treatments: control (no infusion) and infusion of 650 g of PG into the rumen at the time of the morning feeding. Propylene glycol was infused on the day of sampling only. Samples of arterial, portal, and hepatic blood as well as ruminal fluid were obtained at 0.5 h before feeding and at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 5, 7, 9, and 11 h after feeding. Infusion of PG did not affect ruminal pH or the total concentration of ruminal volatile fatty acids, but did decrease the molar proportion of ruminal acetate. The ruminal concentrations of PG, propanol, and propanal as well as the molar proportion of propionate increased with PG infusion. The plasma concentrations of PG, ethanol, propanol, propanal, glucose, l-lactate, propionate, and insulin increased with PG and the plasma concentrations of acetate and β-hydroxybutyrate decreased. The net portal flux of PG, propanol, and propanal increased with PG. The hepatic uptake of PG was equivalent to 19% of the intraruminal dose. When cows were dosed with PG, the hepatic extraction of PG was between 0 and 10% depending on the plasma concentration of PG, explaining the slow decrease in arterial PG. The increased net hepatic flux of l-lactate with PG could account for the entire hepatic uptake of PG, which suggests that the primary hepatic pathway for PG is oxidation to l-lactate. The hepatic uptake of propanol increased with PG, but no effects of PG on the net hepatic and net splanchnic flux of glucose were observed. Despite no effect of PG on net portal flux and net hepatic flux of propionate, the net splanchnic flux of propionate increased and the data suggest that propionate produced from hepatic metabolism of propanol is partly released to the blood. The data suggest that PG affects metabolism of the cows by 2 modes of action: 1) increased supply of l-lactate and propionate to gluconeogenesis and 2) insulin resistance of peripheral tissues induced by increased concentrations of PG and propanol as well as a decreased ratio of ketogenic to glucogenic metabolites in arterial blood plasma.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine effects of monensin on ovarian follicular development and reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows. Forty-eight multiparous Holstein cows were randomly assigned to receive either a control total mixed ration (n = 24) or the same diet plus 22 mg of monensin/kg (n = 24) from 21 d before anticipated calving until cows were either confirmed pregnant or were >180 d postpartum. Monensin had no effect on development of the first dominant follicle postpartum or the numbers of class 1 (3 to 5 mm), 2 (6 to 9 mm), or 3 (10 to 15 mm) follicles. Control cows had more class 4 (>15 mm) follicles at 10 to 13 d postpartum than cows in the monensin group. The first dominant follicle postpartum ovulated, regressed, or became cystic unrelated to differences between diets. However, the first ovulation postpartum occurred earlier in monensin-fed cows than in the control group (27.2 +/- 2.1 d vs. 32.4 +/- 1.5 d), with no dietary effects on the diameter of the ovulating follicle. Similarly, treatments did not differ in the proportion of cows with 2 or 3 waves of ovarian follicular development per cycle, nor in the number of follicles of all classes during the breeding period. Times of ovulation following treatment with prostaglandin F2alpha were not different between dietary groups. Pregnancy rates after timed artificial insemination were similar between diets. Supplementation with monensin resulted in a shorter postpartum interval to first ovulation but did not affect other reproductive measures in healthy, lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

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