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2011年6月29日,我院承担完成的“菱镁胶凝材料高效减水剂的研究及应用”以及“菱镁胶凝材料快凝快硬改性剂研究与应用”两个项目通过了山东省住房和城乡建设厅组织的技术鉴定。鉴定委员会由来自济南大学、山东大学、山东省化工研究院等单位的7位专家组成,鉴定委员会主任委员由济南大学李良波教授担任。鉴定委员会听取了项目研制报告,审查了鉴定资料。  相似文献   

寿文德 《声学技术》2007,26(1):104-104
2006年5月27日,上海市声学学会超声专业委员会在同济大学声学所举行学术研讨会,出席会议的会员近30人。同济大学的胡文祥教授作了题为“镀层表面波的传播及其与材料性质的关系”的报告,介绍了该领域的发展概况和他的最新研究成果,展示了其可能的应用前景。同济大学王军作了“薄板中导波波速与静应力的关系”的报告,用其深入的研究结果表明该项研究具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

一、117(炭材料)委员会, JSPS 作为日本学术振兴会(JSPS)的技术委员会之一,“炭材料”117委员会从1948年就已建立并开始了活动。目前该委员会由25个科学和研究所及65个民间企业组成.该委员会的目的是交换炭材料科学的情报。它  相似文献   

全国探针分析标准样品标准化技术委员会第八次会议于1991年5月16~23日在浙江宁波举行。刘永康、林卓然等17位委员出席了会议。主任委员刘永康作了“探针标委会1990年工作总结”报告;林卓然、张宜副主任委员分别作了“关于争取在ISO建立微束分析标准化技术委员会(TC)的工作进展情况报告”和“关于标样委员会八五规划报告”;曾朝伟秘书长作了“秘书处工作总结”。 会议对送审的10个标样逐个进行了认真审查,其中4个标样已获通过作为国家标样上报;会议就如何促进在  相似文献   

全国天然气标准化技术委员会(简称标委会)于2000年11月7日至11日在海南省海口市组织召开了2000年年会暨一届二次会议。来自中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油天然气股份有限公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司等31个单位的42名代表出席了会议。会议听取了副主任委员陈赓良所做的“全国天然气标准化技术委员会2000年度工作报告和2001年度工作计划”、秘书处秘书唐蒙所做的“全国天然气标准化技术委员会2000年度经费决算报告和2001年度经费预算报告”、标委会工作组陈少鹏同志所做的“液化天…  相似文献   

由同济大学声学所所长刘镇清教授为主任 ,上海大学生物医学工程系严壮志教授为副主任等 8位专家组成的成果鉴定委员会 ,于 2 0 0 0年 5月 16日在上海市科委主持下 ,对复旦大学汪源源教授承担的上海市启明星计划项目“超声多普勒血流信号的多参数分析及应用”进行了验收和技术成果鉴定。验收和鉴定委员会在听取了研制报告、技术报告 ,审查了测试报告、使用报告和查新报告等技术文件后 ,经讨论一致认为 :血管疾病会引起血流多普勒信号特征的变化 ,因此准确提取高灵敏度的多普勒信号特征 ,对诊断和动态监控疾病有十分积极的意义。本项目的研究…  相似文献   

南京航空学院管理系和航空航天部平原机器厂联合研制的“冲压零件PNCAD—CAC—CAPP一体化系统”通过了部级技术鉴定。 1992年3月24日,由航空航天部机载公司组织召开了鉴定会。鉴定委员会由14位专家组成。中国成组技术研究会李祖庚副会长任主任委员,江苏工学院副院长金瑞琪教授任副主任委员。鉴定委员会听取了南京航空学院和平原机器厂联合研制组所作的研制工作报告和技术报告,观看了系统的操作过程和运行演示,对系统进行了运行过程测试和技术文件审查,听取了用户的现场使用验证报告,经过论一致认为: l、系统在成组技术基础上将计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助零件编码和计算机辅助工艺过程设计集成  相似文献   

石油部“成组技术的研究和应用(环套类成组加工单元及GT计算机软件系统)”技术鉴定会于87年4月9日至11日在南阳第二石油机械厂举行。鉴定委员会听取了课题组的研制报告;审查了全部技术资料;审查了成组加工单元和GT计算机软件的运行情况并按照鉴定大纲进行了认真的评议。鉴定意见如下: 1.由西安石油学院和第二石油机械厂组成的“成组技术的研究和应用”课题组,在部、司、院、厂领导的大力支持下,分工合作,密切配合,作了大量、深入细致的工作,经过一年多的艰苦  相似文献   

由中国光学学会光电技术专业委员会举办、江西省科学院承办的光电技术专业委员会二届二次会议暨第五届全国光电技术与系统学术会议,于1993年10月16~22日在江西省庐山召开。到会代表170人,交流学术论文225篇,编辑印刷了“第五届全国光电技术与系统学术会论文集”。大会邀请中国科学院学部委员、中国光学学会理事长王大珩教授作了“中国光学发展史及国外光学技术的新发展”报告,光电技术专业委员会主任、天津大学张以谟教授作了“光计算中光互连技术”的报告。  相似文献   

“中国制冷技术咨询服务中心”经中国科协咨询工作部批准,已于1985年6月24日召开了“中心”成立会议。会议由中国制冷学会副理事长张茜蕾同志主持,吴亚平副秘书长代表筹备组作了“关于中国制冷技术咨询服务中心的筹组报告”。中心管理委员会由十三名委员组成。张茜蕾任“中心”管委会主任,王英若、刘兴杰为副主任。经全体委员讨论同意,管委会设“中心”业务领导小组,负责日常咨询业务工作,并任命吴亚平同志为“中心”主任、郭予信同志为“中心”副主任,“中心”暂设业务部,曹德胜同志任主任,“中心”办公地点暂设在中国制冷学会办公室。  相似文献   

虚拟制造及其体系结构   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文分析了虚拟制造产生的背景,提出了一种虚拟制造的体系结构,并进一步分析了虚拟制造中建模和仿真过程,最后例举了一个以独立制造岛为基础的虚拟企业结构。  相似文献   

通过在虚拟加工环境中实现基于MMS(制造报文规范)的标准化通令系统,探讨了虚拟制造平台实现网络集成的方法。介绍了MMS协议的内容,提出了系统的总体框架,并详细描述了基于MMS协议的通信支持系统与虚拟设备相连的服务接口系统的实现方法、框架结构和程序执行流程。  相似文献   

Effective solutions to the cell formation and the production scheduling problems are vital in the design of virtual cellular manufacturing systems (VCMSs). This paper presents a new mathematical model and a scheduling algorithm based on the techniques of genetic algorithms for solving such problems. The objectives are: (1) to minimize the total materials and components travelling distance incurred in manufacturing the products, and (2) to minimize the sum of the tardiness of all products. The proposed algorithm differs from the canonical genetic algorithms in that the populations of candidate solutions consist of individuals of different age groups, and that each individual's birth and survival rates are governed by predefined aging patterns. The condition governing the birth and survival rates is developed to ensure a stable search process. In addition, Markov Chain analysis is used to investigate the convergence properties of the genetic search process theoretically. The results obtained indicate that if the individual representing the best candidate solution obtained is maintained throughout the search process, the genetic search process converges to the global optimal solution exponentially.

The proposed methodology is applied to design the manufacturing system of a company in China producing component parts for internal combustion engines. The performance of the proposed age-based genetic algorithm is compared with that of the conventional genetic algorithm based on this industrial case. The results show that the methodology proposed in this paper provides a simple, effective and efficient method for solving the manufacturing cell formation and production scheduling problems for VCMSs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method of using the tri-dexel volumetric models and a haptics force feedback for virtual prototyping and manufacturing planning. In the proposed method, the initial polyhedral surface model is converted to a tri-dexel volumetric model by using a depth-peeling dexelization algorithm. In the virtual prototyping process, the tri-dexel volumetric model is updated by the swept volume of a moving cutter via a haptic force feedback interface device. A collision detection algorithm is proposed for the virtual sculpting and the pencil-cut planning with real-time haptic force feedback to the users. Tool paths are generated for machining the virtual sculpted parts via the simulation and verification on a virtual CNC machine tool before they are actually machined. Computer implementation and practical examples are also presented in this paper. The proposed method enables the haptic-aided virtual prototyping and manufacturing planning of complex surface parts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method of using the tri-dexel volumetric models and a haptics force feedback for virtual prototyping and manufacturing planning. In the proposed method, the initial polyhedral surface model is converted to a tri-dexel volumetric model by using a depth-peeling dexelization algorithm. In the virtual prototyping process, the tri-dexel volumetric model is updated by the swept volume of a moving cutter via a haptic force feedback interface device. A collision detection algorithm is proposed for the virtual sculpting and the pencil-cut planning with real-time haptic force feedback to the users. Tool paths are generated for machining the virtual sculpted parts via the simulation and verification on a virtual CNC machine tool before they are actually machined. Computer implementation and practical examples are also presented in this paper. The proposed method enables the haptic-aided virtual prototyping and manufacturing planning of complex surface parts.  相似文献   

In previous works decision tree mechanisms were suggested for real-time production control of flexible manufacturing systems operating in a constant mix environment. The current paper tests the performance of a decision-treebased adaptive production control system operating in a flexible manufacturing cell in more random environments. A decision-tree-based production control system, which periodically chooses, on the basis of the current state of the system, the most appropriate scheduling rule, out of several predetermined ones, is presented. The performance of the decision-tree-based production control system was tested by simulating a flexible manufacturing cell operating in two different operational environments, distinct by the variability of their demand. The decision tree-based-production control system has performed rather well in the produce-to-order environment. However, it does not outperform the alternative scheduling rules in a highly random produce-to-order environment.  相似文献   

为了映射真实系统与服务环境之间的相互作用,分析了在虚拟制造环境下制造系统静态模型和动态模型的建模方法,并通过生产系统预规划和动态规划过程,揭示了该模型具有的支持产品制造全过程的特性,最后阐述了原型系统的结构框架以及工业应用的成果。  相似文献   

1 1. Current address for Cigdem Ataseven is Operations and Supply Chain Management Department, Monte Ahuja College of Business, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44114, USA. In theory, competition improves productivity and performance; trade liberalisation, which increases imports/exports, brings more competition. Using two large-scale survey responses from over 1000 manufacturers collected during two different time periods while US exports were growing in an environment of trade liberalisation, this study examines the effectiveness of technologies, over time, in manufacturing plants with varying export intensities. We find manufacturing technology use increases with exports and exporters report significant gains in plant performance over time. The study considers hard technologies (i.e. technologies involving capital-intensive equipment in manufacturing operations) and soft technologies (i.e. technologies involving planning and administrative components) to understand the distinct dynamic impact of the use of these technologies among plants exporting with varying intensities. Manufacturing plants are categorised into high, medium, and non-exporting based on the plant’s exports as a percent of total output. The results of this study indicates that exporters engage in more skilled use of these technologies than non-exporters. Further, exporters not only have higher skilled use of manufacturing technologies from non-exporters, but they also expand the scope of technologies that they skillfully employ in their operations. We find that over the course of liberalised trade regime, medium exporters get closer to high exporters in their skilled use of manufacturing technologies providing evidence of learning effect from exporting. Finally, higher skilled use of manufacturing technologies by high exporters translates into lower rejects and shorter lead times. However, non-exporters were not able to gain similar benefits from using manufacturing technologies.  相似文献   

D. Wu  R. Yang  D. Ma  X. Fan 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(17):4729-4749
Complex pipe layout plays an important role in ship building. Pipes prefabricating and assembling often depends on testing and rebuilding in outfitting. This leads to more workload, high cost and longer manufacturing cycles. In this paper, a new virtual assembly system called Integrated Virtual Assembly Environment (IVAE) is introduced, in which the ship outfitting can be simulated and process planning can be completed. With the help of assembly constraints management, collision detection and response, assembly sequence and paths planning, users can assemble the parts interactively in a virtual outfitting environment, just as in an actual cabin. As well as for virtual ship outfitting, IVAE can also be used in general product development. As a typical case, the pipe layout in the engine room of a 5000?M3 hydraulic dredge from Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd is given to test virtual ship outfitting in IVAE.  相似文献   

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