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In the present paper an extended finite element method (XFEM) containing strong discontinuity within elements is introduced and implemented in the commercial general purpose software ABAQUS. The algorithm allows introducing a new crack surface at arbitrary locations and directions in elements. To consider fatigue crack nucleation and propagation in quasi-brittle materials the XFEM is combined with a cyclic cohesive model. Accumulative material damage is described by separate evolution equations. The crack path is completely independent of the mesh structure but determined by the mixed-mode loading cases. Numerical simulations illustrate the ability of this method to simulate fracture with unstructured meshes. The computational results agree with known fracture experiment data. Known fatigue observations can be predicted using the present model.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite element fatigue crack closure model of a corner crack and of a through thickness crack has been developed to evaluate the range of effective stress intensity factor from the distribution of the range of stress ahead of the crack tip. The corresponding fatigue crack growth rate was evaluated from a Paris law fit to experimental data from high stress ratio tests. The point of origin for the range of stress distribution was adjusted in accordance with Irwin’s plastic zone correction. Encouraging comparisons of finite element predictions of fatigue crack growth rate incorporating closure effects with experimental measurements were obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, the fatigue crack growth in helical gear tooth root has been simulated using linear elastic fracture mechanics. The extended finite element method has been used to simulate 3D fatigue crack growth and obtain growth path. Paris equation has been used to calculate the fatigue life of the gear. The modelling time has reduced considerably compared to previous works carried out on 3D crack growth in gears. Some verifications have been carried out to ensure the reliability of the results.  相似文献   

In this article, the extended finite element method is employed to solve problems, including weak and strong discontinuities. To this end, a level set framework is used to represent the discontinuities location, and the Heaviside and Branch function are included in the standard finite element method. The case of two arbitrary curved cracks is solved numerically and stress intensity factor (SIF) values at the crack tips are calculated based on the evaluation of the crack tip opening displacement. Afterwards, J-integral methodology is adopted to evaluate the SIFs for isotropic and anisotropic bi-material interface crack problems. Numerical results are verified with those presented in the literature.  相似文献   

A methodology for the computational modeling of the fatigue crack growth in pressurized shell structures, based on the finite element method and concepts of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, is presented. This methodology is based on that developed by Potyondy [Potyondy D, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea, AR. Discrete crack growth analysis methodology for through crack in pressurized fuselage structures. Int J Numer Methods Eng 1995;38:1633–1644], which consists of using four stress intensity factors, computed from the modified crack integral method, to predict the fatigue propagation life as well as the crack trajectory, which is computed as part of the numerical simulation. Some issues not presented in the study of Potyondy are investigated herein such as the influence of the crack increment size and the number of nodes per element (4 or 9 nodes) on the simulation results by means of a fatigue crack propagation simulation of a Boeing 737 airplane fuselage. The results of this simulation are compared with experimental results and those obtained by Potyondy [1].  相似文献   

Mixed-mode stable tearing crack growth events in Arcan plate specimens made of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 are simulated using three-dimensional (3D) finite element methods. A modeling/simulation procedure utilizing a mixed-mode CTOD fracture criterion and the custom 3D crack growth simulation software, CRACK3D, with an automatic local re-meshing option is demonstrated. Simulation predictions of the load-crack extension curve and the in-plane curvilinear crack growth path are compared with experimental measurements for various mixed-mode loading cases. Issues such as the effects of near-tip finite element size and crack extension increment size on simulation predictions are investigated.  相似文献   

In conventional cohesive zone models the traction-separation law starts from zero load, so that the model cannot be applied to predict mixed-mode cracking. In the present work the cohesive zone model with a threshold is introduced and applied for simulating different mixed-mode cracks in combining with the extended finite element method. Computational results of cracked specimens show that the crack initiation and propagation under mixed-mode loading conditions can be characterized by the cohesive zone model for normal stress failure. The contribution of the shear stress is negligible. The maximum principal stress predicts crack direction accurately. Computations based on XFEM agree with known experiments very well. The shear stress becomes, however, important for uncracked specimens to catch the correct crack initiation angle. To study mixed-mode cracks one has to introduce a threshold into the cohesive law and to implement the new cohesive zone based on the fracture criterion. In monotonic loading cases it can be easily realized in the extended finite element formulation. For cyclic loading cases convergence of the inelastic computations can be critical.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rigorous elastodynamic hybrid-displacement finite element procedure for a safety analysis of fast rotating disks with mixed-mode cracks. Based on a modified Hamilton's principle, the finite element model is derived such that the proper crack-tip singularities are taken into consideration and the interelement displacement compatibility conditions are still satisfied. Thus, the specimen can be represented by a finite element assemblage in which “singular” elements are used around the crack-tip and high-order isoparametric “regular” elements are taken elsewhere.To determine the mixed-mode stress intensity factors, the modified J?k integrals for rotating cracked disks have been established taking into account the effect of centrifugal force. Using the “strain-energy-density factor” concept, the direction of crack growth of a rotating disk with an arbitrary internal crack is predicted. To provide a method of non-destructive testing in evaluating the integrity of structures, natural vibrations of cracked disk are then studied. Lastly, the influence of inertia effects due to rotating speed changes in determining the dynamic stress intensity factors is examined.For verification purposes, the simple case of a rotating disk with radial cracks is first solved. Excellent correlations between the computed results and available referenced solutions are drawn. New solutions for the circular disk with circumferential or arbitrarily-oriented cracks are also presented.  相似文献   

In the present work, the extended finite element method has been used to simulate the fatigue crack growth problems in functionally graded material in the presence of holes, inclusions, and minor cracks under plastic and plane stress conditions for both edge and center cracks. Both soft and hard inclusions have been implemented in the problems. The validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics theory is limited to the brittle materials. Therefore, the elastic plastic fracture mechanics theory needs to be utilized to characterize the plastic behavior of the material. A generalized Ramberg-Osgood material model has been used for modeling purposes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical method for fatigue crack growth in the framework of finite element method, i.e. a new enriched element is presented in which only the analytical solutions around crack tips are used to describe the displacements and stresses fields. A special variational principle is introduced to simplify the mathematical derivations for discrete equation, and the stiffness matrix of the new enriched element is given in a compact form. Moreover, the stiffness matrix is found to be independent on the element size. Numerical examples on fatigue crack growth are given to illustrate the validity of the present method.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional extended finite element method (X-FEM) coupled with a narrow band fast marching method (FMM) is developed and implemented in the Abaqus finite element package for curvilinear fatigue crack growth and life prediction analysis of metallic structures. Given the level set representation of arbitrary crack geometry, the narrow band FMM provides an efficient way to update the level set values of its evolving crack front. In order to capture the plasticity induced crack closure effect, an element partition and state recovery algorithm for dynamically allocated Gauss points is adopted for efficient integration of historical state variables in the near-tip plastic zone. An element-based penalty approach is also developed to model crack closure and friction. The proposed technique allows arbitrary insertion of initial cracks, independent of a base 3D model, and allows non-self-similar crack growth pattern without conforming to the existing mesh or local remeshing. Several validation examples are presented to demonstrate the extraction of accurate stress intensity factors for both static and growing cracks. Fatigue life prediction of a flawed helicopter lift frame under the ASTERIX spectrum load is presented to demonstrate the analysis procedure and capabilities of the method.  相似文献   

Mixed-mode loading represents the true loading condition in many practical situations. In addition, most of the fatigue life of many components is often spent in the short crack growth stage. The study of short crack growth behavior under mixed-mode loading has, therefore, much practical significance. This work investigated short crack growth behavior under mixed-mode loading using a common medium carbon steel. The effects of load mixity, crack closure, and load ratio on short crack growth behavior were evaluated by conducting experiments using four-point bending specimens with several initial K II /K I mixed-mode ratios and two load ratios. Cracks were observed to grow along the paths with very small K II /K I ratios (i.e. mode I). The maximum tangential stress criterion was used to predict the crack growth paths and the predictions were found to be close to the experimental observations. Several parameters including equivalent stress intensity factor range and effective stress intensity factor range were used to correlate short crack growth rates under mixed-mode loading. Threshold values for short cracks were found to be lower than those for long cracks for all the mixed-mode loading conditions. Crack closure was observed for the entire crack length regime with all load mixity conditions at R ≈ 0.05 and for short crack regime under high load mixity condition at R = 0.5. Several models were used to describe mean stress effects and to correlate crack growth rate data.  相似文献   

The newly-developed scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is able to calculate stress intensity factors directly because the singularity in stress solutions at crack tips is analytically represented. By taking this advantage, a mixed-mode crack propagation model based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) was developed in this study. A domain is first divided into a few subdomains. Because the dimensions and shapes of subdomains can be flexibly varied and only the domain boundaries or common edges between subdomains are discretised in the SBFEM, a remeshing procedure as simple as in boundary element methods was developed with minimum mesh changes whereas the generality and flexibility of the FEM is well maintained. Fully-automatic modelling of mixed-mode crack propagation is then achieved by combining the remeshing procedure with a propagation criterion. Three mixed-mode examples were modelled. Comparisons of the numerical results with those from available publications show that the developed model is capable of predicting crack trajectories and load-displacement relations accurately and efficiently.  相似文献   

A recent approach to fracture modeling has combined the extended finite element method (XFEM) with cohesive zone models. Most studies have used simplified enrichment functions to represent the strong discontinuity but have lacked an analytical basis to represent the displacement gradients in the vicinity of the cohesive crack. In this study enrichment functions based upon an existing analytical investigation of the cohesive crack problem are proposed. These functions have the potential of representing displacement gradients in the vicinity of the cohesive crack and allow the crack to incrementally advance across each element. Key aspects of the corresponding numerical formulation and enrichment functions are discussed. A parameter study for a simple mode I model problem is presented to evaluate if quasi‐static crack propagation can be accurately followed with the proposed formulation. The effects of mesh refinement and mesh orientation are considered. Propagation of the cohesive zone tip and crack tip, time variation of the cohesive zone length, and crack profiles are examined. The analysis results indicate that the analytically based enrichment functions can accurately track the cohesive crack propagation of a mode I crack independent of mesh orientation. A mixed mode example further demonstrates the potential of the formulation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This technical note discusses several three-dimensional models for mixed-mode fatigue crack growth that were developed recently by Bian and coauthors [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]. However, these models are found being formulated from a generally incorrect three-dimensional crack-front stress field for embedded elastic elliptical cracks. The corresponding correct crack-front stress field for the elliptical cracks is thus presented, and then the three-dimensional fatigue crack growth models are corrected and expressed in much simpler functions.  相似文献   

The kinking of a corrosion crack due to mixed-mode fatigue loading is studied using an adaptive finite element procedure. The rate of material dissolution is assumed to be proportional to the stretching of the corroding surface. The dissolution of material is governed by a corrosion law, where no criterion is needed for neither crack growth nor growth direction. The problem is treated as a general moving boundary problem. The kink angles are found to be in very good agreement with results for sharp cracks using criteria reported in the literature.  相似文献   

An algorithm which couples the level set method (LSM) with the extended finite element method (X‐FEM) to model crack growth is described. The level set method is used to represent the crack location, including the location of crack tips. The extended finite element method is used to compute the stress and displacement fields necessary for determining the rate of crack growth. This combined method requires no remeshing as the crack progresses, making the algorithm very efficient. The combination of these methods has a tremendous potential for a wide range of applications. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the combined methods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plastic deformation within the crack tip region introduces internal stresses that modify subsequent behaviour of the crack and are at the origin of history effects in fatigue crack growth. Consequently, fatigue crack growth models should include plasticity-induced history effects. A model was developed and validated for mode I fatigue crack growth under variable amplitude loading conditions. The purpose of this study was to extend this model to mixed-mode loading conditions. Finite element analyses are commonly employed to model crack tip plasticity and were shown to give very satisfactory results. However, if millions of cycles need to be modelled to predict the fatigue behaviour of an industrial component, the finite element method becomes computationally too expensive. By employing a multiscale approach, the local results of FE computations can be brought to the global scale. This approach consists of partitioning the velocity field at the crack tip into plastic and elastic parts. Each part is partitioned into mode I and mode II components, and finally each component is the product of a reference spatial field and an intensity factor. The intensity factor of the mode I and mode II plastic parts of the velocity fields, denoted by I/dt and II/dt, allow measuring mixed-mode plasticity in the crack tip region at the global scale. Evolutions of I/dt and II/dt, generated using the FE method for various loading histories, enable the identification of an empirical cyclic elastic–plastic constitutive model for the crack tip region at the global scale. Once identified, this empirical model can be employed, with no need of additional FE computations, resulting in faster computations. With the additional hypothesis that the fatigue crack growth rate and direction can be determined from mixed-mode crack tip plasticity (I/dt and II/dt), it becomes possible to predict fatigue crack growth under I/II mixed-mode and variable amplitude loading conditions. To compare the predictions of this model with experiments, an asymmetric four point bend test system was setup. It allows applying any mixed-mode loading case from a pure mode I condition to a pure mode II. Initial experimental results showed an increase of the mode I fatigue crack growth rate after the application of a set of mode II overload cycles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to devise and verify a scheme of analysis which can be used to investigate the micromechanical failure mechanisms and determine an effective fracture toughness for a class of fiber reinforced materials. The material of primary interest in this study consists of a linearly elastic matrix material reinforced with rows of parallel, linearly elastic and straight fibers. Micromechanical multiplane finite element and experimental studies of the stress conditions near a crack front in a side cracked fiber reinforced epoxy tensile specimen were conducted. The 2-D multiplane method of analysis, recently developed at Syracuse University for approximate analysis of a class of 3-D problems, was the basis of the micromechanical finite element analytical technique developed in this study. Since failure of a member fabricated from a fiber reinforced material is generally proceeded by local failures, sequential finite element analyses were performed to model the progressive failure mechanism. Local failure modes considered in the analysis are yield in either the matrix material or fibers, crack extension in the matrix material, and failure of the matrix to fiber bond. The agreement between the multiplane analytical and laboratory test results show that the multiplane method provides a useful tool for micromechanical study of fiber reinforced composite materials.  相似文献   

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