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The coalgebraic framework developed for the classical process algebras, and in particular its advantages concerning minimal realizations, does not fully apply to the π-calculus, due to the constraints on the freshly generated names that appear in the bisimulation.In this paper we propose to model the transition system of the π-calculus as a coalgebra on a category of name permutation algebras and to define its abstract semantics as the final coalgebra of such a category. We show that permutations are sufficient to represent in an explicit way fresh name generation, thus allowing for the definition of minimal realizations.We also link the coalgebraic semantics with a slightly improved version of history dependent (HD) automata, a model developed for verification purposes, where states have local names and transitions are decorated with names and name relations. HD-automata associated with agents with a bounded number of threads in their derivatives are finite and can be actually minimized. We show that the bisimulation relation in the coalgebraic context corresponds to the minimal HD-automaton.  相似文献   

The partition refinement algorithm is the basis for most of the tools for checking bisimulation equivalences and for computing minimal realisations of CCS-like finite state processes. In this paper, we present a partition refinement algorithm for the π-calculus, a development of CCS where channel names can be communicated. It can be used to check bisimilarity and to compute minimal realisations of finite control processes—the π-calculus counterpart of CCS finite state processes. The algorithm is developed for strong open bisimulation and can be adapted to late and early bisimulations, as well as to weak bisimulations. To arrive at the algorithm, a few laws, proof techniques, and four characterizations of open bisimulation are proved.  相似文献   

We present a call-by-need λ-calculus λND with an erratic non-deterministic operator pick and a non-recursive let. A definition of a bisimulation is given, which has to be based on a further calculus named λ, since the naïve bisimulation definition is useless. The main result is that bisimulation in λ is a congruence and coincides with the contextual equivalence. The proof is a non-trivial extension of Howe's method. This might be a step towards defining useful bisimulation relations and proving them to be congruences in calculi that extend the λND-calculus.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two semantics of a probabilistic variant of the π-calculus: an interleaving semantics in terms of Segala automata and a true concurrent semantics, in terms of probabilistic event structures. The key technical point is a use of types to identify a good class of non-deterministic probabilistic behaviours which can preserve a compositionality of the parallel operator in the event structures and the calculus. We show an operational correspondence between the two semantics. This allows us to prove a “probabilistic confluence” result, which generalises the confluence of the linearly typed π-calculus.  相似文献   

We study the encoding of , the call-by-name λ-calculus enriched with McCarthy's amb operator, into the π-calculus. Semantically, amb is a challenging operator, for the fairness constraints that it expresses. We prove that, under a certain interpretation of divergence in the λ-calculus (weak divergence), a faithful encoding is impossible. However, with a different interpretation of divergence (strong divergence), the encoding is possible, and for this case we derive results and coinductive proof methods to reason about that are similar to those for the encoding of pure λ-calculi. We then use these methods to derive the most important laws concerning amb. We take bisimilarity as behavioural equivalence on the π-calculus, which sheds some light on the relationship between fairness and bisimilarity.  相似文献   

In the context of the π-calculus, open bisimulation is prominent and popular due to its congruence properties and its easy implementability. Motivated by the attempt to generalise it to the spi-calculus, we offer a new, more refined definition and show in how far it coincides with the original one.  相似文献   

We present an encoding of the synchronous π-calculus in the calculus of Higher-Order Mobile Embedded Resources (Homer), a pure higher-order calculus with mobile processes in nested locations, defined as a simple, conservative extension of the core process-passing subset of Thomsen's Plain CHOCS. We prove that our encoding is fully abstract with respect to barbed bisimulation and sound with respect to barbed congruence. Our encoding demonstrates that higher-order process-passing together with mobile resources in (local) named locations are sufficient to express π-calculus name-passing. The encoding uses a novel continuation passing style to facilitate the encoding of synchronous communication.  相似文献   

Proof systems for weak bisimulation equivalences in the π-calculus are presented, and their soundness and completeness are shown. Two versions of π-calculus are investigated, one without and the other with the mismatch operator. For each version of the calculus proof systems for both late and early weak bisimulation equivalences are studied. Thus there are four proof systems in all. These inference systems are related in a natural way: the inference system for early equivalence is obtained from the one for late equivalence by replacing the inference rule for input prefix, while the inference system for the version of π-calculus with mismatch is obtained by adding a single inference rule for mismatch to the one for the version without it. The proofs of the completeness results rely on the notion of symbolic bisimulation.  相似文献   

Bisimulation for Higher-Order Process Calculi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ahigher-order process calculusis a calculus for communicating systems which contains higher-order constructs like communication of terms. We analyse the notion ofbisimulationin these calculi. We argue that both the standard definition of bisimulation (i.e., the one for CCS and related calculi), as well ashigher-order bisimulation[E. Astesiano, A. Giovini, and G. Reggio,in“STACS '88,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 294, pp. 207–226, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York, 1988; G. Boudol,in“TAPSOFT '89,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 351, pp. 149–161, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York, 1989; B. Thomsen, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, 1990] are in general unsatisfactory, because of their over-discrimination. We propose and study a new form of bisimulation for such calculi, calledcontext bisimulation, which yields a more satisfactory discriminanting power. A drawback of context bisimulation is the heavy use of universal quantification in its definition, which is hard to handle in practice. To resolve this difficulty we introducetriggered bisimulationandnormal bisimulation, and we prove that they both coincide with context bisimulation. In the proof, we exploit thefactorisation theorem: When comparing the behaviour of two processes, it allows us to “isolate” subcomponents which might give differences, so that the analysis can be concentrated on them  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a proof-theoretic observation about two kinds of proof systems for regular cyclic objects. It is presented for the case of two formal systems that are complete with respect to the notion of “recursive type equality” on a restricted class of recursive types in μ-term notation. Here we show the existence of an immediate duality with a geometrical visualization between proofs in a variant of the coinductive axiom system due to Brandt and Henglein and “consistency-unfoldings” in a variant of a 'syntactic-matching' proof system for testing equations between recursive types due to Ariola and Klop.Finally we sketch an analogous result of a duality between a similar pair of proof systems for bisimulation equivalence on equational specifications of cyclic term graphs.  相似文献   

The ρ-calculus generalises term rewriting and the λ-calculus by defining abstractions on arbitrary patterns and by using a pattern-matching algorithm which is a parameter of the calculus. In particular, equational theories that do not have unique principal solutions may be used. In the latter case, all the principal solutions of a matching problem are stored in a “structure” that can also be seen as a collection of terms.Motivated by the fact that there are various approaches to the definition of structures in the ρ-calculus, we study in this paper a version of the λ-calculus with term collections.The contributions of this work include a new syntax and operational semantics for a λ-calculus with term collections, which is related to the λ-calculi with strict parallel functions studied by Boudol and Dezani et al. and a proof of the confluence of the β-reduction relation defined for the calculus (which is a suitable extension of the standard rule of β-reduction in the λ-calculus).  相似文献   

We investigate the power of first-order logic with only two variables over ω-words and finite words, a logic denoted by FO2. We prove that FO2 can express precisely the same properties as linear temporal logic with only the unary temporal operators: “next,” “previously,” “sometime in the future,” and “sometime in the past,” a logic we denote by unary-TL Moreover, our translation from FO2 to unary-TL converts every FO2 formula to an equivalent unary-TL formula that is at most exponentially larger and whose operator depth is at most twice the quantifier depth of the first-order formula. We show that this translation is essentially optimal. While satisfiability for full linear temporal logic, as well as for unary-TL, is known to be PSPACE-complete, we prove that satisfiability for FO2 is NEXP-complete, in sharp contrast to the fact that satisfiability for FO3 has nonelementary computational complexity. Our NEXP upper bound for FO2 satisfiability has the advantage of being in terms of the quantifier depth of the input formula. It is obtained using a small model property for FO2 of independent interest, namely, a satisfiable FO2 formula has a model whose size is at most exponential in the quantifier depth of the formula. Using our translation from FO2 to unary-TL we derive this small model property from a corresponding small model property for unary-TL. Our proof of the small model property for unary-TL is based on an analysis of unary-TL types.  相似文献   

In current class-based Object-Oriented Programming Languages (OOPLs), object types include only static features. How to add object dynamic behaviors modeled by Harel's statecharts into object types is a challenging task. We propose adding states and state transitions, which are largely unstated in object type theory, into object type definitions and typing rules. We argue that dynamic behaviors of objects should be part of object type definitions. We propose our type theory, the τ-calculus, which refines Abadi and Cardelli's ζ-calculus, in modeling objects with their dynamic behaviors. In our proposed type theory, we also explain that a subtyping relation between object types should imply the inclusion of their dynamic behaviors. By adding states and state transitions into object types, we propose modifying programming language constructs for state tracking.  相似文献   

 We study a new formulation of bisimulation for the π-calculus [MPW92], which we have called open bisimulation (∼). In contrast with the previously known bisimilarity equivalences, ∼ is preserved by allπ-calculus operators, including input prefix. The differences among all these equivalences already appear in the sublanguage without name restrictions: Here the definition of ∼ can be factorised into a “standard” part which, modulo the different syntax of actions, is the CCS bisimulation, and a part specific to the π-calculus, which requires name instantiation. Attractive features of ∼ are: A simple axiomatisation (of the finite terms), with a completeness proof which leads to the construction of minimal canonical representatives for the equivalence classes of ∼; an “efficient” characterisation, based on a modified transition system. This characterisation seems promising for the development of automated-verification tools and also shows the call-by-need flavour of ∼. Although in the paper we stick to the π-calculus, the issues developed may be relevant to value-passing calculi in general. Received: June 11, 1993/November 28, 1994  相似文献   

Operational semantics is often presented in a rather syntactic fashion using relations specified by inference rules or equivalently by clauses in a suitable logic programming language. As it is well known, various syntactic details of specifications involving bound variables can be greatly simplified if that logic programming language has term-level abstractions (λ-abstraction) and proof-level abstractions (eigenvariables) and the specification encodes object-level binders using λ-terms and universal quantification. We shall attempt to extend this specification setting to include the problem of specifying not only relations capturing operational semantics, such as one-step evaluation, but also properties and relations about the semantics, such as simulation. Central to our approach is the encoding of generic object-level judgments (universally quantified formulas) as suitable atomic meta-level judgments. We shall encode both the one-step transition semantics and simulation of (finite) π-calculus to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

We give an axiomatic system in first-order predicate logic with equality for proving security protocols correct. Our axioms and inference rules derive the basic inference rules, which are explicitly or implicitly used in the literature of protocol logics, hence we call our axiomatic system Basic Protocol Logic (or BPL, for short). We give a formal semantics for BPL, and show the completeness theorem such that for any given query (which represents a correctness property) the query is provable iff it is true for any model. Moreover, as a corollary of our completeness proof, the decidability of provability in BPL holds for any given query. In our formal semantics we consider a “trace” any kind of sequence of primitive actions, counter-models (which are generated from an unprovable query) cannot be immediately regarded as realizable traces (i.e., attacked processes on the protocol in question). However, with the aid of Comon-Treinen's algorithm for the intruder deduction problem, we can determine whether there exists a realizable trace among formal counter-models, if any, generated by the proof-search method (used in our completeness proof). We also demonstrate that our method is useful for both proof construction and flaw analysis by using a simple example.  相似文献   

Axiomatising timed automata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Timed automata has been developed as a basic semantic model for real time systems. Its algorithmic aspects for automated analysis have been well studied. But so far there is still no satisfactory algebraic theory to allow the derivation of semantical equivalence of automata by purely syntactical manipulation. The aim of this paper is to provide such a theory. We present an inference system of timed bisimulation equivalence for timed automata based on a CCS-style regular language for describing timed automata. It consists of the standard monoid laws for bisimulation and a set of inference rules. The judgments of the proof system are conditional equations of the form where is a clock constraint and t,u are terms denoting timed automata. The inference system is shown to be sound and complete for timed bisimulation. The proof of the completeness result relies on the notion of symbolic timed bisimulation, adapted from the work on value–passing processes. Received: 10 May 2001 / 22 October 2001  相似文献   

The general concern of the Jacopini technique is the question: “Is it consistent to extend a given lambda calculus with certain equations?” The technique was introduced by Jacopini in 1975 in his proof that in the untyped lambda calculusΩis easy, i.e.,Ωcan be assumed equal to any other (closed) term without violating the consistency of the lambda calculus. The presentations of the Jacopini technique that are known from the literature are difficult to understand and hard to generalise. In this paper we generalise the Jacopini technique for arbitrary lambda calculi. We introduce the concept ofproof-replaceabilityby which the structure of the technique is simplified considerably. We illustrate the simplicity and generality of our formulation of the technique with some examples. We apply the Jacopini technique to theλμ-calculus, and we prove a general theorem concerning the consistency of extensions of theλμ-calculus of a certain form. Many well known examples (e.g., the easiness ofΩ) are immediate consequences of this general theorem.  相似文献   

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