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为了解决谓词抽象技术面临的程序中循环体的每次迭代都至少需要一个谓词来实现的难题,提出了一个两阶段的不完全判定过程,用来对一个包含循环的反例进行可行性模拟.通过给出的循环探测算法来从抽象模型中提取出包含循环的反例,并用循环迭代的数量作为参数来确定模拟实例.实验结果表明,该方法在典型的缓冲溢出实例中的表现优于传统的抽象求精方法.  相似文献   

Predicate abstraction has emerged to be a powerful technique for extracting finite-state models from infinite-state systems, and has been recently shown to enhance the effectiveness of the reachability computation techniques for hybrid systems. Given a hybrid system with linear dynamics and a set of linear predicates, the verifier performs an on-the-fly search of the finite discrete quotient whose states correspond to the truth assignments to the input predicates. The success of this approach depends on the choice of the predicates used for abstraction. In this paper, we focus on identifying these predicates automatically by analyzing spurious counterexamples generated by the search in the abstract state-space. We present the basic techniques for discovering new predicates that will rule out closely related spurious counterexamples, optimizations of these techniques, implementation of these in the verification tool, and case studies demonstrating the promise of the approach.  相似文献   

We address the problem of verifying invariant properties on infinite-state systems. We present a novel approach, IC3ia, for generalizing the IC3 invariant checking algorithm from finite-state to infinite-state transition systems, expressed over some background theories. The procedure is based on a tight integration of IC3 with Implicit Abstraction, a form of predicate abstraction that expresses abstract paths without computing explicitly the abstract system. In this scenario, IC3 operates only at the Boolean level of the abstract state space, discovering inductive clauses over the abstraction predicates. Theory reasoning is confined within the underlying SMT solver, and applied transparently when performing satisfiability checks. When the current abstraction allows for a spurious counterexample, it is refined by discovering and adding a sufficient set of new predicates. Importantly, this can be done in a completely incremental manner, without discarding the clauses found in the previous search. The proposed approach has two key advantages. First, unlike previous SMT generalizations of IC3, it allows to handle a wide range of background theories without relying on ad-hoc extensions, such as quantifier elimination or theory-specific clause generalization procedures, which might not always be available and are often highly inefficient. Second, compared to a direct exploration of the concrete transition system, the use of abstraction gives a significant performance improvement, as our experiments demonstrate.  相似文献   

Planning with abstraction is an act of finding an abstract plan that can be instantiated into a concrete plan for a given planning problem. It is very important for an abstract planning system to satisfy a property, calledDownward-Solution Property (DSP), that any abstract plan can always be instantiated into a concrete plan. J. D. Tenenberg has proposed a framework for constructing a planning system satisfying DSP. The system is constructed by abstracting operators under a givenpredicate mapping f to obtain abstract operators. Intuitively speaking, the predicate mapping corresponds to an inheritance hierarchy of concepts with which the planning is concerned. However, the condition for abstracting operators is so strong that there exist many cases whereonly a few abstract operators are obtained. Consequently, the system often generates only a very small abstract search space, and therefore fails to find a plan for a given problem at concrete level. The aim of this paper is to provide a new revised framework according to which we can construct a more flexible abstract planning system still preserving DSP. For this purpose, we introduce a notion ofpartial predicate mapping. Partial predicate mappings are computed from concrete operators andf. Intuitively, computing them corresponds to refiningf into mappings under which it is possible to obtain more number of abstract operators. Furthermore, some experimental results show that using our abstraction based on partial predicaate mappings is useful to improve planning efficiency.  相似文献   

We present a formal specification language and a formal verification logic for a simple object-oriented programming language. The language is applicative and statically typed, and supports subtyping and message-passing. The verification logic relies on a behavioral notion of subtyping that captures the intuition that a subtype behaves like its supertypes. We give a formal definition for legal subtype relations, based on the specified behavior of objects, and show that this definition is sufficient to ensure the soundness of the verification logic. The verification logic reflects the way programmers reason informally about object-oriented programs, in that it allows them to use static type information, which avoids the need to consider all possible run-time subtypes.The work of both authors was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8716884, and in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract N00014-89-J-1988. While a graduate student at MIT, Leavens was also supported in part by a GenRad/AEA Faculty Development Fellowship, and at ISU he has been partially supported by the ISU Achievement Foundation and by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-9108654  相似文献   

Combining predicate and numeric abstraction for software model checking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predicate (PA) and numeric (NA) abstractions are the two principal techniques for software analysis. In this paper, we develop an approach to couple the two techniques tightly into a unified framework via a single abstract domain called NumPredDom. In particular, we develop and evaluate four data structures that implement NumPredDom but differ in their expressivity and internal representation and algorithms. All our data structures combine BDDs (for efficient propositional reasoning) with data structures for representing numerical constraints. Our technique is distinguished by its support for complex transfer functions that allow two-way interaction between predicate and numeric information during state transformation. We have implemented a general framework for reachability analysis of C programs on top of our four data structures. Our experiments on non-trivial examples show that our proposed combination of PA and NA is more powerful and more efficient than either technique alone.  相似文献   

In a model-based testing approach as well as for the verification of properties, B models provide an interesting modeling solution. However, for industrial applications, the size of their state space often makes them hard to handle. To reduce the amount of states, an abstraction function can be used. The abstraction is often a domain abstraction of the state variables that requires many proof obligations to be discharged, which can be very time-consuming for real applications. This paper presents a contribution to this problem that complements an approach based on domain abstraction for test generation, by adding a preliminary syntactic abstraction phase, based on variable elimination. We define a syntactic transformation that suppresses some variables from a B event model, in addition to three methods that choose relevant variables according to a test purpose. In this way, we propose a method that computes an abstraction of a source model ${\mathsf{M}}$ according to a set of selected relevant variables. Depending on the method used, the abstraction can be computed as a simulation or as a bisimulation of ${\mathsf{M}}$ . With this approach, the abstraction process produces a finite state system. We apply this abstraction computation to a model-based testing process. We evaluate experimentally the impact of the model simplification by variables' elimination on the size of the models, on the number of proof obligations to discharge, on the precision of the abstraction and on the coverage achieved by the test generation.  相似文献   

谓词抽象是解决软件模型检查中状态空间爆炸的最有效方法之一,针对Java语言面向对象的特性,描述了一种对Java程序语言中间形式的谓词抽象算法,该算法将Java程序抽象成为布尔程序,抽象过程中处理的Java数据结构包括:赋值语句、条件语句、类对象引用、成员方法和方法调用等.用一个Java程序实例说明了该算法的抽象过程和结果.  相似文献   

Predicate abstraction refinement is one of the leading approaches to software verification. The key idea is to abstract the input program into a Boolean Program (i.e. a program whose variables range over the Boolean values only and model the truth values of predicates corresponding to properties of the program state), and refinement searches for new predicates in order to build a new, more refined abstraction. Thus Boolean programs are commonly employed as a simple, yet useful abstraction. However, the effectiveness of predicate abstraction refinement on programs that involve a tight interplay between data-flow and control-flow is still to be ascertained. We present a novel counterexample guided abstraction refinement procedure for Linear Programs with arrays, a fragment of the C programming language where variables and array elements range over a numeric domain and expressions involve linear combinations of variables and array elements. In our procedure the input program is abstracted w.r.t. a family of sets of array indices, the abstraction is a Linear Program (without arrays), and refinement searches for new array indices. We use Linear Programs as the target of the abstraction (instead of Boolean programs) as they allow to express complex correlations between data and control. Thus, unlike the approaches based on predicate abstraction, our approach treats arrays precisely. This is an important feature as arrays are ubiquitous in programming. We provide a precise account of the abstraction, Model Checking, and refinement processes, discuss their implementation in the EUREKA tool, and present a detailed analysis of the experimental results confirming the effectiveness of our approach on a number of programs of interest.  相似文献   

Summary We present a formal proof method for distributed programs. The semantics used to justify the proof method explicitly identifies equivalence classes of execution sequences which are equivalent up to permuting commutative operations. Each equivalence class is called an interleaving set or a run. The proof rules allow concluding the correctness of certain classes of properties for all execution sequences, even though such properties are demonstrated directly only for a subset of the sequences. The subset used must include a representative sequence from each interleaving set, and the proof rules, when applicable, guarantee that this is the case. By choosing a subset with appropriate sequences, simpler intermediate assertions can be used than in previous formal approaches. The method employs proof lattices, and is expressed using the temporal logic ISTL. Shmuel Katz received his B.A. in Mathematics and English Literature from U.C.L.A., and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science (1976) from the Weizmann Institute in Rechovot, Israel. From 1976 to 1981 he was at the IBM Israel Scientific Center. Presently, he is on the faculty of the Computer Science Department at the Technion in Haifa, Israel. In 1977–1978 he visited for a year at the University of California, Berkeley, and in 1984–1985 was at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been a consultant and visitor at the MCC Software Technology Program, and in 1988–1989 was a visiting scientist at the I.B.M. Watson Research Center. His research interests include the methodology of programming, specification methods, program verification and semantics, distributed programming, data structures, and programming languages. Doron Peled was born in 1962 in Haifa. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion, Israel in 1984 and 1987, respectively. Between 1987 and 1991 he did his military service. He also completed his D.Sc. degree in the Technion during these years. Dr. Peled was with the Computer Science department at Warwick University in 1991–1992. He is currently a member of the technical staff with AT & T Bell Laboratories. His main research interests are specification and verification of programs, especially as related to partial order models, fault-tolerance and real-time. He is also interested in semantics and topology.This research was carried out while the second author was at the Department of Computer Science, The Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel  相似文献   

Predicates appear in both the specification and implementation of a program. One approach to software testing, referred to as predicate testing, is to require certain types of tests for a predicate. In this paper, three fault-based testing criteria are defined for compound predicates, which are predicates with one or more AND/OR operators. BOR (boolean operator) testing requires a set of tests to guarantee the detection of (single or multiple) boolean operator faults, including incorrect AND/OR operators and missing/extra NOT operators. BRO (boolean and relational operator) testing requires a set of tests to guarantee the detection of boolean operator faults and relational operator faults (i.e., incorrect relational operators). BRE (boolean and relational expression) testing requires a set of tests to guarantee the detection of boolean operator faults, relational operator faults, and a type of fault involving arithmetical expressions. It is shown that for a compound predicate with n, n>0, AND/OR operators, at most n+2 constraints are needed for BOR testing and at most 2*n+3 constraints for BRO or BRE testing, where each constraint specifies a restriction on the value of each boolean variable or relational expression in the predicate. Algorithms for generating a minimum set of constraints for BOR, BRO, and BRE testing of a compound predicate are given, and the feasibility problem for the generated constraints is discussed. For boolean expressions that contain multiple occurrences of some boolean variables, how to combine BOR testing with the meaningful impact strategy (Weyuker et al., 1994) is described  相似文献   

Summary A verification system is developed for proving the correctness of programs containing procedures with procedure-type parameters. The system, which reduces programs and their specifications to assertions to be proved in ordinary logic, is shown to be logically sound. The reduction process is controlled by the syntax of the program and is completely mechanical, requiring no human intervention. The resulting assertions involve higher-order predicates, but they engender no significant difficulties which are not already present in ordinary first-order theories.Our system views the intermediate objects in the reduction process as extended programs, thereby making verification a much less abstruse process. Treating logical assertions as commands appeals strongly to a programmer's intuition.This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant MCS77-24236  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a method for testing computer programs with iteration loops. Given such programs, we have shown that for classes of program paths, identified as sequences of simple loop paths, there is a characterizing function called a simple loop pattern. The key idea of simple loop patterns is that these special functions form a base set which can represent any path computation in the given program. A software tool called SILOP has been developed to automatically generate these simple loop patterns, and each corresponding sequence of simple loop paths can be considered as a test case. The tester uses each test case, and with knowledge of the application program, can generate corresponding test data. This paper also presents a method for selecting the specific paths and test data to determine the simple loop pattern reliably. The tester can use this selection method to predict the number of tests required. In order to apply this selection method, the given program must be a linear computer program. The SILOP tool and this test selection method have been applied to commercial software; in this paper, this computational experience is reported and several examples are given to demonstrate the approach.  相似文献   

Lazy abstraction with interpolation-based refinement has been shown to be a powerful technique for verifying imperative programs. In presence of arrays, however, the method suffers from an intrinsic limitation, due to the fact that invariants needed for verification usually contain universally quantified variables, which are not present in program specifications. In this work we present an extension of the interpolation-based lazy abstraction framework in which arrays of unknown length can be handled in a natural manner. In particular, we exploit the Model Checking Modulo Theories framework to derive a backward reachability version of lazy abstraction that supports reasoning about arrays. The new approach has been implemented in a tool, called safari, which has been validated on a wide range of benchmarks. We show by means of experiments that our approach can synthesize and prove universally quantified properties over arrays in a completely automatic fashion.  相似文献   

Boolean and Cartesian abstraction for model checking C programs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show how to attack the problem of model checking a C program with recursive procedures using an abstraction that we formally define as the composition of the Boolean and the Cartesian abstractions. It is implemented through a source-to-source transformation into a Boolean C program; we give an algorithm to compute the transformation with a cost that is exponential in its theoretical worst-case complexity but feasible in practice.  相似文献   

A way to verify synchronous-automaton programs using the language of linear-time temporal logic with past-tense operators is proposed. The employment of the TempEst software tool is studied. The specification and checking of the properties are illustrated using the example of an alarm clock.  相似文献   

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