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The project for a new farmhouse at Ocean View presented an opportunity to continue to explore ideas about the experience of enclosure and its relationship with both the landscape and interior space. In addition to the climatic and other functional imperatives for shelter, the essence of human enclosure is the offer of some respite from the infinitely immense space of the world. Separating out a contained space from limitless space brings with it the questions inherent in making an ‘other’ world. The threshold is the place of transition and mediation between these worlds as well as a place with its own particular qualities. Landscape, the intermediary between infinite space and built enclosure, is also the source of sensory experience. Landscape is, in this way, a reference for both the occupant and the making of enclosure. Here, we reflect on our design process, and ideas and influences affecting the design.  相似文献   

The North London Artificial Recharge scheme, which comprises thirty-seven wells and boreholes, is designed to boost resources during a drought. All sources discharge groundwater either to the Lee Valley reservoirs or the New River during the abstraction, which avoids the need for expensive on-site water treatment and significantly enhances the cost effectiveness of the scheme. Fully treated drinking water provides the source of gravity-fed artificial-recharge water, via the normal distribution system.
This paper describes the strategy which was introduced in 1997, in response to a deteriorating water-resources situation. Abstraction occurred over a period of four months prior to the onset of autumnal winter rainfall. Daily abstraction rates peaked at 150 Ml/d, and a total of about 10 700 Ml were withdrawn.  相似文献   

壮观的英国航空公司伦敦眼,亦称为千年轮,是为了迎接新千年而建造的,一经建成即成为伦敦的标志和工程界的节日庆典。这个122米直径的世界上最大的观光轮是伦敦第四高建筑物,数百万人借助它欣赏了伦敦的胜景并为其本身所惊叹。由于严格的时间表,真正的泛欧洲六个国家的参与,受限制的现场和众多不寻常的技术挑战,伦敦眼的完成完全体现了有幸参与此项目的人员的最优秀的素质。本文将对伦敦眼做一简短介绍,主要介绍其结构和建造过程。  相似文献   

Do geographical agglomeration, growth and equity conflict?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Abstract.  The paper analyses the impact of economic integration on individual inequality and regional disparity in a model of endogenous growth and geography. Assuming localised learning externalities and perfect mobility of capital, trade integration of economies yields a trade-off for the policy maker because it increases growth and decreases inequality on the one hand, but geographical agglomeration strengthens on the other. However, a policy that aims to improve trade in ideas does not face this trade-off.
Abstract.  El artículo analiza el impacto de la integración económica en la inecualidad individual y la disparidad regional en un modelo de crecimiento endógeno y geografía. Asumiendo externalidades de aprendizaje localizadas y una perfecta movilidad de capitales, la integración de comercio de economías crea un trade-off para el formulador de políticas porque por un lado aumenta el crecimiento y disminuye la inecualidad, pero por otro aumenta la aglomeración geográfica. Sin embargo, una política que trate de mejorar un intercambio de ideas no se enfrenta a este trade-off .

Total (T-Hg) and organic (O-Hg) mercury concentrations and tissue distribution were examined in 20 species of cephalopods (n=278) from the north eastern Atlantic waters, i.e. from the Bay of Biscay to the Faroe Islands. Concentrations of T-Hg in whole cephalopods showed elevated variations among species, i.e. from 40 to 3560ng g(-1) dwt, but a low variability within each species (mean CV%=39%). With the exception of oceanic squids, the digestive gland globally displayed higher T-Hg concentrations than the remaining tissues. In contrast, O-Hg concentrations determined in selected species were generally higher in the remaining tissues. Despite higher T-Hg concentrations, the digestive gland weakly contributed to the total body burden of both T-Hg and O-Hg (<25% and <15%, respectively). In fact, from 75% to 95% of the T-Hg and O-Hg were contained in the muscular remaining tissues. Therefore, O-Hg may have a strong affinity to proteins in cephalopods. Sex and size only significantly influenced the bioaccumulation of Hg for the Loliginidae family. T-Hg and O-Hg concentrations were also influenced by geographical origin: Celtic Sea>Bay of Biscay>Faroe Islands, corresponding to the seawater Hg concentrations in these areas. In the Faroe Islands and the Celtic Sea, benthic cephalopods contained significant higher Hg concentrations compared to pelagic ones. This suggests that diet is not the main pathway of Hg uptake in cephalopods as pelagic species were expected to be more exposed to O-Hg through fish consumption than benthic ones.  相似文献   

种植园路是作为整个种植园不可分割的一部分而新建的一条步行街,种植园是由两幢新大楼组成的宽达一个街区的开发项目,该项目由Arup Associates负责,旨在加强伦敦市中心的金融业、保险业、法律和贸易的发展,新的步行街只有8m宽,以中世纪流行的遍布城市的小巷形式穿过楼房。  相似文献   

张险峰 《国外城市规划》2006,21(3):F0004-F0004
根据大伦敦法案,2000年大伦敦选举产生了第一任市长。伦敦市长主要负责交通、经济发展、警察、民防和消防、规划、环境等事务,协调大伦敦33个区(borough)的发展,但不负责各区的具体建设行为。  相似文献   

伦敦滑铁卢火车站国际站房工程建设受到欧洲和国际建筑界的普遍赞扬。它的成功在于它既反映出90年代的特点,又表现出英国传统火车站的建筑风格。它在伦敦老城中心区,妥善地解决了设计和施工的各种难题,获得了合理的功能流线和使用空间,保证在高峰时间每15分钟进出1500名旅客。该工程的建设对设计和施工都极具挑战性。  相似文献   

吴春花 《建筑技艺》2011,(3):182-185
2011年2月22日,伦敦自行车赛车场建成,成为2012奥林匹克运动会第一个建成的运动场馆,伦敦奥运交付管理局邀请英国著名自行车赛车手Chris Hoy,Victoria Pendleton与Jason Kenny,以及GB自行车队首先进行了新赛场的体验.  相似文献   

特拉法加广场改造是“世界广场”总体规划设计的一部分,其内容包括整体提升特拉法加广场、议会大厦广场(Parliament Square)、白厅(Whitehall)及伦敦市中心的城市环境,在改善步行系统的同时强调区域内建筑、纪念碑和空间的定位. 总体规划的范围位于被世界所熟知的区域.它包括世界文化遗产威斯敏斯特宫和教堂、国家级标志物大本钟、纳尔逊纪念碑(Nelson's Column)与和平纪念碑(the Cenotaph).然而尽管拥有这些文化遗产,这片区域并不能称得上“环境友好”:密集的车流使广场沦为路中的环岛,无法为伦敦人提供便利,也不能服务每年成千上万到访的游客.  相似文献   

Bruce Stewart describes how a patient and ever-persistent approach to planning have paid off for Archer Architects, the designers of a mixed-use housing scheme in the centre of London's Soho. The designers/ considered response to ‘community benefit’ and the existing urban fabric have enabled them to overcome the stalemate on a site that has suffered from ‘planners' blight’ since the 1970s. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对于将成为其新主场的阿联酋体育场,阿森纳俱乐部唯一的要求就是希望HOK体育将其建成一座世界上最美、最壮观的体育场,一个举办足球比赛的顶级场所。虽然原先那座以原创艺术品作装饰的体育场也曾引领潮流,但是在上世纪90年代中期,俱乐部还是作出体育场搬迁的决定。2006年建成的  相似文献   

温布利重建规划是伦敦的布伦特自治市的重点项目,现己竣工的新温布利体育场将各种世界级的赛事重新带回到温布利。2002年末,布伦特自治市发起“我心目中的新温布利”活动,人们对该项目寄予厚望,希望营造布伦特的社区中心.  相似文献   

有时,城市复兴中,采取真正大胆的姿态才能开启机遇。 Malory Clifford.Blackfriars投资公司CEO 我们并不是每天穿灰色的衣服——为什么我们要被灰色的建筑困住?  相似文献   

Charter码头是英国后工业时代的产物,这片工厂搬迁后废弃的工业用地被称为“棕色用地”。20世纪90年代后期,作为停车场的Charter码头区荒凉而破败,但因其位于泰晤士河边、临近Kingston市镇广场,所以具有较大的发展潜力。该地块可与小镇中心的南向建立联系,并在市镇广场与河边区域之间形成固定的人流,从而营造新的场所空间。因  相似文献   

这个如纸张般掀起一角的曲面结构,巧妙地构成一张接待桌,这是香港设计师Oval Design Ltd为展示香港印刷业所设计的展位的一部分.在伦敦皇家园艺会堂内,由中密度纤维包裹着钢制框架,屈曲而成为一条天蓝色隧道;人工与机械相配合,创造出极为丰富动人的视觉效果.艺术家即场使用喷漆将隧道内部漆成天蓝色,而预设了程式的灯光则在这个预制模件中,营造出由清晨到黄昏的气氛.  相似文献   

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