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Highly developed odor learning was shown in the terrestrial slug Limax maximus. In addition, several key cellular elements of the neural network that controls ingestive feeding have been identified. The results of 3 experiments demonstrate an interaction between odor input and ingestive feeding in that olfactory stimulation with behaviorally attractive odors summed with tactile stimulation from plain agar to produce ingestion of plain agar. Agar ingestion did not occur in the absence of attractive odor stimulation. The adequacy of odor stimulation to trigger agar ingestion was altered by associative learning. Innately attractive odors rendered repellant by associative learning no longer triggered agar ingestion, whereas innately repellent odors rendered attractive by conditioning triggered agar ingestion. The newly discovered feeding command cells in the Limax cerebral ganglion are a logical cellular locus for this interaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports on 3 experiments with Charles River rat pups. When milk infusions were made through oral cannulas in the front of their mouths, 1–20 day old Ss actively ingested the diet, and their intake was related to the length of deprivation. Ss decreased their ingestive responding after they had consumed large volumes of milk. In addition, 1-, 3-, and 6-day-old Ss, when 24-hr deprived, exhibited an intense behavioral activation in response to milk infusion. The behavioral activation appeared to be stimulated primarily by taste and the opportunity to swallow. Milk infusions did not produce activation in older Ss; their behavior was more exclusively ingestive and food directed. Results demonstrate that (a) from birth, rat pups are capable of an active form of ingestion, independent of normal suckling from the mother; (b) such ingestion is controlled by physiological factors; (c) food has arousing properties in young animals; and (d) as pups grow older, their ingestive responding is refined from a generalized and nondirected activation to specific and directed feeding responses. (57 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors have demonstrated in rats that the ingestion of hypertonic saline for 5 days provides an increasingly complex dehydrating stimulus to the rats. Initially, the stimulus leads to cellular dehydration, but extracellular dehydration develops as ingestion continues beyond 3 days. The initial cellular dehydration provokes modifications to corticotropin-releasing hormone and neurotensin/neuromedin N messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in some neurons of the limbic forebrain, changes that are either maintained or are modified as extracellular dehydration develops. These changes in mRNA content occur in neurosecretory neurons as well as in neurons in hypothalamic and telencephalic regions associated with behavior and autonomic regulation. The authors propose that alterations in peptide mRNAs are allied to altered neuronal signaling processes that direct the different components of the homeostatic response to dehydration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a study with 36 female albino Sprague-Dawley rats, parasagittal knife cuts along the lateral border of the hypothalamus which transected most of the fibers that enter or leave the hypothalamus laterally reproduced the full spectrum of effects on food intake seen after lateral hypothalamic lesions. Ss were aphagic and adipsic for weeks or months and remained unresponsive to physiological signals that normally regulate feeding and drinking, even after voluntary ingestive behavior returned. Ss did not respond to insulin or 2-deoxy-D-glucose treatments (which decrease blood sugar or glucose utilization) and showed only a small increase in intake when exposed to low environmental temperatures. Food consumption appeared to be governed primarily by the palatability of the diet. Ss also did not respond to NaCl or polyethylene glycol treatments (which result in cellular dehydration or extracellular hypovolemia) and returned to a state of adipsia when food was removed. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms underlying idiopathic dystonia are currently unknown. Genetic animal models, such as the dt(sz) hamster, a model of idiopathic paroxysmal dystonia, may be helpful to providing insights into the pathophysiology of this common movement disorder. Recent metabolic mapping studies in the hamster model, using 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography, demonstrated altered 2-deoxyglucose uptake in motor areas such as the striatum, ventral thalamic nuclei, red nucleus, and deep cerebellar nuclei, during dystonic attacks. Whereas the 2-deoxyglucose method is thought to reflect mainly acute alterations of synaptic activity, determination of cytochrome oxidase activity has been suggested as a method of choice to examine sustained baseline changes in neuronal activity. Therefore, in the present study quantitative cytochrome oxidase histochemistry was used to identify chronic regional alterations in the absence of dystonic attacks in mutant hamsters. For comparison with recent 2-deoxyglucose studies, cytochrome oxidase activity was also determined during a dystonic attack, which was induced by mild stress. Cytochrome oxidase was determined in 109 brain regions of dystonic hamsters and non-dystonic, age-matched control hamsters. In the absence of a dystonic attack, a tendency to decreased cytochrome oxidase activity was found in most brain regions, possibly due to retarded brain development in mutant hamsters. Significant decreases in cytochrome oxidase activity were found in motor areas and limbic structures, such as hippocampus, piriform cortex, fundus striatum, globus pallidus, substantia nigra pars reticulata, mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, ventral pallidum, and interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum. After induction of a dystonic attack, the trend of decreased cytochrome oxidase activity disappeared, except in globus pallidus and interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum. Although the significant alterations in cytochrome oxidase activity in the absence of a dystonic attack were moderate, the data are in line with previous findings in the mutant hamsters, indicating that dysfunctions of the basal ganglia and their output nuclei are involved in the dystonic condition. Altered neural activity in limbic structures, found in the absence of dystonic attacks in mutant hamsters, may contribute to the stress-susceptibility of the animals.  相似文献   

In a previous study, the voluntary ingestion of ethanol by rats was found to be associated with a discrete pattern of changes in functional activity that included the nucleus accumbens, medial prefrontal cortex, basolateral and central nuclei of the amygdala, as well as the ventral midbrain. Rats in this study, however, consumed a combination of ethanol in a sucrose vehicle. The purpose of the present experiment was to characterize the role of sucrose in determining the effects of orally self-administered ethanol using the quantitative autoradiographic 2-[14C]deoxyglucose (2DG) method for measurement of rates of local cerebral glucose utilization. A modified sucrose-substitution procedure was employed to train three groups of Wistar rats to self-administer either water, 10% ethanol (10E), or a 10% ethanol/2% sucrose solution (10E/2S) in daily sessions. An additional group of rats was trained using a modified acclimation procedure (home cage) in order to determine if any exposure to sucrose would alter rates of glucose utilization. Once stable rates of consumption were established, the 2DG method was applied immediately following completion of the final test session. Rats received a dose of ethanol equivalent to 0.5 g kg-1 on the day of the procedure or a comparable volume of water. Rates of energy metabolism were significantly increased in all three groups of rats that consumed ethanol (10E/2S, 10E, and home cage), as compared to rates in rats that consumed water. The areas of significant change included the rostral pole and posterior shell of the nucleus accumbens, medial prefrontal cortex, the basolateral and central nuclei of the amygdala, the ventral tegmental area, and the substantia nigra pars compacta. Thus, the pattern of changes in functional brain activity that accompanies voluntary ingestion of ethanol is independent of the vehicle in which the ethanol is presented or the procedures used to initiate consumption. Furthermore, these data demonstrate that it is the simultaneous activation of an interrelated network of limbic brain regions that serves as the substrate of the effects of ethanol self-administration.  相似文献   

The adult facial nerve contains the axons from two populations of efferent neurons. First, the branchiomotor efferent neurons that innervate the muscles of the second arch. These neurons project out of the hindbrain in the motor root and form the facial motor nuclei. Second, the preganglionic efferent neurons that innervate the submandibular and pterygopalatine ganglia. These neurons project from the hindbrain via the intermediate nerve and form the superior salivatory nucleus. The motor neurons of the facial nerve are known to originate within rhombomeres 4 and 5. In the kreisler mouse mutant there is a specific disruption of the hindbrain rhombomeres 5 and 6 appear to be absent. To investigate changes in the organization of the facial motor neurons in this mutant, we have used lipophilic dyes to trace the facial motor components both retrogradely and anterogradely. As expected, facial motor neurons are missing from rhombomere 5 in this mutant. In addition, the loss of these neurons correlates with the specific loss of the superior salivatory nucleus. In contrast, the branchiomeric neurons, that originate in rhombomere 4, appear to develop normally. This includes the caudal migration of their cell bodies forming the genu of the facial nerve. Our studies confirm that rhombomeres are critical to hindbrain development and that they are the fundamental unit at which motor neurons are specified.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic techniques using the radiolabeled glucose analog [14C]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) were used to map the functional activity in the CNS during drinking behavior. Rats were trained to drink water during a 1-h session each day. Half of the rats were injected with FDG and allowed to drink, while the other half were satiated prior to FDG injection. Uptake of FDG for drinking and control groups of rats was quantified in 60 brain structures from frontal cortex to cervical spinal cord. The largest percent increase in activity (96%) during drinking was in the lateral hypothalamus. Limbic structures with significant metabolic increases included the lateral septum (48%), lateral habenula (44%), and nucleus accumbens (32%). Thalamic nuclei activated included intralaminar (60%), zona incerta (51%), ventroposteromedial (50%), anterior ventral (47%), and dorsal medial (40%). Other structures with increases were the caudal caudate nucleus (53%) and the spinal trigeminal nucleus (45%). The findings were interpreted in light of related metabolic mapping studies of the effects of orofacial stimulation, dehydration, ingestion, arousal, and reward. It was concluded that this FDG study revealed primarily the involvement of structures linked to rewarding and arousal components of motivated drinking behavior, as well as sensorimotor correlates of the orofacial stimulation. The findings provide the first comprehensive functional map of brain systems related to drinking behavior in adult animals.  相似文献   

Lesions in the gustatory zone of the parabrachial nuclei (PBN) severely impair acquisition of a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) in rats. To test whether this deficit has a memorial basis, 15 intact rats and 10 rats with PBN lesions (PBNX) received 7 intraoral taste stimulus infusions (30 sec, 0.5 ml) distributed over a 30.5-min period after either LiCl or NaCl injection. This task measures the rapid formation of a CTA and has minimum demands on memory. LiCl-injected intact rats progressively changed their oromotor response profiles from one of ingestion to one of aversion. NaCl-injected intact rats did not change their ingestive pattern of responding. In contrast, there was no difference between LiCl- and NaCl-injected PBNX rats. These same PBNX rats failed to avoid licking the taste stimulus when tested in a different paradigm. A simple impairment in a memorial process is not likely the basis for the CTA deficit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Opioid antagonists block the positive hedonic response to food taste and are potent inhibitors of palatability-driven feeding. However, the specific brain regions within which opioid peptide secretion contributes to the maintenance of palatability-driven feeding have not been clearly established. In the present study, c-Fos immunohistochemistry was used to identify regions rostral to the hindbrain that display cellular activation in response to a palatable meal and the meal-paired environment. Further, it was determined whether any of the cellular responses could be prevented by pretreating animals with naltrexone. Twenty brain regions known to be involved in gustation, appetite and reward functions were examined. Ingestion of the palatable meal (3.0 g of 30% shortening, 20% sucrose and 50% powdered Purina rat chow) increased Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in lateral hypothalamus (LH), ventral tegmentum (VTA) and medial preoptic area (MPOA), and decreased FLI in the habenula (Hab). The meal-paired environment increased FLI in the VTA and nucleus accumbens shell (NAC shell). Naltrexone (1.0 mg/kg, i.p.) did not block consumption of the small meal but did prevent all of the distinctive increases in FLI induced by the meal and meal-paired environment. Since naltrexone, alone, increased FLI in VTA, NAC shell, central amygdala (ceA) and laterodorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTLD), the blunting of ingestion reward by naltrexone may result from direct or transsynaptic activating effects on opponent neuronal activity within this highly interconnected set of structures that mediate and modulate reward.  相似文献   

Determined with Charles River rat pups in 3 experiments that terry-cloth texture, home odor, and the presence of siblings modulated Ss' ingestive behavior. Unlike warmth, which affected ingestion in pups until at least 15 days of age, the relative importance of other cues varied with age. At 3 days, ingestion was dependent on warmth but was not influenced by the other cues. At 6 days, texture and home odor enhanced ingestive behavior (intake, activity, mouthing, and probing), but the presence of siblings had no effect. Home odor or terry-cloth texture did not alter the ingestive behavior of 12-day-olds, but the presence of siblings enhanced milk intake. Thus, during development, the external sensory controls for ingestion became progressively more complex. Warmth served as a primary permissive cue for ingestion, but as Ss grew older, such other cues as odor, texture, or social stimuli also gained significance. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The underlying brain injury that leads to autism has been difficult to identify. The diagnostic criteria of the disease are not readily associated with any brain region or system, nor are they mimicked by vascular accidents, tumors, or degenerative neurological diseases occurring in adults. Fortuitously, a recent report of autism induced by thalidomide exposure provides evidence that the disease originates by an injury at the time of closure of the neural tube. The human data suggest that the initiating lesion includes the motor cranial nerve nuclei. To test this hypothesis, we first examined motor nuclei in the brainstem of a human autistic case. The autopsy brain exhibited near-complete absence of the facial nucleus and superior olive along with shortening of the brainstem between the trapezoid body and the inferior olive. A similar deficit has been reported in Hoxa-1 gene knockout mice in which pattern formation of the hindbrain is disrupted during neurulation. Alternatively, exposure to antimitotic agents just after neural tube closure could produce the observed pattern of deficits. Thus, the lesions observed in the autopsy case appear to match those predicted by the thalidomide cases in both time of origin and central nervous system (CNS) location. To produce similar brain lesions experimentally, we exposed rat embryos to valproic acid, a second teratogen newly linked to autism. Dams received 350 mg/kg of valproic acid (VPA) on day 11.5 (the day of neural tube closure), day 12, or day 12.5 gestation. Each treatment significantly reduced the number of motor neurons counted in matched sections of the earliest-forming motor nuclei (V, XII), and progressively later exposures affected the VIth and IIIrd cranial nerve nuclei. All treatments spared the facial nucleus, which forms still later. Counts from the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and the locus ceruleus were not affected by exposure to VPA, even though these nuclei form during the period when exposure occurred. Despite its effects on the motor nuclei, valproic acid exposure did not alter the further development of the brain in any obvious way. Treated animals were robust and had no external malformations. The autopsy data and experimental data from rats confirm that CNS injuries occurring during or just after neural tube closure can lead to a selective loss of neurons derived from the basal plate of the rhombencephalon. The results add two new lines of evidence that place the initiating injury for autism around the time of neural tube closure.  相似文献   

The effects of repeated oral stimulation on ingestive responding were investigated in adult rats. A series of brief intraoral infusions of flavored diet was delivered to female rats once every minute through an oral cannula. When the flavor of the infused diet remained constant, significant decreases in mouthing behavior were observed by the end of testing, whereas switching the flavor of the diet during testing resulted in enhanced responding and infusions delivered through gastric cannulas produced minimal effects. Patterns of oral responding were also similar in food-restricted rats. These patterns of responding suggest that adult rats habituate to oral stimulation. Finally, oral habituation led to decreased ingestion, whereas gastric infusions had minimal effects. Thus, oral habituation may represent a mechanism influencing intake in rats at all ages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analysis of neural interactions explains the activation of occipital cortex by an auditory stimulus. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 2790-2796, 1998. Large-scale neural interactions were characterized in human subjects as they learned that an auditory stimulus signaled a visual event. Once learned, activation of left dorsal occipital cortex (increased regional cerebral blood flow) was observed when the auditory stimulus was presented alone. Partial least-squares analysis of the interregional correlations (functional connectivity) between the occipital area and the rest of the brain identified a pattern of covariation with four dominant brain areas that could have mediated this activation: prefrontal cortex (near Brodmann area 10, A10), premotor cortex (A6), superior temporal cortex (A41/42), and contralateral occipital cortex (A18). Interactions among these regions and the occipital area were quantified with structural equation modeling to identify the strongest sources of the effect on left occipital activity (effective connectivity). Learning-related changes in feedback effects from A10 and A41/42 appeared to account for this change in occipital activity. Influences from these areas on the occipital area were initially suppressive, or negative, becoming facilitory, or positive, as the association between the auditory and visual stimuli was acquired. Evaluating the total effects within the functional models showed positive influences throughout the network, suggesting enhanced interactions may have primed the system for the now-expected visual discrimination. By characterizing both changes in activity and the interactions underlying sensory associative learning, we demonstrated how parts of the nervous system operate as a cohesive network in learning about and responding to the environment.  相似文献   

Lurcher mutant mice are characterized by massive degeneration of cerebellar Purkinje cells and granule cells and by deficits in motor coordination. Regional brain variations of cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity were analyzed to identify those brain regions with abnormal metabolic activity as a secondary consequence of the cerebellar atrophy and to establish the relationship between CO activity and motor deficits. Lurcher mutants had higher CO activity in all three cerebellar deep nuclei than normal littermate controls of the same background strain. Higher CO activity was also found in Lurcher mutants in brain regions directly connected to the cerebellum, such as the lateral vestibular nucleus, the cochlear nucleus, the red nucleus, the ventrolateral thalamus, the dorsal raphe, the interpeduncular nucleus, and the inferior colliculus. By contrast, there was a sharp decrease in CO activity in the inferior olive. As for brain regions not directly connected to the cerebellum, higher CO activity was observed in the trigeminal motor nucleus and the CA1 molecular layer of the hippocampus, which highlights probable transsynaptic alterations as a secondary consequence of cerebellar atrophy. A positive correlation between CO activity in the red nucleus and latencies before falling in two motor-coordination tests indicates that a compensatory increase of metabolic activity in a cerebellar efferent region is associated with improved behavior.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the corpus callosum in the expression of functional brain asymmetries, we compared left and right uptake of [14C]2-deoxyglucose in 43 brain regions measured in 10 C57B1/6 mice with a normal corpus callosum and in 12 congenitally acallosal mice, after 45 min of free activity in a novel, large open-field arena. The metabolic patterns across the brain appeared to be similar in the two groups of mice, as well as the average direction of asymmetry in tracer incorporation, which was higher at right in most of the brain regions for both acallosals and controls. However, the direction of the metabolic asymmetries of any given region was not consistent across individual animals. The largest asymmetries were found in the central auditory nuclei in both groups of mice, with extreme values in some acallosals. Significantly larger asymmetries were found in acallosal mice for the brain and the cortex as a whole, as well as for the lateral geniculate and pretectal nuclei, the olfactory tubercles, and retrosplenial, infrarhinal and perirhinal cortices. The metabolic asymmetries of the thalamic sensory nuclei were correlated with the asymmetries of the corresponding sensory cortical fields in the acallosal, but not in control mice. On the other hand, asymmetries of the cortical regions were largely intercorrelated in control mice, resulting in a general activation of one hemisphere over the other, while in acallosals they were more independent, resulting in a "patchy" pattern of cortical asymmetries. These results suggest that callosal agenesis, combined with the occurrence of ipsilateral Probst bundles, leads to a loss of co-ordination in the activation of different sensory and motor areas. The impaired co-ordination might then be distributed through cortico-subcortical loops, resulting in larger asymmetries throughout the brain. Thus, a normal corpus callosum appears to balance and synchronize metabolic brain activity, perhaps by smoothing the effects of asymmetrically activated ascending systems.  相似文献   

The discovery and development of information surrounding the retinoic acid receptors (RAR and RXR) has ushered in a new era in understanding the molecular mechanism of action of vitamin A in embryonic development and cellular differentiation. The mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression by the retinoids is at least partially known and involves binding of the RAR and RXR to retinoic acid response elements. Additional factors, including coregulatory proteins, associated regulatory elements, and cell-specific factors, may also be involved in determining the specificity of retinoid-regulation of gene expression during development. During embryogenesis, retinoids are required for the development of the posterior hindbrain and its associated structures, as well as for the survival and differentiation of certain classes of neurons and neural crest cell derivatives. At least some of the effects of retinoid on hindbrain development are related to the regulation of Hox gene expression. Additional retinoid-regulated genes have been implicated in nervous system development, and the manner in which they lead to phenotypic changes during embryogenesis remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The functional consequences of acute cocaine administration in nonhuman primates were assessed using the quantitative 2-[14C]deoxyglucose method. Local rates of cerebral metabolism were determined after an intravenous infusion of 1.0 mg/kg cocaine or vehicle in six awake cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) trained to sit calmly in a primate chair. Cocaine administration decreased glucose utilization in a discrete set of structures that included both cortical and subcortical portions of the limbic system. Glucose metabolism in the core and shell of the nucleus accumbens was decreased markedly, and smaller decrements were observed in the caudate and anterior putamen. In addition, cocaine administration produced significant decreases in limbic cortex. Metabolism was decreased in orbitofrontal cortex (areas 11, 12o, 13, 13a, 13b), portions of the gyrus rectus including area 25, entorhinal cortex, and parts of the hippocampal formation. The cortical regions in which functional activity was altered provide dense projections to the nucleus accumbens, and the decreased activity in these projections may be responsible in part of the large alterations in functional activity within the ventral striatum. Decreased metabolism also was evident in the anterior nuclear group of the thalamus, raphe nuclei, and locus ceruleus. The acute cerebral metabolic effects of cocaine in the conscious macaque, therefore, were contained primarily within a set of interconnected limbic regions, including ventral prefrontal cortex, medial temporal regions, the ventral striatal complex, and anterior thalamus. The decreased rates of glucose metabolism reported here resemble decrements found using positron emission tomography in humans. In the rat, by contrast, metabolic activity increased and changes were focused in subcortical regions. The present results represent an important expansion of the neural circuitry on which cocaine acts in the monkey as compared with the rat, and this in turn implies that cocaine affects a broader spectra of behaviors in primates than in rodents.  相似文献   

Modafinil is a novel wake-promoting compound for which the mechanism and sites of action are unknown. We examined the neural substrates in the brain for the actions of modafinil using 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography and compared the findings to those obtained with amphetamine. Modafinil showed a relatively restricted pattern of changes in brain regional metabolic activity, while amphetamine altered glucose utilization in a wide variety of brain regions. Both modafinil and amphetamine increased glucose utilization in all subregions of the hippocampus (subiculum, CA1-CA3 and dentate gyrus) and in the centrolateral nucleus of the thalamus. Modafinil also increased glucose utilization in the central nucleus of the amygdala, but amphetamine had no effect in this region. Brain structures in which amphetamine increased metabolic rate but modafinil had no effect included regions of the basal ganglia, other nuclei of the thalamus, the frontal cortex, the nucleus accumbens, the ventral tegmental area and the pontine reticular fields. These findings suggest that, while both modafinil and amphetamine promote wakefulness, they act via distinctly different mechanisms. Modafinil appears to act on a specific subset of brain pathways which regulate sleep and wakefulness, whereas amphetamine affects a greater number of cerebral structures involved in the regulation of these behavioral states. Modafinil also lacks the pronounced effects on the extrapyramidal motor system which are characteristic of amphetamine and other psychomotor stimulants, implying that the effects of modafinil are not mediated by the dopamine system and that modafinil may selectively increase wakefulness with fewer side effects.  相似文献   

To separate the role of changes in parathyroid diacylglycerol (DG) from other effects of extracellular calcium, we studied the effect of inhibition of DG metabolism on PTH secretion and cellular DG content in acutely dispersed bovine parathyroid cells. R 59 022, an inhibitor of DG kinase, increased cellular DG, but significantly decreased PTH secretion. Particulate protein kinase C (PKC) activity decreased in bovine parathyroid cells incubated at high extracellular calcium or in the presence of R 59 022, which is the opposite of what was observed in the presence of the phorbol ester, phorbol myristate acetate. Sphinganine, a normal cellular product that is a known inhibitor of PKC, significantly inhibited PTH secretion at low extracellular calcium, but had no significant effect at normal or high extracellular calcium. We then measured sphingosine in bovine parathyroid cells incubated with high extracellular calcium or R 59 022. Both conditions were associated with significant elevations of cellular sphingosine. These studies suggest that inhibition of PTH secretion and PKC activity by enhanced cellular DG may result from the activation of an inhibitory second messenger pathway involving the sphingoid lipids.  相似文献   

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