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Discusses efforts made by the US Congress in the late 1970's and early 1980's to explore the extent to which those seeking psychotherapeutic services could be assured that the care they would receive would be beneficial. It is contended that psychology, psychiatry, and the mental health field have presented few summary statements to guide the educated consumer or enlightened 3rd-party payers in decision making about mental health care. The mental health field is still young, and there has been insufficient time to evaluate the efficacy of all forms of therapy for all the problems for which patients/clients seek help. But the knowledge gained from clinical experience can be used in a tentative fashion to direct more rigorous empirical investigation. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the tremendous growth that has occurred in the number of mental health providers, the rate of use of mental health services, and public and private reimbursement for mental health care. Governmental policymakers and leading insurance officials continue to seek information regarding the appropriateness and efficacy of specific psychotherapeutic techniques with various types of presenting problems. The efforts during the Carter administration to stimulate additional efficacy research and knowledge synthesis regarding the efficacy of psychotherapy are described. A public policy proposal is forwarded that no form of health intervention—physical or mental—should be supported through 3rd-party reimbursement and publicly supported training programs unless it has been demonstrated to be safe and effective. It is argued that randomized controlled clinical trials should be viewed as the most valid, though not exclusive, source of evidence. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Taxing health.     
Discusses a federal proposal that would limit the amount of health insurance an employer could provide tax free to employees. This could lead to the elimination of cost-effective health benefits such as mental health coverage, drug and alcohol abuse programs, and other preventive care services. The proposal threatens health security and is unlikely to provide additional tax revenues for the government. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of psychologists as health care providers and the parameters of reimbursement for health care services are timely and controversial issues. A landmark decision was reached in this controversy in the 1980 appeal of a Virginia suit by clinical psychologists in which the court ruled that Blue Shield's refusal to directly reimburse psychologists was a violation of antitrust law. Thus, the requirement that psychologists bill through physicians was not upheld. In recent years a specific aspect of this controversy involved psychologists' roles in potential national health insurance programs. A limited study (appearing in the "National Register of Health Services Providers in Psychology" 1976-1978) of clinical psychologists' attitudes toward national health insurance suggests that Congress and psychologists may have disparate views. In addition to favoring national health insurance, over 85% of psychologists surveyed responded that consumers would benefit from such a program with mental health coverage. Only 16% agreed that such a program would constitute a subsidy of the rich by the poor (Albee, 1977). Several areas of conflicting or confusing responses in this study may reflect legitimate reasons for concern by Congress regarding institution of national health insurance. Belief that providers would benefit from mental health coverage in a national health insurance program was shared by 80% of respondents. Ninety-five percent of respondents identified the inclusion or exclusion of clinical psychologists in such a national health insurance as affecting the future of the profession. Curiously, over 50% of respondents agreed that primary care physicians should be reimbursed for mental health services, although such physicians have received no formal training in psychological services. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act required the EPA to institute new pollution control technology requirements for industrial sources of air pollution. In part because agreement could not be reached on the best way for the EPA to determine whether any significant risks to human health will remain after the technology controls are in place, the amendments also created a Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management and gave the commission a broad mandate to review and make recommendations concerning risk assessment and risk management in federal regulatory programs. In its March 1997 final report to Congress and the administration, the commission recommended a tiered approach to assessing such residual risks. That approach included the idea that when decisions about managing residual risks are made, emissions should be evaluated in the context of other sources of air pollution. Evaluating risks in their larger contexts is consistent with what the commission called a public health approach to environmental risk management. This paper describes the public health approach and how it applies to evaluating residual risks under the Clean Air Act.  相似文献   

Examines the shortage in the US of personnel who are trained in child mental health care that results in underservice to children, youth, and families. Doctoral programs offering specialty training are in short supply, as are pediatric psychology training programs. In addition, many clinical psychology programs are ill-equipped to offer curriculae for the development of skills and knowledge bases required by child psychologists. It is concluded that a training conference is needed to communicate the issues involved in this mental health provider crisis if children are to have access to psychological services. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article discusses the current federal role in the collection of information about the mental health problems of children and the provision of mental health services to children. It also describes the federal programs that help finance mental health services, support their coordination, and provide funding for research and training of mental health researchers and clinicians. Recent changes in federal policy are also described. This article, and the Office of Technology Assessment report on which it is based, conclude that although it is in some ways considerable, the federal role in providing mental health services to children is fragmented. This lack of cohesive policies toward children and across service programs may create difficulties for those who would move public policy toward the continuum of care that many observers conclude is needed to address children's mental health needs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines our current mental health care system, and what can be done to expand this current system. It focuses on the mental health needs of our children, and makes some suggestions to improve their care. Some things discussed are putting more mental health professionals in schools, affordable and convenient treatment options for parents, and flexible treatment arrangements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in the de facto system of mental health care in the last decade reflect organizational and entrepreneurial responsiveness to changes in health policy, not mental health policy. Various other actions described here reduced statutory or institutional leadership roles in mental health and increased the pace at which mental health policy was becoming dependent on health policy. In turn, US health policy in the 20th century has been inherently flawed. The short-term general hospital, the "doctors' workshop," emphasizing acute care and surgery, has been the cornerstone of US health policy throughout the 20th century. The mimicry of health services by mental health leads to demonstrably more expensive and less effective mental health care and dooms mental health policy to failure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Is health care reform dead in the US? It may be, if the reception given President Clinton's reform plan and a proposal for a single-payer program in California is any indication. There has been a dramatic move to the right south of the border, where people have lined up to oppose "big government" and additional government programs. Still, American proponents of a single-payer program similar to Canada's insist that the battle for reform is not yet over.  相似文献   

Improvement of the quality in health care and the assessment of health outcomes of medical technologies have attracted an increasing attention in the implementation phases. In this paper 10 recent evaluation studies are reviewed to investigate to what extent they reflect the structure, process, and outcome of the conceptual framework. It is found that all the evaluation studies focus on structure measures. But if computer programs to support medical decision making are to be considered in the planning process of the health care system, the evaluation studies must strive to evaluate process and outcomes measures as well. A proposal for a framework for this kind of exploratory and evaluative research is outlined.  相似文献   

The author responds to L. I. Sank's (1997) proposal that an effective way to oppose the continuing growth of managed behavioral health care is to lodge professional ethics complaints against licensed behavioral health professionals acting as case managers. The author argues that this is not only a patently ineffective strategy, it also ignores the obvious—that no amount of effort by behavioral health professionals can turn back the clock and reimpose the fee-for-service system apparently favored by a majority of professionals in independent practice. It would behoove psychologists and other mental health professionals, then, to acknowledge the contributions of managed care to clinical and fiscal accountability as well as the problems arising from managed care models and methods of implementation. More important, they should consider what they can do to influence the shape of the service delivery systems of the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Even among comprehensive local public mental health systems, there remain large gaps in continuity of care following discharge from inpatient settings. The authors describe a modification of the assertive community treatment (ACT) program model that links inpatients to ongoing community-based care, and provide preliminary evidence of its effectiveness as a component in a rationally organized comprehensive system of care. Given the recent trend toward managed Medicaid arrangements, there will be increased pressure to reduce clients' length of stay in ACT programs. State mental health authorities are cautioned to resist allowing managed care contractors to radically change the conditions under which ACT programs operate until there is greater evidence of the effectiveness of alternative approaches.  相似文献   

Reviews federal legislative trends in mental health services for the elderly under the Reagan administration. The consolidation of 21 health programs into 4 block grants is considered for its impact on elderly mental health care, and Congress's support of important programs such as clinical training, social research, and research on Alzheimer's disease is discussed. Severe limitations for reimbursement of mental health care under Medicare are considered. It is concluded that Community Mental Health Centers under the Reagan administration will further limit non-revenue-producing services such as prevention, consultation, and education as they exhaust their 8-yr federal funding support, and it is unlikely that Medicaid will increase its coverage of services for the mentally ill. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The problem of attrition from mental health care programs before such services begin is poorly understood. The present research has identified several variables which predict first appointment cancellations for Oregon involuntary commitment petitioners in behalf of potential clients. The value of such variables is discussed in terms of petitioner attrition from involuntary commitment programs, mental health needs of those petitioning for the involuntary commitment of "allegedly mentally ill" persons, increased mental health program efficiency, and economic benefits for underbudgeted and understaffed mental health care programs. Recommendations to improve community mental health programs in general, and involuntary commitment programs in particular are presented.  相似文献   

Mental health professionals often fail to recognize organizational phenomena which are significant to delivery of services. A current shift in service delivery is the move away from residential care to prevention programs. Rather than seeing this as the result of "new discoveries", the shift is viewed as an outcome of organizational developments. It is suggested that community mental health programs are produced by an institution having resources in excess of stabilized demands for treatment technology. This process of organizational diversification may have the surprising result of creating greater tendencies toward custodial treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In April 2002, the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health was created by executive order to study the mental health care delivery system in our nation and to make recommendations for improvements so that individuals with serious mental disorders can live, work, learn, and fully participate in their homes and communities. In its report, "Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America," the commission provided strategies to address critical infrastructure, practice, and research issues. This article focuses on the work of the commission's Subcommittee on Children and Families, describing its vision for mental health service delivery for children and providing suggestions for strengthening community-based care for youths with or at risk of behavioral health disorders. Training, research, practice, and policy implications for psychologists are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Managed care was intended to save money by eliminating unnecessary services. However, for both physical medicine and mental health care, it is easier to save money by simply cutting needed services. This is what is happening in managed care in the US today. However, data exist for arriving at reasonable procedures to provide real help and still be cost-conscious, a fact that is being ignored by managed care companies. The German national health system covers up to 300 sessions of psychotherapy if needed, but only 3% of their outpatient medical costs are used for such psychotherapy. Unfortunately, the American managed care systems aim at short-term cost savings, even if it means higher costs in the long run (or making patients go outside the managed care health plan for help or forgo getting psychological help at all). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four meanings of medical necessity have emerged, evolved, and dominated past and current health policy debates about the appropriate level of service coverage under Canada's health insurance program. To explore the shift in definition, provincial government and national health care association position papers responding to federal legislative and policy reviews of Canada's health insurance program from 1957 to 1984 were examined, as were more current reports on medical necessity. Four meanings of medical necessity predominated: "what doctors and hospitals do"; "the maximum we can afford"; "what is scientifically justified"; and "what is consistently funded across all provinces." These meanings changed with time as different stakeholder associations and governments redefined the concept of medical necessity to achieve different policy objectives for health service coverage under Canada's health insurance program.  相似文献   

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