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Ibogaine (Endabuse) is a psychoactive indole alkaloid found in the West African shrub, Tabernanthe iboga. This drug interrupts cocaine and amphetamine abuse and has been proposed for treatment of addiction to these stimulants. However, the mechanism of action that explains its pharmacological properties is unclear. Since previous studies demonstrated differential effects of psychotomimetic drugs (cocaine and methamphetamine) on neuropeptides such as neurotensin (NT), the present study was designed to determine: (1) the effects of ibogaine on striatal, nigral, cortical, and accumbens neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI); (2) the effects of selective dopamine antagonists on ibogaine-induced changes in NT concentrations in these brain areas; and (3) the effects of ibogaine pretreatment on cocaine-induced changes in striatal, nigral, cortical and accumbens NTLI content. Ibogaine treatments profoundly affected NT systems by increasing striatal, nigral, and accumbens NTLI content 12 h after the last drug administration. In contrast, NTLI concentrations were not significantly increased in the frontal cortex after ibogaine treatment. The ibogaine-induced increases in NTLI in striatum, nucleus accumbens and substantia nigra were blocked by coadministration of the selective D1 receptor antagonist, SCH 23390. The D2 receptor antagonist, eticlopride, blocked the ibogaine-induced increase in nigral NTLI, but not in striatum and nucleus accumbens. Ibogaine pretreatment significantly blocked the striatal and nigral increases of NTLI resulting from a single cocaine administration. Whereas many of the responses by NT systems to ibogaine resembled those which occur after cocaine, there were also some important differences. These data suggest that NT may contribute to an interaction between ibogaine and the DA system and may participate in the pharmacological actions of this drug.  相似文献   

This work utilizes proteoliposomes reconstituted with renal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase to study effects of electrical potential (40-80 mV) on activation of pump-mediated fluxes of Na+ or Rb+ (K+) ions and on inhibitory effects of Rb+ ions or organic cations. The latter include guanidinium derivatives that are competitive Na(+)-like antagonists (David, P., Mayan, H., Cohen, H., Tal, D. M., and Karlish, S.J.D. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 1141-1149). Cytoplasmic side-positive diffusion potentials significantly decreased the K0.5 of Na+ at the cytoplasmic surface for activation of ATP-dependent Na(+)-K+ exchange but did not affect the inhibitory potency of Rb+ (K+) or any Na(+)-like antagonist. Diffusion potentials did not affect activation of Rb(+)-Rb+ exchange by Rb+ ions at the cytoplasmic surface and had only a minor effect on Rb+ activation at the extracellular surface. Previously, we proposed that the cation binding domain consists of two negatively charged sites, to which two K+ or two Na+ ions bind, and one neutral site for the third Na+ (Glynn, I. M., and Karlish, S.J.D. (1990) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 59, 171-205). The present experiments suggest that binding of a Na+ ion in the neutral site at the cytoplasmic surface is sensitive to voltage. By contrast, binding of Rb+ ions at the extracellular surface of renal pumps appears to be only weakly or insignificantly affected by voltage. Inferences on the identity of the charge-carrying steps, based on experiments using proteoliposomes, are discussed in relation to recent evidence that dissociation of Na+ or association of K+ ions, at the extracellular surface, represent the major charge-carrying steps.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Validation a self-administered form used by patients to record their food intake and compare the recorded data with the observed intake. DESIGN: Data were obtained from an unselected cross-sectional group of hospitalized patients. SUBJECTS: Forty-five adult men and women volunteered to participate. Five of these dropped out. METHODS: Observed intake at breakfast, lunch and dinner was obtained by recording the servings of food before they were served to the patients and subtracting weighed leftovers. At meal times the patients recorded food items eaten in fractions of amount served to the nearest 25%. SETTING: Inpatients from five different wards at Rikshospitalet, Oslo. RESULTS: There was a significant under-reporting of the number of foods served (P < 0.005) resulting in a significant underestimation of energy 231 kJ (P < 0.02). There was good agreement between the patients and the observers for the portions of most foods (Kappa 0.44-0.92, P < 0.00001). The differences in amount had little influence on the difference in total energy. The difference in number of foods correlated with the difference in energy (r = 0.68, P < 0.001) and with the difference in protein (r = 0.50, P < 0.01). Patients with an underestimation of energy above 20% had forgotten seven or more food items. CONCLUSIONS: For most patients, the self-administered form adapted to the hospital menu appears to have acceptable validity, but for some patients it was unacceptable, mainly owing to food items being omitted and not because of incorrect estimate of amounts of food.  相似文献   

In Na(+)- and K(+)-free solution, an inward-directed current can be detected in Xenopus oocytes, which is inhibited by cardiac glycosides and activated by ATP. Therefore, it is assumed to be generated by the Na+,K+ pump. At negative membrane potentials, the pump current increases with more negative potentials and with increasing [H+] in the external medium. This current is not observed when Mg2+ instead of Ba2+ is the only divalent cation present in the bath medium, and it does not depend on whether Na+ or K+ is present internally. At 5 to 10 mM Na+ externally, maximum pump-generated current is obtained while no current can be detected in presence of physiological [Na+]. It is suggested that in low-Na+ and K(+)-free medium the Na+,K+ pump molecule can either form a conductive pathway that is permeable to Ba2+ or protons or operate in its conventional transport mode accepting Ba2+ as a K+ congener. A reversed pump mode or an electrogenic uncoupled Na(+)-efflux mode is excluded.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase pumps and Na(+)-K(+)-Cl- cotransport to total rubidium (Rb+) influx into primary cultures of renal tubule cells (PC.RC) and cells transformed either with the wild-type or a temperature-sensitive mutant of the simian virus 40 (SV40), were measured under various growth conditions. The Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-mediated component represented 74% and 44-48% of total Rb+ influx into PC.RC and SV40-transformed cells, respectively. Proliferating transformed cells showed substantial ouabain-resistant bumetanide-sensitive (Or-Bs) Rb+ influx (41-45% of total) which indicated the presence of a Na(+)-K(+)-Cl- cotransport. The Or-Bs component of Rb+ influx was greatly reduced when temperature-sensitive transformed renal cells (RC.SVtsA58) grown in Petri dishes or on permeable filters were shifted from the permissive (33 degrees C) to the restrictive temperature (39.5 degrees C) to arrest cell growth. The ouabain-sensitive Rb+ influx mediated by the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, the total and amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptakes were not modified following inhibition of cell proliferation. A similar fall in the Or-Bs influx was obtained when renal tubule cells transformed by the wild-type SV40 (RC.SV) were incubated with the K+ channel blocker, tetraethylammonium (TEA) ion, which we had previously shown to arrest cell growth without affecting cell viability (Teulon et al.: J. Cell. Physiol., 151:113-125, 1992). Reinitiation of cell growth by removal of TEA or return to 33 degrees C of the temperature-sensitive cells restored the Or-Bs component of Rb influx. Taken together, these results indicate that the Na(+)-K(+)-Cl- cotransport activity is critically dependent on cell growth conditions.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells apically polarize proteins that are basolateral in other epithelia. This reversal may be generated by the association of RPE with photoreceptors and the interphotoreceptor matrix, postnatal expansion of the RPE apical surface, and/or changes in RPE sorting machinery. We compared two proteins exhibiting reversed, apical polarities in RPE cells, neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM; 140-kD isoform) and extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN), with the cognate apical marker, p75-neurotrophin receptor (p75-NTR). N-CAM and p75-NTR were apically localized from birth to adulthood, contrasting with a basolateral to apical switch of EMMPRIN in developing postnatal rat RPE. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that this switch cannot be attributed to expansion of the apical surface of maturing RPE because the basolateral membrane expanded proportionally, maintaining a 3:1 apical/basolateral ratio. Kinetic analysis of polarized surface delivery in MDCK and RPE-J cells showed that EMMPRIN has a basolateral signal in its cytoplasmic tail recognized by both cell lines. In contrast, the basolateral signal of N-CAM is recognized by MDCK cells but not RPE-J cells. Deletion of N-CAM's basolateral signal did not prevent its apical localization in vivo. The data demonstrate that the apical polarity of EMMPRIN and N-CAM in mature RPE results from suppressed decoding of specific basolateral signals resulting in randomized delivery to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Expansion of the retinal pigment epithelium was studied in neonatal chicks after one or two weeks of unilateral form vision deprivation to investigate altered ocular growth mechanisms in this experimental model of myopia. The area of individual retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, measured in tangential sections, was greater in myopic eyes than in contralateral control eyes at both times. The mean RPE cell area in myopic eyes increased to the same extent as the area of the retinal pigment epithelium as a whole. In control eyes between one and two weeks, RPE cell expansion occurred predominantly in the periphery; in myopic eyes, it occurred more generally across the epithelium but was less pronounced in the temporal region. Given the absence of detectable mitotic figures in control and myopic eyes, expansion of the epithelial layer is attributable to passive stretch or growth of existing cells. Whether scleral growth or stretch occurs selectively beneath the areas of more pronounced RPE cell expansion is unknown.  相似文献   

In rats with primary retinal degeneration, lens extraction combined with total retinal detachment provided a model for injection of a tracer of colloidal carbon into the subretinal space. Electron microscopy and acid phosphatase cytochemistry were subsequently used to analyze the ingestion of tracer by the retinal pigment epithelium. It was found that the attachment, ingestion, and digestion phases of the phagocytic process were apparently preserved. From this evidence it is suggested that there is no lack of phagocytic power in the retinal pigment epithelium of affected rat strains.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The function of RPE is well known in PVR. Pharmacological agents have been extensively studied both experimentally and clinically. Few reports have detailed the interactions of antimitotic drugs on the microtubule network. The aim of this study is to visualize by indirect immunofluorescence the effects of colchicine and paclitaxel on the microtubule network of cultured pig RPE cells in interphase. METHODS: Pigs were killed at the slaughter-house, their eyes were enucleated. RPE cells were isolated and cultured. RPE cells were plated onto glass cover-slips at a density of 2,000,000 cells/ml, cultured and treated with the drugs during 4 and 24 hours at 37 degrees C at different concentrations. Immunofluorescence reaction was developped using antitubulin and fluoresceinated anti-mouse antibodies. The cytoskeletons were visualized employing a Zeiss photomicroscope equipped with epiilumination, a 63 x lens and appropriate filters for fluoresceine. RESULTS: The cytoplasmic microtubules of RPE cells were disrupted in a concentration and time-dependant manner by colchicine. Between 10 and 100 nm Veveral degrees of depolymarization of the microtubule network were observed. Paclitaxel between 1 micron and 10 microns was found to induce several degrees of microtubule "bundling" after 4 and 24 hours of incubation. Actin network was modified neither by colchicine and paclitaxel used in the same conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that low doses of antimitotic drugs inhibit the microtubule network formation by depolymerization (colchicine) or stabilize it (paclitaxel). These actions inhibit cell division, which is one of the mechanisms implicated in PVR.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to determine whether atrial natriuretic peptides consisting of amino acids 1-30 (i.e. long-acting natriuretic peptide), 31-67 (vessel dilator), 79-98 (kaliuretic peptide), and 99-126 [atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)] of the 126 amino acid ANF prohormone inhibit sodium-potassium-ATPase as part of their mechanism(s) of action for producing a natriuresis and/or kaliuresis. Kaliuretic peptide, long-acting natriuretic peptide, vessel dilator and ANF at their 10(-11) M concentrations inhibited Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase 39.5%, 27.8%, 19.2%, and 4% respectively, in bovine renal medulla, whereas their inhibition in renal cortical membranes was 37.5%, 27.5%, 20%, and 0%, respectively. Ouabain (0.5 mM) inhibited kidney medullary Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase 45% and in the cortex, 38%. There was no additive effect of any of these peptides with ouabain suggesting that they are interacting with the same site on the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase as ouabain. To help elucidate the mechanism of these peptides' interaction with Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, naproxen (0.5 mM), an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, and direct measurement of prostaglandin E2 by RIA were used. Naproxen completely blocked the inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase by kaliuretic peptide, long-acting natriuretic peptide, and vessel dilator suggesting that their inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in both the kidney medulla and cortex are mediated by prostaglandins. Direct measurement of prostaglandin E2 revealed that kaliuretic peptide > long-acting natriuretic peptide > vessel dilator increased prostaglandin E2 synthesis, whereas ANF did not have any effect. Of interest, angiotensin II and ouabain inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were also completely blocked by naproxen.  相似文献   

A fraction from normal human plasma inhibiting Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase has been recently identified as lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between the activity of the cellular membrane Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and plasma LPC in human diabetes. We studied 10 patients with insulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus (IDDM), 14 patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), and 10 sex- and age-matched control subjects. Plasma LPC concentrations were increased in both IDDM and NIDDM patients compared with control subjects. Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was reduced in both groups of patients in erythrocyte and platelet membranes. There was a significant correlation between the concentrations of plasma LPC and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in both erythrocyte and platelet membranes (P < 0.01). To investigate the effect of LPC on the enzyme, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was determined in erythrocyte membranes obtained from six healthy subjects after in vitro incubation with increasing concentrations of LPC (1-10 microM). Enzymatic activity was significantly reduced by in vitro LPC at a concentration of 2.5 microM, with a further decrease at 5 microM. These data suggest that the decrease in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in diabetes might be due to increased LPC concentrations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To characterize changes in the retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and choriocapillaris with fluorescein angiography (FA) and histology after hydraulic or abrasive RPE debridement in 26 domestic short-haired cats. METHODS: Hydraulic debridement was produced by injecting balanced salt solution forcefully into the subretinal space. For abrasive debridement, RPE were removed with a silicone-tipped cannula after creating a localized retinal detachment. The FAs were performed after surgery, and tissue was prepared for light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). RESULTS: Sixty-seven blebs were examined by FA 1 hour after surgery, and RPE debridement was confirmed by SEM or LM in 15 blebs from 10 animals. Hyperfluorescence and variable central fluorescein leakage were seen 1 week after surgery in 52 of 53 blebs (which includes all 27 blebs from the 1-week timepoint and 26 of 29 blebs from the 4-week timepoint that were studied by FA 1 week after surgery). Choriocapillary filling delays were seen in no hydraulic debridements, but in 11 of 14 abrasive blebs, especially in areas showing leakage late in the angiogram. In 1 of 13 hydraulic and 12 of 14 abrasive debridements, areas of late dye leakage had no RPE with outer retinal degeneration. At the 4-week timepoint, 1 of 17 hydraulic and 10 of 12 abrasive debridements had foci of delayed or absent choriocapillary perfusion by FA, with degenerated outer retina, no RPE, and choriocapillary atrophy by histologic analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Abrasive debridement is more commonly associated with abnormal FAs and with incomplete RPE repopulation, choriocapillaris atrophy, and outer retinal degeneration than is hydraulic debridement. This clinicopathologic study may give insight into FA interpretation after choroidal neovascular membrane removal in human patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP), an extracellular protein believed to support the exchange of retinoids between the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the vertebrate eye, exhibits a modular, i.e., repeat, structure. The present study was undertaken to determine whether an individual module of IRBP has activity in retinoid transfer between the RPE and rod photoreceptors. METHODS: The retinoid transfer activity of a recombinant protein corresponding to the fourth module of Xenopus laevis IRBP (X4IRBP) was examined in two ways. First, X4IRBP was tested for its ability to support the regeneration of porphyropsin in detached/reattached Xenopus retina/RPE-eyecups. Following illumination and removal of native IRBP, Xenopus eyecups supplemented with 42 microM X4IRBP or (as a control) Ringer's solution were incubated in darkness and then analyzed for regenerated porphyropsin. Second, toad (Bufo marinus) RPE-eyecup preparations were used to evaluate X4IRBP's ability to promote the release of 11-cis retinal from the RPE. RESULTS: The regeneration of porphyropsin in X4IRBP-supplemented Xenopus retina/RPE-eyecups (0.45 +/- 0.04 nmol; mean +/- SEM, n = 11) exceeded that in controls (0.13 +/- 0.02 nmol, n = 11). For promoting the release of 11-cis retinal from the toad RPE, 42 microM X4IRBP was more effective than equimolar bovine serum albumin although considerably less than that of 26 microM native bovine IRBP. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate a low but significant activity of IRBP's fourth module in reactions relevant to retinoid exchange.  相似文献   

Moyamoya disease is characterized by bilateral stenosis and/or occlusion of the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery. Moyamoya disease is prevalent among patients <10 years of age. Although most cases appear to be sporadic, approximately 10% occur as familial cases. The incidence of familial cases has been increasing because noninvasive diagnostic equipment, such as magnetic-resonance imaging and magnetic-resonance angiography, can detect the disease in almost all affected patients, including asymptomatic patients, during screening studies. In this study, we performed a total genome search to identify the location of a familial moyamoya disease gene in 16 families, assuming an unknown mode of inheritance. A linkage was found between the disease and markers located at 3p24.2-26. A maximum NPL score of 3.46 was obtained with marker D3S3050. This is the first genetic locus found to be involved in the molecular pathogenesis of familial moyamoya disease.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship among fibre type, oxidative potential, and Na(+)-K+ ATPase concentration in skeletal muscle, adult male Wistar rats weighing 259 +/- 8 g (mean +/- SE) were sacrificed and the soleus (SOL), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), red vastus lateralis (RV), and white vastus lateralis (WV) removed. These muscles were chosen as being representative of the two major fibre type populations: slow twitch (SOL) and fast twitch (EDL, RV, WV) and exhibiting either a high (SOL, EDL, RV) or low (WV) oxidative potential. Na(+)-K+ ATPase concentration (pmol.g-1 wet weight), measured by the [3H]ouabain binding technique, differed (p < 0.01) only between the WV (238 +/- 7.9) and the SOL (359 +/- 9.6), EDL (365 +/- 10), and RV (403 +/- 12). Similarly, muscle oxidative potential as measured by the maximal activity of citrate synthase was different (p < 0.01) only between the WV and the other three muscles. Citrate synthase activity (mumol.min-1.g-1 wet weight) was 4.0 +/- 0.7, 12.3 +/- 0.9, 9.1 +/- 0.7, and 11.3 +/- 1.0 in the WV, SOL, EDL, and RV, respectively. These results indicate that Na(+)-K+ ATPase concentration is not related to the speed of contraction but to the oxidative potential of the muscle. Since chronic activity is a primary determinant of oxidative potential, it would be expected that increases in Na(+)-K+ ATPase would accompany increases in muscle utilization.  相似文献   

The overlying retinal blood vessels were abnormal in five cases of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium. This illustrated the well-recognized association between outer retinal degeneration and obliteration of the overlying retinal vasculature. The proposed pathophysiological mechanisms, however, seem inadequate to explain completely the morphological changes of the retinal blood vessels in the presence of atrophy of the outer retina.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between the activity of the sodium pump of the corneal endothelium and corneal thickness. It was postulated that because inhibition pressure of the stroma decreases as thickness increases, a partially inhibited sodium pump would result in a new steady-state thickness of the cornea when reduced rates of fluid influx and efflux were equal. Measurements of physiologic behavior and biochemical activity were to be made in the same tissue and thus establish the relationship directly. METHODS: Rabbit corneas were superfused with a bicarbonate Ringer solution containing different concentrations of ouabain. Exposure to ouabain was either continuous for 4 hours or for an initial 10 minutes followed by ouabain-free superfusion. Thickness was measured, and, after superfusion, endothelium was removed from the corneas, sonicated, and assayed for Na(+)-K+ adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity without further addition of ouabain to the assay medium. Thickness was also measured during superfusion with suboptimal concentrations of Na+ or HCO3- and with brefeldin A, an inhibitor of protein trafficking. RESULTS: Continuous exposure to ouabain caused corneas to swell, but no new steady-state thickness was reached. At low concentrations, swelling rates increased with time, as did the extent of inhibition of the Na(+)-K+ ATPase. With only a 10-minute exposure to ouabain, swelling rates with 10(-4) M to 10(-5) M decreased with the duration of ouabain-free superfusion. Similar swelling curves were obtained by reductions in Na+ or HCO3- concentrations in the superfusion medium, indicating that partial inhibition of the endothelial fluid transport processes, whether via the Na(+)-K+ ATPase or by suboptimal ionic conditions, led toward a new equilibrium thickness of the cornea. However, when superfusion was continued for more than 4 hours, the corneas exposed for 10 minutes to 3 x 10(-5) M or lower-concentration ouabain showed increasing Na(+)-K+ ATPase activity and began to thin, indicating a recovery of fluid transport capability. This recovery was blocked by addition of brefeldin A during the ouabain-free superfusion. CONCLUSIONS: Inhibition of Na(+)-K+ ATPase by low concentrations of ouabain increases with time. Temporary exposure to ouabain causes swelling at rates that decline with time as ouabain dissociates from enzyme sites. This dissociation, together with the turnover of Na(+)-K+ ATPase in the plasma membrane, can lead to recovery of normal thickness in ouabain-exposed corneas. Twenty percent of Na(+)-K+ ATPase in the endothelium is estimated to be intracellular, and about 20% of the activity can be inhibited without inducing swelling.  相似文献   

Interactions of L-triiodothyronine (T3) in adult rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes were studied in vitro. Scatchard plot analysis revealed two sets of T3 binding sites. The degree of saturation of T3 binding sites (putative receptor) correlated well with the dose-dependent inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in synaptosomes. The relative binding affinities and relative inhibition of enzyme activities for different TH analogues were L-T3 > T3-amine > TRIAC = L-T4 > r-T3 > T2 and L-T3 > T3-amine > TRIAC > L-T4 > r-T3 > T2, respectively. The present study demonstrates the nature of inhibition of synaptosomal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity may be as a function of T3 occupancy of synaptosomal receptor sites in adult mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Pre-steady-state transient currents (1986. Nakao, M., and D. C. Gadsby. Nature [Lond.]. 323:628-630) mediated by the Na/K pump were measured under conditions for Na/Na exchange (K-free solution) in voltage-clamped Xenopus oocytes. Signal-averaged (eight times) current records obtained in response to voltage clamp steps over the range -160 to +60 mV after the addition of 100 microM dihydroouabain (DHO) or removal of external Na (control) were subtracted from test records obtained before the solution change. A slow component of DHO- or Na-sensitive difference current was consistently observed and its properties were analyzed. The quantity of charge moved was well described as a Boltzmann function of membrane potential with an apparent valence of 1.0. The relaxation rate of the current was fit by the sum of an exponentially voltage-dependent reverse rate coefficient plus a voltage-independent forward rate constant. The quantity of charge moved at the on and off of each voltage pulse was approximately equal except at extreme negative values of membrane potential where the on charge tended to be less than the off. The midpoint voltage of the charge distribution function (Vq) was shifted by -24.8 +/- 1.7 mV by changing the external [Na] in the test condition from 90 to 45 mM and by +14.7 +/- 1.7 mV by changing the test [Na] from 90 to 120 mM. A pseudo three-state model of charge translocation is discussed in which Na+ is bound and occluded at the internal face of the enzyme and is released into an external-facing high field access channel (ion well). The model predicts a shift of the charge distribution function to more hyperpolarized potentials as extracellular [Na] is lowered; however, several features of the data are not predicted by the model.  相似文献   

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