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There are three fundamental problems that may occur in the process of user participation design: first, the participants/users may not be able to express their requirements clearly; second, they have little knowledge about design; and third, they are generally unfamiliar with the software that designers use. Based on this understanding, a method that considers design rationale is proposed in this work to support the process of user participation design. In addressing the user participation process, a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach is applied to grasp people's ideas, in the initial design phase. A case study on creating house layout design is employed to illustrate the proposed approach. In this regard, to help participants/users create layout designs, it is proposed that a 3D generative system is used, which integrates navigational concepts, direct manipulation, and the design rationale theory. In a nutshell, this research proposes a system to implement a design rational model and improve design communication in the user participation process. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed prototype system, a user test is performed and we put forward some findings and research questions for further research and industry practices.  相似文献   

GB/T 28181标准对安全防范视频监控联网系统提出了新的要求,该标准规定了具体的SIP交互流程,并提出了新的扩展. 其中用户代理是SIP设备、SIP客户端等规定实体的重要组成部件. 用户代理的主要任务是不仅要符合标准的SIP流程,还要作为UAC负责发起呼叫,也要作为UAS负责接收呼叫并作响应. 用户代理的研究和设计对视频监控系统是否符合GB/T 28181标准及系统性能有着重要影响. 本文设计了一个符合标准的高效的用户代理,内容主要包括整体结构设计,设计的关键思想,以及如何基于该用户代理构建SIP客户端. 本文设计的用户代理具有高度模块化、低耦合、高效率、易扩展等特点,视频监控系统可以很方便快捷地构建相应的SIP实体.  相似文献   

Requirements of the personal computer user are identified and contrasted with computer designer perspectives towards the user. The user's psychological needs are described so that the design of the user-computer interface may be designed to accommodate them. Development of the user-computer interface is discussed in terms of the user's physical, perceptual and conceptual contact with the system. The ideals of system transparency and visibility to the user are described resulting in a set of dialogue principles. Further research is suggested which will explore the characteristics of efficacious menu selection, develop a theory of the operator, determine the best locus of control for dialogue features. provide guidelines for improving system documentation and improve user work station habitability.  相似文献   

The user is a critical factor in design and innovation. Firms experiment with different approaches to involving the user in design processes, which results in new forms of intra‐ and extra‐organizational collaboration. The establishment of in‐house design research units within design consultancies is one such intra‐organizational user‐centred design practice that targets designer‐researcher collaboration. This paper addresses this issue and reports on the findings from multiple case study research exploring the impact of in‐house design research teams on designers' user knowledge construction. We utilized constructivist learning theory to assess major aspects of these intra‐organizational user‐centred design practices. Ethnographically informed field studies were conducted at six design consultancies representing three design fields (i.e., architecture, industrial design and interaction design) in the Northwestern United States. Three of the consultancies have design research departments and three do not. The findings indicate that in‐house design research units play a role in designers' user knowledge construction via their results, processes and human resources. Among these, the active participation of designers in the research process was observed to have the largest impact because of its contribution to designers' contextual and collaborative learning about users.  相似文献   

C2C是基于互联网的一种重要网络购物模式,文章通过对C2C网络购物平台的深入研究,以用户体验设计研究为中心,从C2C网络购物平台的五个用户体验要素进行深入剖析,对C2C网络购物平台的用户体验设计做出整体系统的概念性分析。  相似文献   

在体验经济的时代环境下,探析客户端游戏产品设计中所运用的用户体验设计策 略,为今后的传统产品设计寻求新的设计视角。采用文献研究和案例分析法,以用户体验设计 发展为基础,以产品设计、用户体验设计、交互设计、设计心理学及感性工学中的方法理论为 依托,借助客户端游戏产品为研究对象,对其蕴含的用户体验设计策略进行研究。给出一种用 户体验的量化评价模型,并提出了能够提升客户端游戏产品用户体验的设计策略,在此基础上 为传统产品的创新设计提供新的启示和指导。  相似文献   


Most studies on tangible user interfaces for the tabletop design systems are being undertaken from a technology viewpoint. Although there have been studies that focus on the development of new interactive environments employing tangible user interfaces for designers, there is a lack of evaluation with respect to designers' spatial cognition. In this research we study the effects of tangible user interfaces on designers' spatial cognition to provide empirical evidence for the anecdotal views of the effect of tangible user interfaces. To highlight the expected changes in spatial cognition while using tangible user interfaces, we compared designers using a tangible user interface on a tabletop system with 3D blocks to designers using a graphical user interface on a desktop computer with a mouse and keyboard. The ways in which designers use the two different interfaces for 3D design were examined using a protocol analysis method. The result reveals that designers using 3D blocks perceived more spatial relationships among multiple objects and spaces and discovered new visuo-spatial features when revisiting their design configurations. The designers using the tangible interfaces spent more time in relocating objects to different locations to test the moves, and interacted with the external representation through large body movements implying an immersion in the design model. These two physical actions assist in designers' spatial cognition by reducing cognitive load in mental visual reasoning. Further, designers using the tangible interfaces spent more time in restructuring the design problem by introducing new functional issues as design requirements and produced more discontinuities to the design processes, which provides opportunity for reflection and modification of the design. Therefore this research shows that tangible user interfaces changes designers' spatial cognition, and the changes of the spatial cognition are associated with creative design processes.  相似文献   

文章在传统用户研究基础上,引入基于人类学的实地定性研究方法。获取驾驶员的驾驶行为与生活形态,驾驶性能和行为,驾驶情境和环境信息数据。并在此基础上,建立新的设计与研究框架。最后,利用研究成果和设计概念,开发了一个基于Web的设计知识系统-交通工具用户界面设计知识系统(TUI)。  相似文献   

Acceptance, utility, and usability of system designs have become a focal interest in human–computer interaction (HCI) research, yet at present there is a lack detailed understandings of which system design features influence them. The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of five product design features; customization, adaptive behavior, memory load, content density, and speed on user preference through an experimental study by using conjoint analysis. In experimental study, instead of classical conjoint cards, prototypes were generated for products. Besides, desirability and market segments of product prototypes were identified. In line with the results, among the five product design features, speed is the most and customization is the least important features that affect user preference. Contrary to the expectations, customization has a relatively small importance value in this research. Subsequent design features that influence user preference after speed are minimal memory load, adaptive behavior, and content density, respectively. According to findings, interfaces that have high-speed, minimal memory load, adaptive behavior, low content density, and customization features are more preferable than those that do not.  相似文献   

Recent progress in advanced video communication services and multimedia applications is grounded on novel human machine interfaces, improved usability, and user friendliness driven by user centric research and development. In this paper, we describe a complete system concept and algorithmic details of an example application within this area. The key features of the system are vision and speech based interfaces, which are used to animate an avatar for an audio-visual representation of a communication partner. The system is applied in two application scenarios, namely video chat and customer care services. Both applications are mass-market oriented and therefore careful design and development of robust and supporting user interfaces are required. The presented approach is integrated into a complete real-time prototype system, which is permanently demonstrated in the showcase at the head quarter of Deutsche Telekom, Bonn, Germany.  相似文献   

角色分析可以满足产品个性化设计系统中对于用户模型构建的需要。提出了基于粗集的模糊聚类角色分析与模型构建方法,通过构造基于粗集的模糊相似矩阵、确定角色属性的模糊相似聚类分析方法,从用户调研数据中提取典型用户属性特征,构建角色模型。该方法完善了角色分析在产品设计中的应用方法,有助于快速生成概念产品设计模型与方案。  相似文献   

In mobile devices, multiple applications contend for limited resources in the underlying embedded system framework. Application resource requirements in mobile systems vary by computation needs, energy consumption and user interaction frequency. Quality of service (QoS) is the predominant metric of choice to manage resources among contending applications. Resource allocation policies to support static QoS for applications do not reflect the changing demands of the user in contemporary network on chip (NoC) based embedded architectures. User satisfaction with the user interactions and user interface design ought to be the primary design driver. Some recent research has integrated a saturating, non-linear user satisfaction function in the application thread scheduler. The application and operating system level user satisfaction research assumes that the throughput of inter-thread edges is limited only by the computational constraints of the nodes. With NoC, however, NoC resource allocation policies play an important role in determining the inter-thread communication flow’s throughput and the resulting application level user satisfaction. In this paper, we filter down the user satisfaction from an application layer attribute to a router level attribute to improve the resource and energy utilization for routing in order to leverage the user satisfaction at the application and system level. We demonstrate that this technique improves the user satisfaction of audio (MP3) application by 10% while maintaining the user satisfaction of video (MPEG-2) application. Experiments also show that a fixed energy source can be extended for an average of 18% of the time using the NoC user satisfaction based energy optimization proposed in this research.  相似文献   

Despite the widely held view that systems are more likely to be successful if users are involved during systems development, there is uncertainty about the exact nature of the relationship between user participation and system outcomes. There has been considerable research activity in this area but findings are inconclusive. Comparatively little qualitative research has been reported. This paper reports an interpretive study that examined the development process for 38 decision support systems in the Australian agricultural sector. The relationship between user participation and system outcome was explored. The degree of user influence in the design process was found to be an important component of this relationship. Degree of user influence was a result of both the type and depth of user participation. Much previous research has focused on whether users were involved in development without detailed consideration of the degree of influence on design features resulting from this participation. The results from this study are significant in that they yield theoretical insights into the phenomenon of user participation and related system outcomes. In addition, the results have practical significance for practitioners developing decision support software.  相似文献   

Cooperative computer-aided design (CCAD) is a paradigm for combining the strengths of manual and automated design activity. The goal of CCAD is to support exploratory design, while keeping the user central to the design activity. In the CCAD paradigm, the user expresses initial design decisions in the form of a partial design and a set of properties that the final design must have. The system then generates alternative partial developments of the initial design subject to a “language” of valid designs. It structures the results in a spatial framework through which the user moves to explore the alternatives. The user selects the most promising partial design, refines it manually, and then requests further automatic development. This process continues until the design is complete. Thus, CCAD supports the exploratory nature of creative design activity. The user makes critical decisions, while the system generates alternatives and presents them to the user for browsing  相似文献   

高性能计算集群作为保证国家科研开展的“基础设施”已上升为国家战略。高性能计算应用广泛,特别在材料科学研究方面,是必不可少的工具。当下为科学计算用户提供高质量的远程化、可视化、图形化的高性能计算平台成为当前高性能服务研究的突破口。本文提出基于材料科学研究的新型高性能计算平台系统,该系统基于Java语言开发,采用B/S架构为用户提供服务,实现主流材料科学研究的计算软件与平台的整合,设计友好的用户操作界面,提供方便的接入方式,并结合OpenPBS优化作业调度方法为平台用户提供优先级更高的计算需求,保证材料科研应用中更高效的计算资源。  相似文献   

John Levine 《Software》1982,12(12):1133-1145
The Gem system is an experimental computing facility that provides low cost, high speed, graphics-oriented computing to between ten and sixteen simultaneous users. It provides many unusual facilities to its users and presents a user interface that is unique in its convenience and flexibility. The motivation for the system, its design and user experience are described. Possible future avenues of research are also outlined.  相似文献   

The architecture described in this article evolved from an extensive research and experimentation effort in man-machine interaction in the Informatics Division of RAL. Its primary goal is to support research into improving user interface design. The architecture is based on the concept of direct manipulation without time-sequential user-machine dialogues. That is, the user forms his plan of action and carries it out in the sequence best suited to his needs. The system imposes no syntactic structure on the command language, and thus does not enforce particular time sequences. Such a model should extend to cover interaction with dynamic processes as well as simple modification of stored data. The long-term goal of this effort is to evolve the design of a truly general-purpose user interface management system as part of the client architecture. The activities at present include developing a window manager, including defining a client-server interface; developing a preliminary toolkit for user interfaces; and applying the toolkit to the development of an interactive post processor for viewing and manipulating the results of finite element analysis.  相似文献   

The scientific computer user presents a unique challenge to the graphics system designer. If the graphics system is properly designed and implemented, computer graphics becomes a vital research tool for the scientific user. These users' desires and expectations play an important role in every phase of the design process.This paper describes the philosophy of the graphics system at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and its implementation. Details of algorithms are not presented; rather the purpose has been to describe a successful computer graphics system which may serve as a guide for other designers who desire to provide practical computer graphics. This graphics system operates under a batch-mode computer system without using interactive terminals.  相似文献   

将个性化推荐技术运用于新闻阅读应用,以其快速、精准的特点帮助用户快捷获取兴趣新闻,是值得挖掘的研究方向。设计并实现了一种新闻推荐系统,该系统基于用户协同过滤推荐技术,通过收集用户数据,计算阅读耗时因子对用户偏好值进行修正,纳入新闻热度影响并通过热度惩罚用户相似度值;然后基于相似邻居集对用户未阅读的新闻进行Top-N排序得到推荐列表,从而向用户推送其感兴趣的新闻。经测试,原型系统能够实时更新用户兴趣模型,达到推新、推准的效果,各项功能均已达到设计预期目标。  相似文献   

Mass Market Applications for Real Time 3D Graphics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the applicability of real time 3D image synthesis to mass market products. Likely application areas are covered. There is discussion of the man machine interface problems arising in systems where it has to be assumed that little or no training will be provided. A research prototype package, a kitchen designer which allows a user to design and view a kitchen in real time, is described in some detail. Emphasis is given to aspects of the user interface design such as 3D navigational aids. Finally there is consideration of the system performance level required.  相似文献   

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