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网络教学系统网络教学是当今教育发展的新思想、新趋势 . 机床夹具设计 是机械制造专业很重要的一门专业课 ,为使学生更好地掌握这门课程的内容 ,提高学生的设计能力和工作能力 ,我们开发了 机床夹具设计 网络教学系统 .系统充分利用文字、声音、图形、图像、动画等多媒体 ,把抽象难懂的知识变得具体生动 ,提高了学生的学习兴趣 .利用互联网技术 ,使更多的人不受时间、地域限制来学习本课程 .系统实现功能有 :知识点讲授功能 .把课程中知识点做成集声音、图像、动画于一体的网页 ,以网页形式向用户讲授知识 .用户注册、登记功能 .使用户…  相似文献   

基于Web的工程制图协同学习系统实现的技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程制图课程是高等学校工科类学生必修的一门基础课,深入研究工程制图网络课程的实现具有重要的意义,结合多媒体网络教学不受时间和空间限制的教学形式和丰富多样等特点,研究了工程制图课程在网络教学环境下协同学习系统的实现技术.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使得基于网络的教学模式开始盛行,网络课程作为网络教育的重要途径得到了很好地发展.本文基于网络环境教学下,从五个步骤分析了网络课程中教育信息处理模型,通过网络学习环境的分析和设计,对学习者情况信息系统探讨,研究了网络环境下教学模型与应用技术,研究方法和过程为网络教学交互领域研究及应用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

随着工业4.0时代的到来,神经网络在实现整个工业系统自动化的各个环节获得了广泛的应用。然而大规模神经网络往往消耗了大量的存储、内存带宽和计算资源,在计算受限的工业场景中很难高效利用,相比之下,轻量级网络具有更加广泛的应用前景。知识蒸馏提取一个大规模高性能教师网络的知识来指导一个轻量化低性能学生网络的训练,在提升轻量级网络性能方面已获得成功验证。但是,现有的知识蒸馏方法均采用传统的训练数据输入策略,即将训练数据集打乱后随机采样小批量的数据序列,从而将知识从教师网络迁移给学生网络,没有考虑样本输入顺序对学生网络学习知识产生的影响。针对该问题,提出将课程学习范式引入知识蒸馏场景,模拟现实教学场景,使学生网络学习知识遵循先易后难的顺序,即在知识蒸馏过程中,样本输入采用先易后难的策略,其中样本的难度由教师网络和学生网络协作判断,以综合教师网络的经验优势和学习网络的需求特点,达到最合理的课程设计。实验在CIFAR数据集上进行了验证,在多种网络结构下均能大幅提升传统知识蒸馏基线方法的准确率,而且提出的课程学习范式还可以应用于其他主流知识蒸馏方法,进一步提升其性能。另外,消融实验也说明了教师网络和学生...  相似文献   

依据高职高专学生特点,从《机械设计基础》课程的特点出发,针对教学过程中遇到的问题,从以下几个方面着手提高教学效果:1.采用任务驱动式教学,培养学生核心职业能力;2.理论联系实际,提高学生学习兴趣;3.通过汇报式总结,提高学生汇总知识及语言表达能力;4.鼓励学生通过网络课程进行学习,提高学习积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

我国制造领域迫切需要大量掌握工业机器人操作及应用的技术人才,因此探索掌握工业机器人应用型本科人才的有效教学方法非常必要。将基于互联网技术的网络教学和传统课堂教学有机融合,选择项目化、实践性强的知识点,建设在线网络课程,学生通过网络学习平台获取各种学习资源,并进行翻转式学习;线下课堂上教师主导的答疑、测评和拓展练习是对线上学习的督促、巩固和延伸。学生针对虚拟仿真教学项目边学边练,学做交替,小组共同解决遇到的问题。线上线下并重的过程考核督促学生切实学习。运用工程专业认证要求的过程与问卷达成度测评法,比较传统教学与混合教学的学习效果,表明混合式教学提高了学生自主学习和自我管理的能力。  相似文献   

基于Moodle的C语言管理系统建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大学C语言缺少教学资源和纸质教材更新慢的问题,依据社会建构主义思想,采用Moodle构建了C语言课程学习系统.详细讨论了C语言课程教学信息化设计与技术实现过程,包括开源课程学习、作业管理、知识测验、学习讨论及调查等功能模块.通过教学实践,取得了较好的教学效果,改善了学习绩效.  相似文献   

实践课程是培养学生创新与创业能力的重要方面。为了提高数控技术专业学生的创新与创业能力,结合课程学习领域,从课程教学内容、教学组织、考核评价等方面对《数控机床零件综合加工》课程建设进行了一些探索。通过引入槽轮机构生产与装配任务,将制图、公差、设计及数控加工等知识内容紧密衔接;通过教师主导、学生主体、分组教学、巡回指导的授课模式提升学生的自主能力和创新意识;通过对学生学习的各个环节进行过程性考核让评价结果能客观、公正地体现学生的创新能力及综合素质。  相似文献   

为解决《液压与气压传动》课程流体力学部分教学难点的问题,采用AMESim软件针对油液的物理性质、静力学、运动学和动力学规律建立流体属性仿真模型、液体静压力仿真模型、流体连续性原理仿真模型和孔口流量仿真模型。将其引入到教学过程中,通过可视直观的曲线图和数据,让学生更加深刻地理解相关理论与公式。实践表明:将AMESim仿真技术引入到课程教学过程中,相对于常规教学,学生的考勤率平均提高3.13%,上课抬头率平均提高14.88%,课堂表现更加优秀。通过该课程教学改革增强了教学的直观性,加强学生对知识的理解,充分调动了学生学习积极性,提高了学习效率,提升了课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

高职数控铣削加工实训课程是一项综合性较强的课程,也是以实训教学为衡量重点的课程。在实际的课程教学实践中,以校企合作、工学结合为背景的教学,使得微课程教学作为新兴教学方法的推行作用日趋明显。微课程在实际的教学内容、教学资源选择、教学组织形式方法及其考核评价方面的应用探讨,一度成为相关研究领域的热点。对解析高职数控铣削加工实训课程基础知识,构筑基础知识板块模式,营造简单易学和便于接受的学习方法,巩固专业课程知识,辅助教育教学获得时效性,具有切实有效的实施价值。在当前的教育教学领域中,探讨微课程在高职数控铣削加工实训课程的应用路径和应用策略,一度成为教育教学实践中的有效方法,并对学生相关课程的学习大有裨益。  相似文献   

Programmable logic controllers (PLC) are used for many industrial process control applications. Learning to write ladder logic programs for PLC control is an important and challenging task. However, the learning of ladder logic is often hindered by limited PLC availability due to expensive lab setup, limited lab time, and high student/instructor ratios. With the help of the internet, teaching is not constrained in the traditional classroom pedagogy; the instructors can put the course material on the website and allow the students go on to the course webpage as an alternative way to learn the domain knowledge. However, there is no interaction between the users and learning materials; so, the learning efficiency is often limited. The problem here is how to design a web-based system that is intelligent and adaptive enough to teach the students domain knowledge in PLC. In this research, we proposed a system architecture which combines the pre-test, cased-based reasoning (i.e., heuristic functions), tutorials and tests of the domain concepts, and post-test (i.e., including pre- and post-exam) to customize students' needs according to their knowledge levels and help them learn the PLC concepts, effectively. We have developed an intelligent tutoring system which is mainly based on the feedback and learning preference of the users' questionnaires. It includes many pictures, colorful diagrams, and interesting animations (i.e., switch control of the user's rung configuration) to attract the users' attention. From the model simulation results, a knowledge proficiency effect occurs on problem solving time. If the students are more knowledgeable about PLC concepts, they will take less time to complete problems than those who are not as proficient. Additionally, from the system experiments, the results indicate that the learning algorithm in this system is robust enough to pinpoint the most accurate error pattern (i.e., almost 90 % accuracy of mapping to the most similar error pattern), and the adaptive system will have a higher accuracy of discerning the error patterns which are close to the answers of the PLC problems when the databases have more built-in error patterns. The participant evaluation indicates that after using this system, the users will learn how to solve the problems and have a much better performance than before.  相似文献   

在汽车空调专业课程中,实施一体化教学可将学生置于一种主动学习理论知识、同时动手实践的学习状态中。其过程,包括"一体化教学任务的确定,一体化教学计划的制定,一体化教学的实施和一体化教学的学习评价"等环节。一体化的教学是在"做中学、做中教,做学教一体化"。一体化教学的实施,是培养、提高学生职业能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

More and more organizations have recognized the importance of efficient enterprise knowledge construction, extraction and management. To effectively acquire domain knowledge from experts, a knowledge centre that can automatically manage the huge amounts of documents and knowledge is required. In this paper, a knowledge management (KM) model as well as a platform consisting of document keyword extraction (DKE) module, document classification (DC) module, authority reasoning (AR) module and validation process decision (VPD) module are developed for intelligent and automatic management over the manufacturing intellectual properties (IPs) of the automobile industry. In this industry, sophisticated entities are involved in knowledge construction and reuse under the collaborative design environment. A case study is provided to evaluate feasibility and performance of the intelligent knowledge management model. With the training and learning stages, the accuracy and precision of the KM decision modules can be significantly improved. Therefore, in addition to the automobile IP management, it is proven that with the learning mechanism, the proposed intelligent KM approach can be applied to different applications for organizations to efficiently construct and manage domain knowledge .  相似文献   

智能计算机辅助教学领域知识库的实现及应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出一种新颖有效的ICAI领域知识库的实现方法及其应用。通过制定一个知识点属性的通用存储结构,建立基于知识点的领域知识的树状层次结构和知识点间联系的支撑网络结构,即领域知识结构模型,将知识点形式化,结构化后纳入领域知识库,在此基础上实现了学习路线生成,动态学习进程控制,知识缺陷诊断,个性化学习等智计算机辅助教学特性。  相似文献   

层次化领域知识库的有效性检查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据复杂产品设计领域知识的特点,建立适合领域特点的集成知识表示模型,并进而建立多层次化领域知识库,阐明知识库有效性检查的原理 与过程,提出适合层次化领域知识库特点的冲突检查方法,并开发多级 领域知识获取系统MKAS。  相似文献   

蒙以嫦 《广西机械》2012,(11):234-236
《冲压模具设计与制造》是柳州职业技术学院模具设计与制造专业的一门核心专业课程。为了简化模具设计难度,提高学习效率,在课程教学中引入uG软件,按照工法分析一工法图一模具3D数模一模具2D图这一现代企业模具设计的基本流程实施教学,将传统抽象的理论设计变为直观的三维建模,不但收到了很好的学习效果,而且对提高学生综合运用知识能力,快速适应企业环境与企业需求有着非常积极的意义。  相似文献   

研究型教学是大学文科教改的方向之一,是改变学生"高分低能",使知识增长、能力培养与素质提升有机结合的有效途径。应改革课程内容、教学方法和考试方式,变"教材中心"为"问题中心",变"教师中心"为"学生中心",变"闭卷"为"开卷",变"死记硬背"为"论文写作"。研究型教改对教师和学生提出了更高要求,尤其对任课教师的素质、学识和经验等提出了严峻挑战,其中教师的责任感与事业心是其关键。  相似文献   

An approach to constructing specialized Internet portals is considered. These portals have to ensure access to knowledge and information resources of a certain field of knowledge. The information basis for such portals is formed by ontologies, which allow heterogeneous data and knowledge to be presented in a unified manner and ensure their relatedness. For simpler customization of the portal to a chosen field of knowledge, its ontology is divided into the base ontologies (ontologies of research activities and knowledge) independent of the knowledge domain of the portal and the domain-related ontology, which describes a certain field of knowledge. Based on the portal ontology, internal storages of data are constructed; management of information content, navigation and search in the information space of the portal are organized.  相似文献   

针对不同工况下滚动轴承振动数据分布差异大、部分工况下的带标签数据难以获取、不同用户间数据不共享、单一用户 数据量少,导致建立诊断模型准确率不高的问题,提出一种联邦特征迁移学习框架以及基于联邦多表示域适应的不同工况下滚 动轴承故障诊断方法。 该方法对滚动轴承时域振动数据做小波变换得到时频谱图,将先验的有标签公共数据作为源域,多用户 无标签孤岛隐私数据作为目标域;引入多表示特征提取结构对原始残差网络进行改进,提取源域和目标域的多表示特征,分别 构建多用户本地模型;使用深度神经网络的模型压缩思想改进联邦迁移学习框架中的参数传递策略,增强联邦框架的安全性并 降低通信开销;在服务器端构建可用于不同工况下滚动轴承故障诊断的联邦全局模型。 经两种轴承数据集的实验验证,所提方 法无需多用户共享数据即可整合孤岛数据知识,建立有效的不同工况下滚动轴承故障诊断模型,平均故障诊断准确率可达 97. 6% ,相比单一用户建模提升至少 3. 2% 。  相似文献   

The variation design of complex products has such features as multivariate association, weak theory coupling and implicit knowledge iteration. However, present CAD soft wares are still restricted to making decisions only according to current design status in dynamic navigation which leads to the huge drain of the knowledge hidden in design process. In this paper, a method of acquisition and active navigation of knowledge particles throughout product variation design process is put forward. The multi-objective decision information model of the variation design is established via the definition of condition attribute set and decision attribute set in finite universe. The addition and retrieval of the variation semantics is achieved through bidirectional association between the transplantable structures and variation design semantics. The mapping relationships between the topology lapping geometry elements set and constraint relations set family is built by means of geometry feature analysis. The acquisition of knowledge particles is implemented by attribute reduction based on rough set theory to make multi-objective decision of variation design. The topology lapping status of transplantable substructures is known from DOF reduction. The active navigation of knowledge particles is realized through embedded event-condition-action(ECA) rules. The independent prototype system taking Alan, Charles, Ian's system(ACIS) as kernel has been developed to verify the proposed method by applying variation design of complex mechanical products. The test results demonstrate that the navigation decision basis can be successfully extended from static isolated design status to dynamic continuous design process so that it more flexibly adapts to the different designers and various variation design steps. It is of profound significance for enhancing system intelligence as well as improving design quality and efficiency.  相似文献   

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