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为满足中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)包层的应用要求,本文提出氦冷陶瓷增殖(HCCB)包层方案。为验证HCCB包层设计方案的合理性与可行性,采用三维蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序MCNP,计算和分析了HCCB包层方案的氚增殖比、中子壁负载、中子通量密度、核热、辐照损伤等中子学特性。结果表明,HCCB包层方案满足氚自持要求,中子通量密度和核热分布合理,屏蔽性能良好,基本满足设计要求。  相似文献   

Bridging from ITER to DEMO, China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor aims at tritium self-sufficiency which is one of the main functions of blanket. The structure and thermo-mechanical performance influences strongly the operation and tritium breeding of blanket. In this paper, Water Cooled Ceramic Breeder blanket was designed with multilayer mixed pebble beds. And preliminary thermo-mechanical analysis has been done by the coupling of ANSYS finite element (FE) model and self-developed finite difference (FD) code under normal steady state condition. The results showed that the temperature distribution of the FE model corresponds well to that of the FD code. The obtained equivalent stress of the blanket is presented and critically verified the compliance with the SDC-IC code as reference criteria. At last, possible improvements such as adding fillets and plug-in materials are proposed to ameliorate the structure.  相似文献   

实现氚自持、建立完整的氚循环系统并保证氚安全是中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)的主要目标之一。在CFETR氦冷固态包层及其辅助系统设计过程中,需对系统级氚输运行为进行详细分析,包括氚滞留量、释放量、浓度的动态变化等。基于已建立的动态氚分析程序TriSim-Dynamic,在此基础上进行修改完善,利用该程序对CFETR氦冷固态包层及其辅助系统氚动态输运进行分析模拟,得到了冷却剂及提氚吹扫气中氚浓度、氚分压,管壁及结构材料中氚盘存量,氚通过包层结构材料和辅助系统管壁向真空室、水冷系统及建筑的渗透通量动态变化,并将其稳态值与已进行基准校核的稳态氚分析程序TriSim-SA及理论解析解进行比较,以初步验证分析结果的准确性,数据结果也对CFETR氚安全分析提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

中国氦冷固态实验包层模块(CN HCCB TBM)将在ITER 2号窗口进行测试,在测试期间,聚变中子和TBM内部材料发生核反应,产生氚和其他放射性物质。考虑到ITER的运行和工作人员与公众的安全,在进入ITER测试之前需要进行事故安全分析。本文应用MELOCR对HCCB TBM及其氦冷系统(HCS)进行建模,开展了TBM增殖区冷却板流道破口事故(In-box LOCA)安全研究,并对泄压罐体积,破口面积,隔离阀关闭延迟时间等关键参数进行敏感性分析。结果表明:在保守假设流道全破裂的工况下,box压力超过其压力限值4 MPa,而单根流道和5根流道破裂的工况下,box均未超过其压力限值;安装泄压罐和改变隔离阀关闭延迟时间能够有效的控制box压力。  相似文献   

本文对中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)氦冷陶瓷增殖(HCCB)包层进行热工安全分析。采用大型反应堆瞬态分析程序RELAP5对HCCB包层建模,并进行稳态分析和假设事故的模拟。计算结果表明,CFETR HCCB包层在真空室内氦气泄漏和增殖区盒内氦气泄漏事故中均未出现结构材料熔化,同时各部分的压强变化情况均未超出设计阈值,包层系统在事故发生后均能有效快速地排出余热。CFETR HCCB包层的设计满足热工安全方面的要求。  相似文献   

在未来核聚变反应堆中,为补充氚的消耗,需要在核聚变堆的包层中进行氚的在线增殖,以维持核聚变反应的持续进行。为验证这一关键技术,在国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)上开展了ITER TBM计划(实验包层项目)。作为ITER计划成员方之一,中方以中国氦冷固态增殖剂实验包层模块(HCCB TBM)概念参与ITER TBM计划。HCCB TBM现今进入初步设计阶段,而材料的制备技术和性能数据是支撑其结构设计、安全分析和服役工况评估的基础。本文综述和分析了HCCB TBM结构材料低活化铁素体/马氏体钢(RAFM钢)与功能材料氚增殖剂和中子倍增剂的研究现状,并对这些材料下一步的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Korea plans to install and test Helium Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR) Test Blanket Module (TBM) in the ITER, because the HCCR blanket concept is one of options of the DEMO blanket. Currently, many design and R&D activities have been performed to develop the Korean HCCR TBM. An integrated design tool for a fusion breeder blanket has been developed based on nuclear technologies including a safety analysis for obtaining a license for testing in the ITER. A half-scale sub-module mockup of the first wall with the manifold was fabricated, and the manufacturability and thermo-hydraulic performances were evaluated. High heat load and helium cooling test facilities have been constructed. Next, the recent status of TBM material development in Korea was introduced including Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic (RAFM) steel, lithium ceramic pebbles and silicon carbide (SiC) coated graphite pebbles. Several fabrication methods of RAFM steel, lithium ceramic pebbles, and silicon carbide coating on graphite pebbles were investigated. Recent design and R&D progress on these areas are introduced here.  相似文献   

Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) is a test tokamak reactor to bridge the gap between ITER and future fusion power plant. As its objectives are to demonstrate generation of fusion power and to realize tritium self-sufficiency, the tritium breeding ratio (TBR) is a key design parameter. In the blanket design and optimization, the structures such as the first wall (FW), cooling plate (CP), stiffening plate (SP), cap and some other design parameters in detailed 3-D model have significant impacts on the tritium breeding performance. Based on a helium cooled solid breeder blanket option for CFETR, the impact analysis of the helium cooled solid blanket structures on tritium breeding performance was performed in this paper. Firstly, the detailed 3D neutronics model was built by using of a CAD to Monte Carlo Geometry conversion tool McCad. Then based on the detailed 3D neutronics model, the impact analyses of the blanket structures on tritium breeding performance were carried out, which include the FW, CP, SP, cap and side wall. By the sensitivity study of the blanket structures on the TBR, it gave the TBR variation trend and references for the blanket design and optimization.  相似文献   

针对聚变堆固态包层设计路线,提出了一个交叉排列氦冷固态包层概念。设计采用Be、Li2TiO3分层球床。两种尺寸的氦气冷却管道交叉排列,分两个回路同时冷却,以增加系统安全可靠性。分析比较了4种6Li富集度布置方案。结果表明:径向远离第一壁降低6Li富集度较为合理,靠近第一壁的增殖层6Li富集度不能过低,以减少长期运行中Li的消耗对氚增殖性能的影响。借助蒙特卡罗程序MCNP建立11.25°对称模型,全堆包层氚增殖率为1.176,包层寿期内产氚性能稳定,在包层寿命运行时间内的燃耗分布相对均匀。  相似文献   

Attaining tritium self-sufficiency is an important mission for the Chinese Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor(CFETR) operating on a Deuterium-Tritium(D-T) fuel cycle. It is necessary to study the tritium breeding ratio(TBR) and breeding tritium inventory variation with operation time so as to provide an accurate data for dynamic modeling and analysis of the tritium fuel cycle. A water cooled ceramic breeder(WCCB) blanket is one candidate of blanket concepts for the CFETR. Based on the detailed 3D neutronics model of CFETR with the WCCB blanket,the time-dependent TBR and tritium surplus were evaluated by a coupling calculation of the Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code(MCNP) and the fusion activation code FISPACT-2007.The results indicated that the TBR and tritium surplus of the WCCB blanket were a function of operation time and fusion power due to the Li consumption in breeder and material activation.In addition, by comparison with the results calculated by using the 3D neutronics model and employing the transfer factor constant from 1D to 3D, it is noted that 1D analysis leads to an over-estimation for the time-dependent tritium breeding capability when fusion power is larger than 1000 MW.  相似文献   

氦冷固态增殖剂包层是中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)的3种候选包层概念之一。本文基于中国核工业西南物理研究院提出的一种氦冷固态增殖剂包层概念,通过蒙特卡罗输运程序MCNP5建立了包层三维中子学模型,探究了不同几何布置方案及结构设计参数对包层产氚性能的影响,得到了全堆氚增殖比(TBR)及极向各包层模块产氚分布,并由优化后的模型得到了包层模块核热分布。结果表明,优化后的TBR达到1.177,满足氚自持的最低要求。  相似文献   

基于中国ITER氦冷固态实验包层(HCSB-TBM)3×6 模块化结构设计,对其活化特性进行了计算分析.利用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP及数据库FENDL/2进行三维中子输运计算,在此基础上,使用欧洲活化分析系统EASY-2007进行了详细的活化计算.结果表明,刚停堆时,测试包层模块(TBM)总活度为1.29×1016 Bq,总余热为2.46 kW,且均主要受低活化马氏体钢Eurofer材料控制.活度和余热值均在TBM安全设计范围内,且不会对环境造成显著影响.同时,根据计算的接触剂量率可知,TBM中的活化材料均能采取远程操作实现循环再利用.活化计算结果表明,当前的HCSB-TBM设计从中子活化角度满足ITER安全设计需求.  相似文献   

Chinese Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor (CFETR) is a test reactor which shall be constructed by National Integration Design Group for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor of China with an ambitious scientific and technological goal. The reactor has the equivalent scale compared with ITER, but has the complementary function to ITER. CFETR is a demonstration of long pulse or steady-state operation with duty cycle time not less than 0.3–0.5 and the full cycle of tritium self-sustained with TBR not less than 1.2. At the same time it will be exploring options for DEMO blanket and divertor with an easy changeable core by remote handling way. To be able to reach its scientific and technological objectives, as one of technical risks control methods, RAMI analysis need to be done during the hold lifetime of CFETR, from conception design to decommissioning. Base on stating of CFETR lifetime and preliminary operational programme, the RAMI analysis program and process are designed and discussed, it consists of five major steps: (1) functional analysis are performed, (2) calculating reliability block diagrams, (3) analyzing failure mode, effects and criticality analysis, (4) risk mitigation actions are taken to ensure every system is compatibility with RAMI objectives, (5) All the RAMI analysis are integrated as the final RAMI analysis reports to be reviewed in the system final design review. Along with the elements of the analysis the vacuum vessel (VV) system was performed to provide as examples, detailed showing how the CFETR RAMI analysis is carried out. CFETR RAMI analysis guidelines were designed and established, after constantly revised and improved these analysis criteria and programs will become the basis standards for CFETR RAMI analysis. Preliminary RAMI analysis of CFETR VV system was obtained, which will be updated with the VV system design progresses.  相似文献   

在聚变堆固态包层基本参数基础上,建立简化20°模型,包层分第1壁装甲、第1壁冷却板、氚增殖区和支撑结构。分别选择Li4SiO4和Li2O做增殖材料,应用MCNP程序,研究第1壁结构布置和6Li富集度对产氚率的影响。结果表明:6Li富集度适宜选择在30%~80%之间;第1壁选择Be装甲可提高产氚率;冷却管板的厚度应取3cm以下,以避免对产氚造成不利的影响。  相似文献   

The HCPB concept has been a European DEMO reference concept for nearly one decade. Detailed thermal-hydraulic study on the control behavior of the whole system is one of the important parts of this development. The thermal-hydraulic effect of the TBM-combined cooling circuit during a cyclic operation in ITER has been studied using the system code RELAP5. The RELAP5 is based on an one-dimensional, transient two-fluid model for the flow of a two-phase steam-water mixture that can contain noncondensable components like Helium. The RELAP5-models are modified to take the cyclic operation of the circulator, heat exchanger, bypass, valves etc in to account. A sequence of operational phases is investigated, starting from the cold state through the heating phase that brings the system to a stand-by condition, followed by typical power cycles applied in ITER. The results show that the implemented control mechanisms keep the inlet temperature to the TBM and the total mass flow rate at the required values through all phases.  相似文献   

The water-cooled ceramic breeder blanket (WCCB) is one of the blanket candidates for China fusion engineering test reactor (CFETR). In order to improve power generation efficiency and tritium breeding ratio, WCCB with superheated steam is under development. The thermal-hydraulic design is the key to achieve the purpose of safe heat removal and efficient power generation under normal and partial loading operation conditions. In this paper, the coolant flow scheme was designed and one self-developed analytical program was developed, based on a theoretical heat transfer model and empirical correlations. Employing this program, the design and analysis of related thermal-hydraulic parameters were performed under different fusion power conditions. The results indicated that the superheated steam water-cooled blanket is feasible.  相似文献   

本文对液态金属 Li 流过托卡马克工程试验增殖堆自冷包层的磁流体动力学(MHD)压降进行了分析,讨论了内侧包层有无裂变、燃料元件的形式、包层能量倍增因子 M 及第一壁冷却孔道宽度对包层总压降的影响,从 MHD 流动分析的观点,为中子学、结构和热工水力设计提出了设计要求。  相似文献   

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