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近年来,我国绿色食品获得迅速发展,至2006年底,全国绿色食品企业总数达4615家,产品总数达到12868个,实物总量超过7200万t,产地环境监测面积1000万hm^2。同时,我国绿色食品的销售和出口也得到了迅猛的发展,到2006年,绿色食品销售额达到1500亿元,绿色食品出口额达到19.6亿美元。  相似文献   

据报道我国已开发出绿色食品1360个,年实物生产量1000多万吨,环境监测农田、草场和水面4000多万亩。涉及粮油、果品、蔬菜、畜禽蛋奶、水海产品、酒类、饮料等行业,其中初级产品和加工产品分别占25%和75%。在全国参与绿色食品开发的742个企业中,上市公司超过了15家。从效益上看,全国绿色食品生产企业总产值已达494亿元,年销售302亿元,税后利润20亿元,出口2亿美元。其中,绿色食品年销售额超过1亿元的企业已增加到50个。我国绿色食品十年增十倍  相似文献   

绿色食品生产与开发是我国近几年来一些地方农业结构战略性调整的一个主攻方向。自1996年以来的八年间,我们大庆市的绿色食品生产发展取得了一系列可喜成绩。到2003年末统计,我市的绿色食品已达到43个,其中A级41个,AA级2个;绿色食品生产企业达到15家,2003年末实现产值22.5亿元,产量70万t,带动绿色食品生产基地面积达到15.3万hm2。由上述数字我们可以看出我市的绿色食品生产总的发展势头较好,但是实际工作中也存在一些不容忽视的问题。有的地方有盲目追求数量一哄而上,一哄而下的苗头,有的企业不注重产品更新换代和科技开发,市场开发,虽说是绿色食品,但其经济效益却并不明显;还有的地方不注重调节龙头与基地的利益连结,使得基地农户因效益不明显而对发展绿色食品信心不足。当前,要想全面推动绿色食品事业持续、快速、健康地发展。必须正确认识,处理好数量和质量,生产和市场,龙头和基地,开发与保护的关系。  相似文献   

★四川绿色食品协会成立近日,四川省绿色食品协会在成都宣告成立,首批会员单位有93家。四川是我国最早发展绿色食品的省份之一,目前该省已有48家企业153个产品获“绿标”使用权;去年该省绿色食品总产量达13万吨,实现销售收入23亿元,利润5.8亿元,居全国第6位。目前,绿色食品产业发展早已打破了行业界限,成为涉及农业、食品加工、环保、卫生、工商、质监、商贸、物流、科研等多部门、多门类的系统工程。四川省绿色食品办公室已加入了有机农业运动国际联盟,在中国入世后四川绿色食品行业对外交流与协作必须与国际惯例接轨。面临新形…  相似文献   

绿色食品的起源及发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文论述绿色食品的起源、形成与发展过程。列举了大量的数据资料,充分反映绿色食品在我国的发展现状。同时,阐述发展绿色食品的巨大经济效益,充分体现绿色食品事业旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

我国绿色食品产品总数已达近18万个,获得绿色食品认证的国家级、省级农业产业化龙头企业已接近1000家,产品年销售额超过2000亿元,出口超过20亿美元,占全国农产品出口总额的7%。我国绿色食品产业已经建立了认证管理基本制度,目前农业部发布的绿色食品相关标准有102项,地方发布的标准有235项。经过多年努力,全国已创建绿色食品大型标准化原料生产基地219个,基地面积376.3万hm^2,生产总量2900万t,带动640多万农户增收。  相似文献   

<正> 随着自然、健康的消费观念日渐深入人心,我国绿色食品开发总量持续快速增长,特别是近三年是绿色食品事业发展最快的时期。据中国绿色食品发展中心统计,到去年底,全国绿色食品产品总数达到了2400个,比1998年增长了1.4倍,到目前,全国有效使用绿色商标标志的产品总数已达2791个。绿色食品的生  相似文献   

国产绿色食品已逾两千种 时下,从田头到餐桌,绿色食品越来越“抢眼”:全国受保护的农田、草场、水面已达5000万亩,去年全年绿色食品销售额突破400亿元,其中出口创汇2亿多美元。 日前,中国农业部副部长范小建介绍说,21世纪被称为“绿色世纪”,  相似文献   

1991年,国务院在《关于开发绿色食品有关问题的批复》中明确指出:“开发绿色食品对于保护生态环境,提高农产品质量,促进食品工业发展,增进人民身体健康,增加农产品出口创汇,都具有现实意义和深远影响。”随着事业的不断发展,全社会又进一步提高和深化了对发展这项事业重要意义的认识。  相似文献   

一、绿色食品发展的现状我国绿色食品产业创始于上个世纪90年代初,1998年以后进入加速发展时期,年均增长速度超过25%,到2003年6月底,绿色食品企业总数达到1929家,产品总数3427个;实物总量超过2500万t,约占食用农产品及加工食品总量的1%。主要产品产量:大米176万t,占大米总产量的1.42%,面粉39.8万t,占总产量的0.61%,食用植物油11.9万t,占总产量的0.86%,水果75.1万t,占总产量的1.1%,茶叶4.3万t,占总产量的6.6%,液体乳及乳制品74万t,占总产量的 35.7%;产品年销售额超过600亿元人民币,出口额8.4亿美元,出口率11.6%;环境监测的农田、草场、水域面…  相似文献   

Pigments are present in all living matter and provide attractive colors and play basic roles in the development of organisms. Human beings, like most animals, come in contact with their surroundings through color, and things can or cannot be acceptable based on their color characteristics. This review presents the basic information about pigments focusing attention on the natural ones; it emphasizes the principal plant pigments: carotenoids, anthocyanins, and betalains. Special considerations are given to their salient characteristics; to their biosynthesis, taking into account the biochemical and molecular biology information generated in their elucidation; and to the processing and stability properties of these compounds as food colorants.  相似文献   

Holsteins (HH), Jerseys (JJ), and their crosses in first (n=157) and second (n=107) lactation were used to determine if reproduction, progesterone (P4), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), insulin, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and milk production differed between genetic groups. Thirty-four cows were Holstein-Jersey (HJ) crosses, 46 were Jersey-Holstein (JH) crosses, 48 were purebred Holsteins (HH), and 29 were purebred Jerseys (JJ) in first lactation, whereas the second-lactation animals included 23 HJ, 35 JH, 35 HH, and 14 JJ. Blood samples were collected weekly for the first 10 wk postpartum. Analyses were conducted using the MIXED, chi-square, and GLIMMIX procedures (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Seasons of calving were cold (November to May) and hot (June to October) and were combined with year to form 8 year-seasons. Days open and number of services were affected by genetic group. The HH were open 169±8 d, which was greater than HJ (143±9 d), JJ (132±10 d), and JH (127±8 d). The HH had 2.4±0.1 services per pregnancy, which was greater than JH (1.9±0.1), but not different from HJ (2.1±0.2) or JJ (2.1±0.2). Concentrations of NEFA were greater in lactation 2 (0.52±0.02 mEq/L) than in lactation 1 (0.45±0.02 mEq/L) and decreased over the 10-wk period. Concentrations of NEFA were greater in the cold season except in yr 3. Insulin in lactation 1 (0.81±0.03 ng/mL) was greater than in lactation 2 (0.72±0.03 ng/mL); insulin decreased to wk 2 then gradually increased. The HJ had the greatest insulin concentrations (0.87±0.04 ng/mL) and the JJ had the lowest (0.66±0.04 ng/mL), and IGF-1 gradually increased over the 10-wk period. Milk production (actual yield in the first 305 d, not adjusted for fat and protein) was affected by genetic group, lactation number, year-season, and wk 1 insulin. The HH produced 10,348±207 kg of milk, which was greater than the HJ (9,129±230 kg), the JH (9,384±190 kg), and the JJ (7,080±240 kg). Milk production in lactation 2 (9,676±163 kg) was greater than that in lactation 1 (8,294±160 kg). The JJ (10.3±4.7%) had the highest frequency of mastitis. The chance of getting mastitis for HH (1.1±0.9%) differed from that for HJ (9.4±4.1%), JH (8.1±3.4%), and JJ (10.3±4.7%). Genetic group affected hormones and metabolites, which may partially explain differences in reproductive measures and milk yield.  相似文献   

The spice Capsicum is the fruit of the cultivated species of the genus Capsicum (family, Solanaceae), C. annuum principally, and C. frutescens L. to a lesser extent. A third variety of C. annuum var. annuum fruits, the large-sized, fleshy bell capsicum is used as a fresh vegetable and valued for its aroma, color, and crisp texture, but with no pungency. This variety is not considered in this series of reviews covering primary processing, production, international trade, chemistry, and biochemistry of functional components--the red keto carotenoids, the aromatic volatiles and the pungent capsaicinoids in Parts I to III. The valid qualitative aspects correlating the specific components of capsicum and their sensory responses are critically covered in Part IV. In this the concluding part of the series of reviews, the significant preference of the spice for initially evoking an aversive response, its potent physiological and pharmacological effects, and the aspects of structure-activity relationships of the pungent stimuli of the capsaicinoids are reviewed. The beneficial effects particularly associated with long usage by some ethnic groups and its safe consumption levels, with a critical review of the studies on the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, the sensory system, thermoregulation, nutritional impacts, and an overview of the five series is also detailed.  相似文献   

采用微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了41个牌号烤烟型卷烟和雪茄烟样品烟丝中的锂、铬、镍、铜、砷、硒、钼、镉、铊和铅含量,并按照类型和价位对卷烟中这10种有害元素含量进行了统计分析。结果发现:①卷烟中锂和铜的含量较高,铊的含量很低,铬、镍、镉、铅、砷、硒和钼7种元素的平均含量为0.55~4.42μg/g;②雪茄烟中铬、镍、砷、钼、镉、铊和铅的含量一般高于烤烟型卷烟,而硒元素的含量则相反,但差别较小;烤烟型卷烟中锂和铜的含量与雪茄烟没有显著差异;③高档卷烟中的锂、镍、镉、铊和铬含量较低,而砷、铅的含量较高;不同价位卷烟的铜、硒和钼含量差异不显著。  相似文献   

Tungsten permanent modifier with coinjection of Pd(NO3)2 and W–Ru permanent modifiers are proposed for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Bi, Pb, Sb, and Se (group 1) and Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, and Mn (group 2), respectively, in milk by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The performance of modifiers was evaluated by means of thermal behavior of analytes, sensitivity, atomic signal profile, repeatability, graphite tube lifetime, and background intensity. An air-assisted pyrolysis step was necessary to quantitative elimination of the organic matter. After methods optimization, 14 commercial milk samples were analyzed. The found concentrations of As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Se, Co, and Cr were lower than their limit of detection (2.13, 2.21, 1.49, 1.63, 2.05, 1.0, and 1.2 μg L−1, respectively). Concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Mn were in the 1.58–5.74 μg L−1, 9.79–49.3 μg L−1, and 2.25–4.08 μg L−1 intervals, respectively. The limits of detection for Cu, Fe, and Mn were 1.7, 5.3, and 2.0 μg L−1, respectively. The accuracy of methods was checked after analysis of two milk standard materials. Results for Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Mn were in agreement with certified values of SRMs at the 95% confidence level. Accuracy was also evaluated by addition–recovery tests and recoveries in the 86–127% range were obtained for all elements. The use of pretreat platform of graphite tubes with W or W–Ru allowed enlarging the lifetime of atomizer in 750 heating cycles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Total polyphenols, total anthocyanins, and reduced ascorbic acid were evaluated in berries belonging to the genera Rubus, Ribes, and Aronia by means of spectrophotometric and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of the fruit extracts was tested. Total polyphenols ranged from 140.6 to 888.5 mg/100 g fresh weight (FW), total anthocyanins ranged from 22.0 to 460.5 mg/100 g FW, and reduced ascorbic acid ranged from 12.4 to 153.8 mg/ 100 g FW. The average EC50 values for Aronia melanocarpa, Ribes nigrum, Ribes rubrum, Rubus fruticosus, and Rubus idaeus were 1.8, 2.8, 5.3, 6.4, and 8.2 mg FW, respectively. The results indicate that the fruits tested are good sources of natural antioxidants.  相似文献   

Enzyme assays and electrophoresis were used to monitor the activity of tyrosinase, laccase, and peroxidase in Agaricus bisporus (common cultivated button mushrooms and Crimini mushrooms), Oyster, and Shiitake mushrooms. The three enzymes could be differentiated using specific substrates and inhibitors. Tyrosinase seemed to be the major phenol oxidase in the Agaricus strains, while Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms had much lower levels. Peroxidase activity was low or undetectable in all types examined. Control of enzymatic browning in different mushroom types may depend upon the distribution of different oxidases within any given type.  相似文献   

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