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近年来,随着硅微机械加工技术的发展,国际上兴起了对细胞及细胞阵列传感器的研究。由于要分析单个细胞以及细胞网络间的功能性信息,对表面处理提出了更高的要求。针对国际上细胞传感器表面处理的最新研究成果,分析了多种处理方法应用于细胞传感器的可行性及面临的问题,同时,介绍了我们的一些研究结果和该领域的进展。  相似文献   

将聚吡咯(PPy)和辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)以电聚合的方式沉积在微Pt电极(φ=10μm)上,再以电化学沉积法将纳米Pt颗粒沉积在电极表面,由此制备出纳米Pt/HRP-PPy共固定微电极传感器(Pt/HRP-PPy-nano Pt CME),研究了其电化学行为。在除O2的磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)中,该电极加速了H2O2还原反应,而沉积在PPy上的纳米Pt显著催化了该反应。以计时电流法定量分析H2O2,在30℃的0.02mol/LpH=7.0PBS中检测H2O2,在0.001~0.3mmol/L浓度范围呈现线性响应,相关系数为0.9972,检测下限达0.3μmol·L-1(S/N=3)。该传感器对H2O2电流响应灵敏度高(0.42mA.cm-2·mmol·L-1)、迅速(7.3s)、稳定性好。此传感器表现出Michaelis-Menten行为,KaMpp为0.033mmol·L-1。较小的KaMpp值表明固定在微Pt电极表面的纳米Pt/HRP对H2O2具有较高亲和性。检测了实际人血清样品中H2O2,结果和对照方法一致,本电极可用作痕量H2O2生医传感器。  相似文献   

应用亲和型生物传感器IAsys实时监测白细胞介素-2(IL-2)与其可溶性受体(sIL-2R)之间的相互作用,并进一步揭示IL-2/sIL-2R在体内的作用机理。将sIL-2R进行生物素标记后,利用生物素-亲和素系统将其固定于IAsys生物传感器的生物素样品池表面,向样品池中加入IL-2,通过检测由IL-2与固定于样品池表面的sIL-2R结合而引起的传感基片表面共振光角度的变化来研究IL-2和sIL-2R之间的相互作用。IL-2可与sIL-2R在体外发生特异性结合。IAsys生物传感器是一种研究生物大分子间相互作用的理想工具,为细胞因子/受体体系的相互作用研究提供了有效的方法和新的思路。  相似文献   

Abstract— A blue‐light‐emitting Eu2+‐doped CaMgSi2O6 phosphor having a long lifetime for a plasma‐display panel (PDP) was developed. The CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+(CMS:Eu) phosphors show no luminance degradation during the baking process, and an equivalent photoluminescence peak intensity compared to that of the conventional blue‐phosphor BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM) after baking. CMS: Eu shows a poor luminescent characteristic for the Xe excimer band excitation due to the lack of absorption. To introduce the absorption center for the Xe excimer band, we performed Gd‐codoping of CMS: Eu as a sensitizer and found a new excitation band around 172 nm, which originated from Gd3+. The test PDPs panels using synthesized CMS: Eu phosphor and CMS: Eu, Gd phosphor were examined to investigate the luminescent and aging characteristics of a Xe‐discharge excitation source. The CMS: Eu panel shows an emission peak intensity comparable to that of the BAM panel (i.e., a comparable stimuli L/CIEy, 93% of BAM), while the CMS: Eu, Gd panel shows poorer blue emission intensity compared to the BAM panel (up to 53% of total stimuli of BAM). The CMS: Eu panel and the CMS: Eu, Gd panel show less luminance degradation than the BAM panel under the aging test, and the panel retains 90% of its luminance after 300 hours of driving. It was found that CMS: Eu appears to be a candidate for a new blue PDP phosphor because of its longevity in a Xe‐discharge plasma environment.  相似文献   

摘 要:为加快混合动力汽车控制策略的开发进度,缩短产品开发周期,设计与开发了基于飞思卡尔MC9S12DG256控制器、驾驶员模拟器、控制器自动代码生成编译工具包及Freemaster实时数据监测软件构成的混合动力汽车控制策略快速控制原型系统半实物仿真平台,将底层驱动与上层控制策略模型一键下载到MC9S12DG256控制器,实现模型到代码的自动下载,并能与AVL CRUISE 中车辆信息进行实时的串口通信。针对一款并联式混合动力客车进行仿真实验,结果能较好地模拟实车特性,验证了该仿真平台的有效性,其开发成本低廉,易在高校中推广。  相似文献   

Maven是目前Java项目的主要项目管理工具,它具有管理方便、容易扩展的特点。本文描述了Maven的原理、功能和生命周期等概念,重点分析了Maven插件的设计思路和需要解决的问题,并设计和开发了针对J2ME的Maven项目的插件。  相似文献   

Bienzyme electrode with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and glucose oxidase (GOD) multilayers was constructed based on sugar–lectin biospecific interactions for amperometric determination of phenolic compounds and aromatic amines. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was applied to monitor the uniform layer-by-layer assembly of concanavalin A (Con A) and HRP or GOD on polyelectrolyte precursor film-modified Au electrode. Substituted phenolic compounds and aromatic amines could be determined with in situ generation of H2O2 by GOD-catalyzed oxidation of glucose. The parameters of the biosensor including the number of assembled HRP and GOD layer, and the concentrations of glucose were optimized. The linear range for the determination of catechol and p-phenyldiamine was 6.0–60.0 μmol L−1 and 7.6–68.4 μmol L−1 with detection limit of 0.9 μmol L−1 and 0.4 μmol L−1, respectively. The biosensor possessed high sensitivity and fast response for phenolic compounds and 95% of the maximum response could be reached in about 3 s. Glucose, ascorbic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid and starch exhibited no interference for the detection. The biosensor presented high stability due to the design for in situ generation of H2O2 with bienzyme system.  相似文献   

A 2D-vision system is integrated into a drink-serving robotic cell, to enhance its flexibility. Two videocameras are used in a hybrid configuration scheme. The former is rigidly mounted on the robot end effector, the latter is fixed to the workplace. The robot cell is based on two Denso robots that interoperate to simulate real human tasks. Blob analysis, template matching and edge detection algorithms cooperate with motion procedures for fast object recognition and flexible adaptation to the environment. The paper details the system workflow, with particular emphasis to the vision procedures. The experimental results show their performance in terms of flexibility and robustness against defocusing, lighting conditions and noise.  相似文献   

吕毅  葛玮  郝克刚 《微机发展》2006,16(12):208-211
在传统的J2EE的开发过程中存在着许多问题。Spring是关于J2EE开发的一种重要的轻量级框架,它可以解决在J2EE开发过程中出现的这些问题,同时也提高了软件开发的效率和质量。文中在介绍Spring框架结构的基础上分析了Spring的技术特性。通过提供一种使用Spring Tapestry Hibernate构建J2EE开发框架的策略,展示了Spring框架在J2EE开发构成中的强大技术优势。  相似文献   

随着二维码在我国的应用越来越多,它相关的识别技术越来越重要。本文基于Wince设计实现了一种对PDF417型二维码的识别系统。针对拍摄图像的特点,研究了相应的识别方法。重点介绍了复杂背景下图像的定位以及译码等难点。  相似文献   

医用CO_2体积分数检测装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危重病人的监护需要监测病人通气功能和肺血流等情况,设计了一种装置。采用了非扩散红外线NDIR(nondispersiveinfrared)技术获取信息,旁气流式测量,再用微控制器对信息进行采集、处理,送PC机显示,可实现对病人呼吸中的CO2体积分数的无创、实时和连续监测。  相似文献   

Objective: This paper describes the development and application of a novel multi-axis hand dynamometer for quantifying 2D grip force magnitude and direction in the flexion-extension plane of the fingers. Methods: A three-beam reconfigurable form dynamometer, containing two active beams for measuring orthogonal forces and moments regardless of point of force application, was designed, fabricated and tested. Maximum grip exertions were evaluated for 16 subjects gripping cylindrical handles varying in diameter. Results: Mean grip force magnitudes were 231 N (SD = 67.7 N), 236 N (72.9 N), 208 N (72.5 N) and 158 N (45.7 N) for 3.81 cm, 5.08 cm, 6.35 cm and 7.62 cm diameter handles, respectively. Grip force direction rotated clockwise and the centre of pressure moved upward along the handle as handle diameter increased. Conclusions: Given that the multi-axis dynamometer simultaneously measures planar grip force magnitude and direction, and centre of pressure along the handle, this novel sensor design provides more grip force characteristics than current sensor designs that would improve evaluation of grip characteristics and model-driven calculations of musculoskeletal forces from dynamometer data.  相似文献   

A 440 MHz wireless and passive surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based multi-gas sensor integrated with a temperature sensor was developed on a 41° YX LiNbO3 piezoelectric substrate for the simultaneous detection of CO2, NO2, and temperature. The developed sensor was composed of a SAW reflective delay lines structured by an interdigital transducer (IDT), ten reflectors, a CO2 sensitive film (Teflon AF 2400), and a NO2 sensitive film (indium tin oxide). Teflon AF 2400 was used for the CO2 sensitive film because it provides a high CO2 solubility, with good permeability and selectivity. For the NO2 sensitive film, indium tin oxide (ITO) was used. Coupling of mode (COM) modeling was conducted to determine the optimal device parameters prior to fabrication. Using the parameters determined by the simulation results, the device was fabricated and then wirelessly measured using a network analyzer. The measured reflective coefficient S11 in the time domain showed high signal/noise (S/N) ratio, small signal attenuation, and few spurious peaks. The time positions of the reflection peaks were well matched with the predicted values from the simulation. High sensitivity and selectivity were observed at each target gas testing. The obtained sensitivity was 2.12°/ppm for CO2 and 51.5°/ppm for NO2, respectively. With the integrated temperature sensor, temperature compensation was also performed during gas sensitivity evaluation process.  相似文献   

网格与P2P计算混合模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网格和P2P(PeertoPeer)都是分布式计算模型,它们的总体目标相似。利用P2P与网格技术之间的协同和互补,构造了一个二层的网格和P2P计算混合模型,上层是网格层,下层是P2P层。P2P层负责消息路由和资源发现,网格层负责为用户提供网格服务。该模型可以解决网格的单点失效、资源搜索等问题,同时增强网格的可扩展性。  相似文献   

In real life, information about the world is uncertain and imprecise. The cause of this uncertainty is due to: deficiencies on given information, the fuzzy nature of our perception of events and objects, and on the limitations of the models we use to explain the world. The development of new methods for dealing with information with uncertainty is crucial for solving real life problems. In this paper three interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (IT2FNN) architectures are proposed, with hybrid learning algorithm techniques (gradient descent backpropagation and gradient descent with adaptive learning rate backpropagation). At the antecedents layer, a interval type-2 fuzzy neuron (IT2FN) model is used, and in case of the consequents layer an interval type-1 fuzzy neuron model (IT1FN), in order to fuzzify the rule’s antecedents and consequents of an interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy inference system (IT2-TSK-FIS). IT2-TSK-FIS is integrated in an adaptive neural network, in order to take advantage the best of both models. This provides a high order intuitive mechanism for representing imperfect information by means of use of fuzzy If-Then rules, in addition to handling uncertainty and imprecision. On the other hand, neural networks are highly adaptable, with learning and generalization capabilities. Experimental results are divided in two kinds: in the first one a non-linear identification problem for control systems is simulated, here a comparative analysis of learning architectures IT2FNN and ANFIS is done. For the second kind, a non-linear Mackey-Glass chaotic time series prediction problem with uncertainty sources is studied. Finally, IT2FNN proved to be more efficient mechanism for modeling real-world problems.  相似文献   

基于J2EE的党建信息管理平台设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了建立党建信息管理平台的背景及在党建管理中的重要性,并指出当前C/S模式管理信息系统所存在的问题,同时简要介绍了J2EE结构及其优势,然后重点介绍了在J2EE基础上实现的党建信息管理平台的功能模块与体系结构,最后结合具体实例进一步说明该信息管理平台的设计开发过程。  相似文献   

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