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The reactivity of four pulverised Australian coals were measured under simulated air (O2/N2) and oxy-fuel (O2/CO2) environments using a drop tube furnace (DTF) maintained at 1673 K and a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) run under non-isothermal (heating) conditions at temperatures up to 1473 K. The oxygen concentration, covering a wide and practical range, was varied in mixtures of O2/N2 and O2/CO2 in the range of 3 to 21 vol.% and 5 to 30 vol.%, respectively. The apparent volatile yield measured in CO2 in the DTF was greater than in N2 for all the coals studied. Pyrolysis experiments in the TGA also revealed an additional mass loss in a CO2 atmosphere, not observed in a N2 atmosphere, at relatively high temperatures. The coal burnout measured in the DTF at several O2 concentrations revealed significantly higher burnouts for two coals and similar burnouts for the other two coals in oxy-fuel conditions. TGA experiments with char also revealed higher reactivity at high temperatures and low O2 concentration. The results are consistent with a char–CO2 reaction during the volatile yield experiments, but additional experiments are necessary to resolve the mechanisms determining the differences in coal burnout.  相似文献   

Lian Zhang  Eleanor Binner  Chun-Zhu Li 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2703-6646
Experimental investigation of the combustion of an air-dried Victorian brown coal in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 mixtures was conducted in a lab-scale drop-tube furnace (DTF). In situ diagnostics of coal burning transient phenomena were carried out with the use of high-speed camera and two-colour pyrometer for photographic observation and particle temperature measurement, respectively. The results indicate that the use of CO2 in place of N2 affected brown coal combustion behaviour through both its physical influence and chemical interaction with char. Distinct changes in coal pyrolysis behaviour, ignition extent, and the temperatures of volatile flame and burning char particles were observed. The large specific heat capacity of CO2 relative to N2 is the principal factor affecting brown coal combustion, which greatly quenched the ignition of individual coal particles. As a result, a high O2 fraction of at least 30% in CO2 is required to match air. Moreover, due to the accumulation of unburnt volatiles in the coal particle vicinity, coal ignition in O2/CO2 occurred as a form of volatile cloud rather than individual particles that occurred in air. The temperatures of volatile flame and char particles were reduced by CO2 quenching throughout coal oxidation. Nevertheless, this negative factor was greatly offset by char-CO2 gasification reaction which even occurred rapidly during coal pyrolysis. Up to 25% of the nascent char may undergo gasification to yield extra CO to improve the reactivity of local fuel/O2 mixture. The subsequent homogeneous oxidation of CO released extra heat for the oxidation of both volatiles and char. As a result, the optical intensity of volatile flame in ∼27% O2 in CO2 was raised to a level twice that in air at the furnace temperature of 1273 K. Similar temperatures were achieved for burning char particles in 27% O2/73% CO2 and air. As this O2/CO2 ratio is lower than that for bituminous coal, 30-35%, a low consumption of O2 is desirable for the oxy-firing of Victorian brown coal. Nevertheless, the distinct emission of volatile cloud and formation of strong reducing gas environment on char surface may affect radiative heat transfer and ash formation, which should be cautioned during the oxy-fuel combustion of Victorian brown coal.  相似文献   

Combustion of a Chinese bituminous coal was carried out in a laboratory-scale drop tube furnace (DTF) to clarify the variation of ash properties with bulk gas composition. The combustion conditions tested include three bulk gases, air, 21% O2/79% CO2 and 27% O2/73% CO2, two furnace/gas temperatures close to the fluidized bed reactor temperature range, 1073 K and 1273 K, and three particle residence times. Apart from bulk properties analysis, individual ash particles and the original mineral species in coal were characterized using Computer - Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy (CCSEM). The results indicate that, under the given experimental conditions, shifting bulk gas from air to O2/CO2 mixtures is insignificant in terms of the elemental composition of bulk ash, in agreement with the literature. However, changes in the properties of individual species/metals are noticeable, including the extent of the vaporization of volatile elements, ash particle-size distribution (PSD), crystallization extent of K alumino-silicate associate, pyrite decomposition and oxidation rate and formation propensity of liquidus in ash. These changes were mostly considered to be caused by the evolution of included mineral grains in the distinct char particles in the O2/CO2 environment. Reduction in char particle temperature with bulk gas shifting from air to O2/CO2 mixtures was primarily crucial, which, however, could be overweighed by the existence of a fairly strong local reducing condition on the char surface in O2/CO2. Consequently, vaporization of the volatile elements such as Na and P was promoted; formation of the crystalline leucite in air was in contrast inhibited. Furthermore, the extent of coalescence of included minerals and oxidation rate of pyrite (or its derivative, pyrrhotite) were also influenced by char consumption rate, i.e. the receding extent of char surface. These parameters exerted a combined effect on ash formation, requiring detailed mathematical modeling to describe the dynamics of the formation of oxy-fuel ash. This study also indicated that the differences of ash properties formed between air and O2/CO2 mixtures can be greatly reduced and eventually eliminated by increasing furnace temperature. Increase in the turbulence of gas flow should also benefit the elimination of the side effects of local reducing gases on char surface.  相似文献   

Pulverized coal combustion in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 environments was investigated with a drop tube furnace. Results present that the reaction rate and burn-out degree of O2/CO2 chars (obtained in O2/CO2 environments) are lower than that of O2/N2 chars (obtained in O2/N2 environments) under the same experimental condition. It indicates that a higher O2 concentration in O2/CO2 environment is needed to achieve the similar combustion characteristic to that in O2/N2 environment. The main differences between O2/N2 and O2/CO2 chars rely on the pore structure determined by N2 adsorption and chemical structure measured by FT-IR. For O2/CO2 char, the surface is thick and the pores are compact which contribute to the fragmentation reduction of particles burning in O2/CO2 environment. The organic functional group elimination rate from the surface of O2/CO2 chars is slower or delayed. The present research results might have important implications for further understanding the intrinsic kinetics of pulverized coal combustion in O2/CO2 environment.  相似文献   

Hao Liu  Ramlan Zailani 《Fuel》2005,84(16):2109-2115
This paper presents experimental results of a 20 kW vertical combustor equipped with a single pf-burner on pulverised coal combustion in air and O2/CO2 mixtures with NOx recycle. Experimental results on combustion performance and NOx emissions of seven international bituminous coals in air and in O2/CO2 mixtures confirm the previous findings of the authors that the O2 concentration in the O2/CO2 mixture has to be 30% or higher to produce matching temperature profiles to those of coal-air combustion while coal combustion in 30% O2/70% CO2 leads to better coal burnout and less NOx emissions than coal combustion in air. Experimental results with NOx recycle reveal that the reduction of the recycled NO depends on the combustion media, combustion mode (staging or non-staging) and recycling location. Generally, more NO is reduced with coal combustion in 30% O2/70% CO2 than with coal combustion in air. Up to 88 and 92% reductions of the recycled NO can be achieved with coal combustion in air and in 30% O2/70% CO2 respectively. More NO is reduced with oxidant staging than without oxidant staging when NO is recycled through the burner. Much more NO is reduced when NO recycled through the burner (from 65 to 92%) than when NO is recycled through the staging tertiary oxidant ports (from 33 to 54%). The concentration of the recycled NO has little influence on the reduction efficiency of the recycled NO with both combustion media—air and 30% O2/70% CO2.  相似文献   

Achariya Suriyawong 《Fuel》2008,87(6):673-682
The charged fraction of submicrometer and ultrafine particles generated during bench scale coal combustion and the subsequent penetration of particles through a cylindrical-wire electrostatic precipitator (ESP) in O2-CO2 and O2-N2 environments were measured. In all combustion environments, natural particle charging within the combustor was not adequate for high efficiency particle collection in the ESP; thus, corona generation was necessary for enhanced particle charging. With a positive applied potential, the corona inception voltage and voltage required to reach a given current level in the ESP in gas mixtures composed of O2 and CO2 were higher than those composed of O2 and N2, while similar voltages were needed for negative corona generation. In positive coronas, particle penetration through the ESP in O2-CO2 environments was 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than in O2-N2 environments. Little difference in particle penetration between O2-N2 and O2-CO2 was seen in negative coronas.  相似文献   

Char reactivity is an important factor influencing the efficiency of a gasification process. As a low-rank fuel, Victorian brown coal with high gasification reactivity is especially suitable for use with gasification-based technologies. In this study, a Victorian brown coal was gasified at 800 °C in a fluidised-bed/fixed-bed reactor. Two different gasifying agents were used, which were 4000 ppm O2 balanced with argon and pure CO2. The chars produced at different gasification conversion levels were further analysed with a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) at 400 °C in air for their reactivities. The structural features of these chars were also characterised with FT-Raman/IR spectroscopy. The contents of alkali and alkaline earth metallic species in these chars were quantified. The reactivities of the chars prepared from the gasification in pure CO2 at 800 °C were of a much higher magnitude than those obtained for the chars prepared from the gasification in 4000 ppm O2 also at 800 °C. Even though both atmospheres (i.e. 4000 ppm O2 and pure CO2) are oxidising conditions, the results indicate that the reaction mechanisms for the gasification of brown coal char at 800 °C in these two gasifying atmospheres are different. FT-Raman/IR results showed that the char structure has been changed drastically during the gasification process.  相似文献   

Jacob Brix 《Fuel》2011,90(6):2224-2239
The aim of this investigation has been to model combustion under suspension fired conditions in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 mixtures. Experiments used for model validation have been carried out in an electrically heated Entrained Flow Reactor (EFR) at temperatures between 1173 K and 1673 K with inlet O2 concentrations between 5 and 28 vol.%. The COal COmbustion MOdel, COCOMO, includes the three char morphologies: cenospheric char, network char and dense char each divided between six discrete particle sizes. Both combustion and gasification with CO2 are accounted for and reaction rates include thermal char deactivation, which was found to be important for combustion at high reactor temperatures and high O2 concentrations. COCOMO show in general good agreement with experimental char conversion profiles at conditions covering zone I-III. From the experimental profiles no effect of CO2 gasification on char conversion has been found. COCOMO does however suggest that CO2 gasification in oxy-fuel combustion at low O2 concentrations can account for as much as 70% of the overall char consumption rate during combustion in zone III.  相似文献   

Changdong Sheng  Yi Li 《Fuel》2008,87(7):1297-1305
The present paper was addressed to mineral transformations and ash formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coal. Four Chinese thermal coals were burned in a drop tube furnace to generate ashes under various combustion conditions. The ash samples were characterized with XRD analysis and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The impacts of O2/CO2 combustion on mineral transformation and ash formation were explored through comparisons between O2/CO2 combustion and O2/N2 combustion. It was found that, O2/CO2 combustion did not significantly change the mineral phases formed in the residue ashes, but did affect the relative amounts of the mineral phases. The differences observed in the ashes formed in two atmospheres were attributed to the impact of the gas atmosphere on the combustion temperatures of coal char particles, which consequently influenced the ash formation behaviors of included minerals.  相似文献   

Jacob Brix 《Fuel》2010,89(11):3373-4289
The aim of the present investigation is to examine differences between O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres during devolatilization and char conversion of a bituminous coal at conditions covering temperatures between 1173 K and 1673 K and inlet oxygen concentrations between 5 and 28 vol.%. The experiments have been carried out in an electrically heated entrained flow reactor that is designed to simulate the conditions in a suspension fired boiler. Coal devolatilized in N2 and CO2 atmospheres provided similar results regarding char morphology, char N2-BET surface area and volatile yield. This strongly indicates that a shift from air to oxy-fuel combustion does not influence the devolatilization process significantly. Char combustion experiments yielded similar char conversion profiles when N2 was replaced with CO2 under conditions where combustion was primarily controlled by chemical kinetics. When char was burned at 1573 K and 1673 K a faster conversion was found in N2 suggesting that the lower molecular diffusion coefficient of O2 in CO2 lowers the char conversion rate when external mass transfer influences combustion. The reaction of char with CO2 was not observed to have an influence on char conversion rates at the applied experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Combustion of fuels under enhanced oxygen atmospheres has been well investigated over the past decades in various types of combustors, varying from diesel engines to coal-fired boilers. Most studies have found significantly lower NOx emissions during Oxy-coal combustion. In this paper, NOx combustion chemistry under O2/CO2 atmosphere as well as air atmosphere was studied using detailed kinetic model. A suitable reaction mechanism was chosen based on the comparison between the calculation result and the experimental data. The influence of various parameters (temperature, CO2 concentration) on NOx conversion was investigated. The chemical effects of high CO2 concentration on NO formation and destruction process was studied. On the basis of investigations through elementary chemical reactions, it can be concluded that high CO2 concentration play a pronounced role on NOx conversion process. Moreover, the dominant reaction steps contribution to production and destruction of NO as well as the most important reactions for NO reduction under different atmospheres were discussed.  相似文献   

The O2/CO2 coal combustion technology is an innovative combustion technology that can control CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions simultaneously. Calcination and sintering characteristics of limestone under O2/CO2 atmosphere were investigated in this paper. The pore size, the specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined were measured by N2 adsorption method. The grain size of CaO calcined was determined by XRD analysis. The specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere are less than that of CaO calcined in air at the same temperature. And the pore diameter of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere is larger than that in air. The specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere increase initially with temperature, and then decline as temperature exceeds 1000 °C. The peaks of the specific pore volume and the specific surface area appear at 1000 °C. The specific surface area decreases with increase in the grain size of CaO calcined. The correlations of the grain size with the specific surface area and the specific pore volume can be expressed as L = 744.67 + 464.64 lg(1 / S) and L = − 608.5 + 1342.42 lg(1 / ε), respectively. Sintering has influence on the pore structure of CaO calcined by means of influencing the grain size of CaO.  相似文献   

Hao Liu 《Fuel》2003,82(11):1427-1436
Coal combustion with O2/CO2 is promising because of its easy CO2 recovery, extremely low NOx emission and high desulfurization efficiency. Based on our own fundamental experimental data combined with a sophisticated data analysis, its characteristics were investigated. It was revealed that the conversion ratio from fuel-N to exhausted NO in O2/CO2 pulverized coal combustion was only about one fourth of conventional pulverized coal combustion. To decrease exhausted NO further and realize simultaneous easy CO2 recovery and drastic reduction of SOx and NOx, a new scheme, i.e. O2/CO2 coal combustion with heat recirculation, was proposed. It was clarified that in O2/CO2 coal combustion, with about 40% of heat recirculation, the same coal combustion intensity as that of coal combustion in air could be realized even at an O2 concentration of as low as 15%. Thus exhausted NO could be decreased further into only one seventh of conventional coal combustion. Simultaneous easy CO2 recovery and drastic reduction of SOx and NOx could be realized with this new scheme.  相似文献   

Klaus Schü  tte  Winfried Wittler  Gerd Rotzoll  Karl Schü  gerl 《Fuel》1989,68(12):1499-1502
Axial concentration profiles of O2, CO2 and SO2 have been measured at different radial positions in a coal-fired fluidized bed combustor. The profiles show some spatial inhomogeneity in the bed, the degree of which depends on fluidizing velocity and amount of excess air. Comparison of SO2- with CO2-concentration profiles reveals that SO2 is formed in proportion to CO2 only with anthracite as fuel. With bituminous coals, SO2 is preferentially formed near the coal feed point. These results are discussed with regard to characteristic times of mixing and chemical reaction in fluidized beds, and SO2-formation characteristics of the employed coals obtained in a thermobalance.  相似文献   

Hua Fei  Jun Xiang  Lushi Sun  Peng Fu  Gang Chen 《Fuel》2011,90(2):441-448
When predicting the variation of pore structure during O2/CO2 combustion of coal chars using the random pore model (RPM), it is impossible to calculate exactly the structure parameter ψ from the pore characteristics. The values of structure parameter ψ, which were calculated based on its fractal feature at various carbon conversions, should be almost constant. However, this investigation exhibited a drastic increase of ψ at the end of combustion reaction. In this work, structure parameter ψ of the RPM was modified according to the experimental analysis and a new model, fractal random pore model (FRPM), was constructed. Compared with other models such as RPM, discrete random pore model (DRPM), the Struis model (Model I) and the Liu model (Model II), it was found that fractal random pore model was more accurate to describe coal chars combustion, especially at higher conversions. Using the FRPM, O2/CO2 isotherm combustion of coal chars were analyzed at different temperatures.  相似文献   

The emission of carbon dioxide varies systematically with the rank and type of coal combusted. Hence use of a single default emission factor proposed by IPCC (Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change) for entire categories coals may not be appropriate option to obtain a reliable estimate of carbon dioxide emission level or towards the preparation of national carbon dioxide inventory. Even predictive equations developed based on the coals of different origin may not work well with coals of a specific origin. Several linear predictive equations were thus developed separately for coking and non-coking coals of Indian origin for the estimation of carbon dioxide emission utilizing basic coal parameters such as VM, FC, GCV and NCV on different basis. Large numbers of authenticated data set were used for multiple regression analysis and good correlations were obtained. Those equations were also validated with different data sets of Indian coals. Its applicability towards estimation of CO2 emission from power plant was also studied and uncertainty in CO2 estimation is revealed. The developed equations may be utilized to get a realistic estimate of carbon dioxide emission with specific cases where Indian coals are mostly used.  相似文献   

The present paper presents a three-dimensional numerical investigation of a pulverized-fuel, tangentially-fired utility boiler located at Florina/Greece under air, partial and full oxy-fuel conditions. Heat and mass transfer and major species concentration, such as CO2, CO and O2 are calculated; whilst the results for the reference air case scenario studied are in good agreement with the corresponding operational data measured in the plant, both for combustion calculations and NOx emissions. Results for the partial and full oxy-fuel operation scenarios are in line with similar experimental and numerical investigations found in the recent literature. This numerical investigation of oxy-fuel conditions scenarios prior to their implementation under real scale conditions demonstrates the utmost of its importance, since significant results regarding the operation of a boiler in terms of lignite particle trajectories and burning rates are attained. Furthermore, NOx calculations have been performed for all the examined case studies.  相似文献   

Flue-gas recycling combustion of a sub-bituminous coal and its rapid pyrolysis char at 1120 K has been simulated experimentally in a bubbling fluidized-bed. O2, CO2 and H2O, and NO or N2O were pre-mixed and fed into the bed together with coal/char particles with the O2 concentration in the exit gas maintained at 3.5 vol%. Increasing the inlet O2 concentration, thus increasing the O2 consumption rate and decreasing the flue-gas recycling ratio, caused the once-through conversion of fuel-bound nitrogen into N2O to decrease while the conversion to NO to remain unchanged. The in-bed reductions of NO and N2O were both first order with respect to the respective nitrogen oxide, with the rate constants to increase linearly with the rate of O2 consumption in the bed and thus also with that of char/volatiles consumption. This finding, which indicated linear increase in the concentrations of reactive species involved in NO/N2O reduction with the rate of O2 consumption, enabled consideration that the homogeneous and heterogeneous reduction rates of NO and N2O were proportional to the consumption rates of O2 by the volatiles and char, respectively. The rate analysis of the kinetic data revealed the relative importance of burning volatiles and char as the agents for the reduction of NO and N2O. While the reduction in the gas phase was fully responsible for the NO-to-N2O conversion, the reactions over the char surface governed the NO-to-N2 reduction. The volatiles and char had comparable contributions to the reduction of N2O to N2. The NO-to-N2 and N2O-to-N2 reductions over the char surface were, respectively, accelerated and decelerated by increasing the H2O concentration.  相似文献   

To demonstrate process feasibility of in situ CO2 capture from combustion of fossil fuels using Ca-based sorbent looping technology, a flexible atmospheric dual fluidized bed combustion system has been constructed. Both reactors have an ID of 100 mm and can be operated at up to 1000 °C at atmospheric pressure. This paper presents preliminary results for a variety of operating conditions, including sorbent looping rate, flue gas stream volume, CaO/CO2 ratio and combustion mode for supplying heat to the sorbent regenerator, including oxy-fuel combustion of biomass and coal with flue gas recirculation to achieve high-concentration CO2 in the off-gas. It is the authors' belief that this study is the first demonstration of this technology using a pilot-scale dual fluidized bed system, with continuous sorbent looping for in situ CO2 capture, albeit at atmospheric pressure. A multi-cycle test was conducted and a high CO2 capture efficiency (> 90%) was achieved for the first several cycles, which decreased to a still acceptable level (> 75%) even after more than 25 cycles. The cyclic sorbent was sampled on-line and showed general agreement with the features observed using a lab-scale thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) apparatus. CO2 capture efficiency decreased with increasing number of sorbent looping cycles as expected, and sorbent attrition was found to be another significant factor to be limiting sorbent performance.  相似文献   

Y. Hu  S. Naito  N. Kobayashi  M. Hasatani 《Fuel》2000,79(15):1925-1932
The emissions of CO2, NOx and SO2 from the combustion of a high-volatile coal with N2- and CO2-based, high O2 concentration (20, 50, 80, 100%) inlet gases were investigated in an electrically heated up-flow-tube furnace at elevated gas temperatures (1123–1573 K). The fuel equivalence ratio, φ, was varied in the range of 0.4–1.6. Results showed that CO2 concentrations in flue gas were higher than 95% for the processes with O2 and CO2-based inlet gases. NOx emissions increased with φ under fuel-lean conditions, then declined dramatically after φ=0.8, and the peak values increased from about 1000 ppm for the air combustion process and 500 ppm for the O2(20%)+CO2(80%) inlet gas process to about 4500 ppm for the oxygen combustion process. When φ>1.4 the emissions decreased to the same level for different O2 concentration inlet gas processes. On the other hand, NOx emission indexes decreased monotonically with φ under both fuel-lean and fuel-rich combustion. SO2 emissions increased with φ under fuel-lean conditions, then declined slightly after φ>1.2. Temperature has a large effect on the NOx emission. Peak values of the NOx emission increased by 50–70% for the N2-based inlet gas processes and by 30–50% for the CO2-based inlet gas process from 1123 to 1573 K. However, there was only a small effect of temperature on the SO2 emission.  相似文献   

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