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N-use efficiency in flooded tropical rice is usually low. Fertilizer N losses result mainly from losses of volatile NH3 after broadcast application of urea into floodwater between transplanting and early tillering which is a common practice of farmers. Losses appear predominantly during the first week after urea application. With broadcast and incorporation of N into soil at transplanting losses may be reduced but are still substantial. Deep placement of urea supergranules (USG) has not been adopted by farmers because it is very laborious. A new application technique, namely injection of dissolved urea into the upper soil layer, was developed by which fertilizer N losses were effectively minimized while at the same time allowing flexible timing of application independent of crop stage and water management. It provides N-use efficiency equal to that achieved by USG point placement but is less labor-intensive.  相似文献   

Two modified urea products (urea supergranules [USG] and sulfur-coated urea [SCU]) were compared with conventional urea and ammonium sulfate as sources of nitrogen (N), applied at 58 kg N ha–1 and 116 kg N ha–1, for lowland rice grown in an alkaline soil of low organic matter and light texture (Typic Ustipsamment) having a water percolation rate of 109 mm day–1. The SCU and USG were applied at transplanting, and the whole dose of nitrogen was15N-labeled; the SCU was prepared in the laboratory and was not completely representative of commercial SCU. The SCU was broadcast and incorporated, whereas the USG was point-placed at a depth of 7–8 cm. The urea and ammonium sulfate applications were split: two-thirds was broadcast and incorporated at transplanting, and one-third was broadcast at panicle initiation. All fertilizers except the last one-third of the urea and ammonium sulfate were labeled with15N so that a fertilizer-N balance at flowering and maturity stages of the crop could be constructed and the magnitude of N loss assessed.At all harvests and N rates, rice recovered more15N from SCU than from the other sources. At maturity, the crop recovered 38 to 42% of the15N from SCU and only 23 to 31% of the15N from the conventional fertilizers, urea and ammonium sulfate, whose recovery rates were not significantly different. In contrast, less than 9% of the USG-N was utilized. Fertilizer nitrogen uptake was directly related to the yield response from the different sources. Most of the fertilizer N was taken up by the time the plants were flowering although recovery did increase up to maturity in some treatments.Analysis of the soil plus roots revealed that less than 1% of the added15N was in the mineral form. Between 20 and 30% of the15N applied as urea, SCU, and ammonium sulfate was recovered in the soil plus roots, mainly in the 0–15 cm soil layer. Only 16% of the15N applied as USG was recovered in the soil, and this15N was distributed throughout the soil profile to a depth of 70 cm, which was the lowest depth of sampling.Calculations of the15N balance showed that 46 to 50% of the urea and ammonium sulfate was unaccounted for and considered lost from the system. Only 27 to 38% of the15N applied as SCU was not recovered at maturity, but 78% of the USG application was unaccounted for. The extensive losses and poor plant recovery of USG at this site are discussed in relation to the high percolation rate, which is atypical of many ricegrowing areas.  相似文献   

The upland fertilization practice in Africa of placing N fertilizer below the soil surface near the plant might be facilitated through use of urea supergranules (USG). Since little is known about N losses from point-placed urea on light-textured African soils, laboratory studies were conducted in a forced-draft system to determine (a) the influence of soil properties on ammonia loss from USG and (b) to compare N loss from USG with that from broadcast N sources. Ammonia loss from 1.1 g USG placed at a 4-cm soil depth ranged from 2.9 to 62% of the added N on six light-textured soils. Ammonia loss was correlated with soil clay content (r = –0.93**) but not with pH. A more detailed study on a soil from Niger revealed significantly less ammonia loss from either surfaced applied urea (18%) or surface-applied calcium ammonium nitrate (7%) than from USG placed at a 4-cm depth (67%). Amendment of surface-applied urea with 1.7% phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPD), a urease inhibitor, essentially eliminated ammonia loss (1.9%). An15N balance confirmed that ammonia volatilization was the major loss mechanism for all N sources. The results suggest that point-placed urea may be prone to ammonia volatilization loss on light-textured African soils moistened by frequent light rainfall. In such cases, broadcast application of urea, CAN, or urea amended with PPD may be less prone to N loss.  相似文献   

Initial and residual effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizers on grain yield of a maize/bean intercrop grown on a deep, well-drained Humic Nitosol (66% clay, 3% organic carbon) were evaluated. Enriched (15N) N fertilizer was used to study the fate of applied N in two seasons: using urea (banded) at 50 kg N ha–1 in one season, and15N-enriched urea (banded), calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN, banded), and urea supergranules (USG, point placement) were applied in the other season (different field) at 100 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly (P = 0.05) increased equivalent maize grain yield in each season of application with no significant differences between N sources, i.e., urea, CAN, and USG. Profitmaximizing rates ranged from 75 to 97 kg N ha–1 and value: cost ratios ranged from 3.0 to 4.8. Urea gave the highest value: cost ratio in each season. Most (lowest measurement 81%) of the applied N was accounted for by analyzing the soil (to 150 cm depth) and plant material. Measurements for urea, CAN, and USG were not significantly different. The high N measurements suggest low losses of applied N fertilizer under the conditions of the study. Maize plant recovery ranged from 35 to 55%; most of this N (51–65%) was in the grain. Bean plant recovery ranged from 8 to 20%. About 34–43% of the applied N fertilizer remained in the soil, and most of it (about 70%) was within the top soil layer (0–30 cm). However, there were no significant equivalent maize grain increases in seasons following N application indicating no beneficial residual effect of the applied fertilizers.  相似文献   

Poor N fertilizer use efficiency by flooded rice is caused by gaseous losses of N. Improved fertilizer management and use of nitrification inhibitors may reduce N losses. A microplot study using15N-labelled urea was conducted to investigate the effects of fertilizer application method (urea broadcast, incorporated, deep-placed) and nitrification inhibitor [encapsulated calcium carbide (ECC)] treatments on emission of N2+N20 and total loss of applied N on a grey clay near Griffith, NSW, Australia. Both incorporation and deep placement of urea decreased N2+N2O emission compared to urea broadcast into the floodwater. Addition of ECC significantly (P < 0.05) reduced emission of N2+N20 from incorporated or deep-placed urea and resulted in increased exchangeable ammonium concentrations in the soil in both treatments. Fifty percent of the applied N was lost when urea was broadcast into the floodwater. Total N loss from the applied N was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced when urea was either incorporated or deep placed. In the presence of ECC the losses were reduced further and the lowest loss (34.2% of the applied N) was noted when urea was deep-placed with ECC.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation and greenhouse experiments were conducted to investigate the comparative effectiveness of urea and ammonium sulphate in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) using15N dilution techniques. Fertilizer treatments were control (no N), 600 mg N pot–1 and 1200 mg N pot–1 (12 kg oven dry soil) applied as aqueous solution of urea or ammonium sulphate. Fertilizer rates, under laboratory incubation study were similar to that under greenhouse conditions. A fertilizer15N balance sheet reveals that N recovery by plants was 28–39% with urea and 35–45% with ammonium sulphate. Total recovery of15N in soil-plant system was 77–82% in urea. The corresponding estimates for ammonium sulphate were 89–91%. Consequently the unaccounted fertilizer N was higher under urea (18–23%) as compared to that in ammonium sulphate (9–11%). The soil pH increased from 8.2 to 9.4 with urea whereas in ammonium sulphate treated soil pH decreased to 7.3 during 30 days after fertilizer application. The rate of NH3 volatilization, measured under laboratory conditions, was higher with urea as compared to the same level of ammonium sulphate. The changes in pH of soil followed the identical trend both under laboratory and greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Urea is the main form of fertilizer nitrogen applied to wetland rice. As part of an effort to evaluate the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers, conventional urea and modified urea products such as sulfur-coated urea (SCU), urea supergranules (USG), and sulfur-coated urea supergranules (SCUSG) were compared with ammonium sulfate on an Aquic Tropudalf at the experimental farm of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines. The sulfur-coated materials were prepared in the laboratory and were not completely representative of commercial SCU. Two experiments were conducted in the wet season (1978, 1979) and one in the dry season (1979). All fertilizers were labeled with 5% or 10% excess15N so that the fertilizer-N balance at two or three sampling times during the growing season could be constructed and the magnitude of N loss assessed. The SCU, USG, and SCUSG were applied at transplanting, and the whole dose of nitrogen was15N-labeled. The urea and ammonium sulfate applications were split: two-thirds was broadcast and incorporated at transplanting, and one-third was broadcast at panicle initiation; only the initial dose was15N-labeled.Deep-point placement (10 cm) of urea supergranules (USG) between the rice hills consistently provided the highest plant recovery of15N in all experiments and at all harvest times; recoveries ranged from 48% to 75% with an average of approximately 58% at maturity. Among the fertilizers broadcast and incorporated before transplanting, average plant recoveries of15N were only approximately 34% and 26% from urea and ammonium sulfate, respectively. Plant recovery of15N from the broadcast and incorporated SCU (37%) was far inferior to that from USG. Sulfur coating of supergranules did not improve plant recovery over USG alone although sulfur coating delayed the plant uptake of15N from the USG.The15N not accounted for in the plant and soil was presumed lost. Loss of N from urea and ammonium sulfate was high (63%) in the dry season. Coating with sulfur gave a slight improvement, and deep placement of USG and SCUSG greatly reduced the losses. Losses of N were substantially lower in the wet season than in the dry season for broadcast and incorporated urea, SCU, and ammonium sulfate (9%–30%), whereas losses from deep-placed urea remained more or less the same as in the dry season. Net immobilization of15N from the broadcast fertilizers in the wet season ranged from 49% to 53% in the first experiment and from 16% to 32% in the second experiment, presumably because of aquatic weeds and green algae; immobilization was proportionally less at higher rates of fertilizer application. Deep placement reduced the extent of15N immobilization in the soil plus roots to less than 21% in all experiments.  相似文献   

The availability of N fertilizer to the crops under zero tillage versus conventional tillage may be affected by position of applied N, N immobilization and N loss from soil. The objectives of this study was to determine the influence of tillage, time of application and method of placement on the recovery of15N-labelled urea in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants and in soil. Field experiments were conducted during 1984–85 at two locations (Rimbey and Ellerslie) in north-central Alberta. The lowest N recovery in barley plants occurred with surface broadcasting on zero tillage or with incorporation on conventional tillage. Placing urea in bands (23 or 46 cm lateral spacing) or nests (at poits 23 or 46 cm apart) increased the plant N recovery substantially. The plant N recovery was markedly lower with fall application than spring-applied N. For spring broadcast application, the N recovery in the plant was lower under zero tillage than conventional tillage. The15N recovery in soil (immobilized N) at harvest was greater with broadcast compared to bands or nests, and immobilized N was much greater with fall rather than spring application. The ratios of recoveries of15N in plant:soil with banding or nesting tended to be higher on zero tillage compared to conventional tillage. In all, placing urea in bands or nests increased the recovery of applied N in plants and decreased the amount of immobilized N under both zero and conventional tillage. The plant N recovery was inferior with fall application, but less so with bands or nests on zero tillage.(Scientific Paper No. 647)  相似文献   

In experiments with transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) at the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India, two methods of application of granular urea, wholly as basal dose U(W) or in splits U(S) were compared with deep, point placement (8 cm) of urea supergranules and broadcast application of two slow-release sources, sulphur-coated urea (SCU) and lac-coated urea (LCU). Comparisons were made in wet season 1984 and 1985 on the basis of ammoniacal N concentration and pH of floodwater, ammonia volatilization, rice yield and N uptake.In 1984 the highest peak concentrations of ammoniacal N (AN) in the floodwater, > 12g m–3, and ammonia volatilization losses 54% of applied N were produced in U(W). Application of N in splits U(S) reduced peak AN levels 5g m–3 and losses to 45.1%. LCU was ineffective in reducing peak AN levels ( 7.5g m–3) or losses (43.6%). However SCU and USG were effective in reducing peak AN levels to < 2g m–3 and N losses to 16.9 and 3.4% respectively. Total ammonia volatilization losses as well as the initial rate of loss correlated very well with the peak levels (second day) of AN, NH3 (aq.) as well as equilibrium vapour pressure of NH3. Floodwater pH was between 9.5 and 10.0.Split application of granular urea was generally more efficient in terms of yield and N recovery (41.4%, average of two years) as compared to whole application (29.5%). LCU was ineffective in improving grain yields or N recovery (30.9%). SCU was ineffective in improving grain yields but improved N recovery to 57.9%., USG increased grain yields only in first year by 19% over U(S) and improved N uptake to 60.5%. A negative linear relationship was established between N uptake by rice at harvest and AN levels in floodwater two days after fertilization which can be used as an index to evaluate fertilizers.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 1988–1989 at two adjacent sites on an acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquept) in Thailand to determine the influence of urea fertilization practices on lowland rice yield and N use efficiency. Almost all the unhydrolyzed urea completely disappeared from the floodwater within 8 to 10 d following urea application. A maximum partial pressure of ammonia (pNH3) value of 0.14 Pa and an elevation in floodwater pH to about 7.5 following urea application suggest that appreciable loss of NH3 could occur from this soil if wind speeds were favorable. Grain yields and N uptake were significantly increased with applied N over the control and affected by urea fertilization practices (4.7–5.7 Mg ha–1 in dry season and 3.0–4.1 Mg ha–1 in wet season). In terms of both grain yield and N uptake, incorporation treatments of urea as well as urea broadcasting onto drained soil followed by flooding 2 d later were more effective than the treatments in which the same fertilizer was broadcast directly into the floodwater either shortly or 10 d after transplanting (DT). The15N balance studies conducted in the wet season showed that N losses could be reduced to 31% of applied N by broadcasting of urea onto drained soil and flooding 2 d later compared with 52% loss by broadcasting of urea into floodwater at 10 DT. Gaseous N loss via NH3 volatilization was probably responsible for the poor efficiency of broadcast urea in this study.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on an acid sulfate soil in Thailand to determine the effect of N fertilization practices on the fate of fertilizer-N and yield of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.). A delayed broadcast application of ammonium phosphate sulfate (16-20-0) or urea was compared with basal incorporation of urea, deep placement of urea as urea supergranules (USG), and amendment of urea with a urease inhibitor. Deep placement of urea as USG significantly reduced floodwater urea- and ammoniacal-N concentrations following N application but did not reduce N loss, as determined from an15N balance, in this experiment where runoff loss was prevented. The urease inhibitor, phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPD), had little effect on floodwater urea- and ammoniacal-N, and it did not reduce N loss. The floodwater pH never exceeded 4.5 in the 7 days following the first N applications, and application of 16-20-0 reduced floodwater pH by 0.1 to 0.3 units below the no-N control. The low floodwater pH indicated that ammonia volatilization was unimportant for all the N fertilization practices. Floodwater ammoniacal-N concentrations following application of urea or 16-20-0 were greater on this Sulfic Tropaquept than on an Andaqueptic Haplaquoll with near neutral pH and alkaline floodwater. The prolonged, high floodwater N concentrations on this Sulfic Tropaquept suggested that runoff loss of applied N might be a potentially serious problem when heavy rainfall or poor water control follow N fertilization. The unaccounted-for15N in the15N balances, which presumably represented gaseous N losses, ranged from 20 to 26% of the applied N and was unaffected by urea fertilization practice. Grain yield and N uptake were significantly increased with applied N, but grain yield was not significantly affected by urea fertilization practice. Yield was significantly lower (P = 0.05) for 16-20-0 than for urea; however, this difference in yield might be due to later application of P and hence delayed availability of P in the 16-20-0 treatment.  相似文献   

Use of15N-depleted fertilizer materials have been primarily limited to fertilizer recovery studies of short duration. The objective of this study was to determine if15N-depleted fertilizer N could be satisfactorily used as a tracer of residual fertilizer N in plant tissue and various soil N fractions through a corn (Zea mays L.) -winter rye (Secale cereale L.) crop rotation. Nitrogen as15N-depleted (NH4)2SO4 was applied at five rates (0, 84, 168, 252, and 336 kg N ha–1) to corn. Immediately following corn harvest a winter rye cover crop treatment was initiated. Residual fertilizer N was easily detected in the soil NO 3 - -N fraction following corn harvest (140-d after application). Low levels of exchangeable NH 4 + -N (<2.5 mg kg–1) did not permit accurate isotope-ratio analysis. Fertilizer-derived N recovered in the soil total N fraction following corn harvest was detectable in the 0 to 30-cm depth at each N rate and in the 30 to 60 and 60 to 90-cm depths at the 336 kg ha–1 N rate. Atom %15N concentrations in the nonexchangeable NH 4 + -N fraction did not differ from the control at each N rate. Nitrogen recovery by the winter rye cover crop reduced residual soil NO 3 - -N levels below the 10 kg ha–1 level needed for accurate isotope-ratio analysis. Atom %15N concentrations in the soil total N fraction (approximately one yr after application) were indistinguishable from the control plots below the 168, 252, and 336 kg ha–1 N rate at the 0 to 30, 30 to 60, and 60 to 90-cm depths, respectively. Recovery of residual fertilizer N by the winter rye cover crop was verified by measuring significant decreases in atom %15N concentrations in rye tissue with increasing N rates. The greatest limitation to the use of15N-depleted fertilizer N as a tracer of residual fertilizer N in a corn-rye crop rotation appears to be its detectibility from native soil N in the total N pool.Research partially supported by grants from the National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center/TVA and the Virginia Division of Soil and Water Conservation.  相似文献   

Interactions between15N-labelled fertilizers applied at concentrations representative of the fertilizer microsite and the solubility of the nitrogenous component of soil organic matter were investigated in laboratory experiments. Soil organic N was solubilized in a-irradiated soil due to addition of NH3(aq), and the fertilizer-induced loss of unlabelled total N in the extracted soil (TUs) increased with increasing N fertilizer concentration and soil pH. TUs was linearly correlated with ammoniacal-N concentration and the pH of the fertilized soil within the range of 7.5-10 (r = 0.94).Total organic N in the soil extract (OTe) increased rapidly up to day 14 following addition of 2000 mg urea-N kg–1 soil, but was then stable up to day 28. OTe of a range of soils increased from between 5 and 148 to between 15 and 368 mg N kg–1 soil after application of 1045 mg NH3-N kg–1 soil. While up to 25% of the organic N was solubilized by the fertilizer in nine soils, the change in total organic N in the extracts (OTe) of three soils was not significant. The highest OTe of 399 mg N kg–1 soil (35.4% of soil organic N) was measured after application of 2000 mg NH3-N kg–1 soil.pH and OTe decreased in the order of NH3(aq) > urea > di-ammonium phosphate > ammonium sulphate at equivalent rates of N addition. A negative OTe was measured following application of ammonium sulphate. OTe was correlated with the pH of the fertilized soil but not ammoniacal-N concentration for different N fertilizer sources.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted for two years on a rapidly percolating loamy sand (Typic Ustochrept) to evaluate the effect of green manure (GM) on the yield,15N recovery from urea applied to flooded rice, the potential for ammonia loss and uptake of residual fertilizer N by succeeding crops. The GM crop ofSesbania aculeata was grownin situ and incorporated one day before transplanting rice. Urea was broadcast in 0.05 m deep floodwater, and incorporated with a harrow. Green manure significantly increased the yield and N uptake by rice and substituted for a minimum of 60 kg fertilizer N ha–1. The recovery of fertilizer N as indicated by15N recovery was higher in the GM + urea treatments. The grain yield and N uptake by succeeding wheat in the rotation was slightly higher with GM. The recovery of residual fertilizer N as indicated by the15N recovery in the second, third and fourth crops of wheat, rice and wheat was only 3, 1 and 1 per cent of the urea fertilizer applied to the preceding rice crop. Floodwater chemistry parameters showed that the combined use of the GM and 40 kg N ha–1 as urea applied at transplanting resulted in a comparatively higher potential for NH3 loss immediately after fertilizer application. The actual ammonia loss as suggested by the15N recoveries in the rice crop, however, did not appear to be appreciably larger in the GM treatment. It appeared the ammonia loss was restricted by low ammoniacal-N concentration maintained in the floodwater after 2 to 3 days of fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted in a rice–fallow–rice cropping sequence during consecutive dry and wet seasons of 1997 on a Fluvic Tropaquept to determine the fate and efficiency of broadcast urea in combination with three residue management practices (no residue, burned residue and untreated rice crop residue). Ammonia volatilization losses from urea (70 kg N ha–1) broadcast into floodwater shortly after transplanting for 11 d were 7, 12 and 8% of the applied N from no residue, burned residue and residue treated plots, respectively. During that time, the cumulative percent of N2 + N2O emission due to urea addition corresponded to 10, 4.3 and nil, respectively. The 15N balance study showed that at maturity of the dry season crop, fertilizer N recovery by the grain was low, only 9 to 11% of the N applied. Fifty to 53% of the applied 15N remained in the soil after rice harvest, mainly in the upper 0–5 cm layer. The unaccounted for 15N ranged from 27 to 33% of the applied N and was unaffected by residue treatments. Only 4 to 5% of the initial 15N-labeled urea applied to the dry season rice crop was taken up by the succeeding rice crop, to which no additional N fertilizer was applied. Grain yield and N uptake were significantly increased (P=0.05) by N application in the dry season, but not significantly affected by residue treatments in either season.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in Central Thailand under a rice–fallow–rice cropping sequence during consecutive dry and wet seasons of 1998 to determine the impact of residue management on fertilizer nitrogen (N) use. Treatments consisted of a combination of broadcast urea (70 kg N ha–1) with rice straw (C/N 67) and rice hull ash (C/N 76), which were incorporated into the puddled soil 1 week before transplanting at a rate of 5 Mg ha–1. Nitrogen-15 balance data showed that the dry season rice recovered 10 to 20% of fertilizer N at maturity. Of the applied N, 27 to 36% remained in the soil. Loss of N (unaccounted for) from the soil–plant system ranged from 47 to 54% of applied N. The availability of the residue fertilizer N to a subsequent rice crop was only less than 3% of the initial applied N. During both season fallows NO3-N remained the dominant form of mineral-N (NO3+NH4) in the aerobic soil. In the dry season grain yield response to N application was significant (P=0.05). Organic material sources did not significantly change grain yield and N accumulation in rice. In terms of grain yields and N uptake at maturity, there was no significant residual effect of fertilizer N on the subsequent rice crop. The combined use of organic residues with urea did not improve N use efficiency, reduced N losses nor produced higher yields compared to urea alone. These results suggested that mechanisms such as N loss through gaseous N emissions may account for the low fertilizer N use efficiency from this rice cropping system. Splitting fertilizer N application should be considered on the fertilizer N use from the organic residue amendment.  相似文献   

The comparative effects of ammonium nitrate (AN), urea or a combined 1:1 (w/w) AN/urea granular fertilizer with two different fillers (CaCO3 or silica) were investigated on the efficiency of dry matter production and15N recovery by perennial ryegrass grown in pots under controlled environmental conditions.There was no significant difference between CaCO3 and silica as the filler and therefore no indication that the presence of CaCO3 in the pellet enhanced N loss from urea. Ammonium nitrate was the most efficient N source and urea the least efficient in terms of all the parameters studied. The15N budget in shoots, roots and soil indicated that only 60% of the nitrogen from urea was recovered at the end of the experiment compared with 95% for AN. However, the % recovery of15N from urea was increased by 17% in the presence of AN whereas the % recovery of AN was decreased by 19% in the presence of urea. The combined 1:1 (w/w) AN/urea source therefore gave intermediate yields between AN and urea alone. The results indicate that an interaction occurred between AN and urea in the granule.  相似文献   

Confined microplots were used to study the fate of15N-labelled ammonium nitrate and urea when applied to ryegrass in spring at 3 lowland sites (S1, S2 and S3). Urea and differentially and doubly labelled ammonium nitrate were applied at 50 and 100 kg N ha–1. The % utilization of the15N-labelled fertilizer was measured in 3 cuts of herbage and in soil to a depth of 15 cm (soil0–15).Over all rates, forms and sites, the % utilization values for cuts 1, 2, 3 and soil0–15 were 52.4, 5.3, 2.4 and 16.0% respectively. The % utilization of15N in herbage varied little as the rate of application increased but the % utilization in the soil0–15 decreased as the rate of application increased. The total % utilization values in herbage plus soil0–15 indicated that losses of N increased from 12 to 25 kg N ha–1 as the rate of N application was increased from 50 to 100 kg N ha–1.The total % utilization values in herbage plus soil0–15 over both rates of fertilizer N application were 84.1, 80.8 and 81.0% for urea compared with 74.9, 72.5 and 74.4% for all ammonium nitrate forms at S1, S2 and S3 respectively. Within ammonium nitrate forms, the total % utilization values in herbage plus soil0–15 over both rates and all sites were 76.7, 69.4 and 75.7% for15NH4NO3, NH4 15NO3 and15NH4 15NO3 respectively. The utilization of the nitrate moiety of ammonium nitrate was lower than the utilization of the ammonium moiety.The distribution of labelled fertilizer between herbage and soil0–15 varied with soil type. As the total utilization of labelled fertilizer was similar at all sites the cumulative losses due to denitrification and downward movement appeared to account for approximately equal amounts of N at each site.  相似文献   

Response of lowland rice to sources and methods of nitrogen fertilizer application were summarized for more than 100 experiments. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the yield increase per kg of fertilizer N was judged to be relatively poor with best split applications of urea. Based on frequency distribution, sulfur coated urea and urea briquets or urea supergranules deep placed more often produced satisfactory yield increases than best split urea, but even with these sources/methods the yield increases were judged to be relatively poor in about 1/2 of the experiments. There is an enormous potential to increase rice production with no further increases in inputs of fertilizer N if we could learn to match the best method/source of fertilizer with the soil-crop management complex.About 60% of the yields with no fertilizer N were in the range of 2 to 4 t/ha. Based on the average yield response to urea, this is equivalent to about 100 kg of urea N. It would appear worthwhile to study ways to improve utilization of soil nitrogen since it is already in place on the land and apparently in fairly abundant amounts in many soils.About 50 experiments with15N fertilizers were summarized. In almost all cases, the uptake of tagged fertilizer was less than the net increase in N in the above ground matter. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the addition of fertilizer N increased soil N uptake more than 20% and in 1/3 of the experiments the uptake of soil N was increased more than 40%. These results lead to much uncertainty about practical interpretation and use of15N data.  相似文献   

Four field experiments were conducted in central Alberta to determine influence of the N source, time and method of application and simulated rainfall on the recovery of15N-labelled fertilizers applied to meadow bromegrass (Bromus biebersteinii Roem and Shultz. cv. Regar) in plants (topgrowth plus roots) and in soil. The first experiment compared two N sources (urea and ammonium nitrate (A.N.)) and six times of application (early fall, late fall, early winter, early spring, late spring and spring-summer split) where N fertilizers were surface-broadcast. Urea gave lower N recovery than A.N., regardless of time of application (on the average by 16.4% in plants and by 18.3% in plants plus soil). For urea, early spring application gave higher N recovery than the other times of application, especially at the Eckville site. For A.N., spring applications gave higher N recovery than fall or early winter applications but N recovery was only slightly greater with early spring than late spring application. The second experiment evaluated methods of N placement (surface-broadcasting and banding). The N recovery in plants increased with subsurface band placement over surface-broadcast by 20.2% for fall application and by 15.5% for spring application. The other two experiments investigated the effect of amount (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mm) of simulated rainfall and interval (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 d) between surface urea application and simulated rainfall on N recovery. Simulated rainfall of 10 mm immediately after surface urea application on moist soil increased the N recovery in plants by 8.1–10.7% compared to no simulated rainfall. Delaying simulated rainfall (20 mm) by 4 d after surface urea application decreased the N recovery in plants by 8.7–15.2%. In conclusion, the N recovery improved greatly when urea was placed below the soil surface or with simulated rainfall immediately after surface urea application.  相似文献   

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