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面向国内中小软件企业的软件度量框架及其研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的软件度量框架大多是面向大型软件企业的,不适合中小软件企业应用。在分析国内中小软件企业特点的基础上,结合已有的自顶向下和自底向上两类软件过程改进模型的优点,给出了一种以产品度量和项目度量为核心,易于向软件能力成熟度模型过渡的,同时支持过程改进的面向国内中小软件企业的软件度量框架。在具体实施该框架中的度量活动和选择度量元时,借鉴了GQM模型的思想,并将其与软件开发过程的IPO模型相结合,提出了IPOAM模型。  相似文献   

本文从改善CMM的实施和提高过程控制能力入手,给出一个基于复用的软件过程改进框架,该框架将复用技术应用于软件过程改进与控制中,将当前模型驱动的自顶向下的过程改进模式与度量驱动的自底向上的过程改进模式有机整合,它由组织层面的持续过程改进(大循环)嵌套项目层面的过程不断调整与优化(小循环)构成。以CMM为基础,定义了实施新的过程改进方法的组织与角色。设计一个支持过程复用的软件过程及项目管理支持系统。  相似文献   

康燕妮  张璇  王旭  李彤  唐子淇  牛家梅 《软件学报》2020,31(11):3380-3403
软件需求变更频繁发生,给软件项目造成了诸多威胁.能否对需求变更进行有效的控制管理,决定着软件的成败.使用系统动力学方法对软件需求变更管理过程进行仿真建模,可以动态地分析并预测需求变更产生的原因以及变更对软件项目造成的影响;对软件需求变更管理过程改进进行系统动力学仿真,亦可以辅助软件项目组织选择合适的过程改进策略.因此,基于系统动力学方法,参考了敏捷过程进行开源软件需求变更管理过程的建模和模型检测.以Spring Framework项目为研究案例,进行该项目3.2.x分支的软件需求变更管理过程的系统动力学仿真分析,并对需求变更管理进行过程改进仿真.通过对过程改进的仿真结果进行比对,说明各改进策略均降低了基线数据的软件缺陷率,提高了软件质量.根据软件项目的成本和进度要求,给出了过程改进建议.  相似文献   

软件过程变更是适应多变的软件开发环境的一种有效手段。定量管理对于软件过程变更,尤其是变更决策与计划阶段的有效实施有着重要作用。软件估算技术作为一种定量的分析和预测技术,可用于估算软件过程变更的工作量、风险和成本,为变更决策与计划提供定量指导。提出一种基于估算的软件过程变更方法,并介绍了该方法在一个过程支持系统CPMS中的实现。  相似文献   

软件过程度量技术的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
软件度量是软件项目管理的关键技术。文章在介绍度量基本概念的基础上,重点分析对软件过程的度量,包括分析不同过程成熟度层次对度量的需求。研究系统化的问题驱动的度量过程ISPM(Issue-driven Software Process Measurement),包括“剪裁”、“应用”、“实现”三个子过程。分析针对软件过程的三大类度量内容和它们子类及子类之间的结构关系,并结合软件过程的层次特性细化度量子类在各个层次的具体表现。最后探讨度量过程随着软件过程成熟度的提高而随之改善的方法。  相似文献   

中小软件企业软件过程管理与改进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国中小软件企业的软件过程现状,从改进对象、过程模型、开发个体、自评估、辅助工具等方面提出了几点策略,并提出了中小软件企业软件过程管理与评估系统的简要设计思路,旨在为我国中小软件企业的软件过程管理与改进工作提供建议。  相似文献   

中小型企业软件过程改善方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
软件过程改善是各个企业建立适合自身软件生产线和促进软件工业化生产的必由之路。软件过程理论和技术的研究与应用始终存在一定的差距,在国内外成功应用并受益于这些软件经验与技术的企业多数是国防企业和大型的商业企业,中小型企业具有不同于大型企业的企业特征,这些特征有些有利于软件工程技术的应用与实施,而有些又限制了软件工程技术的应用与实施。软件过程改善的关键是量体裁衣,以理论和模型为指导,充分结合企业特征,进行适合企业特色的软件过程改善。该文在分析中小型软件企业的企业文化、企业规模、软件生产的创新能力、动态变化能力、技术革新能力等特征的基础上,提出在对中小型软件企业进行过程改善时应突出几个方面,一是过程改善应充分利用开发组的丰富创造能力为解决过程改善问题提出方案,在确立过程改善目标时应尽可能多地涉及各种层次的项目组人员,同时采取划分过程改善任务单元的方法,不破坏软件开发过程的连续性;二是过程改善得到的结果应不限制团体的创造性,对过程改善结果的应用应针对具体项目相关的问题,而非建立一般性的软件过程规范。三是过程改善是应着重企业关心的目标,不一定完全依从CMM。在进行过程改善时,应实施“项目分析”关键子域,“项目分析”是以过程度量为核心的,分析?  相似文献   

王晓峰  张松筠 《计算机科学》2006,33(12):196-199
Apriori算法已成为关联规则挖掘的一个经典方法,广泛地被应用于如贸易决策、银行信用评估、金融保险等诸多领域。这种自底向上方法挖掘短频繁项集时效果较好,当频繁项集较长时,其时间复杂度量呈指数增长态势。本文结合自顶向下和自底向上搜索两种方法,提出一种能更好解决长、短频繁项集问题的双向挖掘方法。通过计算复杂度分析的实验表明,所提出的方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

针对航天软件高可靠性的特点,以发现程序中的错误为重要目的。为了使得整个软件得到多次多层的测试,发现存在于单元间接口的诸多问题,验证单元接口的一致性、正确性而采用集成测试技术。集成测试方法主要包含非渐增式和渐增式两种测试方法。渐增式测试方法主要分为自顶向下、自底向上和三明治集成三种方法。根据航天型号软件极特殊的运行环境和特点,基于VC33航天型号软件采用深度优先自顶向下集成测试方法。实例验证,该方法能发现和改正模块接口错误,减少残留错误,降低航天软件开发风险与代价以及保证航天软件质量。  相似文献   

宏观篇章结构解析旨在通过分析篇章的整体结构,为理解篇章的内容和主旨奠定基础。现有的研究大都采用了单一的自顶向下或自底向上的构建策略逐级地构建结构树,而单向构建策略无法根据不同待解析序列选择合适的解析动作,在解析流程中容易陷入决策局限性并将错误向后传播。该文提出一种集成自顶向下和自底向上两种构建策略的指针网络模型,该模型能同时利用两种构建策略的语义信息,从而选择合适的构建方式。在汉语宏观篇章树库(MCDTB 2.0)上的实验表明,通过集成两种构建方式,该文模型能有效提升篇章单元间的局部语义交互能力并减少构建过程中的错误传播,从而取得性能最优值。  相似文献   

Function point analysis is a widely cited method for estimating software project size, which is an important activity of project management. At the beginning stage of planning, the top-down approach can be applied. Having obtained more systems specifications at later stages, the bottom-up approach might also be used to improve the accuracy of the estimation. However, the bottom-up approach is not a conventional way of function point analysis. There was no empirical evidence showing the difference between the fully informed top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. Through the implementation of a function point analysis system in an in-house software development department, this paper compares the results of the two approaches. This comparison study shows that the bottom-up approach does not contribute a significant added value to a fully-informed top-down approach. Therefore, the fully-informed top down approach has been chosen as a method for building a software metric database in the organization. More important, the observations and experience gained from this project may help in-house development organizations to establish their own function point analysis systems.  相似文献   

Managing process diversity becomes increasingly relevant in software development. Software organizations typically do not work on the greenfield and thus need to integrate external workflows with R&;D internal workflow management and heterogeneous development and maintenance processes. To stay competitive with its software development, Alcatel has put in place an orchestrated improvement program of its processes and the underlying engineering tools environment. Why do we call this “e-R&;D”? For two reasons. These improvement activities necessarily fit into the wider context of Alcatel's business process improvement and corporate e-business initiatives. The “e-R&;D” also means enabling of interactive R&;D processes and increasing collaborative work across the globe. At Alcatel we realized, during a substantial reengineering of our development and industrialization processes, that the approach to acquire an off-the-shelf process and tailor it to our needs was not applicable. Different processes need to be seamlessly integrated to avoid inconsistencies and inefficiency caused by replicated work. Specific focus is given within this article on how we manage process diversity in a product line where various components are embedded in individual architectures, asking for different but defined development and maintenance processes depending on pre-selected criteria.  相似文献   

Thomas  M. McGarry  F. 《Software, IEEE》1994,11(4):12-13
There are two approaches to process improvement. The top-down approach compares an organization's process with some generally accepted standard process. Process improvement is then the elimination of differences between an existing process and a standard one. The assumption is that, once the process is changed the generated products will be improved-or at least the risk of generating new software will he reduced. The bottom-up approach assumes that process change must be driven by an organization's goals, characteristics, product attributes, and experiences. Change is defined by a local domain instead of a universal set of accepted practices. For example, an organization whose primary goal is improving time to market may take a significantly different approach to process change than one whose primary goal is to produce defect-free software  相似文献   

Software organizations are in need of methods to understand, structure, and improve the data their are collecting. We have developed an approach for use when a large number of diverse metrics are already being collected by a software organization (M.G. Mendonca et al., 1998; M.G. Mendonca, 1997). The approach combines two methods. One looks at an organization's measurement framework in a top-down goal-oriented fashion and the other looks at it in a bottom-up data-driven fashion. The top-down method is based on a measurement paradigm called Goal-Question-Metric (GQM). The bottom-up method is based on a data mining technique called Attribute Focusing (AF). A case study was executed to validate this approach and to assess its usefulness in an industrial environment. The top-down and bottom-up methods were applied in the customer satisfaction measurement framework at the IBM Toronto Laboratory. The top-down method was applied to improve the customer satisfaction (CUSTSAT) measurement from the point of view of three data user groups. It identified several new metrics for the interviewed groups, and also contributed to better understanding of the data user needs. The bottom-up method was used to gain new insights into the existing CUSTSAT data. Unexpected associations between key variables prompted new business insights, and revealed problems with the process used to collect and analyze the CUSTSAT data. The paper uses the case study and its results to qualitatively compare our approach against current ad hoc practices used to improve existing measurement frameworks  相似文献   

软件过程改进方法的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
成熟度模型(CMM)是当前国内外研究的热点。给出了如何理解CMM的基本概念,提出了两种软件过程改进方法,即基于同行评审和测试的软件过程改进方法和基于CASE工具和文档的软件过程改进方法。这两种方法是分别针对现有软件开发机构实施过程改进时遇到的实际问题,结合CMM的关键实践而设计的。最后对现有软件过程活动中存在的问题进行了相关总结。  相似文献   

Management problems in the development of software have been addressed over the last years by a strong focus on the improvement of the development processes. Software process improvement (SPI) activities are characterized by an internal focus on a software development department and its procedures. However, the quality of the product is hardly addressed in software process improvement programs. This paper presents the application of a model for product focused SPI (P-SPI) and describes experiences with this model in practice. The main conclusions are that P-SPI puts products to be developed in a central position in improvement programs, results in fulfilling specific quality goals of a company and project, and industrial experiments show interesting benefits. Applying the approach in industrial projects showed that P-SPI is relatively cheap and gives fast results and high benefits.  相似文献   

First, we present definite-clause set grammars (DCSG), a DCG-like formalism for free-word-order languages. The DCSG formalism is well suited for problem solving. By dealing with DCSG as a generalized parsing problem, we avoid a certain type of looping problem in backward chaining. Next, we extend DCSG by viewing grammar rules as definitions for set conversions. In order to realize inverse conversions, we introduce an inverse operator into DCSG syntax. This operator enables partial bottom-up analyses in the DCSG top-down parsing process. Next, we discuss a looping problem called “left recursion” in top-down parsing. The looping problem is avoided by the bottom-up mechanism of the extended DCSG. The bottom-up mechanism can be viewed as the top-down controlled firing of production rules. Unlike most production systems, production systems written in extended DCSG can backtrack and produce alternative solutions. DCSG is a simple but powerful tool for generalized parsing problems which involve finding structures in a given data set.  相似文献   

A recent trend in software engineering is the shift from a focus on laboratory-oriented software engineering to a more industry-oriented view of software engineering processes. This complements preceding ideas about software engineering in terms of organization and process-orientation. From the domain coverage point of view, many of the existing software engineering approaches have mainly concentrated on the technical aspects of software development. Important areas of software engineering, such as the technical and organizational infrastructures, have been left untouched. As software systems increase in scales, issues of complexity and professional practices become involved. Software development as an academic or laboratory activity, has to engage with software development as a key industrialized process.This expanded domain of software engineering exposes the limitations of existing methodologies that often address only individual subdomains. There is, therefore, a demand for an overarching approach that provide a basis for theoretical and practical infrastructures capable of accommodating the whole range of modern software engineering practices and requirements. One approach is provided by Process-Based Software Engineering (PBSE); part of the more general trend towards a focus on process.This paper provides a review of process techniques for software engineering and a high-level perspective on PBSE. Typical approaches and techniques for the establishment, assessment, improvement and benchmarking of software engineering process systems are introduced in this paper, and many are developed further in other contributions to this volume.  相似文献   

The development of four separate, prototype expert systems to aid in software engineering management is described. Given the values for certain metrics, these systems provide interpretations which explain any abnormal patterns of these values during the development of a software project. The four expert systems which solve the same problem, were built using two different approaches to knowledge acquisition, a bottom-up approach and a top-down approach and two different expert system methods, rule-based deduction and frame-based abduction. In a comparison to see which methods might better suit the needs of this field, it was found that the bottom-up approach led to better results that did the top-down approach, and the rule-based deduction systems using simple rules provided more complete and correct solutions than did the frame-based abduction systems  相似文献   

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