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The antitumor drug bleomycin can produce a variety of lesions in the cellular DNA by a free radical dependent mechanism. To understand how these DNA lesions are repaired, bleomycin-hypersensitive mutants were isolated from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report here the analysis of one mutant, DRY25, that showed extreme sensitivity to bleomycin. This mutant also exhibited hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and t-butyl hydroperoxide, but showed no sensitivity to other DNA-damaging agents, including gamma-rays, ultraviolet light, and methyl methanesulfonate. Subsequent analysis revealed that strain DRY25 was severely deficient in the repair of bleomycin-induced DNA lesions. Under normal growth conditions, DRY25 displayed a 3-fold increase in the frequency of chromosomal translocation that was further stimulated by 5- to 15-fold when the cells were treated with either bleomycin or hydrogen peroxide, but not by methyl methanesulfonate, as compared with the wild type. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant defect was independent of the nucleotide excision, postreplication, or recombinational DNA-repair pathways. These data suggest that one conceivable defect of DRY25 is that it lacks a protein that protects the cell against oxidative damage to DNA. A clone that fully complemented DRY25 defect was isolated and the possible roles of the complementing gene are discussed.  相似文献   

Aerobically growing wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unable to take exogenously supplied sterols from media. This aerobic sterol exclusion is vitiated under anaerobic conditions, in heme-deficient strains, and under some conditions of impaired sterol synthesis. Mutants which can take up sterols aerobically in heme-competent cells have been selected. One of these mutations, designated upc2-1, gives a pleiotropic phenotype in characteristics as diverse as aerobic accumulation of sterols, total lipid storage, sensitivity to metabolic inhibitors, response to altered sterol structures, and cation requirements. During experiments designed to ascertain the effects of various cations on yeast with sterol alterations, it was observed that upc2-1 was hypersensitive to Ca2+. Using resistance to Ca2+ as a screening vehicle, we cloned UPC2 and showed that it is YDR213W, an open reading frame on chromosome IV. This belongs to a fungal regulatory family containing the Zn(II)2Cys6 binuclear cluster DNA binding domain. The single guanine-to-adenine transition in upc2-1 gives a predicted amino acid change from glycine to aspartic acid. The regulatory defect explains the semidominance and pleiotropic effects of upc2-1.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the progression of acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection to endemic areas of cysticercosis, the simultaneous diagnosis of both diseases is an expected event. METHODS: Among 91 patients with AIDS or HIV infection studied from 1987 to 1993 at a neurologic reference center in Mexico City, 2 patients with AIDS and neurocysticercosis were found. Five previously reported cases were jointly reviewed. RESULTS: The first patient presented with increased intracranial pressure of rapid progression. A single giant cyst was surgically excised and cysticercus was confirmed on histopathologic examination. The second patient had brain toxoplasmosis and concurrent neurocysticercosis as an incidental finding. CONCLUSIONS: Neurocysticercosis in HIV infection/AIDS may appear as a life-threatening condition or as an incidental finding. All reported cases have been found in advanced stages of HIV infection. Management must be individualized depending on the clinical form of cysticercosis, stage of HIV infection, and coexisting opportunistic conditions. Surgery may be lifesaving and some patients apparently responded to cysticidal drugs.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UBC) Rad6 is required for several functions, including the repair of UV damaged DNA, damage-induced mutagenesis, sporulation, and the degradation of cellular proteins that possess destabilizing N-terminal residues. Rad6 mediates its role in N-end rule-dependent protein degradation via interaction with the ubiquitin-protein ligase Ubr1 and in DNA repair via interactions with the DNA binding protein Rad18. We report here the crystal structure of Rad6 refined at 2.6 A resolution to an R factor of 21.3%. The protein adopts an alpha/beta fold that is very similar to other UBC structures. An apparent difference at the functionally important first helix, however, has prompted a reassessment of previously reported structures. The active site cysteine lies in a cleft formed by a coil region that includes the 310 helix and a loop that is in different conformations for the three molecules in the asymmetric unit. Residues important for Rad6 interaction with Ubr1 and Rad18 are on the opposite side of the structure from the active site, indicating that this part of the UBC surface participates in protein-protein interactions that define Rad6 substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides on invertase restricted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in alg3,sec18 yeast at 37 degrees C were found to be 20% wild type Man8GlcNAc and 80% Man1 alpha-->2Man1 alpha-->2Man1 alpha-->3(Man1 alpha-->6)Man1 beta-->4GlcNAc2 (Verostek, M.F., Atkinson, P.H., and Trimble, R. B. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 5547-5551). These results suggested that alg3 was slightly leaky, but did not address whether the oligosaccharide-lipid Man9GlcNAc2 and Man5GlcNAc2 precursors were glucosylated in alg3 yeast. Therefore, an alg3,sec18,gls1 strain was constructed to delete the GLS1-encoded glucosidase I responsible for trimming the terminal alpha 1,2-linked glucose from newly transferred Glc3ManxGlcNAc2 oligosaccharides. Invertase activity was overexpressed 5-10-fold on transforming this strain with a multicopy plasmid (pRB58) carrying the SUC2 gene, and preparative amounts of the ER form of external invertase, derepressed and accumulated at 37 degrees C, were purified. The N-linked glycans were released by sequential treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (endo H) and peptide-N4-N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl asparagine amidase. Oligosaccharide pools were sized separately on Bio-Gel P-4, which showed that endo H released about 17% of the carbohydrate as Glc3Man8GlcNAc, while peptide-N4-N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl asparagine amidase released the remainder as Hex8GlcNAc2 and Man5GlcNAc2 in a 1:4 ratio. Glycan structures were assigned by 500-MHz two-dimensional DQF-COSY 1H NMR spectroscopy, which revealed that the endo H-resistant Hex8GlcNAc2 pool contained Glc3Man5GlcNAc2 and Man8GlcNAc2 in a 6:4 ratio, the latter a different isomer from that formed by the ER alpha 1,2-mannosidase (Byrd, J. C., Tarentino, A. L., Maley, F., Atkinson, P. H., and Trimble, R. B. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14657-14666). Recovery of Glc3Man8GlcNAc and not the ER form of Man8GlcNAc provided an internal control indicating the absence of glucosidase I, which was confirmed by incubation of [3H]Glc3[14C]Man9GlcNAc with solubilized membranes from either alg3,sec18,gls1 or alg3,sec18,GLS1 strains. Chromatographic analysis of the products showed that [3H]Glc was removed only in the presence of the GLS1 gene product. Thus, the vast majority of the N-linked glycosylation in the ER of alg3 yeast (> 75%) occurs by transfer of Man5GlcNAc2 without prior addition of the 3 glucoses normally found on the lipid-linked precursor.  相似文献   

High affinity iron uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires Fet3p. Fet3p is proposed to facilitate iron uptake by catalyzing the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) by O2; in this model, Fe(III) is the substrate for the iron permease, encoded by FTR1. Here, a recombinant Fet3p has been produced in yeast that, lacking the C-terminal membrane-spanning domain, is secreted directly into the growth medium. Solutions of this Fet3p at >1 mg/ml have the characteristic blue color of a type 1 Cu(II)-containing protein, consistent with the sequence homology that placed this protein in the class of multinuclear copper oxidases that includes ceruloplasmin. Fet3p has an intense absorption at 607 nm (epsilon = 5500 M-1 cm-1) due to this type 1 Cu(II) and a shoulder in the near UV at 330 nm (epsilon = 5000 M-1 cm-1) characteristic of a type 3 binuclear Cu(II) cluster. The EPR spectrum of this Fet3p showed the presence of one type 1 Cu(II) and one type 2 Cu(II) (A parallel = 91 and 190 x 10(-4) cm-1, respectively). Copper analysis showed this protein to have 3.85 g atom copper/mol, consistent with the presence of one each of the three types of Cu(II) sites found in multinuclear copper oxidases. N-terminal analysis demonstrated that cleavage of a signal peptide occurred after Ala-21 in the primary translation product. Mass spectral and carbohydrate analysis of the protein following Endo H treatment indicated that the preparation was still 15% (w/w) carbohydrate, probably O-linked. Kinetic analysis of the in vitro ferroxidase reaction catalyzed by this soluble Fet3p yielded precise kinetic constants. The Km values for Fe(II) and O2 were 4.8 and 1.3 microM, respectively, while kcat values for Fe(II) and O2 turnover were 9.5 and 2.3 min-1, consistent with an Fe(II):O2 reaction stoichiometry of 4:1.  相似文献   

The growth of the body was studied in 30 human fetuses ranged from 10 to 22 weeks of gestation. The fetuses were fixed by immersion in 4 percent formaldehyde and the following dimensions were studied: a) lengths: arm, forearm, hand, thigh, leg, foot and crown-rump (sitting height), b) perimeters: head, thorax and abdomen. A covariance matrix was calculated from natural logarithms of all measurements. The relative growth of these measurement was computed by multivariate allometry using a principal components analysis (PCA). All characters were positively correlated with the first principal component which accounted for 94.65 per cent of the total variance. Considering the different measurements in the sequence of the increasing growth rates no one was considered to increase in isometric relationship. PCA showed that the following measurements grew with negative allometry: head perimeter, C-R length, thoracic perimeter, length of the forearm and abdominal perimeter. On the other hand, the following lengths grew with positive allometry: hand, foot, thigh, arm and leg. In conclusion, during the first two trimesters of prenatal life the growth of the body is allometrical. Limbs increase with greater growth rates than the perimeters of the body cavities.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae harbors three chitin synthases termed Chs1p, Chs2p and Chs3p. Previously, we demonstrated that con1, a region that is highly conserved among all chitin synthases, contains amino acids essential for the catalytic activity of the enzyme and that Asp562, Gln601, Arg604, and Trp605 found in con1 together with Asp441 were probable catalytic sites of the enzyme. Here we report that another region, con2, in the C-terminal half of Chs2p is also conserved exclusively in chitin synthases that resemble S. cerevisiae Chs1p and Chs2p. Alanine substitutions for the conserved amino acids in con2 identified five amino acids, Asn797, His799, Asp800, Trp803, and Thr805, the mutation of which severely diminished enzymatic activity and the enzyme's ability to rescue the yeast chs2 delta chs3 delta null mutant strain. Although the activities of some of the mutant enzymes were too low to measure enzyme kinetics, most of the alanine mutations in con2 affected the kcat values rather than the K(m) values. Whereas a conservative mutation of Asn797 restored the activity, those of His799, Asp800, Trp803, and Thr805 did not. A fine alignment of the amino acid sequences of con2 and Chs3p revealed that Asp800, Trp803 and Thr805 are completely conserved near the C-terminal ends of Chs3p and its homologs in other fungi. On the basis of these findings, we propose that Asp800, Trp803, and Thr805 in con2 are additional residues involved in catalysis, and hypothesise that Asp800 together with the previously identified Asp441 and Asp562 serve as polar residues necessary for the acid-based catalytic reaction of chitin synthase.  相似文献   

When bound to DNA, topoisomerase II from Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits burst kinetics with respect to ATP hydrolysis. Pre-steady-state analysis shows that the enzyme binds and hydrolyzes two ATP per reaction cycle. Our data indicate that at least one of the two ATP is rapidly hydrolyzed prior to the rate-determining step in the reaction mechanism. When DNA is not bound to topoisomerase II, the rate-determining step shifts to become either ATP binding or hydrolysis. Two possible mechanisms are proposed that agree with our observations.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to gamma-rays Co60 of haploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying ade1-6 mutations and dominant, semidoninant and recessive suppressors was investigated. It was shown that 3 out of 4 studied strains with ade1-6 mutation had reliable increased radioresistance. The increased radioresistance was observed also in strains carrying, beside ade1-6 mutation, dominant and semidominant suppressors. However the strain carrying a recessive suppressive mutation turned to be radiosensitive. A conclusion is drawn that rediosensitivity of yeast cells can be influenced by different mutations affecting the process of cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Mutants of the HIS1 locus of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are suitable reporters for spontaneous reversion events because most reversions are topical, that is, within the locus itself. Thirteen mutations of his1-1 now have been identified with respect to base sequence. Revertants of three mutants and their spontaneous reversion rates are presented: (1) a chain termination mutation (his1-208, née his1-1) that does not revert by mutations of tRNA loci and reverts only by intracodonic suppression; (2) a missense mutation (his1-798, née his1-7) that can revert by intragenic suppression by base substitutions of any sort, including a back mutation as well as one three-base deletion; and (3) a -1 frameshift mutation (his1-434, née his1-19) that only reverts topically by +1 back mutation, +1 intragenic suppression, or a -2 deletion. Often the +1 insertion is accompanied by base substitution events at one or both ends of a run of A's. Missense suppressors of his1-798 are either feeders or nonfeeders, and at four different locations within the locus, a single base substitution encoding an amino acid alteration will suffice to turn the nonfeeder phenotype into a feeder phenotype. Late-appearing revertants of his1-798 were found to be slowly growing leaky mutants rather than a manifestation of adaptive mutagenesis. Spontaneous revertants of his1-208 and his1-434 produced no late-arising colonies.  相似文献   

The yeast mitochondrial HMG-box protein, Abf2p, is essential for maintenance of the mitochondrial genome. To better understand the role of Abf2p in the maintenance of the mitochondrial chromosome, we have isolated a multicopy suppressor (YHM2) of the temperature-sensitive defect associated with an abf2 null mutation. The function of Yhm2p was characterized at the molecular level. Yhm2p has 314 amino acid residues, and the deduced amino acid sequence is similar to that of a family of mitochondrial carrier proteins. Yhm2p is localized in the mitochondrial inner membrane and is also associated with mitochondrial DNA in vivo. Yhm2p exhibits general DNA-binding activity in vitro. Thus, Yhm2p appears to be novel in that it is a membrane-bound DNA-binding protein. A sequence that is similar to the HMG DNA-binding domain is important for the DNA-binding activity of Yhm2p, and a mutation in this region abolishes the ability of YHM2 to suppress the temperature-sensitive defect of respiration of the abf2 null mutant. Disruption of YHM2 causes a significant growth defect in the presence of nonfermentable carbon sources such as glycerol and ethanol, and the cells have defects in respiration as determined by 2,3,5,-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Yhm2p may function as a member of the protein machinery for the mitochondrial inner membrane attachment site of mitochondrial DNA during replication and segregation of mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

The central coiled coil of the essential spindle pole component Spc110p spans the distance between the central and inner plaques of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae spindle pole body (SPB). The carboxy terminus of Spc110p, which binds calmodulin, resides at the central plaque, and the amino terminus resides at the inner plaque from which nuclear microtubules originate. To dissect the functions of Spc110p, we created temperature-sensitive mutations in the amino and carboxy termini. Analysis of the temperature-sensitive spc110 mutations and intragenic complementation analysis of the spc110 alleles defined three functional regions of Spc110p. Region I is located at the amino terminus. Region II is located at the carboxy-terminal end of the coiled coil, and region III is the previously defined calmodulin-binding site. Overexpression of SPC98 suppresses the temperature sensitivity conferred by mutations in region I but not the phenotypes conferred by mutations in the other two regions, suggesting that the amino terminus of Spc110p is involved in an interaction with the gamma-tubulin complex composed of Spc97p, Spc98p, and Tub4p. Mutations in region II lead to loss of SPB integrity during mitosis, suggesting that this region is required for the stable attachment of Spc110p to the central plaque. Our results strongly argue that Spc110p links the gamma-tubulin complex to the central plaque of the SPB.  相似文献   

Soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) is one of the better understood phosphoryl-transfer enzymes and is distinctive in having four divalent metal ions at the active site. Here we determine pH profiles for wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae PPase (Y-PPase) and for 14 of its active site variants and consider the effects of active site mutation on the pH-independent parameters and acid dissociation constants that characterize these profiles against the framework of the proposed structure of the activated complex. The results obtained (a) support the current mechanistic model in which a hydroxide ion, stabilized by binding to two metal ions at the active site and by an extended system of hydrogen bonds within the active site, is the nucleophile that attacks enzyme-bound inorganic pyrophosphate and (b) provide evidence that the acid group that is necessary for maximal activity is a water molecule coordinated to a third metal ion, as shown by the general rise in the pKa of this group that is a consequence of almost all of the mutations. We further compare the present results to those previously observed for the corresponding mutations in Escherichia coli PPase [E-PPase; Salminen et al. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 782-791]. Such comparison provides a measure of the extent to which different portions of the active site are conserved. We find that some corresponding mutations have different effects on catalytic function, demonstrating that even in the context of very similar active sites, interactions of the mutated site with less well conserved portions of the enzyme, in this case outside the active site, can lead to different outcomes. On the other hand, one region of the active site is highly conserved, suggesting that it may represent a common feature of phosphoryl-transfer enzymes or a vestige of a primitive ur-PPase active site.  相似文献   

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