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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether changes in news media coverage of smoking and health issues are associated with changes in smoking behaviour in the USA. DESIGN AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Issue importance in the US news media is assessed by the number of articles published annually in major magazines indexed in The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Annual incidence rates for cessation and initiation in the USA were computed from the large, representative National Health Interview Surveys (1965-1992). Patterns in cessation incidence were considered for ages 20-34 years and 35-50 years. Initiation incidence was examined for adolescents (14-17 years) and young adults (18-21 years) of both sexes. RESULTS: From 1950 to the early 1980s, the annual incidence of cessation in the USA mirrored the pattern of news media coverage of smoking and health, particularly for middle aged smokers. Cessation rates in younger adults increased considerably when second hand smoke concerns started to increase in the US population. Incidence of initiation in young adults did not start to decline until the beginning of the public health campaign against smoking in the 1960s. Among adolescents, incidence rates did not start to decline until the 1970s, after the broadcast ban on cigarette advertising. CONCLUSIONS: The level of coverage of smoking and health in the news media may play an important role in determining the rate of population smoking cessation, but not initiation. In countries where cessation has lagged, advocates should work to increase the newsworthiness of smoking and health issues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess adults' receptivity to the Massachusetts television anti-tobacco campaign. Reactions were examined as a function of respondents' demographics, baseline tobacco control attitudes, changes in smoking status during the campaign, and advertisements' affective qualities. DESIGN: A random digit dial telephone survey in 1993 at the start of the media campaign and re-interview in 1996 of respondents to the baseline survey. PARTICIPANTS: Respondents were 1544 adults who completed the baseline and follow up interview. INTERVENTION: By the time the follow up survey was completed, approximately $49 million had been spent on the media campaign. Approximately 66 spots had been aired. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reported exposure to television advertisements; perceived effectiveness of nine specific advertisements each. RESULTS: 56% of respondents reported seeing anti-tobacco advertisements at least once a week during the preceding three years. The average effectiveness rating for all advertisements recalled on a 0-10 scale was 7.29, and did not differ by smoking status group. Advertisements eliciting strong negative emotions (sadness and fear) were rated most effective by quitters, non-smokers, and by smokers who at baseline were planning to quit soon. Humorous, entertaining advertisements were seen as ineffective by all groups. CONCLUSION: The Massachusetts anti-tobacco campaign achieved high levels of penetration into the population and was well received by both smokers and non-smokers. The results suggest that advertisements depicting suffering as a result of tobacco use may be instrumental in promoting cessation or reinforcing the decision to quit. Further research is needed to lend additional support to the link between perceived effectiveness and smoking behaviour change.  相似文献   

贮叶时间对卷烟化学成分及感官质量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索不同配方叶组的最佳贮叶时间,结合生产实际,进行了不同贮叶时间对不同价类牌号配方叶组色泽及化学成分和卷烟感官质量的影响实验。结果表明,在一定的贮叶条件(28~30℃,RH60%~65%)下,贮叶时间控制在10h以内对叶组的色泽影响不大;不同贮叶时间对不同配方叶组的常规化学成分影响不明显;从对叶组主要致香成分含量的影响看,对于二类A牌号配方叶组,贮叶时间宜控制在10h之内;对于三类B牌号配方叶组,贮叶时间宜控制在12h之内;从对卷烟感官质量的影响看,对于二类A牌号卷烟,贮叶时间为6h时,其烟气与口感特性较好;三类B牌号卷烟的贮叶时间为10h时,其烟气与口感特性较好。  相似文献   

Bauld L  Judge K  Platt S 《Tobacco control》2007,16(6):400-404


NHS stop smoking services are expected to play a key part in achieving the infant mortality and life expectancy health inequality targets in England by reducing smoking prevalence in deprived areas. This paper assesses the extent to which services have made a contribution to reducing inequalities in smoking between 2003–4 and 2005–6.


Synthetic estimates of baseline smoking prevalence data were compared with national monitoring data about the numbers of smokers in receipt of services and the proportion who self report quitting at four weeks. The social distribution of service recipients and quitters was compared with estimates of smoking prevalence to assess impact on inequalities. Comparisons were made between officially designated disadvantaged areas (the Spearhead Group) and others.


Short‐term cessation rates were lower in disadvantaged areas (52.6%) than elsewhere (57.9%) (p<0.001), but the proportion of smokers being treated was higher (16.7% compared with 13.4%) (p<0.001). The net effect was that a higher proportion of smokers in the most disadvantaged areas reported success (8.8%) than in more advantaged areas (7.8%) (p<0.001). Using the evidence‐based assumption that three‐quarters of short‐term quitters will relapse within one year, the absolute and relative rate gaps in smoking prevalence between Spearhead areas and others are estimated to fall by small but statistically significant amounts from 5.2 and 1.215 (CIs: 1.216 to 1.213) to 5.0 and 1.212 (CIs: 1.213 to 1.210) between 2003–4 and 2005–6.


NHS stop smoking services have probably made a modest contribution to reducing inequalities in smoking prevalence. To achieve government targets, however, requires both the development of more innovative cessation interventions for the most addicted smokers and action to ensure that other aspects of tobacco control policy make a larger contribution to inequality goals.  相似文献   

论“反吸烟运动”在烟草科技进步中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本世纪50年代以来,反吸烟运动的不断高涨对烟草业的生产和发展产生了巨大影响,为此,烟草业着力于降低烟草中的有害物质,烟草科技突飞猛进。本文对此进行了深入研究,并对烟草未来的发展走向作了宏观的预测和展望。  相似文献   

为改进栽培措施、提高烟叶品质,对打顶后的烤烟茎进行截流(环割)处理.结果表明,截流对初烤烟叶物理性状和吸食品质有重要影响.截流可提高中上部烟叶的成熟度,降低中部淡黄烟比率,增加中上部桔黄烟的比率及香气质和香气量,明显改善吃味,提高烟叶的内在品质.  相似文献   

复烤温度对烟叶化学成分及感官质量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究不同复烤温度对打叶质量的影响,选取不同部位有代表性的3种烟叶样品,进行了不同复烤温度对打后片烟物理特性、常规化学成分和主要挥发性致香成分以及感官质量等的影响试验。结果表明:将复烤温度控制在80~90℃,较有利于改善叶片的物理性状和烟叶中苯甲醇、茄酮、β-大马酮、β-二氢大马酮、二氢猕猴桃内酯、巨豆三烯酮、新植二烯等主要致香成分的保留以及卷烟香气量的保持。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the type and location of smokers on the grounds of smoke-free public hospitals and to observe the impact of introducing smoke-free signs in outdoor areas of the hospital grounds. DESIGN: Observation study of outdoor smoking behaviour before and after the introduction of outdoor smoke-free signs at one hospital (H1) and at the same two time periods at a nearby control hospital (H2), which already had some outdoor smoke-free signs at Time 1. SETTING: The John Hunter Hospital (H1) in Newcastle, Australia and a nearby control hospital, Maitland Hospital (H2) in 1991. SUBJECTS: All people in defined outdoor sites of the two hospitals on seven randomly selected days over two weeks before and after the policy change were coded as either "smoker" or "non-smoker" and as either "staff", "patient", or "visitor". The number of smokers observed in each site was measured as a proportion of all smokers observed on the grounds of that hospital. INTERVENTION: Introduction of outdoor smoke-free zones and signs at H1. RESULTS: Less than 10% of observed outdoor smokers in both hospitals were patients, 40% were visitors, and more than 50% were staff. Of outdoor smokers, 82% were observed less than 10 m from entrances to the hospital building at time 1. After the introduction of signs in H1, a 4- percentage point decrease (P < 0.05) occurred in the percentage of smokers observed in smoke-free zones at time 2 (from 32% to 28%), compared with a 2-percentage point decrease (P > 0.05 at time 2 in H2 (from 48% to 46%). DISCUSSION: This observation study of smoking behaviour in hospital grounds highlights the need to reduce smoking among staff and visitors near hospital entrances. Specific strategies are discussed, which are likely to enhance compliance and hence enable the effective introduction of smoke-free policies on hospital grounds.


Glass transitions in peat: their relevance and the impact of water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This contribution aims to expand the macromolecular view of fractionated natural organic matter (NOM)to organic matter in whole soils. It focuses on glass transition behavior of whole soil organic matter (SOM) and its interrelation with water through use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermomechanical analysis (TMA). Three processes of structural relaxation related to macromolecular mobility were distinguished. Process I occurs in thermally pretreated and very low water-content samples and corresponds to classic glass transition behavior. Process II occurs in water-containing samples, where water is believed to act as an antiplasticizing agent in the peat at water contents below 12%, causing decreased macromolecular mobility and increased glass transition temperature. We suggestthe formation of hydrogen bond-based cross-links being responsible for this antiplasticizing effect. Process III represents a slow swelling process induced by water uptake with a time constant of swelling in the order of days, with water acting as a plasticizing agent. Results from this work are of particular importance for environmental systems as changes in environmental conditions (e.g., water content, temperature) may induce slow structural relaxation processes in NOM over periods of time ranging from days to weeks. These influences on NOM macromolecular mobility lead to continuous changes in physicochemical properties that may greatly influence sorbate-sorbent interactions in surface and subsurface environments.  相似文献   

1982年,湖北省荆州地区马山一号楚墓出土了大批战国时期丝织品。这些丝织品不仅数量多,而且品种齐全,保存完好,许多织物局首次发现,因而被人们誉为“丝绸宝库”。文章叙述了这些丝织品的出土、整理和研究情况。  相似文献   

稀土元素肥料对烤烟致香物质含量和评吸质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索提高烟叶香气质量的农艺措施,采用大田试验,研究了稀土元素肥料对烤烟致香物质含量和评吸质量的影响.结果表明,稀土元素肥料能明显提高烟叶中总致香物质含量和主要致香物质含量,以稀土元素肥料“利烟王”和“益植素”(固)的效果较为明显.稀土元素肥料还可改善烟叶评吸质量,各部位烟叶的评吸得分以“利烟王”处理高于其他处理,其香气质好、香气量足、余味舒适、刺激性较小,评吸质量好.  相似文献   

分别在不同起始干燥含水率条件下进行了不同蒸气喷射量对叶丝膨胀及卷烟内在质量的综合影响因素研究。结果表明:采用相对较低起始干燥含水率进行干燥时,随着蒸气喷射量的增加,叶丝填充值逐渐增加,烟支的卷制重量逐渐下降;采用相对较高起始干燥含水率进行干燥时,蒸气喷射量对叶丝在线膨胀的影响不明显,随着蒸气喷射量的增加,叶丝填充值及烟支卷制重量差异不大;在气流干燥过程中,根据配方档次及起始干燥含水率的不同,需要的蒸气喷射量也不同,对相对较低起始干燥含水率的中高档卷烟宜不加或少加蒸气;对相对较高起始干燥含水率的低档卷烟适当加大蒸气量,有利于卷烟内在质量的改善。  相似文献   

研究了打叶复烤加料以及烤后放置不同时间的部分国产烤烟烟叶主要化学成分、香味成分和感官质量的变化。结果表明:①加料与未加料的复烤烟叶样品的总糖、总烟碱、焦油、烟气烟碱和CO都随着烘烤和烤后放置时间的延长而逐渐降低;②复烤后放置3~6个月,大多数加料烟叶样品的总糖、总烟碱、焦油和烟气烟碱等的下降幅度明显大于未加料样品,且随着放置时间的延长,二者的区别逐渐减小;③CO的降幅二者基本接近;④加料与未加料复烤烟叶样品的香味物质总量随着烤后放置时间的延长都逐渐增加,但加料样品香味物质增幅要大于未加料样品,尤其是复烤后放置3~6个月,其香味物质的增幅明显高于未加料样品;⑤加料与未加料复烤烟叶样品的感官质量随着复烤后放置时间的变化与其总香味物质的变化一致。  相似文献   

研究了不同长度的聚丙烯纤维对混凝土的抗折和抗冲击性能的影响。试验结果表明:在混凝土中分别掺入纤维体积率为0.5%的六种不同长度的聚丙烯纤维,均能提高混凝土的破坏冲击次数和冲击延性指数;当纤维长度为35 mm时,纤维混凝土的破坏冲击次数较素混凝土提高近2倍;在混凝土中掺入聚丙烯纤维,混凝土的抗折强度降低,而混凝土的中心挠度显著提高,较素混凝土最多增加达1 mm,能有效改善混凝土的韧性。  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,我国社会飞速发展,经济建设也取得了举世瞩目的成就,人们的生活水平也大幅提高.然而,在经济高速发展的同时,也给环境带来了一定的消极影响.在这样的背景下,环境工程中的环境影响评价工作也得到了前所未有的重视.这项工作能够通过对环境影响因素的分析,为相关部门制定科学的解决对策提供依据,推动我国环保事业的发展.本...  相似文献   

The availability of fresh water and the quality of aquatic ecosystems are important global concerns, and agriculture plays a major role. Consumers and manufacturers are increasingly sensitive to sustainability issues related to processed food products and drinks. The present study examines the production of sugar from the growing cycle through to processing to the factory gate, and identifies the potential impacts on water scarcity and quality and the ways in which the impact of water use can be minimised. We have reviewed the production phases and processing steps, and how calculations of water use can be complicated, or in some cases how assessments can be relatively straightforward. Finally, we outline several ways that growers and sugar processors are improving the efficiency of water use and reducing environmental impact, and where further advances can be made. This provides a template for the assessment of other crops. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effect of impact and fruit properties on the bruising of peach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peach fruit quality is adversely affected by bruise damage. In order to reduce this damage, it is necessary to know the influence of fruit properties on bruise susceptibility. Two bruise prediction models were constructed for the damage susceptibility of peach fruit (measured by bruise volume) using multiple linear regression analyses. In the first model, peak contact force and three fruit properties (acoustic stiffness, fruit temperature and radius of curvature) were used as independent variables. In the second model, peak contact force was replaced by the impact energy. Peaches were subjected to dynamic loading by means of a pendulum at three levels of impact. Significant effects of acoustic stiffness, temperature and the radius of curvature and some interactions on bruising were obtained at 5% probability level with the coefficient of determination of 0.97 and 0.98 for models 1 and 2, respectively. It was concluded that lowering the temperature and increasing the radius of curvature and acoustic stiffness will reduce the bruise damage of the peach fruit.  相似文献   

在小麦制粉过程中,因出粉部位的不同而导致了各粉路粉品质存在差异。以金像面包粉为对照,选用新麦26品种小麦为原料,利用实验磨制粉得到3路皮粉和3路心粉,通过测定其主要成分、粉质参数、RVA糊化特性及其面包TPA参数,确定用于面包制作的粉路粉。结果表明皮粉蛋白质和湿面筋含量均高于心粉,前路皮粉低于后路皮粉,前路心粉高于后路心粉;各粉路粉的面团形成时间、稳定时间和峰值粘度、回生值以及面包的弹性和回复性都与其蛋白质含量变化规律一致;1M粉的灰分含量最小,3M粉的吸水率和脂肪含量最大,3B粉的面包硬度、咀嚼性、弱化度和稀懈值最小。通过与金像对照组比较分析可知,新麦26的后路皮粉和前路心粉均可用于面包粉的生产,皮粉中以3B粉最佳,心粉中以1M粉最佳。  相似文献   

用有限元法分析梁板碰撞下不产生塑性变形与破坏的极限速度,以45钢和Z1301为试件,计算出两种材料不产生塑性变形与破坏的极限速度分别为30m/s,50m/s和40m/s,60m/s,实测结果分别为26.3m/s,36.2m/s和46.8m/s,56、0m/s,吻合较好,该结果可作为工程设计的参考数据。  相似文献   

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