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A procedure for imaging antenna currents that uses a relationship between the radiated far-field hemisphere and the Fourier transform domain of the source current density distribution is presented. The technique is applied to an array of two orthogonal waveguides, a slotted waveguide array and a reflector antenna. In each case the radiated far-field hemisphere is inverted to produce a high-resolution volumetric image of the antenna currents. Polarization discrimination is demonstrated as is the ability of the technique to `see behind' blockages by defocusing the foreground. It is shown that accurate distribution is available from the reconstructed image. Selective editing of the Fourier domain of the current distribution is performed to suppress unwanted artifacts in the reconstruction  相似文献   

The results of a computational study on the radiation properties of offset prime-focus-reflector antennas are reported. Emphasis is on reducing sidelobes and cross polarization without sacrificing gain. The influence of feed pointing is examined in detail. A simple technique is introduced for determining the feed-pointing direction. This technique yields near-minimum sidelobe levels over practical ranges of feed pointing, with only small penalties in gain and cross polarization  相似文献   

Micromachining techniques using closely spaced holes have been used underneath a microstrip antenna on a high dielectric-constant substrate (ϵr=10.8) to synthesize a localized low dielectric-constant environment (ϵr=2.3). The measured radiation efficiency of a microstrip antenna on a micromachined 635-μm thick ϵr=10.8 Duroid 6010 substrate increased from 48±3% to 73±3% at 12.8-13.0 GHz (including 3.3-cm feed line losses). We believe that this technique can be applied to millimeter-wave antennas (microstrip, dipoles, slots, etc.) on silicon and GaAs substrates to result in relatively wideband (3-6%) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) active antenna modules for phased-arrays and collision-avoidance systems  相似文献   

在某些应用领域,常常需要得到目标的高分辨率图像,考虑到在这些应用场合中,往往可以获得对同一景物或目标的多帧图像,本文提出了一种基于亚像素级图像配准与类似于中值滤波插值的从多幅低分辨率(LR)图像中获取一幅高分辨率(HR)图像的算法。算法首先采用梯度方法计算出LR图像之间的位移量,经过图像配准后,每个HR像素点被赋予其作用域内所有LR像点值的中值。仿真结果表明,该算法简单有效,既能提高图像分辨率,又能较好地去除非线性噪声。  相似文献   

Waterhouse  R.B. 《Electronics letters》1997,33(15):1280-1281
A novel shorted patch configuration is presented that significantly reduces the cross-polarised fields generated. The cross-polarised fields have been measured at more than 20 dB below the co-polar levels. The new balanced shorted patch is approximately a quarter-wavelength in size and has a bandwidth comparable to a conventional microstrip patch antenna  相似文献   

By application of a Gegenbauer polynomial, pattern synthesis of array antennas which have high directivity and low sidelobe level is investigated. A Chebyshev or uniform-amplitude array is included as a special case of the result obtained. The current amplitudes of the array elements are represented by a Jacobi polynomial and are easily calculated. It is shown by numerical calculations for a linear array and a hexagonal planar array that there is an optimum directivity for a specified sidelobe level within a class of Gegenbauer-polynomial patterns.  相似文献   

The letter is about the space-time characteristics of very light rain occurring for percentages of time greater than some 1% of the year. This is able to impair those satellite communication systems where the radiopropagation fade margins are lowered mostly because of economic effectiveness. Statistics of low-rate rainfalls are obtained and analysed for 20 locations in Italy for ten consecutive years.<>  相似文献   

Simultaneous multiple beam antennas (MBA's) with low sidelobe high crossover beams are considered. A simplified proof is presented which shows dissipative loss of typically -3 dB must be accepted. The optimum efficiency for the constrained fed MBA is shown to be achieved by placing attenuation in the aperture of a Butler matrix (BM) in accordance with the desired tapered aperture distribution. A combination of aperture attenuation and feed design, including the use of overlapping orthogonal feed distributions, is considered for lens type MBA's. The optimum efficiency is shown to be achieved with relatively simple feeds for a broad class of desired beam shapes.  相似文献   

宽带相控阵天线一般利用时延补偿技术来实现.首先分析了波束指向的偏移对相控阵天线带宽的限制.接着对子阵均匀划分、不均匀划分、部分相位加权等方法进行了全面分析和阐述.相位的确定是通过遗传算法实现的.证明了采用这些方法,阵列的栅瓣、波束指向偏移都有较大抑制,带宽相应增加,为宽带相控阵天线的设计提供了参考价值.  相似文献   

Motion-induced noise can be an overwhelming source of inteference in vector magnetic field sensors designed for submarine communications in the 30-130-Hz portion of the extremely low frequency (ELF) band. In the case of an ELF antenna constructed using three orthogonal superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID's) as receiving elements, the removal of motion noise is complicated by the inability of SQUID sensors to determine the absolute value of the earth's field component along the axis of the sensor. An equation is derived that expresses the projection of the ELF signal vector on the earth's field in terms of the SQUID outputs, and an adaptive vector that is approximately equal to the earth's field vector. Two adaptive schemes using the methods of process parameter estimation are described which determine the adaptive vector. The Least Squares method requires no initial estimate of the adaptive vector but is an open-loop method which tends to be slow. The second adaptive scheme, the steepest descent method, is a close-loop technique that has the potential of being rapid, but requires an initial value of the adaptive vector that is close to the true value. Both techniques remove, to first order, sources of noise arising from sensor nonorthogonality, sensitivity differences and dc offset errors. From a computer simulation of both techniques, it is found that the optimum system is a combination of the two methods, using the Least Squares method for estimation of the coarse value of the adaptive vector, and using the Steepest Descent method for fine adjustment.  相似文献   

A design method is described for the creation of line sources that will yield antenna patterns consisting of a narrow main beam and low sidelobes, with the sidelobe levels different on the two sides of the main beam. The requisite aperture distribution is shown to be symmetrical in amplitude and asymmetrical in phase. Main beam offset and the characteristics of the associated difference pattern are discussed. The boresight error voltage curve is also displayed. Incremental gain resulting from asymmetric sidelobes is analyzed and data is given for typical cases. Experimental confirmation is, presented.  相似文献   

An investigation of concentric ring antennas with low sidelobes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An analysis is made of circular antenna arrays with diameters being 2 to9lambda(the minimum inner circle diameter being0.4lambda) containing 3 to 18 concentric circles. For the purpose of computation of the array factor the elements of the array are assumed to be isotropic radiators. The elements of each circle have equal current amplitudes and are phased so that the contributions of all the elements add in phase in the direction of the main beam. The Chebyshev radiation pattern function is approximated by a truncated Fourier-Bessel series, from which the current amplitude of each circle is obtained. From these current amplitudes a method for computing the current amplitude to excite a new distribution of fewer circles is shown. Also, an empirical method is given for improving the sidelobe level of the radiation pattern by adding an element to the center of the array. A number of circles in the array sufficient to avoid pattern deterioration is found to be the integer nearest to5d/4lambdafor -20 and -30 dB sidelobe level and4d/3lambdafor -40 dB, wheredis the diameter of the array. This represents a large reduction in the number of circles needed over the Fourier-Bessel series representation in the case of large antennas. Experimental verification of the computed pattern is made for an array of two concentric circles with diameters of0.8lambdaand1.6at a frequency of 90 Mc/s. The elements of the array were vertical monopoles.  相似文献   

Deals with the focusing of low resolution ScanSAR data, for both detected amplitude images and interferometric applications. The SAR reference is exploited to achieve ScanSAR focusing in conventional techniques. Such techniques provide quite effective compensation of the azimuth antenna pattern (e.g. no scalloping) when the azimuth time-bandwidth product of the ScanSAR echo is large, but fail to do so as the burst shortens, being reduced to an ineffective weighting of the output. The result is an azimuth varying distortion of the focused impulse responses, a distortion that is partly compensated for in the multilook average (not available for interferometric applications) at the price of a reduction in the processed Doppler bandwidth. This paper proposes quite a different approach. A set of short kernels, each suitable for “focusing” at a specific azimuth bin, has been optimized to reconstruct source reflectivity in the minimum mean square error sense. That pseudoinversion converges to the “conventional” focusing when the burst extent is large and for short bursts, edge effects are accounted for. These azimuth-varying kernels can be suitably tuned to meet constraints in the resolution/sidelobes trade-off and have proved capable of providing fairly undistorted output and fine resolution. They better exploit the available Doppler bandwidth, maximizing the number of looks and the interferometric quality. A decomposition is suggested that implements the inverse operator as a fast preprocessing to be followed by a conventional ScanSAR processor  相似文献   

Coaxial feeds produce an approximate sector-shaped pattern, an almost optimum pattern of a feed for high aperture efficiency and low spillover of paraboloid antennas. Such a coaxial feed consists of a central circular waveguide which is surrounded by one or more conductors with circular cross sections. Theoretical and experimental investigations on coaxial feeds excited by H11modes have shown that the first ring yields the highest increase in the aperture efficiency of paraboloid antennas illuminated by them. Measurements performed on paraboloid antennas illuminated by a coaxial feed with only one ring yielded aperture efficiencies of 68 to 75 percent for angular apertures of the paraboloidal reflector of100degto160deg. Circularly symmetric patterns in conjunction with almost linearly polarized aperture fields can be achieved by multimode coaxial feeds. The values for the aperture efficiency, which are calculated for paraboloid antennas illuminated by multimode coaxial feeds, nearly reach the theoretical optimum. The measured values are 68 to 80 percent. In addition, the multimode feeds produce very little cross polarization.  相似文献   

Periodic and quasi-periodic structures, printed on a dielectric substrate, can be employed to control the reflection and transmission properties of incident waves as a function of structure geometry. Local variations of the element geometry on a substrate with backside metallization - resulting in respective variations of the reflection phase angle - can be used to design printed reflectarray antennas. The dual-polarization properties of such antennas, together with polarizing grids or slot arrays, can be exploited for the realization of compact, low-profile folded reflector antennas. Examples of some antennas of this type are presented, covering the 60 GHz range for communication and ISM applications, and 76 to 77 GHz for automotive radars.  相似文献   

多发射天线选择的无线信道序统计特性研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
庄铭杰  郭东辉 《电波科学学报》2005,20(6):789-794,801
在独立平坦的瑞利衰落信道中,提出一种确定排序信道衰落因子大小的联合概率密度函数(PDF)序系数的方法.根据输出信噪比最大的天线选择原则,就信道状态信息(CSI)正确和差错两种不同情况,分别给出n个最大排序的信道衰落因子的边缘PDF理论式.最后, 对采用正交空时分组码的多发射天线选择系统进行数值仿真,结果表明:多天线选择能极大地提高系统的传输质量, 而且能有效地抵抗CSI差错引起的性能下降.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation studied a cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna placed in a conducting well. Both the resonant frequency and input impedance increased as the wells became smaller, but the radiation patterns remained essentially unchanged. Resonators with smaller height-to-diameter ratios showed these effects to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

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