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Klaus Eder 《Lipids》1999,34(7):717-725
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of a dietary oxidized oil on lipid metabolism in rats, particularly the desaturation of fatty acids. Two groups of rats were fed initially for a period of 35 d diets containing 10% of either fresh oil or thermally treated oil (150°C, 6d). The dietary fats used were markedly different for lipid peroxidation products (peroxide value: 94.5 vs. 3.1 meq O2/kg; thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances: 230 vs. 7 μmol/kg) but were equalized for their fatty acid composition by using different mixtures of lard and safflower oil and for tocopherol concentrations by individual supplementation with dl-α-tocopherol acetate. In the second period which lasted 16 d, the same diets were supplemented with 10% linseed oil to study the effect of the oxidized oil on the desaturation of α-linolenic acid. During the whole period, all the rats were fed identical quantities of diet by a restrictive feeding system in order to avoid a reduced food intake in the rats fed the oxidized oil. Body weight gains and food conversion rates were only slightly lower in the rats fed the oxidized oil compared to the rats fed the fresh oil. Hence, the effects of lipid peroxidation products could be studied without a distortion by a marked reduced food intake and growth. To assess the rate of fatty acid desaturation, the fatty acid composition of liver and heart total lipids and phospholipids was determined and ratios between product and precursor of individual desaturation reactions were calculated. Rats fed the oxidized oil had reduced ratios of 20∶4n−6/18∶2n−6, 20∶5n−3/18∶3n−3, 20∶4n−6/20∶3n−6, and 22∶6n−3/22∶5n−3 in liver phospholipids and reduced ratios of 20∶4n−6/18∶2n−6, 22∶5n−3/18∶3n−3, and 22∶6n−3/18∶3n−3 in heart phospholipids. Those results suggest a reduced rate of desaturation of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid by microsomal Δ4-, Δ5-, and Δ6-desaturases. Furthermore, liver total lipids of rats fed the oxidized oil exhibited a reduced ratio between total monounsaturated fatty acids and total saturated fatty acids, suggesting a reduced Δ9-desaturation. Besides those effects, the study observed a slightly increased liver weight, markedly reduced tocopherol concentrations in liver and plasma, reduced lipid concentrations in plasma, and an increased ratio between phospholipids and cholesterol in the liver. Thus, the study demonstrates that feeding an oxidized oil causes several alterations of lipid and fatty acid metabolism which might be of great physiologic relevance.  相似文献   

Abnormal lipid metabolism and its restoration by dietary methionine (Met) and cystine (Cys) were studied in Donryu rats subcutaneously implanted with an ascites hepatoma cell line of AH109A. The hepatoma-bearing rats exhibited byperlipidemia characterized by rises in serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Decreased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities in epididymal adipose tissue, cardiac muscle, and gastrocnemius as well as increased fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue were considered to be responsible for the hepatoma-induced hypertriglyceridemia, while increased hepatic cholesterogenesis and decreased steroid excretion into feces were thought to be responsible for the hepatoma-induced hypercholesterolemia. Dietary-supplemented Met or Cys reduced the AH109A-induced hypertriglyceridemia with suppression of fatty acid synthesis in the host liver. Met restored the fall of LPL activities, while Cys did not. Dietary Met or Cys also reduced the hypercholesterolemia with restoration of decreased bile acid excretion into feces. These results suggest that dietary Met or Cys is hypolipidemic in the hepatoma-bearing rats with slight differences in their modes of action.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether increased output of phospholipid in bile during aging may be due to alteration of bile acid composition and stimulated hydrophobic bile acid formation. In female Sprague-Dawley rats we examined the influence of aging and life long dietary restriction (60% of thead libitum intake) on bile flow, total bile acid secretion, bile acid composition and conjugation pattern, as well as phospholipid output. Rats were cannulated at 3.5, 8–12 and 24–27 months of age and bile collected for analysis. With age, there was a significant reduction in bile flow and total bile acid secretion, however, phospholipid output increased. Restriction of dietary intake exerted a beneficial effect on the age-related decline in bile formation. Studies of bile composition indicated that 12α-hydroxylated bile acids (cholic acid and deoxycholic acid) secretion decreased in aged rats compared to 3.5-month-old rats. This was associated with a corresponding increase in secretion of chenodeoxycholic acid and hyodeoxycholic-ursodeoxycholic acid. However, the magnitude of the change in secretion of these bile acids could not account for the increased output of phospholipid in bile.  相似文献   

Obese and lean male Zucker rats were fed ad libitum on diets containing either 50 (L) or 200 (H) g/kg diet of either triolein (T) or sunflowerseed oil (S). The specific activity of the hepatic microsomal Δ9 desaturase enzyme was depressed in both lean and obese rats fed the HS diet compared with the other three diets. The fatty acid composition of liver and subcutaneous white adipose tissue lipids were consistent with a lower Δ9 desaturation activity in rats fed the H diets, particularly for the HS diet. In both genotypes, microsomal Δ9 desaturase activity and the ratio of 16∶1/(16∶0+16∶1) fatty acids in liver lipids were inversely related to the proportion of 18∶2 in liver lipid. Plasma insulin concentrations and rates of glucose-stimulated insulin release in vivo were higher in obese rats compared with lean rats, and plasma insulin levels were higher in rats fed S compared with T. There was no relationship between Δ9 desaturase activity and either plasma insulin concentration or rates of insulin release in vitro. These findings suggest that hepatic Δ9 desaturase activity of Zucker rats is responsive to changes in the proportion of 18∶2 in liver lipids but is not affected by changes in insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Dietary protein modulates the effect of CLA on lipid metabolism in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of the interaction of CLA and type of dietary protein on lipid metabolism was studied in male rats by feeding diets containing casein (CAS) or soy protein (SOY) as dietary protein and either linoleic acid (LA, a control FA) or graded levels of CLA at 0,0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% for 28 d. CLA reduced the weight of perirenal adipose tissue in a dose-dependent manner, but the magnitude of the reduction was greater when rats were fed SOY. Feeding SOY resulted in a significant reduction of the concentrations of serum total and HDL cholesterol, TG, glucose, and insulin irrespective of dietary CLA. The concentration of serum leptin tended to be lower on the SOY diet free of CLA than in the corresponding CAS diet, but it fell with an increasing dietary level of CLA in the CAS groups. In contrast, serum leptin tended to increase when CLA was added to SOY diets. The concentration of serum adiponectin was higher in the CAS than in the SOY groups, and it tended to increase in response to dietary CLA levels in the CAS-fed rats, whereas CLA showed no effect in SOY-fed rats. The activity of liver mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase was higher in the SOY than in the CAS groups, but it tended to increase with an increasing dietary level of CLA in both protein groups. Although the body fat-reducing activity of CLA was more effective when the protein source was SOY, rats fed CAS appeared to be more susceptible to CLA than in those fed SOY with respect to cytokines examined. These results suggest that the type of dietary protein may modify the antiobesity activity of CLA.  相似文献   

Dose-related effects of long-chain highly unsaturated n−3 fatty acids on the development ofN-nitrosomethylurea (NMU)-induced rat mammary tumors were assessed in female F344 rats. Four test groups (36 rats/group) were fed the following high-fat (HF) diets (23% fat, w/w): Group 1, 18% menhaden oil (MO) and 5% corn oil (CO); Group 2, 11% MO and 11.8% CO; Group 3,5% MO and 18% CO; Group 4, CO alone. A fifth group, serving as an internal control, was fed a low-fat diet containing 5% CO alone. Experimental diets were begun after initiation with NMU, and the experiment was terminated 31 wk later. Total tumor numbers in the five groups were 28, 16, 32, 26 and 11, respectively, indicating that the promotion phase of NMU-induced carcinogenesis was significantly suppressed only when equal parts of CO and MO (Group 2) were fed or when CO alone was fed at 5% (w/w). At high (Group 1) or low (Group 3) levels of MO, tumor numbers were indistinguishable from the HF CO group (Group 4). The same pattern was observed when assessed in terms of cumulative tumor incidence and multiplicity. However, when expressed in terms of final tumor incidence, dietary MO did not suppress tumor promotion in a statistically significant fashion at any concentration. Animals fed MO gained weight at the same rate as those fed CO, indicating that the presence of MO in the diet did not result in food avoidance behavior. Measurement of total serum cholesterol indicated an inverse trend with respect to the MO content of the diet. Analysis of serum fatty acid profiles indicated that the proportion of n−3 and n−6 polyun-saturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the serum reflected that of the diet. These results support the hypothesis that the relative proportions of dietary n−3/n−6 fatty acids play an important role in the suppression of experimental mammary tumorigenesis and suggest that changes in circulating cholesterol or n−3 PUFA levels, induced by dietary MO, are not directly related to tumor development. Presented in part at the 81st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, D.C., May 1990  相似文献   

Male young albino rats divided into three groups were maintained on the following diets. The normal group was maintained on 13% casein, 45% corn starch, 31% sucrose, 6% salt mixture, 4% peanut oil, and 1% vitamin mixture. The low protein group animals recieved only 5% casein, and the riboflavin-deficient group was fed normal diet, except that the riboflavin was absent from the vitamin mixture and ordinary casein was replaced by 13% vitamin-free casein. The effects of various inhibitors upon triphosphopyridine nucleotide, reduced form-linked lipid peroxide formation by the supernatant fraction of liver at 9000 × g from rats fed a normal diet, a low protein diet, or a riboflavin-deficient diet for 2,4, and 7 weeks were investigated. A significant decrease in triphosphoryridine nucleotide, reduced form-linked and ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation was noticed in rats fed on low protein and riboflavin-deficient diet. Glutathione inhibited the triphosphopyridine nucleotide, reduced form-linked lipid peroxidation in rats from all three groups. However, the observed response was variable due to the nature of the diet. The magnitude of inhibition was greater in low protein-fed animals than in animals from the riboflavin-deficient and control groups. Cytochrome C inhibited peroxide formation, but the inhibition was greater in rats from the low protein and riboflavin-deficient groups than in animals from the normal group. Tocopherol exhibited the antioxidant property in all three groups of rats. Deoxycholate inhibited lipid peroxide formation in all the three groups.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of deteriorated used frying oil (DUFO) and dietary protein levels upon the hepatic microsomal drugmetabolizing enzyme system. Fresh soybean oil was subjected to a deep-frying process at 205±5°C for four six-hr periods. The resultant DUFO was incorporated into high protein (HU) (27% lactalbumin) or low protein (LU) (8% lactalbumin) test diets at a 15% level. High protein (HF) and low protein (LF) diets containing fresh soybean oil served as the control. Male Long-Evans young rats fed the test diets for eight weeks showed decreased fat absorption and increased red blood cell (RBC) in vitro hemolysis. The activities of hepatic aminopyrine N-demethylase (AD), aniline hydroxylase (AH), NADPH-cytochrome C reductase (NCD), UDP-glucuronyl transferase (UDPGT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) as well as cytochrome P-450 content were significantly increased in rats fed the HU diet. However, the AD, AH and GST activities, as well as the cytochrome P-450 content of the LU group, were increased to a lesser extent and significantly lower than those of the HU group. Rats fed the LU diet were the only group that showed significantly elevated serum GOT (E.C., glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase) and GPT (E.C., glutamatepyruvate transaminase) values. Supplementation of 0.3% DL-methionine to the HU diet further increased GST activity. Unexpectedly, rats fed the low protein control diet (LF) also had raised levels of AD, AH and UDPGT activities as well as in vitro RBC hemolysis. It was concluded that rat hepatic microsomal enzymes are induced by dietary DUFO and that the level of induction is influenced by dietary protein level.  相似文献   

This study compared (i) the relative effects of long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), (ii) the influence of amount of MCT, and (iii) the impact of medium-chain fatty acid position, on plasma and lymphatic triglycerides and portal vein free fatty acids. The animals were fed approximately at 250 kcal/kg · day for 20h. The lymph from lymphatic duct and blood from portal vein and systemic circulation were collected. The results showed that feeding 100% MCT for 20h was sufficiently long to reduce significantly the level of linoleic acid in portal vein fatty acids and plasma and lymph triglycerides. However, this alteration induced by MCT feeding was partially prevented by adding LCT to the diet. The level of arachidonic acid was significantly reduced in plasma triglycerides by any of the diets containing medium-chain fatty acids compared to 100% LCT. When feeding MCT only, palmitoleic acid, presumably reflecting de novo lipogenesis, was increased in lymphatic triglycerides and portal vein fatty acids. Total saturated fatty acids as a total percentage of total fatty acids were also significantly increased in plasma and lymphatic triglycerides and portal vein fatty acids. Thus, when linoleic acid is limiting, the conversion of MCT into long-chain fatty acids by de novo lipogenesis is likely to be an important metabolic route. Providing LCT with MCT or 2-monodecanoin appears to limit this pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which high doses of estrogen influences lipid metabolism was studied with a microtubular blocking agent. Castrated male rats received oral injection daily for 14 days of 3 mg hexestrol in olive oil, or oil alone as controls. About half of the animals in each group were injected intraperitoneally with 4 mg/100 g body weight colchicine 3 hr before they were killed. Hexestrol treatment caused an accumulation of esterified cholesterol in the liver while it decreased those in serum. Triglyceride concentrations slightly decreased in the liver but were unaffected in serum. On polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, the peaks of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) were decreased remarkably. Electron microsopic examination of hepatocytes revealed electron-lucent lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. After a colchicine treatment of the control animals, concentrations of esterified cholesterol and triglycerides markedly increased in the liver, while those in serum decreased. Electron microscopic examination of hepatocytes revealed numerous secretory vesicles filled with nascent VLDL. In hexestrol-treated animals, the colchicine treatment was associated with marked decreases in serumesterified cholesterol and triglyceride as seen in the controls. However, there were no further increases of esterified cholesterol in the liver, and the increase of triglycerides was slight. Electron microscopic examination showed less secretory droplets than in the controls. These data suggest that very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) synthesis in the liver of hexestrol treated rats was inhibited. An accumulation of esterified cholesterol with a marked decrease in serum could not be accounted for by the inhibition of lipoproteins secretion, but rather by their enhanced entry into the liver.  相似文献   

In view of the influence that nutritional and physiological status exert on the immunological capacity of the subject, a study was carried out for the purpose of studying the changes induced by three protein levels in the diet: (4%, 10% (control), and 20%) on total plasma proteins (TPP) and their fractions, as well as Ig G and Ig M levels in non-pregnant (NP) and pregnant (P) rats and their offspring. Effect of the diet on adult rats--In non-pregnant rats submitted to the high protein diet, Ig G levels increased while TPP decreased in P rats fed on 4% and 20% protein diets. The higher the protein level in the diet, the higher were the TPP values. Effect of pregnancy--Ig G and Ig M levels suffered an increase in rats fed the 4% and 10% protein diets, while a decrease was observed in rats submitted to the 20% protein level diet. The TPP rate diminished in rats fed on the low protein diets, and increased when the highest protein diet was administered. Effect of the diet on offspring--Ig M levels were only detected in neonates from rats fed with the low and high protein diets. Moreover, the TPP rate increased as a direct function of the dietary protein intake.  相似文献   

Various aspects of lipid metabolism were compared in Fisher 344 (F) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats aged 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The analyses included free and total cholesterol of serum and liver, LCAT, hepatic HMG-CoA reductase, cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase, fatty acid synthetase, acetyl CoA carboxylase and cholesterol synthesis from acetate or mevalonate. The body weight of SD rats increases with age whereas that of F rats plateaus at 9–12 months. Liver and aorta cholesterol levels were comparable for the 2 strains. Serum cholesterol varied but was usually lower in F rats. HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase activities were not significantly different. Cholesterol synthesis from acetate was significantly higher only in 2-month-old F rats; synthesis from mevalonate was similar at each level. Acetyl CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase activity were generally higher in F rats at every age level. The major difference between F and SD rats is in their pattern of weight gain with age. Differences in lipid metabolism are most marked between the young (2-month) rats.  相似文献   

A review of research in the authors' laboratories regarding effects of dietary fat polyunsaturation upon longevity in rats and some aspects of the regulation of cholesterol metabolism with regard to age of rats and humans is presented. The longevity of the rat was found to be enhanced by consumption of dietary fat providing a polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid (P/S) ratio of 0.3 to 1, corresponding to about 5–12% of energy (en%) as linoleate, compared with less or more polyunsaturated fat, mechanisms of the effects of the fats upon cholesterol metabolism were studied. With advancing age, there seems to be a decline in the rate of catabolism of cholesterol, resulting in longer retention in the body of the rat. In the human, there seems to be a decline in regulation of uptake of cholesterol by leukocytes and, therefore, perhaps other tissues, resulting in increased synthesis of cholesterol by the peripheral tissues. Moderate rather than high dietary consumption of polyunsaturated fat seems to be favorable to metabolic processes contributing to longevity. Presented at the AOCS meeting in Chicago, May 1983.  相似文献   

The effect of storage upon aflatoxin levels in naturally contaminated peanut materials has been studied. The materials were selected to have levels in excess of those found in the trade to emphasize the possible loss during storage. The stimuli for this effort were: (A) a late 1969 report of the possible regeneration of aflatoxins in a commercial meal, and (B) the general lack of information on the long term stability of aflatoxins in commercial peanut products. Samples of deoiled peanut meal, natural peanut meal, raw peanut butter, and roasted peanut butter were held at 73 F and 50% relative humidity exposed to air for 2 years. Three of the four samples were identical to those used in the first International Aflatoxin Check Series. The samples were withdrawn from storage at 0, 6, 12, and 24 months and analyzed in comparison to materials retained at 0 F. Analysis was by the Contaminants Branch procedure (Association of Official Analytical Chemists Method 26.015-020) with the six participating Laboratories (four U.S., one Canadian, and one Danish) using visual and densitometric measurement. A single mixed aflatoxin standard was used throughout the program via retention at 0 F. No statistically significant changes in aflatoxin levels were noted in any of the commodities as a function of either time or temperature of storage throughout the 2 years of the study.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary calcium (Ca) level on maternal zinc (Zn) nutritional status was studied. Female Wistar rats, weighing 250-350 g, were fed during pregnancy and lactation with an experimental diet containing/100 g different levels of calcium: 0.2 g (low calcium: LCa), 0.6 g (normal calcium: NCa) or 0.9 (high calcium: HCa). Maternal blood samples were drawn from the tail at delivery and at the end of lactation. Laboratory determinations were: Zn in whole blood (WB) at delivery and weaning; Zn (ZnF) and Ca (CaF) in the ashed femur at weaning. The results (mean +/- SEM) were: ZnWB (microgram/ml) at delivery and weaning: LCa: 8.73 +/- 1.05; 12.8 +/- 2.02; NCa: 3.49 +/- 0.19; 3.73 +/- 0.37; HCa: 3.21 +/- 0.19; 3.85 +/- 0.27. CaF (mg/100 mg): LCa: 19.2 +/- 0.8; NCa: 21.4 +/- 0.6; HCa: 20.4 +/- 1.1. ZnF (microgram/100 mg): LCa: 30.2 +/- 0.9; NCa: 24.1 +/- 0.3; HCa: 24.1 +/- 0.9. ZnWB was significantly higher in LCa (p < 0.0001) regarding NCa and Hca. ZnF showed an increase and CaF a decrease in LCa regarding NCa and HCa (p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in ZnWB, ZnF and CaF between NCa and HCa These results show that: there was no detrimental effect when dietary Ca content was increased by 50% above the normal requirements of the rat.; low dietary Ca during pregnancy and lactation produced an increase of Zn utilization, reflected in maternal blood Zn and in ZnF content.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs were fed for five weeks with three diets containing different levels of vitamin E: LOW (but nondeficient, 15 mg of vitamin E/kg diet), MEDIUM (150 mg/kg diet), and HIGH (1,500 mg/kg diet). Dietary vitamin E supplementation did not change oxidative stress indicators in the hydrophilic compartment but increased liver α-tocopherol in a dose-dependent way and strongly decreased sensitivity to nonenzymaticin vitro liver lipid peroxidation. This last effect was already observed in group MEDIUM, and no further decrease inin vitro lipid peroxidation occurred from group MEDIUM to group HIGH. The protective effect of vitamin E againstin vitro lipid peroxidation was observed even though an optimum dietary concentration of vitamin C for this animal model was present in the three different vitamin E diets. Both HIGH and LOW vitamin E decreased percentage fatty acid unsaturation in all phospholipid fractions from membrane origin in relation to group MEDIUM. The results, together with previous information, show that both vitamin E and vitamin C at intermediate concentrations are needed for optimal protection against lipid peroxidation and loss of fatty acid unsaturation even in normal nonstressful conditions. These protective concentrations are higher than those needed to avoid deficiency syndromes.  相似文献   

Carvajal O  Nakayama M  Kishi T  Sato M  Ikeda I  Sugano M  Imaizumi K 《Lipids》2000,35(12):1345-1352
The present study was carried out to examine if the positional distribution of medium-chain fatty acid (MCF) in dietary synthetic fat influences lymphatic transport of dietary fat and the chemical composition of chylomicrons in rats with permanent cannulation of thoracic duct. Four types of synthetic triacylglycerol were prepared: (i) sn-1(3) MCF-sn 2 linoleic acid, (ii) interesterified sn-1(3) MCF-sn 2 linoleic acid, (iii) sn-2 MCF-sn-1(3) linoleic acid, and (iv) interesterified sn-2 MCF-sn-1(3) linoleic acid. A purified diet composed of equal amounts of the synthetic fat and cocoa butter was given to rats with permanent lymph duct cannulation. The positional distribution of MCF in the dietary fat had no significant effect on the lymph flow, triacylglycerol output, phospholipid output, lipid composition of chylomicrons, or the particle size. The positional distribution of MCF in the synthetic triacylglycerol was maintained in the chylomicron triacylglycerol. These results showed that MCF in the dietary triacylglycerol is transported into lymphatics and the positional distribution is well preserved in chylomicron triacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Varas SM  Jahn GA  Giménez MS 《Lipids》2001,36(8):801-806
Two per thousand pregnant women have hyperthyroidism (HT), and although the symptoms are attenuated during pregnancy, they rebound after delivery, affecting infant development. To examine the effects of hyperthyroidism on lactation, we studied lipid metabolism in maternal mammary glands and livers of hyperthyroid rats and their pups. Thyroxine (10 μg/100 g body weight/d) or vehicle-treated rats were made pregnant 2 wk after commencement of treatment and sacrificed on days 7, 14, and 21 of lactation with the litters. Circulating triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine concentratins in the HT mothers were increased on all days. Hepatic esterified cholesterol (EC) and free cholesterol (FC) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations were diminished on days 14 and 21. Lipid synthesis, measured by incorporation of [3H]H2O into EC, FC, and TG, fatty acid synthase, and acetyl CoA carboxylase activities increased at day 14, while incorporation into FC and EC decreased at days 7 and 21, respectively. Mammary FC and TG concentrations were diminished at day 14. Incorporation of [3H]H2O into TG decreased at days 7 and 21, and incorporation of [3H]H2O into FC increased at day 14. In the HT pups, growth rate was diminished, tetraiodothyronine concentration rose at days 7 and 14 of lactation, and triiodothyronine increased only at day 14, Liver TG concentrations increased at day 7 and fell at day 14, while FC increased at day 14 and only acetyl CoA carboxylase activity fell at day 14. Thus, hyperthyroidism changed maternal liver and mammary lipid metabolism, with decreased lipid concentration in spite of increased liver rate of synthesis and decreased in mammary synthesis. These changes, along with the mild hyperthyroidism of the litters, may have contributed to their reduced growth rate.  相似文献   

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