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No Heading We have investigated the laminar and the turbulent flow in superfluid 4He using a vibrating wire made of thin NbTi ( 2.5 m). The wire velocity as a function of applied force has shown a large hysteresis at the first cooling from normal fluid to the superfluid state. But after a couple of increasing and decreasing wire velocity we have found that the hysteresis vanished and the laminar and the turbulent flow are clearly separated at a critical velocity. The wire moving just after the first cooling must be influenced by remnant vortices nucleated through the superfluid transition. The appearance of the laminar flow below the critical velocity suggests that vortex strings on the wire seem to be selected as suitable sizes by a vibrating flow at higher velocities. We also measured the velocity dependence after immersing the wire directly into the superfluid and found that the laminar region expands up to a velocity much higher than the critical velocity observed above. This result indicates that remnant vortices are considerably reduced by the immersing method.PACS numbers: 67.40.Vs, 47.27.Cn  相似文献   

We report results from ongoing experiments on the dynamics of quantized vortices in superfluid 4He at temperatures below 0.2 K. Charged vortex rings of micron size were used to detect the presence of vortices, to create a turbulent tangle, and to charge an array of rectilinear vortex lines. The results reveal that the ion technique has great potential for the study of vortices in 4He at very low temperatures.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to emphasize the usefulness of the ideas of E. R. Huggins in thinking about vortex motion and phase slip in superfluid4He, and is primarily pedagogical. Several explicit illustrations of vortex motion and phase-slip processes are considered. In addition, it is shown that Huggins's results lead to a generalization and a more complete understanding of the familiar expression E+vs · p for the energy in the rest system of an excitation in the flowing superfluid, as applied to vortex excitations. Here, E is the energy and p is the momentum of the excitation in the moving system, and vs is the superfluid velocity.  相似文献   

The preliminary results of an investigation of nonlinear second sound waves in a high quality resonator filled with superfluid 4He are presented and discussed. It is found that, for a sufficiently strong periodic driving force, a cascade of second sound waves is formed at multiple harmonics of the driving frequency over the extremely wide frequency range 1–100 kHz. It can be described by a power law A ω =const.×ω m , where the scaling index m≈1. These observation can be attributed to the formation of a Kolmogorov-like turbulent cascade in the system of second sound waves, accompanied by directed energy flux through the frequency scales. It manifests itself as a limiting of the amplitude of a standing wave, a distortion of the shape of the initially harmonic waves, and a reduction of the effective quality factor Q of the resonator.  相似文献   

The flow of superfluid helium around a vibrating microsphere is investigated at temperatures between 1 K and 25 mK. At small oscillation amplitudes pure potential flow is observed, the linear drag force on the sphere being determined only by ballistic quasiparticle scattering below 0.7 K with phonons contributing exclusively below 0.5 K. At larger oscillation amplitudes a strongly nonlinear drag force gives evidence of stable turbulent flow if at least 0.6 pW are transferred from the sphere to the turbulent superfluid. In an intermediate range of amplitudes (or driving forces) both flow patterns are unstable and intermittent switching between both is observed below 0.5 K. We have recorded time series of this switching phenomenon at constant drives and temperatures lasting up to 36 hours. We have made a statistical analysis of the times series by means of reliability theory. The lifetime of the turbulent phases grows with increasing drive and diverges at a critical value (or at least becomes unmeasurably long). Stability of the laminar phases in the intermediate regime depends on the excess velocity of the sphere above the critical velocity. Metastable laminar phases are observed above the critical velocity having a mean lifetime limited to 25 minutes by natural background radioactivity which occasionally produces local vorticity due to ionization of the liquid. Finally, it is suggested that the breakdown of potential flow belongs to the class of “system failure” experiments which is well known in reliability testing and whose statistical properties are described by extreme-value theory. PACS numbers: 67.40.Vs, 47.27.Cn.  相似文献   

Previously, we carried out ultrasonic measurements for liquid 4He filled in a nanoporous glass (Gelsil), and observed an increase in the sound velocity due to decoupling of the superfluid component. At zero pressure, the superfluid transition temperature T C is suppressed to 1.4 K from the bulk lambda point, 2.17 K. This behavior is the same as torsional oscillator measurements by Yamamoto et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 93:075302, 2004). However, the pressure dependence of T C and the temperature dependence of the superfluid fraction are very different from the torsional oscillator measurements. In order to clarify the origin of the difference, we have developed a new technique of simultaneous measurement of an ultrasound and a torsional oscillator, and the system successfully works for a nanoporous glass. Here, we compare decoupling of the superfluid component for 4He films between an ultrasound and a torsional oscillator.  相似文献   

To interpret the results of recent experiments which used the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method it is necessary to understand the interaction of the particles with the quantised vortices. We present numerical calculations of the close approach of a small spherical particle to a vortex line. The collision time scale compares well with approximate analytical results.  相似文献   

We have been studying the behaviour of commercial quartz tuning forks immersed in superfluid 4He and driven at resonance. For one of the forks we have observed hysteresis and switching between linear and non-linear damping regimes at temperatures below 10 mK. We associate linear damping with pure potential flow around the prongs of the fork, and non-linear damping with the production of vortex lines in a turbulent regime. At appropriate prong velocities, we have observed metastability of both the linear and the turbulent flow states, and a region of intermittency where the flow switched back and forth between each state. For the same fork, we have also observed anomalous behaviour in the linear regime, with large excursions in both damping, resonant frequency, and the tip velocity as a function of driving force.  相似文献   

We present measurements of a thin wire moving through solid 4He. Measurements were made over a wide temperature range at pressures close to the melting curve. We describe the new experimental technique and present preliminary measurements at relatively high driving forces (stresses) and velocities (strain rates). The wire moves by plastic deformation of the surrounding solid facilitated by quantum tunneling of vacancies and the motion of defects. In the bcc phase we observe very pronounced viscoelastic effects with relaxation times spanning several orders of magnitude. In the hcp phase we observe stochastic step-like motion of the wire. During the step, the wire can move at extremely high velocities. On cooling, the wire ceases to move at a temperature of around 1 K. We are unable to detect any motion at lower temperatures, down to below 10 mK.  相似文献   

We present direct measurements of the thermal resistance between a saturated dilute3He-4He solution and sintered silver powder between 5 and 150mK. Measurements obtained using different sinter geometries allow us to distinguish the contribution due to the thermal boundary resistance from that of the size-limited thermal resistance of the3He-4He solution within the pores of the sinter. The thermal boundary resistance per inverse unit volume is found to vary as T–3 and is insensitive to the sinter particle size.  相似文献   

Investigation of pristine g-C3N4 and copper ions doped g-C3N4 as dispersed phases in silicone-oil based electrorheological (ER) fluids is reported for the first time. Pristine g-C3N4 was prepared via standard thermal polycondensation of urea. Introduction of Cu ions into g-C3N4 polymeric network was performed by treatment of pristine powder by a solution containing tetraammoniumdiaquacopper(II) complex ions followed by annealing. The structure and properties of products were revealed with the aid of XRD, FTIR, UV–Vis and XPS, and complemented by SEM investigation of morphology, pycnometry, BET analysis, and conductivity measurements. The response of prepared ER fluids to an external electric field was examined by rheometry and the effects visualized with optical microscopy. While ER fluids based on g-C3N4 exhibited negative ER effect (decrease in viscosity when the field is switched-on), ER fluids based on a g-C3N4/Cu-doped analogue exhibited positive ER effect. Dielectric spectroscopy using Havriliak-Negami model revealed that introduction of the dopant almost doubled the dielectric relaxation strength while the relaxation time was halved. The ability of g-C3N4/Cu as a candidate for further studies necessary to increase the ER effect was demonstrated. Thereto, described modification of g-C3N4 by copper ions shall be applicable also for other metals forming ammonia complexes.  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior of superheated He II-superheated He I interface as a result of heating in a narrow channel between parallel walls that simulates cooling channels of superconducting magnets was investigated using a shadowgraph visualization method. It was confirmed that a superheated state could be created in the narrow channel without preparing a special calm environment. A superheated He II-superheated He I interface transiently appeared between 2.0 K and lambda temperature when applying a small heat flux. The boiling state accompanying the superheated He II-superheated He I interface was repeatedly generated and collapsed. This boiling mode was anticipated to have a high heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

A facile hydrothermal route assisted by Na2H2EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium) has been successfully developed to prepare uniform cerium phosphate (CePO4) aggregates with different morphologies, such as peanut-like and spindle-like. It was found that the as-prepared uniform CePO4 aggregates were constructed with many nearly parallel aligned nanorods. The molar ratio of EDTA/Ce3+, solution pH and reaction time had great influences on the morphologies and sizes of the CePO4 samples. In our process of synthesis, Na2H2EDTA played important roles as complexing reagent and inducing agent on the formation of CePO4 aggregates. The possible growth mechanism for CePO4 aggregates was presented. Ce0.9Tb0.1PO4 aggregates with different morphologies were also prepared and their photoluminescence properties were characterized.  相似文献   

Magnetite Fe3O4 ultrafine powder, a magnetic material, was synthesized by a novel arc-electrodeposition method. The products were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The experimental results showed that the morphologies of the Fe3O4 produced were greatly influenced by the diameters of the metallic iron filament electrodes and the electrolyte composition.  相似文献   

The effects of doping of MgAl2O4 by a binary mixture of Co and Zn ions on the absorbance, electrical resistivity, capacitance, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity are reported in this paper. The materials with the nominal composition Mg1−2x(Co,Zn)xAl2O4 (x = 0.0-0.5) are synthesized by solution combustion synthesis assisted by microwave irradiation. The substituted spinels are produced with a Scherrer crystallite size of 18-23 nm, as opposed to 45 nm for undoped samples, indicated by X-ray diffraction and confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. These materials also show better thermal stability in the temperature range of 298-1773 K. Three strong absorption bands at 536, 577 and 630 nm are observed for the doped samples which are attributed to the three spin allowed (4A2 (F) → 4T1 (P)) electronic transitions of Co2+ at tetrahedral lattice sites while pure magnesium aluminate remains transparent in the whole spectral range. The semiconducting behavior of the materials is evident from the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity. Resistivity and activation energy are higher for the substituted samples. Fitting of the resistivity data is achieved according to the hopping polaron model of solids. Both dielectric constant and loss increase on account of doping. The dielectric data are explained on the basis of space charge polarization. The thermal conductivity and diffusivity are lowered and the heat capacity is increased in the doped materials. Wiedemann-Franz's law is used to compute the electronic and lattice contributions towards the total thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

We have grown high-quality single crystals of the triple-layered perovskite ruthenate Sr4Ru3O10 using a floating-zone (FZ) method and measured their electronic transport and magnetic properties. Our experiments results are consistent with those previously reported for Sr4Ru3O10 flux crystals; the magnetic ground state of Sr4Ru3O10 is poised between an itinerant metamagnetic and itinerant ferromagnetic state, and its electronic ground state is a Fermi liquid. In addition, we have investigated the effect of disorder on the metallic state of Sr4Ru3O10. From resistivity measurements of various Sr4Ru3O10 crystals with different levels of disorder, we found that disorder enhances both temperature-independent elastic scattering and also temperature-dependent inelastic scattering. The in-plane metamagnetic transition is also found to be sensitive to disorder. Disorder results in an increase in the metamagnetic transition field and different magnetic behavior above the transition. We discuss the implications of this interesting observation.  相似文献   

(Gd1−x,Eux)2O2SO4 nano-phosphors were synthesized by a novel co-precipitation method from commercially available Gd2O3, Eu2O3, H2SO4 and NaOH starting materials. Composition of the precursor is greatly influenced by the molar ratio of NaOH to (Gd1−x,Eux)2(SO4)3 (the m value), and the optimal m value was found to be 4. Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR) and thermal analysis show that the precursor (m = 4) can be transformed into pure (Gd1−x,Eux)2O2SO4 nano-phosphor by calcining at 900 °C for 2 h in air. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation shows that the Gd2O2SO4 phosphor particles (m = 4) are quasi-spherical in shape and well dispersed, with a mean particle size of about 30-50 nm. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy reveals that the strongest emission peak is located at 617 nm under 271 nm light excitation, which corresponds to the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of Eu3+ ions. The quenching concentration of Eu3+ ions is 10 mol% and the concentration quenching mechanism is exchange interaction among the Eu3+ ions. Decay study reveals that the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of Eu3+ ions has a single exponential decay behavior.  相似文献   

A surface modified Fe3O4 nanoparticle with dextran, possessing a core-shell structure, was synthesized by vibration ball-milling of Fe3O4 with dextran in the solid state under vacuum. A combination of experimental results and density functional theory calculations demonstrate that the surface modified Fe3O4 nanoparticle with dextran was performed via a coupling reaction between a “naked” Fe+ atom of Fe3O4 mechano-cation and a “naked” O? atom of dextran mechano-anion, viz., a “Fe:O” bond-formation. The naked Fe+ atom of Fe3O4 mechano-cation was produced by ionic scission of FeO bond of Fe3O4 and lost an “electron pair” under the ionic scission. The naked :O? atom of dextran mechano-anion was produced by ionic scission of CO bond comprising the α-1,6 glycosidic linkage of the dextran and gained the electron pair under the ionic scission. The Fe:O bond formation, viz., a novel type covalent bond formation, was achieved via an electron pair donation from the naked :O? atom and its acceptance by the naked Fe+ atom. Consequently, a shared “electron pair” comprising the Fe:O bond was only donated from the naked :O? atom. Our work demonstrates a novel method to form covalent bond formation between metal oxides and organic polymers, and provides a novel functionalized nanoparticle.  相似文献   

A new binary Co1/2Fe1/2(H2PO4)2·2H2O was synthesized by a simple, rapid and cost-effective method using CoCO3-Fe(c)-H3PO4 system at ambient temperature. Thermal treatment of the obtained Co1/2Fe1/2(H2PO4)2·2H2O at 600 °C yielded as a binary cobalt iron cyclotetraphosphate CoFeP4O12. The FTIR and XRD results of the synthesized Co1/2Fe1/2(H2PO4)2·2H2O and its final decomposed product CoFeP4O12 indicate the monoclinic phases with space group P21/n and C2/c, respectively. The particle morphologies of both binary metal compounds appear the flower-like microparticle shapes. Room temperature magnetization results show novel superparamagnetic behaviors of the Co1/2Fe1/2(H2PO4)2·2H2O and its final decomposed product CoFeP4O12, having no hysteresis loops in the range of ±10,000 Oe with the specific magnetization values of 0.045 and 12.502 emu/g at 10 kOe, respectively. The dominant physical properties of the obtained binary metal compounds (Co1/2Fe1/2(H2PO4)2·2H2O and CoFeP4O12) are compared with the single compounds (M(H2PO4)2·2H2O and M2P4O12; where M = Co, Fe), indicating the presence of Co ions in substitution position of Fe ions.  相似文献   

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