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Intersegment insulation in pn-junction arrays based on high-resistivity silicon, which controls the interaction of neighboring elements of position-sensitive detectors, was studied. It was shown that current-voltage characteristics of the intersegment gap of the pn junction deeply depleted due to an applied reverse voltage contain a portion of a step change in the current, which controls the intersegment insulation resistance. This feature is caused by the effect of switching of a small fraction of the bulk current between neighboring segments. In this case, the effect of the ohmic conductance between segments on the intersegment insulation resistance is ten times weaker than the effect of bulk current switching.  相似文献   

Nanometer-thick amorphous boron (α-B) layers were formed on (100) Si during exposure to diborane (B2H6) in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system, either at atmospheric or reduced pressures, at temperatures down to 500°C. The dependence of the growth mechanism on processing parameters was investigated by analytical techniques, such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), in conjunction with extensive electrical characterization. In particular, devices fabricated by B deposition effectively demonstrated that p + doping of the silicon substrate can be achieved within 10 nm from the surface in a manner that is finely controlled by the B2H6 exposure conditions. High-quality, extremely ultrashallow, p + n junctions were fabricated, and their saturation current was tuned from high Schottky-like values to low deep pn junction-like values by the increasing of the deposited B layer thickness. This junction formation exhibited high selectivity, isotropy, spatial homogeneity, and compatibility with standard Si device fabrication.  相似文献   

The photoconductivity and its relaxation characteristics in tunneling pin GaAs/AlAs heterostructures under pulsed illumination is studied. Quantum oscillations in the photoconductivity are detected depending on the bias voltage with the period independent of the light wavelength, as well as an oscillating component of the relaxation curves caused by modulation of the recombination rate at the edge of a triangular quantum well in the undoped i layer, as in the case of photoconductivity oscillations. The common nature of oscillations of the steady-state photoconductivity and relaxation curves under pulsed illumination is directly confirmed by the lack of an oscillating component in both types of dependences of some studied p–i–n heterostructures. Simultaneous suppression of the observed oscillations of dependences of both types as the temperature increases to 80 K also confirms the proposed mechanism of their formation. The dependences of these oscillations on the magnetic field and light flux power are studied. Oscillation-amplitude suppression in a magnetic field of ~2 T perpendicular to the current is caused by the effect of the Lorentz force on the ballistic motion of carriers in the triangular-quantum-well region.  相似文献   

Using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, we have investigated the nature of H defects in CdTe. The formation energy calculations indicate that the ground state position of the H inside the CdTe lattice depends on charge state: the lowest energy position for H0 and H+ is at the bond center site, while H prefers the tetrahedral interstitial site with Cd nearest neighbors (TCd). We find that H in CdTe acts as an amphoteric impurity. In p-type samples, H is in a positive charge state, acting as a donor to neutralize the free holes in the valence band, and in n-type samples H acquires an electron, compensating the donors in the sample.  相似文献   

Mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe, or MCT) with low n-type indium doping concentration offers a means for obtaining high performance infrared detectors. Characterizing carrier transport in materials with ultra low doping (ND?=?1014 cm?3 and lower), and multi-layer material structures designed for infrared detector devices, is particularly challenging using traditional methods. In this work, Hall effect measurements with a swept B-field were used in conjunction with a multi-carrier fitting procedure and Fourier-domain mobility spectrum analysis to analyze multi-layered MCT samples. Low temperature measurements (77 K) were able to identify multiple carrier species, including an epitaxial layer (x?=?0.2195) with n-type carrier concentration of n?=?1?×?1014 cm?3 and electron mobility of μ?=?280000 cm2/Vs. The extracted electron mobility matches or exceeds prior empirical models for MCT, illustrating the outstanding material quality achievable using current epitaxial growth methods, and motivating further study to revisit previously published material parameters for MCT carrier transport. The high material quality is further demonstrated via observation of the quantum Hall effect at low temperature (5 K and below).  相似文献   

On the basis of the self-consistent model of transport processes in the semiconductor pi–n diode during its self-heating under conditions of limited heat sink, the mechanisms of unusual effect—the formations of N–S transition in nonisothermal I–V characteristics of the device were numerically analyzed. It is established that such an effect is caused by a pronounced temperature reduction of the mobility of carriers in the high-resistivity base and the injection-level saturation at the current densities J > 300–500 A/cm2. The saturation is attained due to the Auger recombination or the leakage of carriers from plasma into heavily doped emitter layers, the integrated current of which, as a rule, exceeds the recombination integrated current in the base under these conditions. The Auger recombination in the anode emitter also starts to play an appreciable role in the injection-level restriction in the base if the impurity concentration becomes higher than 1018 cm−3 in there.  相似文献   

The method of deep level transient spectroscopy is used to study electrically active defects in p-type silicon crystals irradiated with MeV electrons and α particles. A new radiation-induced defect with the properties of bistable centers is determined and studied. After keeping the irradiated samples at room temperature for a long time or after their short-time annealing at T ~ 370 K, this defect does not display any electrical activity in p-type silicon. However, as a result of the subsequent injection of minority charge carriers, this center transforms into the metastable configuration with deep levels located at EV + 0.45 and EV + 0.54 eV. The reverse transition to the main configuration occurs in the temperature range of 50–100°C and is characterized by the activation energy ~1.25 eV and a frequency factor of ~5 × 1015 s–1. The determined defect is thermally stable at temperatures as high as T ~ 450 K. It is assumed that this defect can either be a complex of an intrinsic interstitial silicon atom with an interstitial carbon atom or a complex consisting of an intrinsic interstitial silicon atom with an interstitial boron atom.  相似文献   

“Rule 07” was proposed 2 years ago as a convenient rule of thumb to estimate the dark current density for state-of-the-art planar, ion-implanted, p/n HgCdTe photodiodes fabricated in layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The best reported HgCdTe devices from other laboratories had dark currents no lower than the rule and often higher. In the intervening time we have continued to compare the rule with performance obtained by ourselves and others to see if it stands the test of time. We also examined why it succeeds in approximating the dark current density over the thermal infrared wavebands (>4.6 μm cutoff). It turns out that the rule has held up well, still predicting dark current density values within 0.4× to 2.5× over about 13 orders of magnitude. At least at mid-wavelength infrared–long-wavelength infrared wavelengths, where the dependence is exponential with inverse cutoff and temperature, the behavior can be explained by Auger 1 processes and the diode architecture. This has significant implications for high-operating-temperature devices.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the dynamic range of a multichannel photocell and the signal-to-noise ratio for read-out photosignals from n and p regions of the photocell are investigated. It is established that the values of the photosensitivities depend both on the chosen design parameters of the photocell and on the highest possible control voltages. It is shown that the read-out photosignal of the multichannel photodiode structure is proportional to the luminous flux.  相似文献   

In this paper, a general small-scale fading model for wireless communications, that explores the nonlinearity and at the same time the inhomogeneous nature of the propagation medium, is presented, studied in terms of its first-order statistics of the envelope, and validated by means of field measurements and the Monte Carlo simulation. It is indeed a novel distribution with many advantages such as its generality, its physical interpretation that is directly associated with the propagation channel, and its mathematical tractability due to its simple and closed-form expression. By fitting to measurement data, it has been shown that the proposed distribution outperforms the widely known fading distributions. Namely, the α − λ − μ model, which can be in fact called α − η − μ format 2 model, can also be obtained from the α − η − μ format 1 model by a rotation of the axes. Both formats are combined, in order to result to a unified model in a closed form that may describe the propagation environment in a variety of different fading conditions. Its physical background is hidden behind the names of its parameters. The unified model includes the already known general distributions α − μ′, η − μ, λ − μ (η − μ format 2), and their inclusive ones as special cases.  相似文献   

Thermopower in n-Cd0.2Hg0.8Te (6–100 K) is studied. A large effect of drag of the charge carriers by phonons αph is found. The influence of the magnetic field H on the drag thermopower is considered. It is established that the magnetic field exerts the effect mainly on the electron component of αph. The data are interpreted in the context of the theory taking into account the effect of H on thermopower αph, in which parameter A(ɛ) proportional to the static force of the drag effect is introduced. By the experimental data αph(T, H), T, and H dependences A(ɛ) are determined. It is shown that, as H increases, A(ɛ) sharply decreases. This explains a decrease in αph in the magnetic field, power index k in dependence αphT −κ, and narrowing the region of manifestation of the drag effect. It is established that at classically high fields, the drag effect in n-Cd0.2Hg0.8Te does not vanish.  相似文献   

A comparative study of AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) surface passivation using ex situ and in situ deposited SiN x is presented. Performing ex situ SiN x passivation increased the reverse gate leakage and off-state channel leakage by about three orders of magnitude. The in situ SiN x layer was characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and capacitance–voltage (CV) measurements. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra indicated a reduction of nonradiative recombination centers in in situ SiN x -passivated samples, indicating improved crystal quality. CV measurements indicated a reduction of surface state density as well, and thus better overall passivation using in situ SiN x . Electroluminescence (EL) images of the channel regions in AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices operating in forward blocking mode with up to 400 V drain bias demonstrated reduced channel emission profiles of in situ-passivated devices. Compared with a nonpassivated reference sample, the reduced EL emission profiles correlated with a reduced channel temperature on ex situ SiN x -passivated devices.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study of the capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristics and deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra of p+p0in0 homostructures based on undoped dislocationfree GaAs layers and InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures with homogeneous networks of misfit dislocations, all grown by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE), are presented. Deep-level acceptor defects identified as HL2 and HL5 are found in the epitaxial p0 and n0 layers of the GaAs-based structure. The electron and hole dislocation-related deep levels, designated as, respectively, ED1 and HD3, are detected in InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures. The following hole trap parameters: thermal activation energies (E t ), capture cross sections (σ p ), and concentrations (N t ) are calculated from the Arrhenius dependences to be E t = 845 meV, σ p = 1.33 × 10–12 cm2, N t = 3.80 × 1014 cm–3 for InGaAs/GaAs and E t = 848 meV, σ p = 2.73 × 10–12 cm2, N t = 2.40 × 1014 cm–3 for GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures. The concentration relaxation times of nonequilibrium carriers are estimated for the case in which dislocation-related deep acceptor traps are involved in this process. These are 2 × 10–10 s and 1.5 × 10–10 s for, respectively, the InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures and 1.6 × 10–6 s for the GaAs homostructures.  相似文献   

In this study, the temperature-dependent mean density of interface states (NSS)(N_{\rm SS}) and series resistance (RS)(R_{\rm S}) profiles of Au/PVA (Ni,Zn-doped)/n-Si(111) structures are determined using current–voltage (IV) and admittance spectroscopy [capacitance–voltage (CV) and conductance–voltage G/ωV] methods. The other main electronic parameters such as zero-bias barrier height (FB0)(\Phi_{{\rm B}0}), ideality factor (n), and doping concentration (N D) are also obtained as a function of temperature. Experimental results show that the values of FB0\Phi_{\rm{B}0}, n, R S, and N SS are strongly temperature dependent. The values of FB0\Phi_{\rm{B}0} and R S increase with increasing temperature, while those of n and N SS decrease. The CV plots of Au/PVA (Ni,Zn-doped)/n-Si(111) structures exhibit anomalous peaks in forward bias (depletion region) at each temperature, and peak positions shift towards negative bias with increasing temperature. The peak value of C has been found to be strongly dependent on N SS, R S, and temperature. The experimental data confirm that the values of N SS, R S, temperature, and the thickness and composition of the interfacial polymer layer are important factors that influence the main electrical parameters of the device.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance analysis of dual branch switch and stay combining (SSC) receivers operating over correlated and identically distributed (i.d.) α-μ fading channels is presented. Assuming this diversity technique, infinite series expressions with fast converging properties are derived for the probability density function (pdf), cumulative distribution function (cdf) and the moments of the output envelope. The proposed analysis is used for evaluating the important performance criteria, such as the outage probability, the mean square output envelope, the amount of fading and the average bit error probability (ABEP). The effects of fading severity, branch correlation and optimum choice of switching threshold are considered and numerically presented. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the validity and accuracy of the derived analytical expressions.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence from GaN x As1?x layers (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.03) was measured at photon energies ranging from the intrinsic absorption edge to 3 eV at room temperature. An additional emission band was visible in the visible range of the cathodoluminescence spectra. The intensity of this band is two orders of magnitude lower than the edge-emission intensity. The photon energy corresponding to the peak of this band and its FWHM are virtually independent of x and equal to ~2.1 and 0.6–0.7 eV, respectively. This emission is related to indirect optical transitions of electrons from the L 6c and Δ conduction-band minimums to the Γ15 valence-band maximum.  相似文献   

The effect of the silicon-atom distribution profile in donor δ-layers of AlGaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with donor–acceptor doping on the mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas is studied. The parameters of the δ-layer profiles are determined using the normal approximation of the spatial distributions of silicon atoms, measured by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy. It is shown that the standard deviation σ of the δ-layer profile can be reduced from 3.4 to 2.5 nm by the proper selection of growth conditions. Measurements of the magnetic-field dependences of the Hall effect and conductivity show that such a decrease in σ allowed an increase in the mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in heterostructures by 4000 cm2/(V s) at 77 K and 600 cm2/(V s) at 300 K. The mobility calculation taking into account filling of the first two size-quantization subbands shows that an increase in the mobility is well explained by a reduction in the Coulomb scattering at ionized donors due to an increase in the effective thickness of the spacer layer with decreasing σ of the δ-layer profile.  相似文献   

The oscillations caused by optical interband electron transitions at the point L of the Brillouin zone of bismuth are studied in the temperature range of 77–280 K and magnetic fields up to B=22 T. It is shown that the method of simulation of the experimental line shape allows one not only to refine the band parameters of the material, but also to obtain detailed information about physical reasons for the specific features observed in the experimental magneto-optical spectra.  相似文献   

Injection-induced terahertz electroluminescence from silicon p +n structures is observed at helium temperatures. Structures fabricated by the diffusion of boron into a phosphorus-doped n-Si substrate are studied. Relatively narrow luminescence lines are observed in the luminescence spectra against a broad smooth background. The spectral position of a number of emission lines corresponds to optical transitions between excited donor states and the ground state of phosphorus donors. The intracenter optical transitions of electrons at phosphorus donors are excited as a result of recombination processes occurring in the n-type region of the structure under the injection of nonequilibrium holes. A number of other lines in the terahertz emission spectra are associated with intracenter transitions at acceptor centers, which are also excited as a result of injection. The structureless background in the electroluminescence spectra may be due to terahertz emission upon the intraband energy relaxation of “hot” carriers having an effective temperature exceeding the lattice temperature. These “hot” carriers appear in the structure under injection conditions.  相似文献   

The magnetoresistance of a lightly doped p-Ge1?xSix alloy is studied in the range of compositions x = 1–2 at %. The results are compared with the available data for lightly doped p-Ge. The studies have been carried out using ESR measurements at a frequency of 10 GHz in the temperature range 10–120 K. It is established that micrononuniformity in the distribution of Si in the Ge lattice (Si clusters) suppresses the interference part of the anomalous magnetoresistance and, in addition, results in an averaging of the effects of light and heavy holes. This observation suggests a sharp decrease in the inelastic scattering time in the case of a Ge1?xSix solid solution as compared to that of Ge.  相似文献   

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