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刘青  邵鑫  杨建平  张江山 《工程科学学报》2021,43(12):1698-1712
在阐述炼钢厂多尺度建模与协同制造技术架构的基础上,分别从单体工序尺度、车间区段尺度与炼钢厂运行尺度开展了炼钢厂协同制造的研究。从工序/装置过程控制系统(PCS)到炼钢厂制造执行系统(MES)进行了较为系统的建模研发,构建了包括转炉工序、精炼工序与连铸工序在内的工序工艺控制模型以及以生产计划与调度模型为核心的物质流运行优化模型,并通过工序工艺控制和生产计划与调度的动态协同,实现了炼钢厂多工序/装置的高效运行。研发了炼钢?连铸过程工序工艺控制模型、生产计划与调度模型同MES之间的数据接口,实现了MES与生产工艺控制、流程运行控制、生产计划与调度系统的有机融合,形成了以机理模型与数据模型协同驱动的工艺精准控制、多工序协同运行、基于“规则+算法”的生产计划与调度为支撑的炼钢?连铸过程集成制造技术,通过多层级的纵向协同与多工序的横向协同,实现了炼钢厂的协同运行与控制。研究成果是炼钢?连铸过程智能制造的有益探索与实践,对流程工业智能制造企业具有很强的参考价值,对冶金工业绿色化、智能化发展具有示范与借鉴作用。应用后,明显提升了炼钢厂的协同制造水平,取得了显著的经济与社会效益。   相似文献   

Comments on an article by by D. T. Lykken (see American Psychologist, 2001, Vol 56, 885-894) which called for parental licensing, which would require prospective parents to meet legislatively defined criteria before they could conceive or adopt children. The current author commends Lykken's proposal for putting the needs of children--to be raised by fit and able parents--above the desires of prospective parents. However, the author argues that courts would find Lykken's proposal for parental licensure to be unconstitutional on equal protection and substantive due process grounds. Rather than pursuing the path of parental licensure, which is neither legally nor politically viable, the author argues that psychologists should support mandatory parenting education classes in the schools, tougher child abuse laws, improved child protective services, and more research on the effectiveness of public policies and intervention programs aimed at enhancing parent-child relationships and decreasing the rates of divorce and father absence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that licensure examinations should be interpreted as measures of specific abilities that are ciritical for professional practice and analyzes the implications of this interpretation for the validity of licensure examinations. The validity of a test designed to measure such critical abilities would depend on how important the abilities being measured are for professional practice and on how adequately these abilities are measured. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews legal decisions regarding student dismissals that are relevant for professional psychology programs and outlines a legally defensible procedure that considers student and faculty concerns. It is suggested that the role of clinical judgment in evaluation, procedures for evaluating students, the ability to predict professional suitability from early graduate school behavior, and the impact of students' cultural and value differences are among issues still needing to be addressed by professional psychology programs. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes the proposed American Psychological Association (APA) Model Act passed by the Council of Representatives in February 1987. Statutory language and commentary are given under each of the following headings: declaration of policy, definitions, state board of examiners of psychologists, requirements for licensure, interstate practice of psychology, temporary authorization to practice, limitation of practice, inactive status, practice without a license, exemptions, grounds for suspension or revocation of licenses, board hearings and investigations, privileged communications, severability, and effective date. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As APA policy, the Model Act for State Licensure of Psychologists serves as a prototype for drafting state legislation regulating the practice of psychology. State legislatures are encouraged to use the language of this document and the policies that it espouses as the model for their own state licensure laws. Inevitably each state law will reflect compromises and changes particular to that state, but the APA Model Act is meant to serve as a guide for those involved in the drafting process. State licensing boards must develop their own rules and regulations to supplement the legislation proposed here. This document also serves to educate legislatures about psychology training and practice and serves to synthesize APA policies that bear on the education, training, and practice of professional psychology. Each section of the proposed Model Act is introduced by commentary, the purpose of which is to explain the rationale for the proposed section that follows. To differentiate between the commentary and the proposed statutory language, the latter is italicized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The mortality and morbidity burden of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is increasing within the human immunodeficiency virus- (HIV-) infected population. Recent improvements in HIV management has meant overall reductions in deaths, especially those due to opportunistic infections, and while the outcome of HIV-related NHL may now be somewhat less grim, the incidence remains high and outcome poor. The median survival of those with HIV-related NHL is only approximately 7 months, although those with high CD4 lymphocyte counts seem to do somewhat better. Improved management of the underlying HIV infection, more effective infusional chemotherapy regimens, moderately effective second line regimens, and new investigational approaches all offer promising hope that improvements will soon be seen for the treatment of HIV-related systemic NHL. Immunotherapy, monoclonal antibodies, and adoptive immunotherapy targeting Epstein Barr virus (EBV) all represent novel experimental treatment approaches that are becoming possible based on our increased understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV-related lymphoma. Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) in HIV patients has declined in incidence and there now is a rapid, less invasive diagnostic test. The presence of EBV DNA in the cerebral spinal fluid of HIV patients with focal brain lesions strongly suggests a diagnosis of PCNSL. Unfortunately, this disease remains difficult to treat in such an immunocompromised patient population. Further work is needed in order to prevent and effectively manage these diseases.  相似文献   

34 predoctoral interns and 25 postdoctoral psychologists who were applicants for licensure and were employed at university centers rated the supervision they received. Effective supervision was characterized by support, teaching, direct monitoring of the supervisee, and appropriate confrontation. Interns received more supervision and less evaluation than did postdoctoral psychologists. Licensure status of supervisors made little difference in supervision. Results are weakly congruent with theories and research on counselor development. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed the opinions of licensed psychologists toward certain proposals about education, training, and licensing. An 8-item questionnaire was returned by 61% of a random sample of 100 doctoral-level psychologists. Opinions were relatively unaffected by age, years of experience, psychological specialty, and employment setting. Proposals, such as increased flexibility toward part-time and master's-degree-level applicants for doctoral training, were viewed positively. Others, such as generic training and adoption of the PsyD as the degree for professional practice, were negatively viewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the way postdoctoral requirements for psychology licensure have changed over the last 10 years. In 1995, 46 states required postdoctoral experience compared with only 28 states in 1985. For 1995, there was wide variability in how many hours constituted a training year, in the amount of clinical experience required, and in the frequency and type of supervision required. Examination of the current amounts and kinds of postdoctoral training opportunities revealed at least 480 sites offering 1,107 full-time and 107 part-time slots. Implications of the results for the current training system are discussed and recommendations for postdoctoral trainees are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sera from 5325 chickens representing 71 commercial poultry flocks were tested for Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) using standard National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP) testing guidelines. Based on the NPIP guidelines, only sera (N = 195) from flocks that test positive by specific plate agglutination (SPA) were submitted for additional confirmatory tests. Flocks from three multihouse farms were identified as seropositive for MS and confirmed by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Serum samples (N = 195) from these seropositive flocks were compared by SPA, enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI). Of the 195 sera tested for MS from these flocks, 145 (74%) sera were positive by SPA. Of the 145 SPA-positive sera, the HI test was positive for 127 samples (90.2%), whereas the ELISA was positive for 141 samples (98.6%). This difference between the two tests was significant (P = 0.0006). Significant differences (P = 0.0002) in titer were obtained from paired serum samples that were submitted to three different laboratories for HI analysis. Both the SPA and HI tests failed to detect early infection in newly introduced flocks following depopulation of MS-positive facilities. Both ELISA and PCR detected new infections on these farms. In the MS outbreak described in this study, SPA was not adequate as the sole screening test and HI was not adequate for confirmation of flock infection status. Continued reliance on the same or a similar type of testing could result in missed infections. Confirmation of infection by PCR was preferable to HI and also may be used in place of culture. The findings of this study suggest that ELISA should be considered as a serologic screen in lieu of SPA, screening with SPA may miss MS-infected flocks, and PCR should be considered as a confirmatory test.  相似文献   

A common bond of licensed psychologists is taking the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP). The authors discuss how test takers feel about the EPPP as a basis for entry into the profession of psychology. Reasons for perceptions are discussed and suggestions for creating more positive perceptions are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Shchelkovo. Translated from Metallurg. No. 6, pp. 20–22, June, 1992.  相似文献   


The 19th Annual Conference of the Sheffield Metallurgical and Engineering Association (SMEA) was held on the 22nd to 23rd June 2010 at the Endcliffe Conference Centre, University of Sheffield, The aim of the conference was to explore recent advances in the manufacturing technologies for alloy steels, nickel-based superalloys and light metals for a range of applications. Five technical sessions focused on Process Technology, Near Net Shape Manufacture, Surface Engineering, Welding & Joining and Product Innovation.  相似文献   

激光增材制造技术作为新型逐层熔合制造工艺可以根据要求制备元素成分梯度变化的金属材料。试验设计了一种由两种不锈钢粉末按均匀配比变化而成的梯度成分样品,首先利用热力学计算软件预测了材料的相组织成分占比、力学性能变化;然后采用多路送粉激光熔覆工艺进行样品制备;进而利用微区X射线荧光光谱仪、金相显微镜和显微维氏硬度计结合流体微探应变技术对该梯度材料进行了微观区域的精细成分、显微组织和硬度的统计分布表征研究。表征结果中该梯度成分样品不同区域元素含量、金相组织、硬度力学性能的差异变化规律同热力学软件计算的结果基本符合。通过研究成分梯度变化区域元素成分对区域的组织状态和材料力学性能的影响,结果表明样品表面硬度分布拐点和陡降区与Ni元素的变化和板条状马氏体的出现密切相关,同时316L奥氏体组织呈不连续骨架分布,而JY-Fe45A区域显示存在大量板条状马氏体,且晶粒组织粗大。最后利用基于等静压的流体微探应变无损检测方法与显微维氏硬度计相结合分析了样品中力学性能异常区域的原因,并发现了现有打印制造工艺的不足。  相似文献   

激光增材制造技术作为新型逐层熔合制造工艺可以根据要求制备元素成分梯度变化的金属材料。试验设计了一种由两种不锈钢粉末按均匀配比变化而成的梯度成分样品,首先利用热力学计算软件预测了材料的相组织成分占比、力学性能变化;然后采用多路送粉激光熔覆工艺进行样品制备;进而利用微区X射线荧光光谱仪、金相显微镜和显微维氏硬度计结合流体微探应变技术对该梯度材料进行了微观区域的精细成分、显微组织和硬度的统计分布表征研究。表征结果中该梯度成分样品不同区域元素含量、金相组织、硬度力学性能的差异变化规律同热力学软件计算的结果基本符合。通过研究成分梯度变化区域元素成分对区域的组织状态和材料力学性能的影响,结果表明样品表面硬度分布拐点和陡降区与Ni元素的变化和板条状马氏体的出现密切相关,同时316L奥氏体组织呈不连续骨架分布,而JY-Fe45A区域显示存在大量板条状马氏体,且晶粒组织粗大。最后利用基于等静压的流体微探应变无损检测方法与显微维氏硬度计相结合分析了样品中力学性能异常区域的原因,并发现了现有打印制造工艺的不足。  相似文献   

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