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Public understanding and participation of earthquake science needs new theoretical guidance and new technical supports. Theoretical concepts such as ‘Actor-Networking Theory (ANT)’ and techniques such as Community Model, ‘cloud computing’, and ‘internet of things’ provide a new perspective for the public understanding and participation of earthquake science which is facing to new challenges.  相似文献   

关卉 《工程研究》2011,3(3):288-296
住房保障作为政府提供的公共产品,具有社会保障的属性,是一项重要的民生工程.本文以北京市住房保障工程为例,采用问卷分析、访谈等方式,就我国公众参与住房保障工程规划的合理性、条件、方式和障碍等进行了较为全面的分析,并就如何促进公众参与住房保障工程规划,提出若干建议.  相似文献   

张志会  何艺  李洋 《工程研究》2022,(4):350-360
在后真相时代和社交媒体时代,关于三峡工程等重大工程存在着不同程度的公众风险认知偏差。某些围绕工程的公众风险认知偏差在未经有效防范的情况下,可能演变成蕴藏着严重后果的重大风险。本文将三峡工程公众风险认知偏差问题概括为五种基本类型;阐释了催生三峡工程公众风险认知偏差的重要原因,探讨了三峡工程公众风险认知偏差导致风险扩大的途径;并提出可通过建立积极信任,降低将风险认知偏差转化为现实风险的概率;开启多元对话,打破话语竞争的边界,建构有利于理性认知工程风险的良好传播生态。  相似文献   

The development of new energy vehicle is the key to the low carbon transportation system and is very important to tackle climate problems. Nowadays, with the policy support, new energy vehicle has begun to go into the application period from the laboratory . The number of new energy vehicle is expanding. But because of the imperfectness on policy and standard and the immaturity of technology, the in-use new energy vehicles are facing big challenges. This paper first analyzes the scope and characteristics of new energy vehicles; then based on the survey of new energy bus and taxi, this paper identifies the main problems in new energy vehicle operation and management from the aspects of economic, standard, policy, planning, etc. Finally, the paper proposes some coun-termeasures and suggestions for the future development of new energy vehicle in China.  相似文献   

王开泳 《工程研究》2011,3(3):249-255
改革开放以来,我国经历了快速的城市化发展阶段,呈现出城市化发展速度快、城市化水平区域差异大等显著特征.行政区划属于上层建筑,是国家进行区域划分和行政管理的主要依托和重要途径.本文以为,伴随着社会经济和城市化进程的快速发展,行政区划必然要进行相应的调整,以便与经济基础相适应.从行政区划的角度看,我国的城市化发展还存在一系...  相似文献   

While the philosophy of engineering is becoming a popular topic in the academia, the philosophy of military engineering is rarely studied. The study of the definition, classification and specialty of military engineering is the basis and the logical foundation of the philosophy of military engineering. From the concept of engineering and engineer, we could tell that engineering is tightly bound to military in the very first place. The emergence of civil engineering has led to the diversity and versatility of engineering. This paper redefines the concept of military engineering by analyzing the purposes, the functions and the organizational management of military engineering constructions. By comparing military engineering with civil engineering, this paper classifies military engineering according to its functions, purposes and applications and clarifies the characteristics of military engineering.  相似文献   

目前工程社会学在我国正逐渐兴起,出现了"工程共同体论"、"社会评价论"和"建设工程系统论"三种不同研究范式,各学者对系统的工程社会学体系莫衷一是。本文首先批判性梳理了上述三种范式,指出其对于工程社会学建构的作用和意义;其次,借鉴英国科学社会学家约翰·齐曼对科学社会学知识的类型划分,将工程社会学体系划分为"内部工程社会学"和"外部工程社会学",并提出"工程域"和"工程社区"两个概念,它们是工程社会学的基本范畴,也分别是内部工程社会学和外部工程社会学的核心概念;最后,展望工程社会学发展前景,指出工程社会学必将成为社会学"学术大家庭"中的重要一员。  相似文献   

李伯聪 《工程研究》2009,1(3):237-248
工程活动是有目的的人类活动,企业是现代社会中从事经济活动、工程活动的主要组织形式,是创造“广义价值”的主体。本丈着重从工程哲学和跨学科研究的视角,对大庆油田发展历程中的若干问题进行分析和思考。从企业社会责任理论和石油产品具有“双重属性”的角度分析了大庆油田的“企业责任”问题;从工程哲学、管理科学、伦理学、创新研究的视角,对大庆的管理经验、科技创新、战略决策、“百年油田”目标的确定等问题,进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

王兆春 《工程研究》2010,2(3):264-277
Based on the continual development of the military engineering and technology in different historical stages in ancient China, this article describes the evolving process of the corresponding management institutions and discusses its causes. The whole process is divided into several historical phases, including germinating, shaping, developing, systematizing and modernizing. The author thinks that the military engineering, the military technology and the management institutions depended on, mutually promoted and closely associated with each other and went ahead side by side in the long history. Through serious study of the history development of the management institutions, readers can understand its ensuring function for the military engineering and technology and acquire the consciousness and foresight which is necessary for building and reforming the similar institutions.  相似文献   

The process of Informatization will have great impact on both macro economy and finance. In the respect of macro economy, informatization influences short-term economic fluctuation, the growth of total economic scale and economic structure in China. Firstly, it will influence short-term economic fluctuation by affecting labor market, pricing fluctuation, short-term investment and consumption, as well as the implementation of macroeconomic policy. Meanwhile, it will boost long-term economic growth by providing new production factors, upgrading production efficiency and pushing technology innovation. In addition, it will change economic structure by impacting industry structure, demand structure and regional structure. On the perspective of finance, informa-tization has changed the monetary form and function, which is the technological foundation of virtual currency and electronic payment. It exerts an extensive and far-reaching impact on the financial institutions, financial mar-ket, financial supervision and regulation through two ways: decreasing the transaction costs and alleviating the asymmetric information problems.  相似文献   

工程进度优化与控制问题的研究现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学民  高随祥 《工程研究》2010,2(2):131-136
This paper mainly discusses the optimization and process control of project management. Special attention has been paid to the optimization of process-cost, process-cost-quality and project quarterly control in China and overseas. This paper describes the main researching methods on project optimization and process control and discusses the future tendency in this field.  相似文献   

王国豫 《工程研究》2010,2(2):168-175
The institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics is to efficiently implement and apply the concept and research achievements of engineering and technology ethics into engineering activities by establishing effective institutions and organizations. German engineering and technology ethics has gained valuable experience in this respect. About the theoretical demonstrations on ethical institutionalization, there're mainly: Gehlen’s anthropological demonstration on the objective of institutionalization, and Ropohl's demonstration from the view of society-technology system theory while Hubig's from the viewpoint of axiology. And in Germany, the practical applications of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics chiefly include the establishment of various institutionalized organizations at the levels from federation, state to the public, and the promulgation and implementation of ethical guidelines for Association of German Engineers. Reviewing the experiences and characteristics of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics in Germany would not only be helpful to the enrichment of our theories of engineering and technology ethics, but also be of significant reference value for the the application of engineering and technology ethics in practice.  相似文献   

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