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Based on the mathematical model of a reacting two-phase medium in the two-velocity, two-temperature approximation, the process of planar shock wave entering a cloud of aluminum particles is numerically studied. The incident shock wave may have either a rectangular or a triangular profile, i.e., it may be accompanied by a rarefaction wave. An analysis of numerical data allowed us to determine conditions of possible establishment of a steady detonation regime in the cloud. Scenarios of initiation and types of detonation flows in the cloud are determined as functions of the amplitude of the incident shock wave and initiation energy. Criteria of detonation initiation for various fractions of particles are obtained, which express the dependence of the energy stored in the shock wave on its Mach number.  相似文献   

复合装药偏心起爆的爆轰波特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究复合装药在偏心起爆条件下的爆轰波特性,采用转镜式高速相机狭缝扫描技术对装药表面的爆轰波形传播过程进行测量,得到爆轰波在狭缝位置的扫描曲线、时空坐标以及爆轰波阵面分布图.分析了复合装药爆轰会聚波的速度分布、形成机理及传播规律,提出偏心起爆条件下复合装药爆轰波阵面前沿为凹面会聚波,会聚波可以提高内层装药爆轰波的传播速度.  相似文献   

An original photograph of a retonation wave is presented; the wave arose spontaneously in a charge of a 20/80 nitroglycerine/ammonium nitrate mixture with a density of 0.9 g/cm3 at a distance of 0.8 of the charge length and went back half of the charge length toward the place of initiation. The velocity of the forward wave was 2300 m/sec, and the velocity of the retonation wave was 1700 m/sec. The retonation wave was registered only in one, unique experiment. Key words: initiation, detonation, retonation wave, velocity, nitroglycerine, ammonium nitrate.  相似文献   

PBX炸药二维冲击起爆机理的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了基于KIM模型的一个化学反应速率方程模型,用于分析PBX起爆和爆轰行为的损伤作用.运用遗传算法确定了反应速率方程的相关参数,通过与Forest-Fire反应速率模型数值模拟结果对比,验证了所建模型的合理性.将所建反应速率方程模型嵌入有限元程序对PBX炸药二维冲击起爆过程进行数值模拟,数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,可以描述分析受冲击加载造成孔隙率、颗粒尺寸等变化的损伤炸药的冲击起爆过程.  相似文献   

基于聚黑(JH)-14C传爆药的小隔板试验方法及结果,建立了小隔板试验有限元模型并进行了模拟计算,确定了密度为1.65g/cm~3时JH-14C的Lee-Tarver参数。以RDX-8701为主发药柱,对实际装药条件下JH-14C的传爆装置进行了冲击起爆实验,得到了钢鉴定块的凹坑深度。根据小隔板试验确定的JH-14C传爆药Lee-Tarver参数,建立了全尺寸的冲击起爆实验有限元模型,并对比分析了模拟结果与实验结果,通过改变导爆药柱顶部的钢隔板厚度,确定了JH-14C的传爆装置发生冲击起爆的临界钢隔板厚度。结果表明,冲击起爆实验中钢鉴定块的凹坑深度约为2.1mm,模拟计算结果与实验结果基本吻合;JH-14C的传爆装置冲击起爆的临界钢隔板厚度在4~5mm。  相似文献   

This paper reports results of experiments on initiation and development of detonation in cylindrical charges of a porous explosive by overdriven detonation products of a gas mixture C2H2 + 2.5 O2. Explosive charges with a bulk density of about 1 g/cm3 in fragile shells were studied. For PETN and RDX charges, the critical initial pressure of the gas mixture at which detonation initiation still occurs is determined and the pressures acting immediately on the charge are given. For PETN, critical initial pressures and initiation delays were measured for the first time for charges with particles of various diameters. The obtained dependence characterizes the following abnormal property of porous charges: there is an optimum particle size for which the explosive sensitivity is maximal. Streak records of selfluminosity for typical initiation modes are given. Mass velocity profiles in initiation waves at different depth of the charge are obtained using an electromagnetic procedure.  相似文献   

The transition of a system of partial differential equations which describe the stationary flow behind the shock–wave front of a detonation complex upon detonation of a cylindrical charge to a system of ordinary differential equations is performed by means of the series expansion in terms of the radial variable. The necessary equations for determination of the derivatives of solutions with respect to the parameters and the initial conditions for them are formulated. Imposing the condition of continuous extendibility of the solutions leads to equations that allow one to determine the shape of a shock–wave front as a function of wave velocity.  相似文献   

A critical diameter exists for both high velocity (HVD) and low velocity detonation (LVD). No relationship exists between these two diameters, however they are both dependent upon the temperature, confinement, contaminants, type of detonation and, most importantly, geometry. In cylindrical geometry, the critical diameter is determined by go/no go tests which are relatively expensive and time consuming. In this respect, there is a need for a method by which the critical diameter can be determined quickly and reliably. A relatively simple procedure which can also be performed in the field is proposed in this article where the critical diameter is determined in principle by a single test through the application of conical geometry. However, on account of “overdrive”, the values always fall below those obtained by cylindrical geometry. Metal plating is proposed as a method of indication. The results are then compared simultaneously by optical and electrical measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical diameter of the HVD of pure nitromethane was also demonstrated by conical geometry and was compared to the values of cylindrical geometry. The method was originally proposed as a joint US/German effort between Dr. Mallory of NSWC, China Lake, and Dr. Leiber of BICT. Since Dr. Mallory has recently passed away, the question is therefore open as to whether or not this test can be approved internationally.  相似文献   

The shock initiation/ignition of Cylindrical Charges Covered with thin Aluminium Shell (CCCAS) by steel fragment impact was experimentally and theoretically investigated. The critical specific kinetic energy criterion and threshold for the shock reaction of CCCAS were obtained. During the experiments, the response characteristics of CCCAS by steel fragment impact were studied. Then the surface microstructures of explosives were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). According to the experimental phenomena and existing theories, a calculation model for critical criterion for the shock reaction of CCCAS was developed by dimensional analysis . Based on the calculation model and numerous tests of cylindrical charges covered with 3 mm aluminium shell under the impact of steel fragments with the mass from 1.0 g to 2.0 g, the critical specific kinetic energy threshold for the shock initiation of CCCAS was obtained.  相似文献   

An approximate model for pressure buildup behind the front of an initiating shock wave is developed. This model leads to the widely used P2t initiation criterion, but the pressure index is not limited to a value of two. Expressions for wave run time and distance to detonation are also obtained. The use of the model is illustrated using explosives widely discussed in the literature. It is shown that critical shock initiation and run distance to detonation can be rapidly estimated to good approximation over a wide range of shock conditions from the results of one or two relatively simple experiments. The calculational method may be useful for various applications.  相似文献   

Propagation of a detonation wave in monodisperse suspensions of reacting particles (based on the model of the suspension of aluminum particles in oxygen) in channels with linear expansion is studied within the framework of mechanics of heterogeneous reacting media. Reduced kinetics is described with allowance for the transitional (from diffusion to kinetic) regime of combustion of micron-sized and submicron-sized spherical aluminum particles. The effects of the channel width, particle diameter, and expansion angle on propagation conditions and detonation regimes are determined. The critical channel width is found to be a nonmonotonic function of the expansion angle, which is associated with qualitatively different wave patterns behind an oblique step. Flow charts are constructed, and the results are compared with solutions of problems of heterogeneous detonation wave propagation in channels with a backward-facing step and with sudden expansion.  相似文献   

A model for the macrokinetics of chemical reactions in detonating heterogeneous explosives is proposed based on the assumption that not only point but also surface microcenters (hot surfaces) are formed under the action of an initiating shock wave. The occurrence of surface hotspots can be cause by a local rise in temperature near microcracks and on grain boundaries. The model is tested by measuring pressure profiles during detonation initiation in a TATB based explosive composition.  相似文献   

Experimental results often show that a prompt shock response to projectile impact can be experienced by even relatively heavily cased explosives. This paper will discuss the predictive criteria that can be applied in such circumstances, and in particular will explore the different mechanisms which are present for rod and sphere impacts. Predicted initiation thresholds are shown to give good comparisons with experimental results, using, at most, two empirical shock sensitivity constants obtained from impacts of the uncased explosive.  相似文献   

Evidence is given of a fundamental difference between the response of bare explosive to the impact of a flat-nosed rod, and the response to a sphere or round-nosed rod. For relatively insensitive explosives such as Composition B, a spherical projectile, in contrast to a flat-nosed rod, can have a range of impact velocities that produce a blast output which falls short of the output expected from a full detonation. It is postulated that this effect is caused by the divergent flow behind the initial impact shock created by the sphere. Without such divergence it is assumed that these impacts would produce full detonation. Consequently thc critical energy criterion for spherical impacts should be applied to the non-reaction/reaction boundary and not the reaction/detonation boundary. This is shown to give constant values of critical energy for different sizes of sphere impacting the same explosive, and to give similar energy values to those obtained from impacts of flat-nosed rods.  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of experimental studies of the reaction zone structure during steady detonation in bis-(2-fluoro-2,2-dinitroethyl)-formal (FEFO, C5H6N4O10F2) and its mixtures with nitrobenzene (NB). For pure FEFO, the pressure and particle velocity at the Chapman—Jouguet point and the characteristic reaction time were measured. For FEFO/NB, the dependence of the detonation parameters of the mixture on the NB concentration was determined, and the detonation front was shown to be unstable in pure and in mixtures containing more than 30% NB.  相似文献   

铝粉含量对梯铝炸药爆压和冲击波参数的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测试了以TNT为基不同含量含铝炸药的爆压和空中爆炸冲击波参数,通过分析铝粉对炸药爆压、空中爆炸参数和爆炸冲击波超压的影响,建立了爆压与铝氧比的关系曲线、5种TNT基含铝炸药的冲击波相似律方程和TNT/Al炸药的爆压与空中爆炸冲击波超压的关系式.结果表明,随着铝粉含量的增加,炸药的爆压呈指数衰减,近距离的冲击波超压也快速减小,但爆炸场温度和爆炸火球的直径及持续时间会增大.  相似文献   

A general model for the shock initiation of explosive reaction in chemical explosives is proposed. The model is based on the concepts of: (1) the kinetics of decomposition in which ions and free radicals produced by the shock wave shear forces initiate chain reactions that contribute to and accelerate the decomposition produced by the thermally activated molecules; (2) the formation of statistically random reaction sites whose number in a specific explosive is a direct function of the shock pressure as the shock transits the explosive; and (3) a critical- energy-fluence requirement for initiation. This model appears to apply to explosive reaction in gases, liquids, and solids.  相似文献   

The shock initiation threshold of PBX-9404 has been studied over the pressure range 3.1 GPa-28 GPa with pulse lengths ranging from 0.007 μs-0.63 μs. The short-duration, high pressure pulses were produced by the impact of thin plastic flyer plates accelerated by electrically exploded metal foils. We performed the experiments on explosive pellets 25.4 mm in diameter with thicknesses of 6.0 mm, 10.1 mm and 19.1 mm. No dependence of the initiation threshold on pellet thickness was observed. The data are represented reasonably well by either the critical initiation energy or by the constant P2τ initiation criteria.  相似文献   

Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves - The brightness temperature of polymethyl methacrylate subjected to a shock wave reflected from a transparent LiF or sapphire window was measured by a...  相似文献   

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