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近年来,质量相关的故障诊断受到学界的广泛关注。目前存在多种基于后处理的故障诊断算法,但是,进一步的研究发现,当质量无关的故障幅度增强时,这些后处理算法会逐渐失去功能,除此之外,后处理算法在实践中会产生很大的计算量。为了进一步解决上述算法的弊端,采取一种预处理、建模、后处理的结构,并提出修正的潜在结构正交投影算法。对比之前的算法,该方法对质量相关的故障更具实用性,同时减少了模型所需潜在变量的数目,与之前算法相比,计算量更低,数值示例和田纳西-伊士曼过程用来验证该方法的有效性。 相似文献
Jian Li Kunpeng Pan Qingyu Su 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2020,34(11):1642-1657
In this paper, the problem of fault detection and identification for DC-DC converters is presented. First, switched systems model and fault model are analyzed based the switched characteristics of the DC-DC converters, taking the DC-DC buck converter as an example. According to the switched Lyapunov function technique, a fault detection observer and a bank of linear switched fault identification observers are designed for the switched systems. Next, the fault detection observer detects the fault based on the residual produced by the observer output and actual output. After the fault is detected, fault identification observers are activated. The location of fault is identified by comparing the residual evaluation functions. Meanwhile, the adaptive parameter identification is achieved by choosing an appropriate adaptive law. Finally, in order to show the feasibility of the fault detection and identification, the simulation results are given in this article. 相似文献
Paweł Wachel Grzegorz Mzyk 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2016,30(1):93-105
In the paper, the linear component of the Wiener system is identified under poor knowledge about the static subsystem nonlinearity. Unlike most of other identification methods, the proposed approach allows to decompose the problem of the Wiener system identification into two simpler subproblems. The considered methodology is based on the observation that the impulse response of the dynamic subsystem is proportional to the multiple input single output mapping, directly related to the considered system. Although derivation of the method involves gradient and kernel least squares techniques, the resulting algorithm possesses explicit form and does not utilize any difficult computational procedures. The consistency of the method is proved, and sufficient conditions for algorithm's bandwidth selection are formulated. Practical aspects of the approach are discussed, and applicability of the method for small and moderate number of observations is examined numerically. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Andrea Cristofaro Silvia Pettinari 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2015,29(7):835-854
A novel observer‐based fault accommodation technique for linear multi‐input multi‐output sampled‐data systems affected by a general class of actuator faults in the presence of quantization errors is addressed in the paper. Only the output signal has been assumed to be available for direct measurement. A simulation study on a three‐tank system supports theoretical developments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Imen Gueddi Othman Nasri Kamel Ben Othman 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2020,34(1):42-62
This paper presents a new optimized interval principal component analysis applied to detect and isolate actuators faults of an autonomous spacecraft involved in the rendezvous phase of the Mars sample return mission. Based on the exploitation of various arithmetic and interval analysis properties, the new interval model is built by solving the interval eigenpairs problem via a resolution of a parametric linear programming problem. The detection and isolation phases are performed by extending the classic methods to interval-valued data. The proposed method is applied to detect and isolate actuators faults that can occur on the spacecraft's thrusters. Based on data provided by a “high fidelity” industrial simulator developed by Thales Alenia Space, the obtained results proved the effectiveness of the proposed interval fault diagnosis method on detecting and isolating thrusters' faults. 相似文献
针对识别配电网故障原因,目前的“人工巡线”方法,不仅耗费大量的人力物力资源,而且延长了停电时间。因此,提出一种基于数据驱动的配电网故障原因识别方法。首先通过对大量现场记录的故障波形数据进行分析,得到不同原因故障的机理以及波形特征,提出一种基于经验模态分解 (empirical mode decomposition,EMD) 和主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA) 的故障特征提取方法。通过EMD将故障时域波形按照不同的时间尺度进行分解,得到具有信号局部特征的本征模态函数(intrinsic mode function,IMF) 分量。其次利用PCA对多个IMF分量进行降维,提取IMF序列中的主要特征分量并将其组成特征向量。最后提出一种基于长短期记忆网络的故障原因分类模型,用于提取特征序列的动态时间尺度特征并实现故障原因的分类。使用实际现场数据的实验结果表明,该故障原因分类模型具有较高的准确度。 相似文献
In this brief note we make three remarks concerning adaptive implementations of neural networks and fuzzy systems. First, we bring to the readers attention the fact that the potential power of these systems as function approximators is lost when, as in some recently published works, the adjustable parameters are only the linear combination weights of the basis functions. Second, we show that the stability analysis in those papers in any way uses properties particular to neural nets or fuzzy systems and follows immediately from well-established results in adaptive systems theory. The second fact is well known to people familiar with adaptive systems theory, but not necessarily so to the neuro-fuzzy community. On the other hand, the opposite seems to be the case for the first remark. Finally, we present a simple version of a result on adaptive stablilization of non-linearly parametrized non-linear systems which might be useful for the stability analysis of adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems. This result, though well known in the Russian literature for a long time, has apparantly been overlooked in ‘western’ publications. 相似文献
Dalil Ichalal Benoît Marx Didier Maquin José Ragot 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2018,32(3):480-493
The objective of this study is the analysis of dynamic systems represented by a multimodel expression with variable parameters. Changes in these parameters are unknown but bounded. Since it is not possible to estimate these parameters over time, the simulation of such systems requires the consideration of all possible values taken by these parameters. More precisely, the goal is to determine, at any moment, the smallest set containing all the possible values of the state vector simultaneously compatible with the state equations and with a priori known bounds of the uncertain parameters. This set will be characterized by two trajectories corresponding to the lower and upper limits of the state at every moment. This characterization can be realized by a direct simulation of the system, given the bounds of its parameters. It can also be implemented with a Luenberger‐type observer, fed with the system measurements. 相似文献
Xuemin Tian Yu Ping Cao Sheng Chen 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2011,25(9):813-830
By monitoring the future process status via information prediction, process fault prognosis is able to give an early alarm and therefore prevent faults, when the faults are still in their early stages. A fuzzy‐adaptive unscented Kalman filter (FAUKF)‐based predictor is proposed to improve the tracking and forecasting capability for process fault prognosis. The predictor combines the strong tracking concept and fuzzy logic idea. Similar to the standard adaptive unscented Kalman filter (AUKF) that employs an adaptive parameter to correct the estimation error covariance, a Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy logic system is designed to provide a better adaptive parameter for smoothing this regulation. Compared with the standard AUKF, the proposed FAUKF has the same strong tracking ability but does not suffer from the drawback of serious tracking fluctuation. Two simulation examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed predictor. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Walid Abid Abdelkader Krifa Noureddine Liouane 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2020,34(5):677-702
Small faults (some weak faults with a tiny magnitude) are difficult to detect and may cause severe problems leading to degrading the system performance. This paper proposes an approach to estimate, detect, and isolate small faults in uncertain nonlinear systems subjected to model uncertainties, disturbances, and measurement noise. A robust observer is developed to alleviate the lack of full state measurement. Using the estimated state, a dynamical radial basis function neural networks observer is designed in form of LMI problem to accurately learn the function of the inseparable mixture between modeling uncertainty and the small fault. By exploiting the knowledge obtained by the learning phase, a bank of observers is constructed for both normal and fault modes. A set of residues is achieved by filtering the differences between the outputs of the bank of observers and the monitored system output. Due to the noise dampening characteristics of the filters and according to the smallest residual principle, the small faults can be detected and isolated successfully. Finally, rigorous analysis is performed to characterize the detection and isolation capabilities of the proposed scheme. Simulation results are used to prove the efficacy and merits of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Grzegorz Mzyk Gabriel Maik 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2024,38(1):323-341
The paper identifies a Wiener system, which is excited by a cyclostationary time series. To estimate the first subsystem's linear dynamic impulse response: this proposed algorithm first kernel-windows the Wiener system's input measurements, then cross-correlates with the output time series. To identify the second subsystem's static nonlinearity: this proposed algorithm first estimates the unobservable inter-block internal signal (consistently in the statistical sense), and then kernel-windows these estimates with the Wiener system output. This estimator provides the unusual capability to identify non-invertible nonlinearities. This strategy removes any restrictive requirement for a Gaussian random excitation or a sinusoidal deterministic excitation. This paper further proves the estimator's asymptotic consistency and determines the kernel bandwidth for algorithmic convergence. The proposed algorithm's efficacy is verified in the context of two common applications: a servo mechanical system and a telecommunication channel. 相似文献
Nikolaos Moustakis Bingyu Zhou Thuan Le Quang Simone Baldi 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2018,32(7):980-993
This paper establishes a novel online fault detection and identification strategy for a class of continuous piecewise affine (PWA) systems, namely, bimodal and trimodal PWA systems. The main contributions with respect to the state‐of‐the‐art are the recursive nature of the proposed scheme and the consideration of parametric uncertainties in both partitions and in subsystems parameters. In order to handle this situation, we recast the continuous PWA into its max‐form representation and we exploit the recursive Newton‐Gauss algorithm on a suitable cost function to derive the adaptive laws to estimate online the unknown subsystem parameters, the partitions, and the loss in control authority for the PWA model. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is verified via simulations applied to the benchmark example of a wheeled mobile robot. 相似文献
J. R. Deller M. Nayeri M. S. Liu 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》1994,8(1):43-60
A general class of optimal bounding elipsoid (OBE) algorithms, including all methods published to date, is unified into a single framework called the unified OBE (UOBE) algorithm. UOBE is based on generalized weighted recursive least squares in which very broad classes of ‘forgetting factors’ and data weights may be employed. Different instances of UOBE are distinguished by their weighting policies and the criteria for determining optimal weight values. A study of existing OBE algorithms, with a particular interest in the trade-off between algorithm performance interpretability and convergence properties, is presented. Results suggest that an interpretable, converging UOBE algorithm will be found. In this context a new UOBE technique, the set membership stochastic approximation (SM-SA) algorithm, is introduced. SM-SA possesses interpretable optimization measures and known conditions under which its point estimator converges. 相似文献
Klaske van Heusden Alireza Karimi Torsten Söderström 《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》2011,25(5):448-465
In non‐iterative data‐driven controller tuning, a set of measured input/output data of the plant is used directly to identify the optimal controller that minimizes some control criterion. This approach allows the design of fixed‐order controllers, but leads to an identification problem where the input is affected by noise, and not the output as in standard identification problems. Several solutions that deal with the effect of measurement noise in this specific identification problem have been proposed in the literature. The consistency and statistical efficiency of these methods are discussed in this paper and the performance of the different methods is compared. The conclusions offer a guideline on how to solve the data‐driven controller tuning problem efficiently. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在极端天气情况下,风电功率会在短时间尺度内发生大幅度的变化,出现风电功率高风险爬坡事件,严重威胁电力系统的安全稳定运行。开展爬坡备用的需求评估,有助于减小风电出力波动和预测误差对电网运行带来的不利影响。为保障高比例风电系统的备用充裕度,提出一种基于门控循环单元和非参数核密度估计法的组合区间爬坡备用需求预测方法。首先,将风电功率实际数据和日前预测数据构建成多变量时间序列,基于门控循环单元(gate recurrent unit,GRU)模型提高预测结果的准确度。进而,采用非参数核密度估计方法对风电功率预测误差进行置信区间估计,得出给定置信区间下的风电功率预测区间。最后,根据区间预测结果,预测爬坡事件并提取爬坡特征量,建立爬坡备用需求评估模型,评估得出爬坡备用容量需求。基于西北某省级电网的数据开展了算例测试,验证了所提方法的有效性。 相似文献