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庞前涛 《中国材料科技与设备》2008,5(3):45-47
本文主要介绍了一种粉末烧结技术——放电等离子烧结。首先从结构设计上进行了介绍,放电等离子烧结的主要原理是在粉末进行压力烧结的同时施加电流,最终实现材料的致密化。放电等离子烧结的主要优点是烧结温度低、时间短、升温快、材料致密等。最后列举了放电等离子烧结技术在热电材料、硬质材料、功能梯度材料等的应用实例,论述表明放电等离子烧结技术是一种可以制备高性能材料的烧结技术。 相似文献
以Nb,Si粉末为原料,采用放电等离子烧结(SPS)技术制备了二元Nb-Si超高温材料,研究了烧结温度、保温时间、加热速率和冷却速率等工艺参数对材料物相组成、微观组织和室温力学性能的影响。结果表明:烧结温度在1300℃以上时,材料主要由Nbss(铌基固溶体)和α-Nb5Si3两相组成,材料的致密度和室温力学性能随着烧结温度的升高而不断提高,在1600℃制备的材料力学性能最好;在1600℃时,随着保温时间的延长,材料的物相组成和微观组织基本没有变化,而其力学性能有小幅度提高;较慢的加热速率和烧结完成后较快的冷却速率均有利于提高材料的室温力学性能。应用优化后的SPS工艺,制备出了室温综合力学性能优异的Nb-Si超高温材料。 相似文献
This review gathers detail on the processing of piezo‐ferroelectric ceramic materials by spark plasma sintering for the first time. The results reported here clearly indicate that it is a powerful technique and opens the possibility of processing ceramics with controlled sub‐micron or even nanoscale grain sizes. 相似文献
Isabel Alvarez‐Clemares Gustavo Mata‐Osoro Adolfo Fernández Sonia Lopez‐Esteban Carlos Pecharromán Javier Palomares Ramón Torrecillas José Serafín Moya 《Advanced Engineering Materials》2010,12(11):1154-1160
The influence of oxides (such as MgO, TiO2, CaO, etc.) on the transparency of polycrystalline alumina compacts are widely studied in the literature. In this work, a completely different approach is developed, consisting of precipitating 0.5 wt.‐% CeO2 nanoparticles (< 5 nm) on the surface of the starting alumina nanopowder (d50 approximately 170 nm) using cerium(III) acetate as precursor. It is shown that the ceria nanoparticles strongly enhance the transparency of the spark plasma sintered compacts due to: i) the ceria nanoparticles acting as powder lubricant, increasing by around 15% the initial density of the powder in the SPS die, and, ii) the CeO2 nanoparticles, having a very low solid solubility in the alumina grains, locating at grain boundaries, hindering alumina grain growth by pinning during SPS sintering at 1 430 °C, 80 MPa for 2 min. This effect is found to be effective only under SPS vacuum conditions. In order to explain the light scattering behavior in the near‐infrared and visible range, a light scattering model under the Rayleigh‐Gans‐Debye approximation for polycrystalline alumina is used. This model offers an additional and simple tool for a completed bulk evaluation of the SPS compacts microstructure. 相似文献
T. Rodriguez-Suarez L.A. Díaz R. Torrecillas S. Lopez-Esteban W.-H. Tuan M. Nygren J.S. Moya 《Composites Science and Technology》2009
In the present work, the parameters controlling the alumina/W nanopowders Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) process are studied. The important and crucial role of C diffusion from the SPS die in the microstructure, fraction of porosity and new phases formation (W2C) is discussed. It is also pointed out the importance of the processing parameters of the starting powder on the density and mechanical properties of the final compacts. In this regard, dense alumina/nW compacts containing 4 vol.% W with a hardness value as high as 24.6 ± 0.9 GPa were obtained. 相似文献
Functionally graded(FG) carbon nanotubes(CNT) and nano-silicon carbide(nSiC) reinforced aluminium(Al)matrix composites have been successfully fabricated using high-energy ball milling followed by solid-state spark plasma sintering processes.The CNTs were well-dispersed in the Al particles using the nSiC as a solid mixing agent.Two different types of multi-walled CNTs were used to add different amounts of CNTs in the same volume.The ball milled Al—CNT—nSiC and Al—CNT powder mixtures were fully densified and demonstrated good adhesion with no serious microcracks and pores within an FG multilayer composite.Each layer contained different amounts of the CNTs,and the nSiC additions showed different microstructures and hardness.It is possible to control the characteristics of the FG multilayer composite through the efficient design of an Al—CNT—nSiC gradient layer.This concept offers a feasible approach for fabricating the dualnanoparticulate-reinforced Al matrix nanocomposites and can be applied to other scenarios such as polymer and ceramic systems. 相似文献
Viorel Sandu Gheorghe Aldica Raluca Damian Zhi-Chao Guo Hong-Li Suo 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(2):361-369
We have studied the one-step procedure for simultaneous synthesis and sintering of SiC-doped MgB2 by the spark plasma sintering technique. Two types of composition, one in which Mg is strongly deficient, with the atomic ratio $\mathrm{B/Mg} = 3.75$ , and one in which Mg content is slightly higher than the stoichiometric value, specifically $\mathrm{B/Mg} = 1.87$ , were investigated. The amount of SiC was 12 wt.% and 9 wt.%, respectively. For comparison we also studied the way the deficit of Mg can be compensated in a second process of sintering. The sample with Mg deficit shows that SiC is left almost unreacted but the results are spectacular: the highest critical temperature, 36.5 K, the highest upper critical field and the highest self-field critical current density 6.7×105 A/cm2 at 10 K. In the sample with overstoichiometric Mg, SiC is decomposed, carbon diffuses within MgB2 but the critical temperature is only of 35.8 K and the zero-field critical current density is one order of magnitude lower. The compensation of the deficit of Mg in the two-step procedure is not efficient. The critical temperature is even lower, 35.8 K, the upper critical field is also lower despite SiC decomposition and C diffusion within MgB2 and the critical current density is slightly above 105 A/cm2. However, at low temperatures and fields of order 7 T the sample with overstoichiometric Mg and the sample prepared by the two-step procedure have higher critical current density. 相似文献
本文报道分别以Ti/Si/C,Ti/SiC/C为原料,采用放电等离子烧结工艺制备Ti3SiC2材料的研究结果.以元素单质粉为原料,掺加适量Al作助剂能加速Ti3SiC2的反应合成并提高材料的纯度,在1200~1250℃的温度下能制备出经XRD、SME和EDS表征不含TiC和SiC等杂质相的纯净TiSiC2材料.而以Ti/SiC/C为原料时,有无Al作助剂都难以制备出纯净的Ti3SiC2,其反应合成温度明显高于以元素单质粉为原料的. 相似文献
采用金属钛粉和碳化硼为初始粉料,利用SPS放电等离子烧结技术制备了致密的纳米结构TiB2/TiC复合材料.并借助XRD、SEM考察了复合材料的相组成和显微结构,利用压痕法和小样品力学性能测试方法(MSP)测定了室温显微硬度、断裂韧性和MSP强度.研究结果表明:利用一步法直接升温至1550℃并保温6 min制备的复合材料,其晶粒尺寸大于1μm,MSP强度为833 MPa.而采用两步法升温至1550℃,然后迅速降低保温温度至1450℃,并保温6 min条件下使金属钛粉和碳化硼同步完成反应、烧结、致密化,生成晶粒细小的TiB2/TiC复合材料,晶粒尺寸大约为200 nm,并且所制备的复合材料力学性能更好,MSP强度达到1095 MPa. 相似文献
研究分别采用了放电等离子烧结方法(Spark Plasma Sintering,SPS)和普通烧结方法,对(Ba,Sr)TiO3陶瓷进行不同温度下的烧结(1200~1300℃),进而研究了放电等离子烧结对(Ba,Sr)TiO3陶瓷性质的改良能力.实验表明,同温度下SPS法烧结的(Ba,Sr)TiO3陶瓷具有更大的相对介电常数,更低的电流损耗.同时,从SEM照片中观测到SPS烧结法可以较好的改进陶瓷的表面致密度.另外,1240℃下用SPS方法烧结的(Ba,Sr)TiO3陶瓷有着最优良的性质. 相似文献
Chen Xiaofeng Yang Suhua Chen Yongliang Wang Lili Zhang Yong Feng Yong Zhao Yong 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2022,35(9):2339-2347
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism - Although various methods have been used to prepare Nb3Al superconducting materials to accelerate their commercialization, the preparation of Nb3Al... 相似文献