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中国古代家具是中国文化艺术沉淀的一种附着形式,是在精神文化和制度文化影响下的器物文化的一种表现,它反映了中国古代特有的艺术风格和哲学。本文通过深入研究中国古代家具的设计,分析了家具的符号系统及符号化过程,并重点对其要素、结构、功能的符号语义进行解析,最后通过家具的符号创作将传统文化与现代设计理念进行结合。  相似文献   

文章对楚器物文化内涵及其艺术风格表现特点进行研究,探究楚器物文化艺术特征在当代文创产品设计中的应用价值。通过文献阅读和博物馆实地调研的方法挖掘构成楚器物文化艺术风格的突出艺术特征,对其艺术特征分别从造型特征、色彩特征、纹饰特征三方面进行分析与归纳,阐明楚器物文化艺术特征的主要视觉元素表现。探索将楚器物文化艺术特征融于现代文创产品设计的可行性路径。将楚器物文化艺术特征融入现代文创产品设计中能够给产品注入文化灵魂,使产品对其自身地域文化基因进行自我表达的同时,也能在价值转换中推动文化创意产业的发展,实现文化的传承与产品的创新。  相似文献   

正中国的造物文化拥有着悠久的历史,"造物"是在中国人的日常生活中建构起来的。伴随时代的发展与社会的进步,中国人对于"造物"的理解也在发生变化,纵观各大展览馆中陈列的各朝代器物,仿佛能够看到古代中国人的精致生活。这些成形的器物不仅是中国人勤劳智慧的结晶,更是凝聚了千百年来中国人传统的造物精神。  相似文献   

中国古代枕具仿生造型历史悠久,仿生手法与艺术风格独特,不仅具有丰富的造型美,而且藴含更深遂的思想内涵和文化意义,尤其是创造出了各种仿生造型,内容广泛,独具一格。文章针对枕具仿生造型,分析研究其类型构成、历史特征、内容含义等,进一步解读枕具仿生造型中所蕴涵的中国古代枕具仿生造型艺术语义,显示古代仿生枕具的生活哲学观与民族审美价值观。  相似文献   

明式家具是东方传统家具的瑰宝。本文通过对明式座椅外观造型元素分析,归纳其造型上的特点及总体特征,发现明式座椅的造型规律,从而找到中国古代设计文化的精髓。  相似文献   

紫禁城是我国古代建筑的精品,显示着古代匠师们在建筑上的卓越成就。其苦心经营的屋顶建构更是彰显了宫殿壮丽的威严和飞动的气势。随着我国城市化建设的加速发展,正确地认识中国传统建筑文化并设计具有中国文化的建筑迫在眉睫。本文将从紫荆城屋顶的造型和色彩两方面探析紫禁城的屋顶文化。  相似文献   

覆仰莲花尊作为魏晋南北朝时期的代表性器物,在中国古代陶瓷史上具有重要地位。佛教与覆仰莲花尊一直有着密切的联系,且佛教的发展也推动了覆仰莲花尊造型装饰艺术的发展。文章从历史学的视角,分别论述莲花尊的源流、装饰、造型艺术特点。通过研究分析,归纳总结其装饰中的表现形式、装饰手法,以及莲花纹样在现代造物设计中的创新运用,使其在与陶瓷器型的结合设计中更具审美性及和谐性。  相似文献   

唐代经济繁荣,商品文化与外界交流频繁,而丝绸之路是与外界交流的主要渠道。在引进西域珠宝和琉璃器的同时,唐人将代表自己文化的丝绸、瓷器远输国外。文章以琉璃器的起源与传入为背景,浅析琉璃器在唐代的地位与意义,试得出琉璃器没有像其他器物一样在唐代盛行以及唐代会引进大量琉璃器的原因。  相似文献   

中国传统造物思想在先秦已经取得了相当丰富的成果,诸子百家对于器物意义的追问的突出成就主要体现在为器赋义及对于器物中所蕴涵的生命意味的解读。对于器物的意味诸子百家的观点固然不尽相同,然而对于作为形而下的器物与形而上的思想之间所存在的确凿的联系却是一致的,以此为前提,文章认为先秦时期诸子百家对于器物意味的思考主要体现在器物的一般的形而上的精神内涵以及器物的生命内涵两个方面。  相似文献   

为了传播中国古代星宿文化,文章对二十八星宿形象进行相应的设计与创作,以中国古代寺庙壁画与雕塑为参考,采取互联网语境下的造型设计思维与方法,寻找传统星宿元素与当代设计语言的契合点,进而设计出全新的二十八星宿形象。得到卡通化的二十八星宿造型。为相关的动画角色创作提供参考。  相似文献   

Yasmin Kafai 《AI & Society》1996,10(1):89-100
One of the central issues is how the computer can enter in the learning process. A considerable amount of research has examined how children’s interactions and learning with computational artifacts are situated. A different approach focuses on the learning through computational artifacts: what can and do children learn when making a computational artifact? This paper studies the experience of elementary-school students making computer games to teach fractions to younger students. The analysis addresses how the social interactions and the artifact constructions situated students’ learning experience. The discussion examines the relationships between designing and learning from a situated learning perspective.  相似文献   

原始彩陶及纹饰在现代人眼中是具有审美与收藏价值的艺术品,但在原始人类的眼中更多的却是含有宗教崇拜与巫术意义的法器与礼器;在这些古老器物所传承的各种文化语义中,图腾崇拜与生殖崇拜脱颖而出,成为了世界范围内众多学者的研究热点。  相似文献   

本文是基于对中国古代文化中的"曲低合众","真水无香","三寸金莲"这三个方面为研究内容,总结了这三种古代文化所体现的美学观点,美学的基本资源仍然是艺术设计,同时,其重要命题亦非仅停留在这个体验层面,而是高度审美升华而获致的理论成果,从而分析出这三种美学观点在现代产品设计中的意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to advance design science by developing a framework for research on reuse and the relationship between external IT artifacts and their users. A design science approach to IS research needs to grapple with the fact that a number of relevant, economically attractive, external IT artifacts cannot be designed from scratch nor meaningfully evaluated based on the current state of development, and so design science research will struggle with incomplete cycles of design, relevance, and rigor. We suggest a strategic research agenda that integrates the design of the relationship between an external IT artifact and the user by considering the impact artifacts exert on users. Three dimensions derived from adaptive structuration theory inform our framework on three levels of design granularity (middle management, top management, and entrepreneur): agenda considers the dynamic properties of technological objects, adaptability refers to the functional affordance of external artifacts in development, and auspice captures the symbolic expression and scope for interpretation. We derive implications for research design.  相似文献   

Integrating Java 3D model and sensor data for remote monitoring and control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a novel approach and a framework for web-based systems that can be used in distributed manufacturing environments. A prototype is developed to demonstrate its application to remote monitoring and control of a Tripod—one type of parallel kinematic machine. It utilizes the latest Java technologies (Java 3D and Java Servlets) as enabling technologies for system implementation. Instead of using a camera for monitoring, the Tripod is modeled using Java 3D with behavioral control nodes embedded. Once downloaded from its server, the 3D model behaves in the same way of its counterpart at client side. It remains alive by connecting with the Tripod through message passing, e.g., sensor signals and control commands transmissions. The goal of this research is to eliminate network traffic with Java 3D models, while still providing users with intuitive environments. In the near future, open-architecture devices will be web-ready having Java virtual machines embedded. This will make the approach more effective for web-based device monitoring and control.  相似文献   

"修辞"指的是语言上的修饰。将修饰汉语的修辞方法用在汉字创意设计上,是字体设计的新视角。汉字字素自古至今始终保持在三、四百个之间,字素的组合共有七种十四类,汉字体态的多样程度呈几何级数增长。这些都为修辞方法在汉字设计中的应用提供了无限的可能性。修辞方法中的拆字与并字,在中国式的视觉表达中广为运用,在文章中通过民间作品和现代设计进行探讨和分析,梳理出拆字与并字在汉字创意设计中的应用方式,并传达出汉语修辞之美与汉字体态之美的相辅相成。  相似文献   

We are investigating information analysis as a kind of problem solving in which teams are presented with a collection of facts regarding people, places and events, and then identify underlying connections, patterns, and plans in order to draw specific conclusions. The teams spontaneously created a variety of artifacts to hold and organize problem information, and practices to simplify and regularize their collaborative interactions around these artifacts. In this paper, we analyze the artifacts and practices as a potential source of insight into how this problem solving activity could be supported by an interactive system design.  相似文献   

本文旨在通过现代主义设计向国际主义风格演变的过程来阐释任何具体的设计活动都具备它的时代背景。每次设计风格的转变并不是单一外在形式的变化,在更深层次上意味着社会、文化乃至阶级价值的转变。在现代的社会进程中,经济的富裕和民主的进步使得人们对器物有了更高的情感依托,这种依托带来了情感化设计这种新的社会文化理念以及设计风格。我们将进一步来阐述这种风格背景下的形式转变。  相似文献   

The design of computational artifacts involves many communication acts occurring through different channels; usability tests, for example, have been used as a main communication channel between designers and users. Other channels used during the design process include requirement analysis, scenario construction, prototyping, etc. This work takes the Westley and MacLehan communication model and projects it into the context of interactive artifact design, resulting in a model of fractal nature. Some channels already present during the design process fit in well with the model we are proposing. It also reveals that other channels have not been explored in the global process of communication. Thus, we show how a semiotic-based analysis can unify techniques, methods and tools that support design, as well as make explicit the necessary interactions among designers, users and computers through different channels.  相似文献   

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