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改进的基于QR分解的分层空时检测算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文提出一种应用于多输入多输出通信系统的基于QR分解的检测算法。该算法避免了传统分层空时检测算法中对信道矩阵求逆的过程,减小了运算复杂度。同时克服了排序QR分解检测复杂度高的问题。通过串行干扰抵消逐层去除最小错误概率的信号,减小了抵消过程中误差传播的概率,提高了系统的误码性能。仿真表明性能优于传统的分层空时检测算法以及排序、次优排序QR分解检测算法。对于未编码4发4收多天线系统,采用QPSK调制,在达到10-3误码率时,该文所提算法比分层空时检测算法有2.5 dB的增益,比次优排序QR分解检测算法有5 dB的增益。  相似文献   

廖桂生  黄晖  史学鹏 《电子学报》2002,30(3):447-449
针对传统单用户检测器存在远近效应和性能下界问题,近年来提出的一系列最大SINR准则盲空时RAKE接收机,可以较好地合并期望用户的多径分量,同时抑制多址干扰用户能量.本文对这类接收机进行了进一步的研究,提出了一种自干扰抵消方法,更有效地克服了单用户检测器存在的性能下界以及远近效应问题.仿真结果验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

无人机等小型平台上的雷达干扰机的收发隔离问题会严重影响其侦察与接收同时工作。假设真实耦合路径稀疏的环境下,基础的系统辨识最小方差无偏估计量算法在解决收发隔离问题时,对系统传递函数的辨识精度不够,隔离效果不够理想。针对此问题提出了一种基于系统辨识理论与稀疏理论相结合的追踪算法。该算法利用了干扰机接收天线与发射天线之间干扰耦合路径的稀疏性,可以对耦合路径实现精确辨识,并且算法的鲁棒性较好。理论分析和仿真结果表明:稀疏时不变的耦合环境下,该方法能够取得较理想的隔离度,可以很好地解决小型平台上雷达干扰机的收发隔离问题。  相似文献   

耿淬 《电子科技》2013,26(2):144-145,149
在GSM/EDGE基站,通常配备两个接收天线,以便在噪声和干扰受限的场景应用的合并算法,前者采用MRC算法,后者采用IRC算法。随着小区不断变小容量要求的不断提高,同频干扰成为抑制容量的主要因素。尤其是针对典型城区应用场景,基站需要配备性能增强的干扰消除合并技术,即EIRC。由于其增益相对于IRC来说大幅提高,所以适合IRC,MRC的同步精度就会制约EIRC的使用,另外由于EIRC对时偏较敏感,需要高精度的同步算法,文中提出了针对8PSK PS业务的新同步算法,可以较好地解决这一问题。  相似文献   

程高远  吕明 《电子科技》2013,26(12):50-52
OFDM系统由于具有子载波的正交性从而可以充分利用频谱资源,鉴于当OFDM受到窄带干扰而影响较多的子载波时,会出现系统误码率性能严重恶化的现状。文中提出了一种OFDM系统窄带干扰消除技术,该技术在接收端检测出受干扰子载波,利用反馈信道告知发送端,并在发送端将受干扰的子载波不加调制的信息发送到信道中,而在信道中该部分子载波只受干扰信号的影响,接收端将干扰信息重构并储存,从而完成干扰消除确保正常通信。仿真和分析结果表明,该方法在不浪费频谱资源的情况下,能有效抑制OFDM系统的窄带干扰。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new structure of decision feedback equalizer that exploits the cyclostationary properties of digitally modulated signals to mitigate interference. In the proposed structure, the forward filter of the conventional DFE is replaced by a cyclic filter. It is assumed that the desired and the interference signals use some mutually different signaling attributes, for example symbol rates, centre frequency etc. The resulting structure is evaluated in the presence of up to six strong interfering signals, a scenario that is typically found in wireless cellular systems. The proposed structure provides performance gains for some modulation formats but it reduces to the conventional DFE for other signal formats.  相似文献   

一种网格空时码优化的新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李颖  王新梅 《电子学报》2002,30(10):1530-1532
我们研究表明:在达最大分集增益前提下,网格空时码的性能不仅与差矩阵的最小行列式值有关,而且还与该最小值的出现概率有关.本文在此基础之上,提出一种基于距离谱的网格空时码优化算法,并给出了一些性能更好的网格空时码编码方案.仿真结果显示,本文给出的网格空时码比采用穷搜索算法得到的有0.3-1dB的增益.  相似文献   

针对非同步DS-CDMA系统提出了一种基于空时分组码的阵列处理干扰对消的技术。通过对发射信号进行空时分组编码,可以使发射信号在瑞利衰落信道中传输时信息不会畸变,并取得最大分集增益和码增益。利用空时分组码的性质有效抑制干扰的同时,大大简化了空时分组码的解码。仿真结果表明,这里提出的方法与传统的抑制干扰的方法相比具有更低的误比特率,并且有更快的解码速率。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new linear group-wise parallel interference cancellation (LGPIC) detector is proposed. Four different group-detection schemes are derived, namely, the linear group matched filter PIC (LGMF-PIC) detector, the linear group decorrelator PIC (LGDEC-PIC) detector, the linear group minimum mean square error PIC (LGMMSE-PIC) detector and the linear group parallel interference cancellation weighted PIC (LGPIC-PIC) detector. The convergence behavior of the proposed detector is analyzed and conditions of convergence are derived. Finally, extensive simulations regarding the convergence behavior and the effect of the grouping on the convergence behavior of the proposed LGPIC detector are conducted.
A. ZerguineEmail:

In this letter we apply the general orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) to MIMO-OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels and aim to exploit the potential multipath diversity. By replacing the scalar entry of an OSTBC matrix with the vector of repeated symbols, we obtain a new OSTBC which can achieve both spatial diversity and multipath diversity. Moreover, a fast maximum likelihood (ML) decoding is admitted. Simulation results show that the proposed OSTBC, for two transmit antennas, can obtain a higher diversity gain than the Alamouti code at the same ML decoding complexity  相似文献   

彭秋平  彭立  杨玲玲 《电子学报》2011,39(7):1497-1501
本文研究在Grassmann流形上构造非相干酉空时码的代数方法.首先提出一类发射天线数和相干时间都为任意大小的满速率满分集相干空时码,然后采用非线性指数映射方式,将该相干空时码映射到Grassmann流形上,生成Grassmann非相干酉空时码.新构造的Grassmann酉空时码比其它相同发射天线的酉空时码具有更高的频...  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel space-time minimum mean square error (MMSE) decision feedback (DF) detection scheme for direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems with multiple receive antennas, which employs multiple-parallel-feedback (MPF) branches for interference cancellation. The proposed space-time receiver is then further combined with cascaded DF stages to mitigate the deleterious effects of error propagation for uncoded schemes. To adjust the parameters of the receiver, we also present modified adaptive stochastic gradient (SG) and recursive least squares (RLS) algorithms that automatically switch to the best-available interference cancellation feedback branch and jointly estimate the feedforward and feedback filters. The performance of the system with beamforming and diversity configurations is also considered. Simulation results for an uplink scenario with uncoded systems show that the proposed space-time MPF-DF detector outperforms existing schemes such as linear, parallel DF (P-DF), and successive DF (S-DF) receivers in terms of bit error rate (BER) and achieves a substantial capacity increase in terms of the number of users, compared with the existing schemes. We also derive the expressions for MMSE achieved by the analyzed DF structures, including the novel scheme, with imperfect and perfect feedback and expressions of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for the beamforming and diversity configurations with linear receivers.  相似文献   

We present a new architecture of layered space-time codes as a combination of Bell Laboratory Layered Space-Time (BLAST) architecture and of special Space Time Trellis (STTC) Codes which are variations about the Super Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Codes (SOSTTC) first introduced by Ionescu et al in [1] [2] and further improved by Jafarkhani et al. in [3]. The system we propose is named Super Quasi Orthogonal Horizontal Layered Space Time Trellis Code (SQOHLSTTC). It consists in a powerful Space-Time Block Code (STBC) based STTC originally derived for a three transmit antenna system, together with an original block based decoding algorithm. The decoding algorithm of SQOHLSTTC combines group interference suppression and group interference cancellation techniques. To implement the system, we propose a low complexity hard decision iterative decoding method. System performances confirm the great interest of the proposed transmission scheme.  相似文献   

传统咬尾码最大似然(ML)译码算法在译码时存在两个问题:复杂度高和消耗存储空间大。针对这两个问题,该文提出了一种基于Viterbi算法和双向搜索算法的最大似然译码算法。新算法利用Viterbi算法得到的幸存路径度量值与最大似然咬尾路径度量值的关系,删除不可能的起始状态及其对应的咬尾格形子图,缩小搜索空间;然后利用双向搜索算法中门限值与最大似然咬尾路径度量值的关系来降低双向搜索算法的复杂度,从而得到一种在咬尾格形图上高效率的最大似然译码算法。新的最大似然译码算法不仅降低了译码复杂度,同时降低了译码器对存储空间的需求。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the use of differential detection when there aremultiple transmitter and receiver antennas. Our differential scheme is based on the theory ofSpace-Time Block Codes that are used to achieve space-time diversity. Compared to the existingdifferential schemes for multiple antennas our scheme has a much smaller computationalcomplexity. It has the same encoding and decoding complexities as the coherent detection based on space-time block codes and achieves the same rate for up-to 8 transmitterantennas. The performance of the differential detector (which assumes no knowledge of the flat fading channel) is 3 dB less than that of the coherent detector (which uses exact channelstate information for reception). We also show that the proposed receiver is a Maximum Likelihood detector.  相似文献   

在基于串行干扰抵消的Rake接收机的基础上作了改进,提出了一种新的Rake接收机结构,对其进行了原理和性能分析,给出了Matlab仿真结果,并与基于串行干扰抵消的Rake接收机性能进行了比较。仿真结果表明,改进的基于串行干扰抵消的Rake接收机性能明显得到提高,同时减小了误码率。  相似文献   

为降低TD-SCDMA系统同频组网时同频邻区对终端信道估计造成的同频干扰,提出了一种时域的平行干扰消除算法,相对于串行干扰消除算法,在有多个强同频邻区干扰的条件下,表现出了更好的性能。  相似文献   

一种准静态平坦衰落信道下空时编码设计的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空时码在准静态平坦瑞利衰落信道下的设计准则被广泛采用的是秩准则和行列式准则,但这些准则并不是很紧的。为此,提出了准静态平坦瑞利衰落信道下一种新的更紧的设计准则,采用这种准则还大大降低了穷举搜索空时好码的复杂度,仿真结果表明,搜索得到的空时好码性能优于现有的其它好码。  相似文献   

准正交空时分组码可以牺牲一定的分集增益和解码的简单性,来避免当天线数目大于2时正交空时分组码码率下降的缺点。基于准正交空时编码的优点,为了进一步提升性能,提出一种新的4天线准正交空时分组码,并与RS码进行级联编码。仿真表明这种新的编码方法可以保证在复杂度不是很高的前提下,相比Jafarkhani码、TBH码和该广义复正交码具有更低的误码率。  相似文献   

根据正交设计理论,当发送天线数大于2时,不存在可以获得完全分集增益和全速率的复正交空时分组码.对空时分组码采用准正交设计,能够保证数据以全速率传输,但是会使其误码性能降低.文章在对准正交空时分组码(QOSTBC)结构研究的基础上,提出了一种全速率的四发射天线准正交空时分组码,并给出了基于最大似然译码方法.仿真结果表明,文章方案与已有典型的Jafarkhani准正交空时分组码相比,在高信噪比时有更好的误码性能.  相似文献   

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