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Multiframe demosaicing and super-resolution of color images.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the last two decades, two related categories of problems have been studied independently in image restoration literature: super-resolution and demosaicing. A closer look at these problems reveals the relation between them, and, as conventional color digital cameras suffer from both low-spatial resolution and color-filtering, it is reasonable to address them in a unified context. In this paper, we propose a fast and robust hybrid method of super-resolution and demosaicing, based on a maximum a posteron estimation technique by minimizing a multiterm cost function. The L1 norm is used for measuring the difference between the projected estimate of the high-resolution image and each low-resolution image, removing outliers in the data and errors due to possibly inaccurate motion estimation. Bilateral regularization is used for spatially regularizing the luminance component, resulting in sharp edges and forcing interpolation along the edges and not across them. Simultaneously, Tikhonov regularization is used to smooth the chrominance components. Finally, an additional regularization term is used to force similar edge location and orientation in different color channels. We show that the minimization of the total cost function is relatively easy and fast. Experimental results on synthetic and real data sets confirm the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel edge sensing-based demosaicing algorithm for digital time delay and integration (DTDI) mosaic images, which are captured by DTDI line-scan cameras and suitable for industrial print inspection. We propose to use Sobel- and interpolation-based masks to extract more accurate gradient information in the color difference domain. The extracted gradient information is utilized to assist the design of the proposed demosaicing algorithm. By experimenting on more than one thousand and three hundred test DTDI mosaic images, the results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed demosaicing algorithm in terms of demosaiced image quality.  相似文献   

Adaptive homogeneity-directed demosaicing algorithm.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cost-effective digital camera uses a single-image sensor, applying alternating patterns of red, green, and blue color filters to each pixel location. A way to reconstruct a full three-color representation of color images by estimating the missing pixel components in each color plane is called a demosaicing algorithm. This paper presents three inherent problems often associated with demosaicing algorithms that incorporate two-dimensional (2-D) directional interpolation: misguidance color artifacts, interpolation color artifacts, and aliasing. The level of misguidance color artifacts present in two images can be compared using metric neighborhood modeling. The proposed demosaicing algorithm estimates missing pixels by interpolating in the direction with fewer color artifacts. The aliasing problem is addressed by applying filterbank techniques to 2-D directional interpolation. The interpolation artifacts are reduced using a nonlinear iterative procedure. Experimental results using digital images confirm the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

The output image of a digital camera is subject to a severe degradation due to noise in the image sensor. This paper proposes a novel technique to combine demosaicing and denoising procedures systematically into a single operation by exploiting their obvious similarities. We first design a filter as if we are optimally estimating a pixel value from a noisy single-color (sensor) image. With additional constraints, we show that the same filter coefficients are appropriate for color filter array interpolation (demosaicing) given noisy sensor data. The proposed technique can combine many existing denoising algorithms with the demosaicing operation. In this paper, a total least squares denoising method is used to demonstrate the concept. The algorithm is tested on color images with pseudorandom noise and on raw sensor data from a real CMOS digital camera that we calibrated. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method suppresses noise (CMOS/CCD image sensor noise model) while effectively interpolating the missing pixel components, demonstrating a significant improvement in image quality when compared to treating demosaicing and denoising problems independently.  相似文献   

Perceptual assessment of demosaicing algorithm performance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Demosaicing is an important part of the image-processing chain for many digital color cameras. The demosaicing operation converts a raw image acquired with a single sensor array, overlaid with a color filter array, into a full-color image. In this paper, we report the results of two perceptual experiments that compare the perceptual quality of the output of different demosaicing algorithms. In the first experiment, we found that a Bayesian demosaicing algorithm produced the most preferred images. Detailed examination of the data, however indicated that the good performance of this algorithm was at least in part due to the fact that it sharpened the images while it demosaiced them. In a second experiment, we silenced image sharpness as a factor by applying a sharpening algorithm to the output of each demosaicing algorithm. The optimal amount of sharpening to be applied to each image was chosen using the results of a preliminary experiment. Once sharpness was equated in this way, an algorithm developed by Freeman based on bilinear interpolation combined with median filtering, gave the best results. An analysis of our data suggests that our perceptual results cannot be easily predicted using an image metric  相似文献   

Color textures have a unique inter-relationship among its color planes since they contribute information about the same recurring pattern. The average information or entropy is thus presumed to be redundant across the color planes. This is the basis of our paper, which focuses on dimensionality reduction of color texture features by averaging the entropies across multidimensional color planes, while at the same time maintaining the high accuracy of color texture recognition. The mean operation was used in summarizing the original eleven-dimensional difference theoretic texture features for texture classification in Susan and Hanmandlu (IET Image Process 7(8):725–732, 2013). In this work, instead of the mean, we measure the entropy of the features across multidimensional color planes. The non-extensive entropy with the Gaussian information gain is used as the entropy measure for our experiments since it is non-linear and a good indicator of regular patterns in textures. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art prove the efficiency of our approach both in terms of accuracy and the reduced feature dimension.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new hybrid color image segmentation approach, which attempts two different transforms for texture representation and extraction. The 2-D discrete wavelet transform that can express the variance in frequency and direction of textures, and the contourlet transform that represents boundaries even more accurately are applied in our algorithm. The whole segmentation algorithm contains three stages. First, an adaptive color quantization scheme is utilized to obtain a coarse image representation. Then, the tiny regions are combined based on color information. Third, the proposed energy transform function is used as a criterion for image segmentation. The motivation of the proposed method is to obtain the complete and significant objects in the image. Ultimately, according to our experiments on the Berkeley segmentation database, our techniques have more reasonable and robust results than other two widely adopted image segmentation algorithms, and our method with contourlet transform has better performance than wavelet transform.  相似文献   

徐火希  姜柯  方浩 《光电子.激光》2015,26(10):2031-2036
为了提高彩色图像的立体匹配精度,结合格式塔 心理学和像素的色彩信息,在RGB彩色空间下提出了 一种改进的基于误差绝对值累积(SAD)的立体匹配算法。算法使用色彩相似度和像素距离信 息获取邻域窗内的 像素权值,并使用线性查找表技术加速权值的计算速度;根据像素点RGB色彩分量的分布 特点,生成对应 的分量权值,进一步增强了匹配代价函数的稳定性。实验结果表明,改进后的匹配算法较灰 度SAD及标准彩色SAD算法在精度上有明显的提高。  相似文献   

基于颜色索引相关统计的彩色图像特征提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于颜色索引相关统计的彩色图像特征提取(CILCS)方法。图像的像素颜色值被稀疏表示成类似直方图的索引形式,将相关计算应用到特征提取中,计算图像颜色分布规律在局部和整体的相关性,并结合数值统计最终得到具有一定旋转、尺度和平移不变特性的特征向量,能更有效地表示颜色纹理特征。经图像检索和图像分类的实验表明,本文方法能有效提高图像检索和图像分类的精确度。  相似文献   

傅伯雄 《电视技术》2001,1(5):65-68
1 色纯问题及相关原理1.1 色纯度定义三基色光栅中,某一基色不受其它两种基色混杂的程度,称色纯度。这里指的“混杂”包括混色(一种色场中混有另一种颜色)、偏色(色调不对)和白场深浅不匀。色纯不良是一个主观评价的指标,它在光电声色的测量指标中反映为“白场色度不均匀性”。随着顾客消费水平的提高和市场供求关系的改变,市场竞争的日益加剧,顾客对彩电色纯的要求越来越高。例如,前几年,对色纯度的要求,仅仅限于某一单色场中没有其它的颜色,但现在市场对这类问题越来越敏感,不仅不允许出现另外一种颜色,还不允许出现局部…  相似文献   

The phase reconstruction process in digital holographic microscopy involves a trade-off between the phase error and the high-spatial-frequency components. In this reconstruction process, if the narrow region of the sideband is windowed in the Fourier domain, the phase error from the DC component will be reduced, but the high-spatial-frequency components will be lost. However, if the wide region is windowed, the 3D profile will include the high-spatial-frequency components, but the phase error will increase. To solve this trade-off, we propose the high-variance pixel averaging method, which uses the variance map of the reconstructed depth profiles of the windowed sidebands of different sizes in the Fourier domain to classify the phase error and the high-spatial-frequency components. Our proposed method calculates the average of the high-variance pixels because they include the noise from the DC component. In addition, for the nonaveraged pixels, the reconstructed phase data created by the spatial frequency components of the widest window are used to include the high-spatial-frequency components. We explain the mathematical algorithm of our proposed method and compare it with conventional methods to verify its advantages.  相似文献   

There is an analogy between single-chip color cameras and the human visual system in that these two systems acquire only one limited wavelength sensitivity band per spatial location. We have exploited this analogy, defining a model that characterizes a one-color per spatial position image as a coding into luminance and chrominance of the corresponding three colors per spatial position image. Luminance is defined with full spatial resolution while chrominance contains subsampled opponent colors. Moreover, luminance and chrominance follow a particular arrangement in the Fourier domain, allowing for demosaicing by spatial frequency filtering. This model shows that visual artifacts after demosaicing are due to aliasing between luminance and chrominance and could be solved using a preprocessing filter. This approach also gives new insights for the representation of single-color per spatial location images and enables formal and controllable procedures to design demosaicing algorithms that perform well compared to concurrent approaches, as demonstrated by experiments.  相似文献   

彩色等离子体显示板的彩色重现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
彭国贤 《电视技术》2000,(7):72-75,97
叙述了影响彩色重现的因素,其主要因素是荧光粉的色度值和排列情况,其次是单元的结构,滤色膜,黑色矩阵,驱动电路和障壁等。  相似文献   

Color transformation is the most effective method to improve the mood of an image, because color has a large influence in forming the mood. However, conventional color transformation tools have a tradeoff between the quality of the resultant image and the amount of manual operation. To achieve a more detailed and natural result with less labor, we previously suggested a method that performs an example-based color stylization of images using perceptual color categories. In this paper, we extend this method to make the algorithm more robust and to stylize the colors of video frame sequences. We present a variety of results, arguing that these images and videos convey a different, but coherent mood.  相似文献   

色域及色域覆盖率   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
刘全恩 《电视技术》2004,(11):49-51,54
阐述非均匀色度空间及均匀色度空间、色域及色域覆盖率的基本概念,用色域覆盖率度量SDTV和HDTV电视机显示终端、LCD和DLP前投或背投影接收机等彩色还原能力,并给出了色域覆盖率测量示例.  相似文献   


This paper presents an effective color image sharpening method, which is based on local color statistics. First, the variance of a set of color samples is measured by a scalar that is computed based on the sum of distances of color vectors, whereas other studies usually treat a color variance as a 3D vector. This is because what a variance expresses is the degree of the deviation of the image (vector) signal from its mean, indicating that describing this degree of deviation by a scalar is reasonable. Then, the local scalar variance and mean vector are combined together to measure the change of color image signal from a pixel to its neighboring ones, and the polarity of the change is determined by the change of luminance. Finally, based on the measure of the change, an effective sharpening operator is developed. Experimental results show that the proposed method excellently sharpens different kinds of color images and at the same time preserves image chromaticity well, and outperforms other typical sharpening techniques in both objective assessment and visual evaluation.


Color local texture features for color face recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes new color local texture features, i.e., color local Gabor wavelets (CLGWs) and color local binary pattern (CLBP), for the purpose of face recognition (FR). The proposed color local texture features are able to exploit the discriminative information derived from spatiochromatic texture patterns of different spectral channels within a certain local face region. Furthermore, in order to maximize a complementary effect taken by using both color and texture information, the opponent color texture features that capture the texture patterns of spatial interactions between spectral channels are also incorporated into the generation of CLGW and CLBP. In addition, to perform the final classification, multiple color local texture features (each corresponding to the associated color band) are combined within a feature-level fusion framework. Extensive and comparative experiments have been conducted to evaluate our color local texture features for FR on five public face databases, i.e., CMU-PIE, Color FERET, XM2VTSDB, SCface, and FRGC 2.0. Experimental results show that FR approaches using color local texture features impressively yield better recognition rates than FR approaches using only color or texture information. Particularly, compared with grayscale texture features, the proposed color local texture features are able to provide excellent recognition rates for face images taken under severe variation in illumination, as well as for small- (low-) resolution face images. In addition, the feasibility of our color local texture features has been successfully demonstrated by making comparisons with other state-of-the-art color FR methods.  相似文献   

We have developed a reversible method to convert color graphics and pictures to gray images. The method is based on mapping colors to low-visibility high-frequency textures that are applied onto the gray image. After receiving a monochrome textured image, the decoder can identify the textures and recover the color information. More specifically, the image is textured by carrying a subband (wavelet) transform and replacing bandpass subbands by the chrominance signals. The low-pass subband is the same as that of the luminance signal. The decoder performs a wavelet transform on the received gray image and recovers the chrominance channels. The intent is to print color images with black and white printers and to be able to recover the color information afterwards. Registration problems are discussed and examples are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel heterogeneity-projection hard-decision (HPHD) color interpolation procedure for reproduction of Bayer mosaic images. The proposed algorithm aims to estimate the optimal interpolation direction and perform hard-decision interpolation, in which each pixel only needs to be interpolated once. A new heterogeneity-projection scheme based on a novel spectral-spatial correlation concept is proposed to estimate the best interpolation direction directly from the original mosaic image. Using the proposed heterogeneity-projection scheme, a hard-decision rule can be decided before performing the interpolation. The advantage of this scheme is that it provides an efficient way for decision-based algorithms to generate improved results using fewer computations. Compared with three recently reported demosaicing techniques, Gunturk's, Lu's, and Li's methods, the proposed HPHD outperforms all of them in both PSNR values and S-CIELAB deltaEab measures by utilizing 25 natural images from Kodak PhotoCD.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a model-based color halftoning method using the direct binary search (DBS) algorithm. Our method strives to minimize the perceived error between the continuous tone original color image and the color halftone image. We exploit the differences in how the human viewers respond to luminance and chrominance information and use the total squared error in a luminance/chrominance based space as our metric. Starting with an initial halftone, we minimize this error metric using the DBS algorithm. Our method also incorporates a measurement based color printer dot interaction model to prevent the artifacts due to dot overlap and to improve color texture quality. We calibrate our halftoning algorithm to ensure accurate colorant distributions in resulting halftones. We present the color halftones which demonstrate the efficacy of our method.  相似文献   

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