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Knowledge acquisition is a constructive modeling process, not simply a matter of “expertise transfer.” Consistent with this perspective, we advocate knowledge acquisition practices and tools that facilitate active collaboration between expert and knowledge engineer, that exploit a serviceable theory in their application, and that support knowledge-based system development from a life-cycle perspective. A constructivist theory of knowledge is offered as a plausible theoretical foundation for knowledge acquisition and as an effective practical approach to the dynamics of modeling. In this view, human experts construct knowledge from their own personal experiences while interacting with their social constituencies (e.g., supervisors, colleagues, clients patients) in their niche of expertise. Knowledge acquisition is presented as a cooperative enterprise in which the knowledge engineer and expert collaborate in constructing an explicit model of problem solving in a specific domain. From this perspective, the agenda for the knowledge acquisition research community includes developing tools and methods to aid experts in their efforts to express, elaborate, and improve their models of the domain. This functional view of expertise helps account for several problems that typically arise in practical knowledge acquisition projects, many of which stem directly from the inadequacies of representations used at various stages of system development. to counter these problems, we emphasize the use of mediating representations as a means of communication between expert and knowledge engineer, and intermediate representations to help bridge the gap between the mediating representations themselves, as well as between the mediating representations and a particular implementation formalism. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Expert systems and knowledge based systems have emerged from “esoteric” laboratory research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to become an important tool for approaching real world problems. Expert systems are distinctive in that they are designed to address problems in a similar manner and with similar results as a human expert. The basic structure of an expert system is comprised of three functionally separate components: (a) knowledge base, which contains a representation of domain related facts; (b) means of knowledge base use to solve a problem, inference mechanism; and (c) working memory, which records the input data and progress for each problem. Given the complexity and cost of expert system construction, it is imperative that system developers and researchers attend to research issues which are critical to knowledge engineering. These questions can be categorized according to the parts of an expert system: (a) knowledge representation; (b) knowledge utilization; and (c) knowledge acquisition. A knowledge acquisition procedure is presented which displays the relationship between subject matter expert expertise consisting of declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, heuristics, formal rules, and meta-rules. The knowledge engineer uses one or a combination of elicitation methods to gather relevant data to eventually build the components of an expert system. Further explained are the acquisition methods: (a) structured interview; (b) verbal reports; (c) teaching the subject matter; (d) observation; and (e) automated knowledge acquisition tools. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future research issues concerned with using knowledge mapping and task analysis vs. knowledge acquisition techniques.  相似文献   

An approach toward improving the accessbility of the knowledge and information structures of expert systems is described; it is based upon a foundation development environment called the Rule-Based Frame System (RBFS), which forms the kernel of a larger system, IDEAS. RBFS is a knowledge representation language, within which a distinction is drawn between information which represents the world or domain, and knowledge which states how to make conclusions based upon the domain. Information takes the form of frames, for system processing, but is presented to the user/developer as an associative network via a Visual Editor for the Generation of Associative Networks (VEGAN). Knowledge takes the form of production rules, which are connected at suitable points in the domain model, but again it is presented to the user via a graphical interface known as the Knowledge Encoding Tool (KET). KET is designed to assist in knowledge acquisition in expert systems. It uses a combination of decision support trees and associative networks as its representation. A combined use of VEGAN and KET will enable domain experts to interactively create and test their knowledge base with minimum involvement on behalf of a knowledge engineer. An inclusion of learning features in VEGAN/KET is desirable for this purpose. The main objective of these tools, therefore, is to encourage rapid prototyping by the domain expert. VEGAN and KET are implemented in the Poplog environment on SUN 3/50 workstations.  相似文献   

The development of highly effective heuristics for search problems is a difficult and time-consuming task. We present a knowledge acquisition approach to incrementally model expert search processes. Though, experts do not normally have complete introspective access to that knowledge, their explanations of actual search considerations seem very valuable in constructing a knowledge-level model of their search processes.Furthermore, for the basis of our knowledge acquisition approach, we substantially extend the work done on Ripple-down rules which allows knowledge acquisition and maintenance without analysis or a knowledge engineer. This extension allows the expert to enter his domain terms during the KA process; thus the expert provides a knowledge-level model of his search process. We call this framework nested ripple-down rules.Our approach targets the implicit representation of the less clearly definable quality criteria by allowing the expert to limit his input to the system to explanations of the steps in the expert search process. These explanations are expressed in our search knowledge interactive language. These explanations are used to construct a knowledge base representing search control knowledge. We are acquiring the knowledge in the context of its use, which substantially supports the knowledge acquisition process. Thus, in this paper, we will show that it is possible to build effective search heuristics efficiently at the knowledge level. We will discuss how our system SmS1.3 (SmS for Smart Searcher) operates at the knowledge level as originally described by Newell. We complement our discussion by employing SmS for the acquisition of expert chess knowledge for performing a highly pruned tree search. These experimental results in the chess domain are evidence for the practicality of our approach.  相似文献   

This paper gives a comprehensive explanation of the Istar knowledge representation software tool. Not only does it describe the features and facilities found in Istar, but it discusses why they are as they are.
Istar is one of a new generation of knowledge representation tools, aimed at ill-structured domains of knowledge. While it can be used in traditional KBS projects, in which pieces of knowledge from a domain expert are assembled to form a working knowledge base, it is designed for situations in which there is a large element of creative design: knowledge refinement and generation resulting from the knowledge representation process.
The knowledge representation 'language' is purely graphical; the knowledge engineer 'draws' knowledge on an easel as a box and arrows diagram. Behind this diagram is the knowledge base itself, in the form of integrated inference nets, Bayesian nets and semantic nets. This paper discusses the reasons for these design choices and, briefly, some of the issues faced in development of Istar.  相似文献   

产生式规则作为知识库系统进行推理的常用的、可读性好的知识表示形式,在构建知识库系统时有极大的优越性.提出一种基于场景及规则获取模板的知识获取方法,并以某高分子复合材料的加工专家为知识获取对象.该方法通过分析、记录领域专家进行设计的过程、解决问题的过程和动作,将领域问题按层次细化为一系列子问题,并在子问题场景下结合场景模型及知识获取模板来获取规则性知识.采用该方法可以辅助领域专家在明晰领域知识结构的基础上,逐步挖掘领域中细粒度的规则性知识.  相似文献   

An acquisition ontology is proposed for the knowledge engineer to acquire domain knowledge for requirement analysis. It includes an acquisition library, which contains basic acquisition components, and acquisition support entities, which contain construction and acquisition instructors. The construction instructors work with the acquisition library, with the help of methodical knowledge, to construct domain‐specific acquisition structures. The acquisition instructors then interpret the acquisition structures to extract domain knowledge. This approach allows the user to easily acquire specific domain knowledge for requirement analysis. It relieves burdens of the knowledge engineer to select different KA tools for and applying them to different domains. Moreover, the generated domain knowledge can be coupled with appropriate methodical knowledge to form a domain‐specific RA tool to ease the work of requirement analysis. Finally, the ontology can be enhanced readily, since it is designed as an open architecture, which helps us to evolve it by assimilating new knowledge acquisition techniques. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation are the fundamental building blocks of knowledge-based systems (KBSs). How to efficiently elicit knowledge from experts and transform this elicited knowledge into a machine usable format is a significant and time consuming problem for KBS developers. Object-orientation provides several solutions to persistent knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation problems including transportability, knowledge reuse, and knowledge growth. An automated graphical knowledge acquisition tool is presented, based upon object-oriented principles. The object-oriented graphical interface provides a modeling platform that is easily understood by experts and knowledge engineers. The object-oriented base for the automated KA tool provides a representation independent methodology that can easily be mapped into any other object-oriented expert system or other object-oriented intelligent tools.  相似文献   

Kave: a tool for knowledge acquisition to support artificial ventilation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A decision support system for artificial ventilation is being developed. One of the fundamental goals for this system is the application of the system when a domain expert is not present. Such a system requires a rich knowledge base. The knowledge acquisition process is often considered to be the bottleneck in acquiring such a complete knowledge base. Since no single available method, for example interviewing domain experts, is sufficient for removing this bottleneck, we have chosen a combination of different methods. The different backgrounds of knowledge engineers and domain experts could cause communication restrictions and difficulties between them, e.g. they might not understand each others knowledge domain and this will affect formulation of the knowledge. To solve this problem we needed a tool which supports both the knowledge engineer and the domain expert already from the initial phase of developing the knowledge base. We have developed a knowledge acquisition system called KAVE to elicit knowledge from domain experts and storing it in the knowledge base. KAVE is based on a domain specific conceptual model which is a result of cooperation between knowledge engineers and domain experts during identification, design and structuring of knowledge for this domain. KAVE includes a patient simulator to help validate knowledge in the knowledge base and a knowledge editor to facilitate refinement and maintenance of the knowledge base.  相似文献   

Frame-based systems that employ inheritance networks as a form of knowledge representation have a number of inherent knowledge acquisition problems, one of the most significant being the transfer to the representation system of knowledge itself. The problem of concept classification, and specifically that of determining the location of a new concept in an existing network inheritance hierarchy, is discussed here using an experimental knowledge-base editor, KRE. Tools which support the process of knowledge base construction must allow the user to concentrate on the domain problems, and not on low level, representation system decisions. KRE, written in C, is a knowledge acquisition tool which assists the knowledge engineer by using an interactive acquisition strategy during the process of concept classification. The processes of classification, and its advantages over other knowledge representation systems, are presented.  相似文献   

Knowledge acquisition has been identified as the bottleneck for knowledge engineering. One of the reasons is the lack of an integrated methodology that is able to provide tools and guidelines for the elicitation of knowledge as well as the verification and validation of the system developed. Even though methods that address this issue have been proposed, they only loosely relate knowledge acquisition to the remaining part of the software development life cycle. to alleviate this problem, we have developed a framework in which knowledge acquisition is integrated with system specifications to facilitate the verification, validation, and testing of the prototypes as well as the final implementation. to support the framework, we have developed a knowledge acquisition tool, TAME. It provides an integrated environment to acquire and generate specifications about the functionality and behavior of the target system, and the representation of the domain knowledge and domain heuristics. the tool and the framework, together, can thus enhance the verification, validation, and the maintenance of expert systems through their life cycles. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

An architecture for knowledge acquisition systems is proposed based upon the integration of existing methodologies, techniques and tools which have been developed within the knowledge acquisition, machine learning, expert systems, hypermedia and knowledge representation research communities. Existing tools are analyzed within a common framework to show that their integration can be achieved in a natural and principled fashion. A system design is synthesized from what already exists, putting a diversity of well-founded and widely used approaches to knowledge acquisition within an integrative framework. The design is intended to be clean and simple, easy to understand, and easy to implement. A detailed architecture for integrated knowledge acquisition systems is proposed that also derives from parallel cognitive and theoretical studies.  相似文献   

The biggest false assumption made when attempting to model automatically acquired legal knowledge is that methodological and procedural legal knowledge is also contained in the text of law. Although the legal profession Intuitively knows the falsity of this assumption, researchers in the area of automatic knowledge acquisition are still confident in implementing systems that use only the text of laws as their main source of knowledge. Knowledge engineers are then forced to make their own interpretations of this knowledge, thus resulting in erroneous and legally unacceptable interpretations of the law. The aim of Nomos (an EC supported project under the ESPRIT II initiative) was to assist the knowledge engineer by providing tools that perform semiautomatic knowledge acquisition from legal texts in Italian and French. This paper uses the implementation of Nomos‐advisor, a legal expert system that uses Nomos's results as an input, as a proof of the falsity of the above assumption and discusses possible solutions.  相似文献   

Expert systems have been successfully applied to a wide variety of application domains. to achieve better performance, researchers have tried to employ fuzzy logic to the development of expert systems. However, as fuzzy rules and membership functions are difficult to define, most of the existing tools and environments for expert systems do not support fuzzy representation and reasoning. Thus, it is time-consuming to develop fuzzy expert systems. In this article we propose a new approach to elicit expertise and to generate knowledge bases for fuzzy expert systems. A knowledge acquisition system based upon the approach is also presented, which can help knowledge engineers to create, adjust, debug, and execute fuzzy expert systems. Some control techniques are employed in the knowledge acquisition system so that the concepts of fuzzy logic could be directly applied to conventional expert system shells; moreover, a graphic user interface is provided to facilitate the adjustment of membership functions and the display of outputs. the knowledge acquisition system has been integrated with a popular expert system shell, CLIPS, to offer a complete development environment for knowledge engineers. With the help of this environment, the development of fuzzy expert systems becomes much more convenient and efficient. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Building and maintaining high quality knowledge based systems is not a trivial task. Decision tables have sometimes been recommended in this process, mainly in verification and validation. In this paper, however, it is shown how decision tables can also be used to generate, and not just to validate, knowledge bases and how the transformation process from decision tables to knowledge bases can be organized. Several options to generate rules or other knowledge representation from decision tables are described and evauluated.

The proposed generation strategy enables the knowledge engineer to concentrate on the acquisition and modelling issues and allows him to isolate the knowledge body from its implementation. The generation process has been implemented for two commercial tools, AionDS and KBMS and has been applied to real world applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes ROGET, a knowledge-based system that assists a domain expert with an important design task encountered during the early phases of expert-system construction. ROGET conducts a dialogue with the expert to acquire the expert system's conceptual structure, a representation of the kinds of domain-specific inferences that the consultant will perform and the facts that will support these inferences. ROGET guides this dialogue on the basis of a set of advice and evidence categories. These abstract categories are domain independent and can be employed to guide initial knowledge acquisition dialogues with experts for new applications. This paper discusses the nature of an expert system's conceptual structure and describes the organization and operation of the ROGET system that supports the acquisition of conceptual structures.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews current expert system developments relevant to geographic information systems, and identifies several research topics for application of expert system technology in geographic information systems. We have identified four major problem domains of geographic information systems in which expert system technology has been applied—automated map design, terrain/feature extraction, database management/user interface, and geographic decision support systems. Efforts in each problem domain are critically reviewed. Considering the accomplishments and shortcomings of efforts to date, we identify areas likely to gain importance in this field. Our view of these prospects is moderated by constraints of current technology and a realistic view of current efforts. Future research will place more emphasis on formal representation of both knowledge and uncertainty. Another future research area will be the development of advanced tools for geographic knowledge acquisition. Finally, better methods for working with large-scale geographic databases will be needed.  相似文献   

The manner in which a knowledge-acquisition tool displays the contents of a knowledge base affects the way users interact with the system. Previous tools have incorporated semantics that allow knowledge to be edited in terms of either the structural representation of the knowledge or the problem-solving method in which that knowledge is ultimately used. A more effective paradigm may be to use the semantics of the application domain itself to govern access to an expert system's knowledge base. This approach has been explored in a program called OPAL, which allows medical specialists working alone to enter and review cancer treatment plans for use by an expert system called ONCOCIN. Knowledge-acquisition tools based on strong domain models should be useful in application areas whose structure is well understood and for which there is a need for repetitive knowledge entry.  相似文献   

Much recent research effort in the field of knowledge acquisition (KA) has focussed on extending knowledge acquisition techniques and processes to include a wider array of participants and knowledge sources in a variety of knowledge acquisition scenarios. As the domain of expert systems applications and research has expanded, techniques have been developed to acquire and incorporate knowledge from groups of experts and from various sources such as text, video, and audio tapes. However, the dominant participant-role model remains that of the knowledge engineer eliciting knowledge from one or more human experts. This conceptual gap has contributed to the major divisions in the KA field between researchers interested in manual KA and those developing tools for automated KA. This article considers the wide variety of possible KA scenarios and presents a meta-view of KA participants and the roles they may assume.We suggest that it is more appropriate to think of knowledge acquisition participants as playing one or more roles. These include knowledge sources, agents and targets for KA processes. We also present a participant model drawn from research in decision support systems that more accurately characterizes the diversity of the entities participating in the KA process. This view is more inclusive as it allows us to consider both human-human and human-computer KA interactions as well as the whole variety of knowledge sources and targets. A careful consideration of the meta-view and its associated role-participant mappings also yields the new ideas of the elemental and composite role and the multi-role entity. These new constructs are then used to identify areas where research is currently needed and to generate specific research issues. Taken altogether, this view allows a more flexible consideration of the many possible combinations that can and frequently do occur in actual KA situations.  相似文献   

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