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The substitution of aspartate at position 153 in Escherichiacoli alkaline phosphatase by glycine results in a mutant enzymewith 5-fold higher catalytic activity (kcat but no change inKm at pH 8.0 in 50 mM Tris-HCl. The increased kcat is achievedby a faster release of the phosphate product as a result ofthe lower phosphate affinity. The mutation also affects Mg2+binding, resulting in an enzyme with lower metal affinity. The3-D X-ray structure of the D153G mutant has been refined at2.5 Å to a crystallographic Rfactor of 16.2%. An analysisof this structure has revealed that the decreased phosphateaffinity is caused by an apparent increase in flexibility ofthe guanidinium side chain of Argl66 involved in phosphate binding.The mutation of Aspl53 to Gly also affects the position of thewater ligands of Mg2+, and the loop Glnl52–Thrl55 is shiftedby 0.3 Å away from the active site. The weaker Mg2+ bindingof the mutant compared with the wild type is caused by an alteredcoordination sphere in the proximity of the Mg2+ ion, and alsoby the loss of an electrostatic interaction (Mg2+.COO-Aspl53)in the mutant Its ligands W454 and W455 and hydroxyl of Thrl55,involved in the octahedral coordination of the Mg2+ ion, arefurther apart in the mutant compared with the wild-type  相似文献   

The consequences of active site mutations of the Escherichiacoli D-xylose isomerase (E.C. [EC] ) on substrate bindingwere examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Site-directed mutagenesisof conserved tryptophan residues in the E.coli enzyme (Trp49and Trpl88) reveals that fluorescence quenching of these residuesoccurs during the binding of xylose by the wild-type enzyme.The fluorescent properties of additional active site substitutionsat His101 were also examined. Substitutions of His101 whichinactivate the enzyme were shown to have altered spectral characteristics,which preclude detection of substrate binding. In the case ofH101S, a mutant protein with measurable isomerizing activity,substrate binding with novel fluorescent properties was observed,possibly the bound pyranose form of xylose under steady-stateconditions.  相似文献   

Mutations around His15 which lie far away from the active site,stimulated glycol chitin activity of lysozyme at physiologicaltemperature. Del-Argl4Hisl5 lysozyme, a mutant lysozyme whoseArgl4 and Hisl5 were deleted together, and has the highest activityamong these mutant lysozymes, had a similar binding abilityto a trimer of N-acetyl-glucosamine, a substrate analogue, relativeto native lysozyme. This suggests that the increased activitywas due to an increased kcat in the catalysis reaction. TheH-D exchange rate of the N-1 proton in the Trp63 which is locatedin the active site cleft, was enhanced in the Del-Argl4Hisl5lysozyme, while 2-D proton NMR analysis revealed no conformationalchange around Trp63. We conclude that some sort of fluctuationat the active site might be required for the manifestation ofactivity. This theory is supported by the finding that the Del-Argl4Hisl5lysozyme showed a shift in temperature dependency of activityto lower temperatures compared with that of native lysozyme.  相似文献   

Type I secretion system (TISS) of Gram-negative bacteria permits proteins to be secreted directly from the cytoplasm to the external medium by a single, energy-coupled step. To examine whether this system can be used as an extracellular production system of recombinant proteins, Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (AP) was fused to a C-terminal region of Pseudomonas sp. MIS38 lipase (PML) and examined for secretion using the E.coli cells carrying the heterologous TISS. PML is one of the passenger proteins of TISS and contains 12 repetitive sequences and a secretion signal at the C-terminal region. The fusion protein was efficiently secreted to the extracellular medium, while AP was not secreted at all, indicating that the secretion of AP is promoted by a secretion signal of PML. The repetitive sequences were not so important for secretion of the fusion protein, because the secretion level of the fusion protein containing entire repeats ( approximately 10 mg/l culture) was only 2-fold higher than that of the fusion protein without repeats. The fusion protein purified from the culture supernatant existed as a homodimer, like AP, and was indistinguishable from AP in enzymatic properties and stability.  相似文献   

The likelihood for improvement in the catalytic properties ofEscherichia coli alkaline phosphatase was examined using site-directedmutagenesis. Mutants were constructed by introducing sequencechanges into nine preselected amino acid sites within 10 A ofthe catalytic residue serine 102. When highly conserved residuesin the family of alkaline phosphatases were mutated, many ofthe resulting enzymes not only maintained activity, but alsoexhibited greatly improved tra,. Of –170 mutant enzymesscreened, 5% (eight mutants) exhibited significant increasesin specific activity. In particular, a substitution by serineof a totally invariant AsplOl resulted in a 35-fold increaseof specific activity over wild-type at pH 10.0. Up to 6-foldincreases the kcat/km ratio were observed.  相似文献   

An alkaline cellulase ß-1,4-endoglucanase; NK1) froman alkalophilk Bacillus sp. shows great similarity in aminoacid sequence to a neutral cellulase (BSC) from Bacillus subtilis,despite a considerable difference in their pH activity profiles.Multiple amino acid exchanges by site-directed mutagenesis,using BSC as the reference, were performed on the residues inregion 5 of NK1, which was previously shown to be responsiblefor the high enzyme activity of this alkaline cellulase in abroad alkaline pH range. Two amino acid residues, Ser287 andAla296, were identified as being responsible for the activityin the alkaline range. The double mutation, Ser287 to Asn andAla296 to Ser, of NK1 made its pH activity profile almost thesame as that of BSC. On the other hand, the pH activity profilein the acidic range was not significantly affected by variousamino acid replacements including these two positions in region5. This observation, together with the information availableon other endoglucanases, suggests that the above two amino acidsubstitutions caused a profound effect through rearrangementof the hydrogen bond network forming the substrate-binding siteor the catalytic site.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that an active enzyme can be expressedon the surface of a bacteriophage. The gene encoding alkalinephosphatase from Escherichia coli was cloned upstream of gene3, which encodes a minor coat protein of the filamentous bacteriophage,fd. A fusion protein of the correct size was detected from viralparticles by Western blotting. Ultrafiltration confirmed thatthe enzyme fusion behaves as part of a larger structure as wouldbe expected of an enzyme fused to a viral particle. Both wild-typealkaline phosphatase (Argl66) and an active site mutant (Ala166) expressed in this way retain catalytic activity and havequalitatively similar kinetic properties to free enzyme. Valueswere obtained for Km of 72.7 and 1070 µM respectivelywhilst relative kcat for the mutant was 36% of that for wild-type.Phage particles expressing alkaline phosphatase were bound toan immobilized inhibitor (arsenate-Sepharose) and eluted withproduct (20 mM inorganic phosphate). In this way, the functionalenzyme is co-purified with the DNA encoding it. This may permita novel approach to enzyme engineering based on affinity chromatographyof mutant enzymes expressed on the phage surface.  相似文献   

Three mutants of Escherichia coli ribonuclease HI, in whichan invariant acidic residue Asp134 was replaced, were crystallized,and their three-dimensional structures were determined by X-raycrystallography. The D134A mutant is completely inactive, whereasthe other two mutants, D134H and D134N, retain 59 and 90% activitiesrelative to the wild-type, respectively. The overall structuresof these three mutant proteins are identical with that of thewild-type enzyme, except for local conformational changes ofthe flexible loops. The ribonuclease H family has a common activesite, which is composed of four invariant acidic residues (Asp10,G1u48, Asp70 and Asp134 in E.coli ribonuclease HI), and theirrelative positions in the mutants, even including the side-chainatoms, are almost the same as those in the wild-type. The positionsof the -polar atoms at residue 134 in the wild-type, as wellas D134H and D134N, coincide well with each other. They arelocated near the imidazole side chain of His124, which is assumedto participate in the catalytic reaction, in addition to thefour invariant acidic residues. Combined with the pH profilesof the enzymatic activities of the two other mutants, H124Aand H124A/D134N, the crystallographic results allow us to proposea new catalytic mechanism of ribonuclease H, which includesthe roles for Asp134 and His124.  相似文献   

Residue 75 on the flap, a beta hairpin loop that partially coversthe active site cleft, is tyrosine in most members of the asparticproteinase family. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried outto investigate the functional role of this residue in Rhizomucorpusilus pepsin, an aspartic proteinase with high milk-clottingactivity produced by the fungus Rhizomucor pusillus. A set ofmutated enzymes with replacement of the amino acid at position75 by 17 other amino acid residues except for His and Gly wasconstructed and their enzymatic properties were examined. Strongactivity, higher than that of the wild-type enzyme, was foundin the mutant with asparagine (Tyr75Asn), while weak but distinctactivity was observed in Tyr75Phe. All the other mutants showedmarkedly decreased or negligible activity, less than 1/1000of that of the wild-type enzyme. Kinetic analysis of Tyr75Asnusing a chromogenic synthetic oligopeptide as a substrate revealeda marked increase in kcat with slight change in Km, resultingin a 5.6-fold increase in kcat/km. When differential absorptionspectra upon addition of pepstatin, a specific inhibitor foraspartic proteinase, were compared between the wild-type andmutant enzymes, the wild-type enzyme and Tyr75Asn, showing strongactivity, had spectra with absorption maxima at 280, 287 and293 nm, whereas the others, showing decreased or negligibleactivity, had spectra with only two maxima at 282 and 288 nm.This suggests a different mode of the inhibitor binding in thelatter mutants. These observations suggest a crucial role ofthe residue at position 75 in enhancing the catalytic efficiencythrough affecting the mode of substrate-binding in the asparticproteinases.  相似文献   

An epitope from the HTV-1 gpl20 protein V3 loop has been insertedonto the surface of bacterial alkaline phosphatase at differentpositions in the vicinity of the enzyme active site, creatinghybrid proteins that can bind to an anti-gpl20 monoclonal antibody.One of the hybrid proteins, API1, has a 13 amino acid V3 loopsequence inserted between residues 407 and 408 of alkaline phosphatase.The enzymatic activity of this protein is modulated upon antibodybinding. API1 maintains the full activity of the wild type alkalinephosphatase but in the presence of the anti-gpl20 antibody,the enzyme activity is inhibited by 40–50%. Thus, thehybrid enzyme can be used to detect the presence of antibodyin solution. The concept of signalling proteins may have a wideapplication. Two models for the mechanism of modulation, sterichindrance and allosteric regulation, are discussed.  相似文献   

We have inserted a disulfide-containing snake neurotoxin intothe N-terminal end of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase,between residues +6 and +7 of the mature enzyme. For this purpose,we have designed a cloning and expression vector which allowsinsertion of foreign DNA between the corresponding codons, andvisual selection of the desired recombinant clones upon recoveryof phosphatase activity. The hybrid protein is exported to thebacterial periplasm, the alkaline phosphatase signal peptideis correctly processed, and both domains are functionally conformed.The phosphatase domain displays catalytic activity, and theinserted toxin is able to bind to its biological target, thenicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The hybrid molecule is remarkablystable and resistant to proteolysis. Crude periplasmic extractcontaining the hybrid can be used as a tracer-containing reagentin competitive enzymo-immuno and enzymo-receptor assays. Wepropose to use the system described in this paper for fast preparationof properly folded disulfide-containing enzymatic probes.  相似文献   

Crystal structures are known for aspartate carbamoyltransferase(ATCase) in the T and R states, with and without the allostericactivator adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or inhibitor cytidinetriphosphate (CTP). Visual inspection of X-ray crystal structuresdoes not provide all of the information necessary for the determinationof structure-function relationships in protein molecules. Thisproblem is compounded because the crystalline states of themolecule may introduce effects due to crystal packing, restrictedflexibility and less than optimum enzymatic conditions. Therefore,alternative techniques are required to test mechanisms conjecturedfrom three-dimensional crystal structures of proteins. The techniqueof site-specific mutagenesis allows the researcher to test structure- function models based on threedimensional structures and toobtain further insight into characteristics of the enzyme. Site-specificmutagenesis has been used to probe residues believed to be criticalin the structure and function of ATCase. Selection of residuesto be mutated has depended extensively on three-dimensionalcrystal structures of the enzyme. To date, 48 site-specificmutations at 37 different amino acid sites have been published.Although a total of 118 mutants at 58 different sites has beencommunicated to our laboratory, only published mutants willbe considered in this review. In this paper, we compile forthe first time, review, and analyze the site-specific mutantsof ATCase. Site-specific mutagenesis of proteins has becomea powerful technique in modern-day molecular biology, especiallyin studying a molecule as large as aspartate carbamoyltransferase.In this review, the role of site-specific mutagenesis of ATCaseis discussed and improvements in the analysis are suggested.  相似文献   

The function of arginine 65, a conserved residue located atthe periphery of the active site cleft in yeast 3-phospho-glyceratekinase (PGK), has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis.Mutant enzymes with glutamine, serine and alanine at position65 all have very similar kinetic properties. The maximum velocities,determined in the absence of sulfate anion, are - 100% higherthan the Vmax of wild-type PGK. The Km values are increased2- to 3-fold for ATP and 5- to 6-fold for 3-phosphoglycerate(3PG). These results demonstrate that arginine 65 is not essentialfor catalysis. In contrast to wild-type enzyme, the mutantsare not activated by sulfate ions. In addition, steady-statekinetic experiments indicate that the mutants are no longeractivated by high concentrations of either 3PG or ATP. The dissociationconstants for anions were determined by spectral titrationsof the R65Q mutant labeled with a chromophoric probe. The Kdfor 3PG is increased 6-fold, as compared to wild-type PGK, whereasthe Kd for ATP is essentially unchanged. The KA for sulfateis decreased < 2-fold. The suppression of substrate- andsulfate-dependent activation suggests that arginine 65 participatesin the regulatory mechanism responsible for activation of theenzyme.  相似文献   

Two refined crystal structures of aspartate aminotransferasefrom E.coli are reported. The wild type enzyme is in the pyridoxalphosphate (PLP) form and its structure has been determined to2.4 Å resolution, refined to an R-factor of 23.2%. Thestructure of the Arg292Asp mutant has been determined at 2.8Å resolution, refined to an R–factor of 20.3%. Thewild type and mutant crystals are isomorphous and the two structuresare very similar, with only minor changes in positions of importantactive site residues. As residue Arg292 is primarily responsiblefor the substrate charge specificity in the wild type enzyme,the mutant containing a charge reversal at this position mightbe expected to catalyze transamination of arginine as efficientlyas the wild type enzyme effects transamination of aspartate[Cronin,C.N. and Kirsch,J.F. (1988) Biochemistry, 27, 4572–4579].This mutant does in fact prefer arginine over aspartate as asubstrate, however, the rate of catalysis is much slower thanthat of the wild type enzyme with its physiological substrate,aspartate. A comparison of these two structures indicates thatthe poorer catalytic efficiency of R292D, when presented witharginine, is not due to a gross conformational difference, butis rather a consequence of both small side chain and main chainreorientations and the pre–existing active site polarenvironment, which greatly favors the wild type ion pair interaction.  相似文献   

Picornavirus 3C proteinases (3Cpro) are cysteine proteinasesbut recent sequence analyses have shown that they are relatedto trypsin-like serine proteinases. Two models of 3Cpro structurehave been presented. Both models indicate that residues His40and Cysl47 are members of the catalytic triad but the modelsdiffer in the designation of the third member of the catalytictriad, which is assigned as either Glu71 or Asp85. To test theimportance of these four residues in the catalytic activityof 3Cpro of coxsackievirus B3, a member of the enterovirus subgroupof the picornavirus family, single amino acid substitutionswere introduced at each of the four sites. All of these mutationsresulted in the reduction or inactivation of autocatalytic cleavageof the 3C precursor protein expressed in Escherichia coli, suggestingthat all of these residues are essential for the proteolyticreaction. The substitution of Cysl47 with Ala abolished 3Cproactivity while the mutant in which Cysl47 was replaced withSer retained reduced proteolytic activity both in cis and intrans. Our results strongly support the proposal that Cysl47of 3Cpro functions as a nucleophile analogous to Serl95 of trypsin-likeserine proteinases.  相似文献   

The strictly conserved active site residue, Asp222, which formsa hydrogen-bonded salt bridge with the pyridine nitrogen atomof the pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP) co-factor of aspartate aminotransferase(AATase), was replaced with alanine (D222A) in the Escherichiacoli enzyme. The D222A mutant exhibits non–hyberbolicsaturation behavior with amino acid substrates which appearas apparent negative eooperativity in steady–state kineticanalyses. Single turnover progress curves for D222A are welldescribed by the sum of two exponentials, contrasting with themonophasic kinetics of the wild-type enzyme. An active/inactiveheterodimer containing the D222A mutation retains this biphasickinetic response, proving that the observed eooperativity isnot the result of induced allostery. The anomalous behavioris explained by a hysteretic kinetic model involving two slowlyinterconverting enzyme forms, only one of which is catalyticallycompetent. The slow functional transition between the two formshas a half–life of 10 mins. Preincubation of the mutantwith the dicarboxylk inhibitor maleate shifts the equilibriumpopulation of the enzyme towards the catalytically active form,suggesting that the slow transition is related to the domainclosure known to occur upon association of this inhibitor withthe wild-type enzyme. The importance of Asp222 in the chemicalsteps of transamination is confirmed by the l05fold decreasein catalytic competence in the D222A mutant, and by the largeprimary C–deuterium kinetic isotope effect (6.7 versus2.2 for the wild–type). The transamination activity ofthe D222A mutant is enhanced 4– to 20–fold by reconstltutionwith the co-factor analog N–methylpyridoxal–5–phosphate(N–MePLP), and the C–proton abstraction step isless rate determining, as evidenced by the decrease in the primarykinetic isotope effect from 6.7 to 2.3. These results suggestthat the conserved interaction between the protonated pyridinenitrogen of PLP and the negatively charged carboxylate of Asp222is important not only for efficient C–proton abstraction,but also for conformational transitions concomitant with thetransamination process  相似文献   

The two main catalytic residues Cys25 and Hisl59 of the monomericcysteine protease papain are located on different walls of acleft formed by two domains. This topology suggests a possiblerelationship between relative domain organization and catalyticmechanism. The effect on enzymatic parameters of structuralmodifications at various locations of the twodomain interfaceof papain was examined by individual or double replacementsby Ala of pairs of interacting residues. Most modificationshad no effect on enzyme activity. However, the enzyme's substrateturnover (kcat) decreased following simultaneous alterationof the two most conserved residues, forming an apolar contactlocated 15 Å away from the active site. The pH activityprofile of the double mutant was unchanged, indicating a conservedionization state of the active site thiolate-imidazolium ionpair. This state is strongly dependent on the distance separatingthe two residues, thus suggesting that the active site geometryhas not been significantly altered. Efficient enzymatic activityin papain requires more than a correct active site geometryand is influenced by domain packing properties in a region remotefrom the active site.  相似文献   

A gene for expression of horse heart myoglobin in Escherichiacoli has been constructed in one step from long synthetic oligonucleotides.The synthetic gene contains an efficient translation initiationsignal and used codons that are commonly found in E.coli. Uniquerestriction sites are placed throughout the gene. It has beeninserted in a phagemid vector and is expressed from the lacpromoter in E.coli at high efficiency, the soluble heme proteinrepresenting 10% of soluble protein. Two versions of horse heartmyoglobin were produced with aspartic acid or asparagine atresidue 122. Comparison of chromatographic mobilities of thesetwo proteins with authentic horse heart myoglobin identifiedaspartic acid as the correct residue 122. The availability ofthis gene, which is designed to facilitate oligonucleotide mutagenesisor cassette mutagenesis, will allow systematic structure—functionanalysis of horse heart myoglobin.  相似文献   

To identify the sites important for the different biologicalactivities of human interleukin-l (hIL-1), 56 single-amino acid-substitutedmutants of hIL-l were produced in Escherichia coli using site-directedmutagenesis, and were examined for their biological activitiessuch as mouse lymphocyte activating factor activity (LAF activity),cytostatic activity against human melanoma cells A-375 (A375activity) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) inducing activity in humanosteosarcoma cells MG-63 (PEI activity). Two amino acid residues,Asp26 and Asp151, were found to be important for these activities.The replacement of Asp26 by Val caused a decrease in LAF andA375 activities by one or two orders of magnitude and a slightdecrease in A375 activity. The Tyr or Phe substitution for Asp151caused decreases in LAF and A375 activities by one or two ordersof magnitude and complete loss of PEI activity. The change fromAsp151 to Lys or Arg resulted in marked decrease in LAF activityand complete loss of A375 and PEI activities. Since Asp26 andAsp151 are close to each other in the three-dimensional structure,the region involving these amino acids seems to be importantfor the biological activities of hIL-1.  相似文献   

The aspartate and tyrosine aminotransferases from Escherichiacoli have 43% sequence identity and nearly identical activesites. Both are equally good enzymes for dicarboxylate substrates,but the latter transaminates aromatic amino acids 1000 timesfaster. In an attempt to discover the critical residues forthis differential substrate specificity, the aspartate aminotransferasemutant V39L has recently been prepared. It showed improved kcal/Kmvalues for aspartate, glutamate and tyrosine and the correspondingoxo acids, mainly due to two to ten times lower Km values. Forexample, the Km values of V39L (wild type) for Asp and Glu are0.12 (1.0) and 0.85 (2.7) mM respectively. The mutant was co-crystallizedwith 30 mM maleate from both polyethylene glycol and ammoniumsulfate. Both structures were solved and refined to R-factorsof 0.22 and 0.20 at 2.85 and 2.5 Å resolution respectively.They bear strong resemblance to the closed structure of thewild type enzyme complexed with maleate. The unexpected featureis that, for the first time, the closed form was produced incrystals grown from ammonium sulfate. It is concluded that themutation has shifted the conformational equilibrium towardsthe closed form, which leads to generally reduced substrateKmS  相似文献   

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