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采用脉冲激光沉积方法(PLD)制备了Au/PZT/BIT/p-Si多层结构铁电存储二极管.对铁电存储二极管的P-E电滞回线、I-V特性曲线分别进行了测试与分析,并对其导电行为及基于I-V特性回滞现象的存储机理进行了讨论.实验表明,所制备的多层铁电薄膜具有较高的剩余极化(27μC/cm2)和较低的矫顽场(48kV/cm),BIT铁电层有助于缓解PZT与Si衬底之间的界面反应和互扩散,减少界面态,与Au/PZT/p-Si结构相比,漏电流密度降低近两个数量级,I-V特性曲线回滞窗口明显增大.  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光沉积方法 (PL D)制备了 Au/ PZT/ BIT/ p- Si多层结构铁电存储二极管 .对铁电存储二极管的P- E电滞回线、I- V特性曲线分别进行了测试与分析 ,并对其导电行为及基于 I- V特性回滞现象的存储机理进行了讨论 .实验表明 ,所制备的多层铁电薄膜具有较高的剩余极化 (2 7μC/ cm2 )和较低的矫顽场 (4 8k V/ cm ) ,BIT铁电层有助于缓解 PZT与 Si衬底之间的界面反应和互扩散 ,减少界面态 ,与 Au/ PZT/ p- Si结构相比 ,漏电流密度降低近两个数量级 ,I- V特性曲线回滞窗口明显增大  相似文献   

基于JBS整流二极管理论,详细介绍了一种Si基JBS整流二极管设计方法、制备工艺及测试结果。在传统肖特基二极管(SBD)有源区,利用光刻和固态源扩散工艺形成掺硼的蜂窝状结构,与n型衬底形成pn结,反向偏置时抑制了因电压增加引起的金属-半导体势垒高度降低,减小了漏电流;采用离子注入形成两道场限环的终端结构,有效防止了边缘击穿,提高了反向击穿电压。对制备的器件使用Tektronix 370B可编程特性曲线图示仪进行了I-V特性测试,结果表明本文设计的Si基JBS整流二极管正向压降VF=0.78 V(正向电流IF=5 A时),反向击穿电压可达340 V。  相似文献   

分析了GaAs/Ge单结太阳电池研制中两种异常I-V特性曲线出现的主要原因:GaAs/Ge界面的相互扩散,形成附加结或附加势垒;并获得与实验有很好吻合的计算模拟结果,进一步证实了理论分析.此外,在上述分析的指导下,通过降低生长温度和优化成核条件,成功获得了效率为20.95%(AM0,25℃,2cm× 4cm)的GaAs/Ge太阳电池.  相似文献   

分析了GaAs/Ge单结太阳电池研制中两种异常I-V特性曲线出现的主要原因:GaAs/Ge界面的相互扩散,形成附加结或附加势垒;并获得与实验有很好吻合的计算模拟结果,进一步证实了理论分析. 此外,在上述分析的指导下,通过降低生长温度和优化成核条件,成功获得了效率为20.95% (AM0,25℃, 2cm×4cm)的GaAs/Ge太阳电池.  相似文献   

分析了GaAs/Ge单结太阳电池研制中两种异常I-V特性曲线出现的主要原因:GaAs/Ge界面的相互扩散,形成附加结或附加势垒;并获得与实验有很好吻合的计算模拟结果,进一步证实了理论分析.此外,在上述分析的指导下,通过降低生长温度和优化成核条件,成功获得了效率为20.95%(AM0,25℃,2cm× 4cm)的GaAs/Ge太阳电池.  相似文献   

用分子束外延技术在半绝缘GaAs衬底上生长制备了不同结构的AlAs/GaAs/InGaAs两垒一阱RTD单管.经过材料生长设计和工艺的改进,测得室温下器件的最高PVCR为2.4,峰值电流密度达到36.8kA/cm2.进行直流参数测试,得到RTD的I-V特性曲线,对量子阱宽度和帽层厚度对I-V特性的影响进行了分析.  相似文献   

共振隧穿二极管的设计、研制和特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用分子束外延技术在半绝缘GaAs衬底上生长制备了不同结构的AlAs/GaAs/InGaAs两垒一阱RTD单管.经过材料生长设计和工艺的改进,测得室温下器件的最高PVCR为2.4,峰值电流密度达到36.8kA/cm2.进行直流参数测试,得到RTD的I-V特性曲线,对量子阱宽度和帽层厚度对I-V特性的影响进行了分析.  相似文献   

文静  王玲  李言谨 《红外》2008,29(5):14-17
I-V特性是表征光伏器件性能的重要指标,在用电压扫描方式对一些器件进行I-V测试时,会出现零偏压电流为正向电流的现象,本文通过分析结电容对光伏器件电流电压测试的影响,对这种现象进行了解释,根据对由IOOMΩ电阻和50pF电容搭建的并联电路进行的测量,得到测试系统电压变化速率为2.14V/s,从而推算出光伏器件结电容的大小近似为0.47pF.用电路仿真软件PSpice对该测试电路进行了仿真,得到的仿真结果与实验结果相符.  相似文献   

用分子束外延技术在半绝缘GaAs衬底上生长了三种不同材料结构的RTD.主要针对阱结构进行了对比设计,然后对设计结构进行了常温下的I-V特性测试,测试结果中器件的PVCR值最高达到了6,V<,p>降低到了0.41 V.同时常温下测试了其中一种设计结构的敏感单元在四种不同发射极面积下的I-V特性曲线.最后对器件阱结构和发射...  相似文献   

A technique for measurement of the large-signal single-frequency microwave amplifier admittance of avalanche diodes is described, and results are presented for silicon and germanium avalanche diodes. Single-frequency amplifier operation can provide a unique characterization of diode-admittance variation with RF drive for diodes operated near the optimum transit angle (the case in which all harmonic voltages are negligibly small compared to the fundamental). Such characterization is useful for predicting diode performance for circuits in which the harmonic voltages are not large enough to have an appreciable effect on the diode admittance at the fundamental frequency. A process of matching quadratic forms to the above admittance data which may be used for calculation of diode terminal admittance and power output is discussed. The usefulness of the measurement technique is illustrated by the agreement of the calculated maximum power output with the measured power output in a single-transformer coaxial circuit. The corresponding circuit admittance may be used for circuit-design purposes and for evaluating variations in diode-assembly techniques. The ability to obtain the diode equivalent circuit as a function of incident power allows studies in the design of the associated semiconductor device. For example, one has the capability of obtaining an accurate single-frequency large-signal model near the optimum transit angle, a model which can be studied without building a circuit. With this model it is possible to carry out optimization procedures at considerable savings of time and money.  相似文献   

利用Airy函数和传输矩阵方法计算了不对称势垒厚度的InP基AlAs/InGaAs/AlAs DBS结构在偏压情况下的共振透射系数,并通过材料生长和器件工艺制作得到了共振隧穿二极管的直流I-V特性。在峰值电流密度为132kA/cm2下,获得了17.84的电流峰谷比。测试结果还表明不对称势垒厚度的RTD在偏压情况下,当电子从较薄势垒向较厚势垒穿透时,更容易获得高的电流峰谷比,反之可获得较大的负微分电阻电压区域。  相似文献   

孟庆芳  陈鹏  郭媛  于治国  杨国锋  张荣  郑有炓 《半导体技术》2011,36(10):751-754,812
为了研究一种无荧光粉的单芯片白光发光二极管(LED)的光电性质,实际测量了它的升温电致发光光谱和升温电流-电压(I-V)特性,并测量了相似结构的蓝光LED以作对比。实验发现白光LED的电致发光光谱中有一个与有源区中的深能级相关的较宽的长波长发光峰,根据这个发光峰的强度与温度之间的依赖关系,通过数据拟合,得到了深能级的平均激活能,约为199 meV。由于有源区中存在大量深能级,也对白光LED的I-V特性产生一定影响,有源区中的深能级成为额外的载流子源,使白光LED的I-V特性表现出独特的性质。  相似文献   

Strel’chuk  A. M.  Lebedev  A. A.  Bulat  P. V. 《Semiconductors》2020,54(12):1624-1627
Semiconductors - Forward and reverse current–voltage characteristics of commercial rectifier diodes based on a Schottky barrier to 4H-SiC are studied in the temperature range...  相似文献   

共振隧穿二极管(RTD)I-V特性的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对作者研制的 RTD进行了 I-V特性测量 ,并重点分析了 :(1 ) I-V特性的湿度效应 ;(2 )负阻区“表观正阻”现象 ;(3 )用负阻值估算开关时间。以上问题的分析对 RTD的设计和研制有一定的指导作用  相似文献   

Strel’chuk  A. M.  Lebedev  A. A.  Bulat  P. V. 《Semiconductors》2021,55(3):394-394
Semiconductors - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063782621030192  相似文献   

本文采用各向异性腐蚀和干-湿-干氧化锐化工艺,在n型,(100)晶向、电阻率为3~5Ωcm、3英寸硅片上均匀制备了三种结构硅尖阵列场致发射二极管。锥尖密度达15000个/mm ̄2,硅尖曲率半径小于30nm;在35V收集极电压下,单尖发出电流达0.14μA,其Ⅰ—Ⅴ曲线与F—N公式类似。  相似文献   

为提高光纤传感器磁场检测中的敏感度,进一步实现弱磁场环境中的高精度场强勘测,提出一种基于磁流包覆与冷却拉锥透射式全光纤高灵敏磁场传感器,拉锥过程采用间歇式停顿冷却技术,可更加便捷获得高质量干涉谱,减缓光子晶体光纤空气孔塌缩,制作工艺简单,具有可操纵性强、灵敏度高、损耗小等优势,实现了高灵敏磁场环境实时在线检测,并对传感器的变温影响进行了讨论。实验结果表明,光子晶体光纤的拉锥长度为5.5mm、腰椎直径为75μm时,可得到良好的干涉光谱,在0~78 Oe(1 Oe■79.578A·m-1)磁场范围内,灵敏度达95pm/Oe,线性拟合度为98.31%。  相似文献   

Direct-current and alternating-current white thin- film light-emitting diodes (DCW and ACW TFLEDs) have been fabricated and demonstrated with the intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon nitride (i-a-SiN:H) film as the luminescent layer. The achievable brightness of the representative DCW and ACW TFLEDs were 200 and 170 cd/m2 at an injection-current density of 600 and 100 mA/cm2, respectively. The electroluminescence (EL) threshold voltage of the DCW TFLED was 10.9 V, and its peak wavelength and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the EL spectrum were about 455 and 230 nm, respectively. For the ACW TFLED, the EL threshold voltage was 8.4 V, and its peak wavelength and FWHM of the EL spectrum were about 535 and 260 nm, respectively. In addition, their current-conduction mechanism was also investigated. Within the lower applied-voltage region, they showed an ohmic current, while for the higher applied-voltage region, the Frenkel-Poole emission was the main mechanism. It was also found that the H2 -plasma treatment of luminescent i-a-SiN:H layer of an ACW TFLED played an important role in improving device performances, such as decreased EL threshold voltage, increased brightness, and broadened and blue-shifted EL spectrum. The EL spectra of an ACW TFLED under either DC forward or reverse bias or the sinusoidal AC voltage were qualitatively very similar, with a peak wavelength at about 535 nm and a broad FWHM about 260 nm. Moreover, the EL intensity of an ACW TFLED increased with an AC frequency of up to 180 kHz and, then, decreased rapidly and became very weak as the frequency was up to about 500 kHz.  相似文献   

实验研究了两种由ICP刻蚀不同结构的n型GaN材料与金属接触形成的肖特基二极管的I-V特性,分析计算了GaN基肖特基二极管的势垒高度和理想因子。研究发现n型GaN半导体材料表面费米能级钉扎,且费米能级的钉扎对n型GaN材料表面的金半接触所形成的肖特基势垒高度起决定性作用;结果表明表面经过ICP刻蚀后,n型GaN表面的氧化层消除,价带中态密度增多,有利于载流子的遂道效应与金属较易形成欧姆接触。  相似文献   

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