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Measuring the bulk lifetime of unpassivated blocks and ingots is of great interest to the solar cell industry. The eddy‐current photoconductance method is a common choice for such measurements, employing the quasi‐steady‐state (QSS) mode for lower lifetime samples, and the transient photoconductance decay (PCD) mode for higher lifetime samples. Due to the high surface recombination velocity in unpassivated bulk samples, the lifetime measured with this method consists of components of recombination at both the surface and in the bulk. In order to determine the bulk lifetime from the measurement data, simulations of both transient and QSS mode measurements were conducted. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The determination of the bulk lifetime of bare multicrystalline silicon wafers without the need of surface passivation is a desirable goal. The implementation of an in‐line carrier lifetime analysis is only of benefit if the measurements can be done on bare unprocessed wafers and if the measured effective lifetime is clearly related to the bulk lifetime of the wafer. In this work, we present a detailed experimental study demonstrating the relationship between the effective carrier lifetime of unpassivated wafers and their bulk carrier lifetime. Numerical modelling is used to describe this relationship for different surface conditions taking into account the impact of a saw damage layers with poor electronic quality. Our results show that a prediction of the bulk lifetime from measurements on bare wafers is possible. Based on these results we suggest a simple procedure to implement the analysis for in‐line inspection. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mullite ceramic substrates were coated with silicon using a unique method of growth designed to produce low-cost material suitable for terrestial based solar cell applications. Pieces of mullite were carbon coated on one side and then dipped into molten silicon. The silicon wet the mullite only where the carbon was applied. Directional solidification occurs upon withdrawal. The film thicknesses were reasonably uniform over the area and could be controlled by varying the melt temperature and withdrawal rate, with higher temperatures and faster pull rates giving thinner films. Typical thicknesses of dip coated layers ranged between 20 and 150ym. The layers consist of large elongated grains aligned in the direction of withdrawal. The mullite substrates are slowly dissolved by the molten silicon resulting in some contamination of the silicon layers upon solidification. Glassy carboncoatings were found to be essentially impervious to the molten silicon and prevented dissolution of the substrate even after one hour of immersion. Cells of 1 cm2 active area having JSC This paper presents results of research performed for the Low-Cost Solar Array Project, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, sponsored by the Department of Energy through an interagency agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. as high as 26.8 mA/cm2 at 100 mW/cm2 illumination with efficiencies of 9.6% were made from these layers. Solar cell properties have shown steady improvement as growth conditions and cell fabrication procedures have improved, so that siliconon-ceramic appears quite promising as a cost-effective solar cell material.  相似文献   

论述分析了国内外晶体硅太阳电池回收技术现状,研究了太阳电池的结构及制备工艺,提出了废弃多晶硅太阳电池回收高纯硅片的工艺.依次去除铝背场/铝硅合金层/背银、氮化硅减反膜/正银、磷扩散层及金属杂质,得到高纯硅片.硅原料的回收率高达76.4%,回收的高纯硅片经检验检测,其电阻率、间隙氧浓度、代位碳含量和少子寿命均符合GB/T 29055-2012中规定的性能参数.该回收工艺路线简单,回收率高,成本低,适于产业化推广.废弃太阳电池的回收再利用不仅可以在一定程度上缓解硅原料短缺的问题,还可以减少废弃的太阳电池给环境造成负担.  相似文献   

采用兆瓦级TEA CO2激光器输出的纳秒级强红外激光脉冲照射太阳能多晶硅片,用红外光谱仪测试了硅片的吸收谱,发现经激光脉冲照射后的太阳能多晶硅片对光的吸收能力大为增强,并对实验结果做出了初步的分析。  相似文献   

作为电池发电实际效率的重要影响因素,硅片质量具有重要作用。生产硅片的过程中需要综合考虑多种因素,这是因为硅片生产本身具有一定的缺陷。其中,多晶硅片经常性的缺陷主要是纯度不高以及位错缺陷。单晶硅片当中产生的缺陷主要是漩涡缺陷。出现硅片缺陷可能会造成电池片发电能力受到影响,并降低电池的使用寿命。为此,加强对半导体硅片的自动检测分类方法进行研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Enhancing the absorption of thin‐film microcrystalline silicon solar cells over a broadband range in order to improve the energy conversion efficiency is a very important challenge in the development of low cost and stable solar energy harvesting. Here, we demonstrate that a broadband enhancement of the absorption can be achieved by creating a large number of resonant modes associated with two‐dimensional photonic crystal band edges. We utilize higher‐order optical modes perpendicular to the silicon layer, as well as the band‐folding effect by employing photonic crystal superlattice structures. We establish a method to incorporate photonic crystal structures into thin‐film (~500 nm) microcrystalline silicon photovoltaic layers while suppressing undesired defects formed in the microcrystalline silicon. The fabricated solar cells exhibit 1.3 times increase of a short circuit current density (from 15.0 mA/cm2 to 19.6 mA/cm2) by introducing the photonic crystal structure, and consequently the conversion efficiency increases from 5.6% to 6.8%. Moreover, we theoretically analyze the absorption characteristics in the fabricated cell structure, and reveal that the energy conversion efficiency can be increased beyond 9.5% in a structure less than 1/400 as thick as conventional crystalline silicon solar cells with an efficiency of 24%. © 2015 The Authors. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The PC1D was usecl to simulate the influence of Al-BSF and wafer thickness on electrical properties of n~+/p-p~+ structural monocrystalline silicon solar cells. It is found that solar cells with the Al-BSF structure can gain obvious open circuit voltage, short-circuit current, as well as photoelectric conversion efficiency; the smaller the wafer thickness is, the bigger of the effect of Al BSF works on the electrical properties; when the wafer thickness is 120 m, the solar cells can get the biggest photoelectric conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

For slicing crystalline silicon ingots, we have developed a novel fixed‐abrasive wire where diamond grit is fixed onto a bare wire by resin bonding. The properties of the wafers sliced using a multi‐wire saw with the fixed‐abrasive wire have been investigated. When compared with the wafers sliced with the loose‐abrasive wire, the slicing speed is improved by approximately 2.5‐fold and the thicknesses of saw‐damage layers are reduced by more than a factor of two. Polycrystalline silicon solar cells have been fabricated for the first time utilizing the wafers sliced with the fixed‐abrasive wire, and the cells with the saw‐damage etching depth of 7 µm have shown photovoltaic properties comparable to those prepared using the wafers sliced with the loose‐abrasive wire and subsequently etched to remove the damage layers up to 15 µm. It has been clarified that wafer slicing using the fixed‐abrasive wire is promising as a next‐generation slicing technique for fabrication of solar cells, particularly thin silicon cells where the wafer thicknesses approach or become less than 150 µm. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comparison of minority carrier lifetime measurements carried out in transient mode with measurements performed under steady‐state conditions allows determination of the calibration constants needed in non‐transient measurements. In this letter, we point out practical scenarios in which the assumptions underlying this approach break down, resulting in significant experimental errors. Specific examples for crystalline silicon wafers will be discussed to provide some guidelines on practical limitations of this calibration approach. Large errors are possible for wafers with high surface recombination velocity as might be the case for incoming wafers for a solar cell production line. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solar‐grade single or multiple crystalline wafers are needed in large quantities in the solar cell industry, and are generally formed by a top‐down process from crystal ingots, which causes a significant waste of materials and energy during slicing, polishing, and other processing. Here, a bottom‐up technique that allows the growth of wafer‐size hybrid perovskite multiple crystals directly from aqueous solution is reported. Single‐crystalline hybrid perovskite wafers with centimeter size are grown at the top surface of a perovskite precursor solution. As well as saving raw materials, this method provides unprecedented advantages such as easily tunable thickness and rapid growth of the crystals. These crystalline wafers show high crystallinity, broader light absorption, and a long carrier recombination lifetime, comparable with those of bulk single crystals. Lateral‐structure perovskite solar cells made of these crystals demonstrate a record power conversion efficiency of 5.9%.  相似文献   

The experimental variation of wafer thickness and resistivity at device level combined with a comprehensive device simulation study allows the identification of dominating recombination‐induced power loss mechanisms in high‐efficiency n‐type silicon solar cells (A. Richter et al, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 173, p. 96, 2017). Under the assumption of specific Shockley‐Read‐Hall (SRH) recombination parameters, impurity recombination within the silicon bulk was identified as one main source for efficiency losses particularly for solar cells made of high‐resistivity silicon. In this work, we extend that analysis approach focusing on the SRH recombination parameters in order to investigate whether certain properties of these recombination‐active impurities can be identified using this kind of simulation‐based analysis. Reported SRH recombination parameters of various common impurities (eg, Fe, Cr, or Ni) were considered. It was found that a dominating role of certain impurities as Cu, Au, Co, or Zn can be excluded. A general simulation study as a function of the fundamental SRH recombination parameters allowed us to reduce the possible SRH parameters significantly in particular of the capture cross‐section ratio of electrons and holes. These results demonstrate that our analysis approach, which combines an experimental variation of wafer thickness and resistivity with a comprehensive device simulation, can provide deep insights into the solar cells loss mechanisms. In particular, the conclusions regarding SRH recombination are of importance for solar cells made of n‐type silicon as there are no meta‐stable impurity states formed that would allow a direct identification of impurity recombination–related power loss as reported for p‐type Si.  相似文献   

光陷阱在晶硅太阳电池中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高太阳能电池的转换效率和降低成本,采用光陷阱是一种很有效的方法,如多孔硅可使入射光的反射率减小到5%左右。对实验室和国外几种实用性很强的光陷阱结构,如金字塔绒面、多孔硅、压花法、溶胶-凝胶等及其制作方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

研究了多晶硅的浓磷扩散吸杂、铝吸杂、磷-铝联合吸杂(双面蒸铝).采用准稳态光电导衰减法测试了吸杂前后多晶硅片的有效少数载流子寿命,发现磷铝联合吸杂于硅片少子寿命的提高最大达30μs以上,其次是磷吸杂,铝吸杂再次之.采用吸杂后的多晶硅片制备了1cm×1cm的太阳电池,与相同条件下未经吸杂制备的电池相比,发现三种吸杂方式都能提高电池的各项电学特性,其中磷铝联合吸杂提高电池效率最大,达40%以上,最差为铝吸杂,只有15%左右的提高,这与吸杂后所测得的少子寿命的变化趋势一致.实验说明三种吸杂方式在不同程度上促成了硅片界面晶格应力对重金属杂质的吸附作用,减少了载流子的复合中心,从而提高了有效少数载流子的寿命;而有效少数载流子的寿命直接影响到电池的效率.  相似文献   

制绒Si片清洗工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究对比了不同清洗工艺对制绒Si片性能的影响,采用原子力显微镜和少子寿命测试仪测试经不同化学清洗工艺处理之后的Si片表面微粗糙度和少子寿命。研究发现,使用浓硫酸、双氧水混合液和稀释的氢氟酸溶液清洗Si片能够有效改善Si片表面的质量,Si片表面的微粗糙度由原先的5.96μm降低到4.45μm;采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积法在清洗之后的Si片上生长本征氢化非晶Si层,对Si片进行表面钝化,钝化之后的Si片少子寿命可达107.88μs。测试结果还表明,采用此种清洗方法处理的Si片少子寿命稳定性有很大提高。  相似文献   

Contactless photoconductance measurements are commonly used to extract the emitter saturation current density (Joe) for crystalline silicon samples containing an emitter on the surface. We review the physics behind the analysis of Joe and compare the commonly used approximations with more generalised solutions using two‐dimensional device simulations. We quantify errors present in such approximations for different test conditions involving varying illumination conditions and surface properties in samples with the same emitter on both sides. The simulated Joe obtained from the dark hole current from the emitter into the bulk is nearly the same as the simulated Joe determined by photoconductance measurements of the rear diffusion. The simulated Joe at the front emitter is equivalent to that at the rear emitter only when the sample is subject to a nearly constant and flat generation profile. For illumination conditions including visible light, the simulated Joe at the front emitter is smaller than the simulated Joe at the rear emitter. Both Joe at the rear emitter and from the dark hole current in the emitter remain nearly constant over a wide range of base doping densities. The approximations used for the determination of Joe from photoconductance measurements make Joe dependent on the excess minority carrier density. Lifetime measurements demonstrate that, even in high‐quality silicon, Joe should be determined from the analytical solution as a function of excess minority carrier density including Shockley‐Read‐Hall recombination. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents an effective method for recovering unbroken solar cells from photovoltaic (PV) modules. The combustion process is effective at removing ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) in PV modules. However, the solar cell tends to break during the combustion process. We verify that the breakage mechanisms of the solar cell in the module are related to the thermal changes of EVA during the heat treatment process, that is, generated gases form bubbles behind the glass, and the thermal deformation of the rear EVA applies stress to the solar cell. This study investigates the simple pretreatments of glass cracking and EVA patterning to prevent the breakage behavior. An unbroken solar cell was successfully recovered from the module after complete EVA removal using the combustion process. The recovered solar cell was immersed in a mixed acid solution of HNO3 and HF to reclaim the crystalline silicon wafer, which subsequently underwent the solar cell manufacturing process. The PV performances of the solar cells based on the reclaimed wafer and a commercial wafer were evaluated and compared. The PV performance of the solar cell manufactured from the reclaimed wafer was measured at 18.5%, whereas that from the commercial wafer‐based solar cell was measured at 18.7%. Consequently, the considered pretreatment processes yielded solar cells acceptable for use in the PV industry.  相似文献   

The effect of dissociation of interstitial iron‐substitutional boron (FeiBs) pairs, as it occurs under illumination in iron‐contaminated silicon solar cells, on the solar cell properties has been studied on the basis of numerical device simulations using reported recombination parameters for Fei and FeiBs. Most cell parameters are found to degrade during FeiBs dissociation. However, the open‐circuit voltage can also increase within certain ranges of the iron concentration. Critical iron concentrations are determined, giving the threshold contamination level above which a significant degradation in the corresponding cell parameter can be observed. The threshold iron contamination level of the open‐circuit voltage degradation is found to be up to two orders of magnitude larger than the threshold iron level of the short‐circuit current degradation. As the behaviour of the cell parameters under illumination is specific to the dissociation of FeiBs pairs, the characteristic changes in the cell parameters due to illumination may be used as a simple way of identifying iron contamination problems in silicon solar cells. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

晶圆直接键合技术由于能将表面洁净的两个晶圆集成到一起,从而可以用来制备晶格失配 III-V族多结太阳电池。为了制备GaInP/GaAs/InGaAsP/InGaAs四结太阳电池,需采用具有低电阻率的GaAs/InP键合界面,从而实现GaInP/GaAs和InGaAsP/InGaA上下两个子电池的电学导通。我们设计并研究了具有不同掺杂元素和掺杂浓度的三种键合界面,并采用IV曲线对其电学性质进行表征。此外,对影响键合界面质量的关键工艺过程进行了研究,主要包括表面清洗技术和键合参数优化,例如键合温度、键合压力和键合时间等。最终制备出的键合四结GaInP/GaAs/InGaAsP/InGaAs太阳电池在AM0条件下效率最高达33.2%。  相似文献   

晶体Si片切割表面损伤及其对电学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比观察了不同工艺条件下金刚石线锯和砂浆线锯切割晶体Si片的表面微观形貌;分析了其切割机理及去除模式;对比分析了三种不同化学方法钝化Si片的效果和稳定性;采用逐层腐蚀去除Si片的损伤层,使用碘酒对其进行化学钝化,然后测试其少子寿命,分析Si片少子寿命随去除深度的变化趋势,根据Si片少子寿命达到最大值时的腐蚀深度,测试确定Si片的损伤层厚度。经实验测得,砂浆线锯切割Si片的损伤层厚度为10μm左右,金刚石线锯切割Si片的损伤层厚度为6μm左右。结果表明,相比于砂浆线锯切割Si片,金刚石线锯切割Si片造成的表面损伤层更浅,表面的机械损伤也更小。  相似文献   

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