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Current sanitation concepts of decentralised wastewater treatment and reuse raise the issue of monitoring and maintenance of such systems. To guarantee high quality of the recycled water, systems with high requirements concerning process technology are essential. With increasing numbers of decentralised treatment systems spread over far distances it will become more and more impossible and uneconomic to have expert personnel on site. Therefore, new visualisation and intelligent information systems are necessary. The paper describes the structure and 3D-demonstrations as a base for information visualisation. Up-to-date visualisation techniques, facilitating the cognition of context-adapted information, make it possible to maximise the amount of information presented to the user without overwhelming her or him. Concerning diagnosis and decision support systems in the domain of wastewater treatment, several interesting approaches are presented, estimating their applicability for decentralised wastewater treatment systems. The intelligent decision support system presented here consists of a combined ontology- and case-based reasoning system in addition to a process monitoring system. It is responsible for plausibility checks, error diagnosis, solution proposals, and optimisation suggestions.  相似文献   

Household type Johkasous which have a flow stabilization function were surveyed on their performance. The water level, flow velocity and SS were measured after the maximum flow entering the anaerobic filter chamber with or without flow stabilization operation. In operation without the flow stabilization, the flow peak directly reached the biofiltration chamber and the flow rate kept at 1 cm/sec during 3-4 min in the connection baffle between the two anaerobic chambers. This suggested the possibility of sludge transfer from the first anaerobic chamber. Moreover the increase of SS in the second anaerobic chamber indicated sludge transfer from the second anaerobic chamber to the biofiltration chamber. In contrast, in operation with flow stabilization the relaxation of the water flow in the second anaerobic chamber and the biofilm chamber was verified. By the increase of the water level in the first anaerobic chamber, the flow stabilization performance was satisfactorily obtained. A model describing the change of the water level was developed and the calculated values and the measured value agreed well. The model will be useful in the design of the flow stabilization function.  相似文献   

上海某工业区污水处理厂工艺改造方案论证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对上海某工业区污水处理厂的工艺改造方案进行比较论证,介绍污水处理厂改造时应该注意的问题和原则,比较催化还原内电解+SBR处理工艺和SBR+混凝沉淀处理工艺两个方案,阐述改造工艺流程及尾水消毒措施。  相似文献   

A supervisory expert system based on fuzzy logic rules was developed for diagnosis and control of a laboratory- scale plant comprising anaerobic digestion and anoxic/aerobic modules for combined high rate biological N and C removal. The design and implementation of a computational environment in LabVIEW for data acquisition, plant operation and distributed equipment control is described. A step increase in ammonia concentration from 20 to 60 mg N/L was applied during a trial period of 73 h. Recycle flow rate from the aerobic to the anoxic module and bypass flow rate from the influent directly to the anoxic reactor were the output variables of the fuzzy system. They were automatically changed (from 34 to 111 L/day and from 8 to 13 L/day, respectively), when new plant conditions were recognised by the expert system. Denitrification efficiency higher than 85% was achieved 30 h after the disturbance and 15 h after the system response at an HRT as low as 1.5 h. Nitrification efficiency gradually increased from 12 to 50% at an HRT of 3 h. The system proved to react properly in order to set adequate operating conditions that led to timely and efficient recovery of N and C removal rates.  相似文献   

研究了低温和常温条件下SBR系统的运行状况,探索了低温条件下不同有机负荷与曝气时间的对应关系。常温SBR系统启动期为6d,低温系统启动期为8d,每天运行周期均为8h。低温系统的COD去除随曝气时间的变化趋势与常温系统基本相同,与常温系统的运行状况相比,低温系统在相同有机负荷情况下,其出水COD比常温系统稍低,但没有大的区别。常温和低温两种系统中,同一负荷每天出水COD浓度大致相同,但不同有机负荷系统的出水COD显著不同。  相似文献   

研究了Fenton法对线路板生产废水中有机物质的处理效果,比较传统Fenton法和电解Fenton法处理效果。在同样反应时间里,电解Fenton法的COD平均去除率为55.7%,H2O2的最大投加量为3.75 g/L,而传统Fenton法的COD平均去除率为23.7%,H2O2的投加量为5.45 g/L。确定了电解Fenton法小试装置处理线路板废水的最佳处理条件。  相似文献   

There are many sensors in a wastewater treatment process (WWTP) plant for monitoring process performance and condition. Sensor validation is essential to the success of process monitoring. In this paper, various sensor faults which can occur in WWTP are identified for taking proper remedial action at an early time. A proposed sensor fault isolation method is based on the variable reconstruction using principal component analysis (PCA). Even though several methods have been developed to identify sensor faults, they are only applicable to a static process. In other words, they cannot be successfully used to monitor severe dynamic processes such as WWTPs. We have removed this limitation by developing reconstruction methods based on a dynamic version of PCA. Artificial scenarios of sensor faults generated from the simulation benchmark have been used to validate the proposed sensor identifying methodology. Also, it is compared to a previous method to show its relative superiority in sensor fault validation in the WWTP.  相似文献   

淀粉废水处理工艺改造工程实例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对原有UASB—SBR工艺效率低、系统运行不稳定、出水含泥量高等问题,进行工艺改造,在UASB与SBR之间增设曝气沉淀池,去除SS和H2S等,有效提高SBR处理效率,并在SBR出水增设高效气浮装置,使系统保持稳定运行。实践证明,处理后出水质可达《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)一级标准。  相似文献   

刘瑞斌  皇甫慧君  李南 《给水排水》2006,32(10):103-105
介绍了炼油废水采用曝气生物滤池(BAF)处理工艺的工作原理,并对工艺控制系统的特点及要求作了简要介绍,控制系统采用SIMATICS7-300可编程控制器实现炼油废水处理工艺设备的控制。具体介绍了控制系统的结构、任务分配及实现、控制方式和程序设计思路,对阀类、曝气机、鼓风机和水泵采用了顺序控制、时限控制和条件控制相结合的控制原则。  相似文献   

Innovations in wastewater treatment: the moving bed biofilm process.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and presents applications of wastewater treatment processes in which this reactor is used. The MBBR processes have been extensively used for BOD/COD-removal, as well as for nitrification and denitrification in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. This paper focuses on the municipal applications. The most frequent process combinations are presented and discussed. Basic design data obtained through research, as well as data from practical operation of various plants, are presented. It is demonstrated that the MBBR may be used in an extremely compact high-rate process (<1 h total HRT) for secondary treatment. Most European plants require P-removal and performance data from plants combining MBBR and chemical precipitation is presented. Likewise, data from plants in Italy and Switzerland that are implementing nitrification in addition to secondary treatment are presented. The results from three Norwegian plants that are using the so-called combined denitrification MBBR process are discussed. Nitrification rates as high as 1.2 g NH4-N/m2 d at complete nitrification were demonstrated in practical operation at low temperatures (11 degrees C), while denitrification rates were as high as 3.5g NO3-Nequiv./m2.d. Depending on the extent of pretreatment, the total HRT of the MBBR for N-removal will be in the range of 3 to 5 h.  相似文献   

蒸馏-吸附法处理橡胶促进剂废水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用蒸馏-吸附法对高浓度难降解橡胶促进剂CBS废水进行了试验研究。结果表明:该组合工艺十分有效,ρ(COD)从40 000 mg/L降到150 mg/L以下,COD总去除率达到99.6%以上,色度从150倍降到0,脱色率达到100%,出水可以达标排放。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the toxicity of ammonia/ammonium to key species within the vermifiltration process. The key species, the earthworm Eisenia fetida, was subjected to a series of tests in solid phase mesocosms and full-scale units. The solid phase tests showed a relatively low toxicity to ammonium with ammonium chloride having an LC50 for ammonium of 1.49 g/kg. Ammonium sulfate did not show an effect on mortality at 2 g/kg ammonium. The full-scale units showed that ammonia hydroxide can change the pH and concentration of ammonia in wastewater and while it caused some mortality to the worms its overall affect on system functioning was minimal with no significant difference in terms of worm survival found between treatments. The affect on nitrifying bacteria was also minimal with no linear trend shown with ammonia concentration.  相似文献   

大坝安全信息系统开发中对不同数据库的支持与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提升大坝安全管理水平,及时掌握大坝安全状况,越来越多的水电厂已经完成或即将进行大坝安全信息系统的建设.建设时,各个水电厂所采用的数据库类型并不相同,因此,在开发大坝安全信息系统时就需要考虑到对多种数据库的支持.在数据库设计时就要考虑到对多种数据库的兼容,采用面向对象方法设计大坝安全信息系统,对不同数据库之间的差异进行封装,可以很好地实现对不同数据库的支持.经过多个电厂的运行表明,该系统设计合理,运行稳定,对于支持不同数据库类型效果良好.  相似文献   

For the first time hydrodynamic cavitation induced by a liquid whistle reactor (LWR) has been used in conjunction with the advanced Fenton process (AFP) for the treatment of industrial wastewater. Semi-batch experiments in the LWR were designed to investigate the performance of the process by optimising various parameters such as pressure, pH, H2O2 concentration and the concentration of industrial wastewater samples on the mineralisation of the total organic carbon (TOC). It was found that higher pressures are more favourable for a rapid TOC mineralisation.  相似文献   

成都市乡镇污水处理厂工艺方案探讨与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡镇污水处理厂地理位置分散,经济条件较差,进水水质和水量波动较大,直接套用大型污水处理厂的处理工艺难以满足要求。介绍了几种适用于小城镇的污水处理工艺,并对其进行适用特点和经济性分析,在此基础上提出成都市乡镇污水处理厂的工艺方案选择建议。  相似文献   

棉纺印染废水的处理工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
某纺织印染企业生产废水分为高、低浓度两部分,先将其分质处理,混合后采用水解酸化-接触氧化-混凝沉淀工艺处理.实践表明,出水水质达到<纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准>(GB 4287-92)二级排放标准.并对工程设计及调试运行中的问题进行了分析和研究.  相似文献   

应用CASS工艺处理印染废水的工程实例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用CASS池为主的工艺处理印染废水,出水可达<纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准>(GB 4287-92)一级标准,出水的90%再经过加药、澄清、砂滤处理,可回用于洗车、浇地.总结了各个工段的概况以及所要注意的问题和调试过程中的注意事项.  相似文献   

The TELEMAC project brings new methodologies from the Information and Science Technologies field to the world of water treatment. TELEMAC offers an advanced remote management system which adapts to most of the anaerobic wastewater treatment plants that do not benefit from a local expert in wastewater treatment. The TELEMAC system takes advantage of new sensors to better monitor the process dynamics and to run automatic controllers that stabilise the treatment plant, meet the depollution requirements and provide a biogas quality suitable for cogeneration. If the automatic system detects a failure which cannot be solved automatically or locally by a technician, then an expert from the TELEMAC Control Centre is contacted via the internet and manages the problem.  相似文献   

介绍了瓦房店污水处理厂ICEAS工艺的设计流程,各构筑物的技术参数.对该工艺的污泥培养、运行情况进行了分析,结果表明ICEAS工艺适用于北方中小城市.  相似文献   

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