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Optimal Irrigation Allocation: A Multilevel Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optimal resources allocation strategies for a canal command in the semiarid region of Indian Punjab are developed in a stochastic regime, considering the competition of the crops in a season, both for irrigation water and area of cultivation. The proposed strategies are divided into two modules using a multilevel approach. The first module determines the optimal seasonal allocation of water as well as optimal cropping pattern. This module is subdivided into two stages. The first stage is a single crop intraseasonal model that employs a stochastic dynamic programming algorithm. The stochastic variables are weekly canal releases and evapotranspiration of the crop that are fitted to different probability distribution functions to determine the expected values at various risk levels. The second stage is a deterministic dynamic programming model that takes into account the multicrop situation. An exponential seasonal crop-water production function is used in this stage. The second module is a single crop stochastic dynamic programming intraseasonal model that takes the output of the first module and gives the optimal weekly irrigation allocations for each crop by considering the stress sensitivity factors of crops.  相似文献   

Optimal Irrigation Planning under Water Scarcity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study optimal irrigation planning strategies are developed for the Nagarjuna Sagar Right Canal command in the semiarid region of South India. The specific objective of the study is to allocate the available land and water resources in a multicrop and multiseason environment and to obtain irrigation weeks requiring irrigation of a fixed depth of 40 mm. The problem is solved in four stages. First, weekly crop water requirements are calculated from the evapotranspiration model by the Penman-Monteith method. Second, seasonal crop water production functions are developed using the single-crop intraseasonal allocation model for each crop in all seasons. Third, allocations of area and water are made at seasonal and interseasonal levels by deterministic dynamic programming, maximizing the net annual benefit from the project. And fourth, once optimal seasonal allocations have been attained, irrigation scheduling is performed by running a single-crop intraseasonal allocation model. Optimal cropping pattern and irrigation water allocations are then made with full and deficit irrigation strategies for various levels of probability of exceedance of the expected annual water available. The results reveal that the optimization approach can significantly improve the annual net benefit with a deficit irrigation strategy under water scarcity.  相似文献   

On irrigation schemes with rotational irrigation systems in semiarid tropics, the existing rules for water allocation are based on applying a fixed depth of water with every irrigation irrespective of the crops, their growth stages, and soils on which these crops are grown. However, when water resources are scarce, it is necessary to allocate water optimally to different crops grown in the irrigation scheme taking account of different soils in the command area. Allocating water optimally may lead to applying less water to crops than is needed to obtain the maximum yield. In this paper, a three stage approach is proposed for allocating water from a reservoir optimally based on a deficit irrigation approach, using a simulation-optimization model. The allocation results with a deficit irrigation approach are compared for a single crop (wheat) in an irrigation scheme in India, first with full irrigation (irrigation to fill the root zone to field capacity) and second with the existing rule. The full irrigation with a small irrigation interval was equivalent to adequate irrigation (no stress to the crop). It is found that practicing deficit irrigation enables the irrigated area and the total crop production in the irrigation scheme used for the case study to be increased by about 30–45% and 20–40%, respectively, over the existing rule and by 50 and 45%, respectively, over the adequate irrigation. Allocation of resources also varied with soil types.  相似文献   

基于复合遗传自由智能算法,采用面向对象模块化的设计方法,开发出了计算机管理决策系统.该系统能够实现灌区水情信息、渠系信息的查询、分析;能够根据实际情况制定出优化配水计划;对配水计划随时调整.实例结果表明,该系统具有很好的通用性、实用性和可扩展性.  相似文献   

深入分析了我国水资源优化配置理论及相关模型,阐述了可持续发展与水资源优化配置的关系,提出了水资源优化配置研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an efficient strategy for achieving in-stream dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality standards (WQSs) via optimized point-load control strategies using the adjoint method. To this end, a least-squares-type objective function is formulated that measures the difference between desired (WQSs) and current DO concentrations at strategically selected monitoring points in the domain. The goal is to minimize the difference between actual DO concentration and the WQS, hence allowing time-variant loadings to utilize the assimilative capacity of the receiving water body at an optimal level. Time-variant discharge rates for a number of discharge locations are considered as control parameters, while different zone-specific critical DO levels are imposed as constraints. The selection of the control is kept flexible and a number of different scenarios are tested. First, only carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand is used, which allows for a reduction of the number of equations that need to be solved. In the other tests, all constituents are switched on and different variables at each load node are selected as a control by first varying the concentrations individually, and then linking them through control of the volumetric flow rate. Optimization is achieved using a conjugate gradient search method, for which the gradients are computed through the solution of both the direct and adjoint problems. It is shown that the large amount of gradient information (parameter space has a dimension of several thousands) can be computed very efficiently using the adjoint, and that optimized results are achieved after only a few iterations irrespective of the initial guess. Computations are carried out using both two-dimensional model formulation applied to a long rectangular channel with varying width and slope and a model for the upper Potomac River estuary.  相似文献   

Efficient allocation of resources for construction planning activities requires construction planning resource requirements to be determined on a cost-effective and value-adding basis. However, although some research studies have indicated that increasing resource allocations to construction planning activities will lead to improved project performance, other research studies have indicated that investing in construction planning beyond an optimum point will lead to a deterioration in project performance. This study explored the concept of optimal planning of construction projects by examining 52 building projects undertaken in Australia. The relationships between planning input (ratio of planning costs to total project costs) and the probabilities of achieving poor performance and good performance were modeled using logistic, linear, and curvilinear regression analyses. A probable optimum planning input based on the sample studied was derived. It is suggested that any additional planning efforts beyond this optimum point would be essentially wasted because the additional planning costs would not achieve any savings in project cost but merely add to the overhead costs and therefore increase the overall project cost. A model for optimal planning is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

建筑给水管材分类和选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田永利 《山西冶金》2005,28(1):57-60
对当前市场的各种建筑给水管材的性能作了论述、对比,并对不同使用对象合理选择管材问题。提出了参考意见。  相似文献   

Optimal Design of Pressurized Irrigation Subunit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A linear programming (LP) model is presented for optimal design of the pressurized irrigation system subunit. The objective function of the LP is to minimize the equivalent annual fixed cost of pipe network of the irrigation system and its annual operating energy cost. The hydraulic characteristics in the irrigation subunit are ensured by using the length, energy conservation, and pressure head constraints. The input data are the system layout, segment-wise cost and hydraulic gradients in all the alternative pipe diameters, and energy cost per unit head of pumping water through the pipeline network. The output data are: segment-wise lengths of different diameters, operating inlet pressure head, and equivalent annual cost of the pipeline network. The explicit optimal design is demonstrated with design examples on lateral and submain or manifold of pressurized irrigation systems. The effect of the equations for friction head loss calculation on optimization procedure is investigated through the design example for microirrigation manifold. The performance evaluation of the proposed model in comparison with the analytical methods, graphical methods, numerical solutions, and dynamic programming optimization model reveals the good performance of the proposed model. The verification of operating inlet pressure head obtained by the proposed model with accurate numerical step-by-step method suggested that it is mostly accurate.  相似文献   

Magnetized water is obtained by passing water through a strong permanent magnet installed in or on a feed pipeline. This study was performed at Gorgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Gorgan province, Iran, to investigate soil moisture distribution under trickle irrigation. Two main treatments of magnetic and nonmagnetic water and three subtreatments of irrigation water salts, including well water as a control, 200-ppm calcium carbonate, and 400-ppm calcium carbonate were used. The experiment was laid out with a complete randomized block design with three replications. Soil moisture distribution around the emitters were measured 24?h after irrigation during the 3-month irrigation period. The results showed that the mean soil moisture contents at depths of 0–20, 20–40, and 40–60?cm below the emitter for the magnetized irrigation water treatment were more than the nonmagnetized irrigation water treatment, and the differences were significant at the 5% level. The irrigation with magnetic water as compared with the nonmagnetic water increased soil moisture up to 7.5%, and this increase was significant at the 1% level. The effect of irrigation water salinity on soil moisture was significant. The highest soil moisture content was from the 400-ppm calcium carbonate subtreatment. The use of magnetized water for irrigation is recommended to save irrigation water.  相似文献   

以秦汉渠为例,根据秦汉渠灌区管理处下达的各干渠轮灌通知,按照灌区干渠轮灌要求,通过程序计算出各所最优水量和灌区管理处最大经济效益.同时,调用Matlab7.0对灌区最优经济面积进行计算,为灌区管理单位的高效管理提供了理论支撑.  相似文献   

Level basins, when properly designed and managed, often attain very high irrigation efficiencies. Problems can arise when the infiltrated depth exceeds the soil water holding capacity or when the crops are sensitive to waterlogging. Both cases could benefit from allowing part of the applied water to run off the basin. This water can be reused for on-farm irrigation of the subsequent basin. Such a setup will be referred to as the “runoff rescue” (RR) system. In this work, an RR system composed of five adjacent terraced basins is described and evaluated. The basins were connected by outflow points located at the upstream and downstream ends of the fields. To provide terms for comparison, the performance resulting from conventional irrigation (without RR) of each basin was estimated using a simulation model. The RR system showed reductions of 14, 16, and 24% in irrigation time, infiltrated depth, and recession time, respectively. The average increments for distribution uniformity and application efficiency were 2 and 9%, respectively.  相似文献   

A criterion for the time of opening of irrigation canal gates is developed based on hydrodynamic principles. An analytical model of unsteady open-channel flow is used to calculate the attenuation of small-amplitude surface transients. Wave attenuation is expressed in terms of a dimensionless parameter containing both steady and unsteady components. The developed criterion is shown to be in agreement with actual field practice in the Imperial Valley, Calif.  相似文献   

A method is presented to compute sensitivities of in-stream dissolved oxygen (DO) with respect to perturbations in the load vector and the reaction coefficients that make up the eutrophication cycle. It is shown that the direct sensitivity method, i.e., the repetitive solution of the direct problem, produces the desired information, however at a large computational cost. The utilization of the adjoint sensitivity method proves to be a much more efficient way to compute these sensitivities as large subsets of the sensitivity information domain can be easily extracted with just a few runs. It is found that for the given problem setup, in-stream DO is most sensitive to ammonia, effluent DO, algae, and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) loads. Additionally, the computed sensitivities vary considerably in their general trend over the simulation time. Sensitivities also are computed with respect to the reaction coefficients (26 total) that govern the interdependency of all constituents. Sediment oxygen demand proves to be the coefficient with the highest influence that is three orders of magnitude higher than the next set of coefficients comprised of reaeration, CBOD degradation, nitrification, and denitrification. All other coefficients have a negligible influence on DO concentrations. Computations are carried out using a two-dimensional model formulation applied to a long rectangular channel with varying width and slope and periodic but unsteady flow conditions.  相似文献   

Optimal Design and Operation of Irrigation Pumping Stations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A methodology based on solving a large-scale nonlinear programming problem is presented for the optimal design and operation of pumping stations. Optimum design and operation refers to the selection of pump type, capacity, and number of units as well as scheduling the operation of irrigation pumps that results in minimum design and operating cost for a given set of demand curves. The design criteria for such pumping stations are based fundamentally on some important and critical parameters, such as pump capacity, number of units, types of pumps, and civil works. The optimization process consists of three main steps: (1) determination of minimum yearly consumed energy; (2) minimization of the total cost for all sets of pumping stations; and (3) selection of the least-cost set among the feasible sets of pumping stations, recognizing a combination of the cited criteria. The computational analysis is based upon one major objective function and a computer program, which is developed to solve the generated equations. Application of the model to the Farabi Agricultural and Industrial Project, Iran, shows considerable savings, about 25% in total annual cost of the pumping station.  相似文献   

A model was developed for prediction of the optimal size of an on-farm reservoir (OFR) so as to provide supplemental irrigation to rice in monsoon season and presowing irrigation to mustard in winter for a rainfed farming system of eastern India. Daily simulations of water balance parameters of both the cropped field and the OFR, economic analysis, and irrigation management practices were inputs to the model. The study predicted an OFR of depth 2 m requiring 12% of the 800 m2 farm area with a volume of 61 m3 to be optimum. The above-mentioned optimal size of the OFR gave a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.22, internal rate of return (IRR) of 15%, and pay back period (PBP) of 15 years. Simulated results were verified by conducting three years of field experiments to justify the investment in the OFR irrigation system. The observed BCR, IRR, and PBP from the experimental study were 1.17, 14.8%, and 16 years, respectively. There was an increase of 39 and 15% in the yield of rice grain and mustard seed over rainfed conditions because of application of 84 and 45 mm of supplemental irrigation, respectively.  相似文献   

文章介绍了实时数据库系统应用于企业生产管理的必要性,并以包钢燃气厂为例介绍了实时数据库的实施及所能实现的功能,系统利用网络和实时数据库实现了生产数据的共享.  相似文献   

Project managers implement the concept of time contingency to consider uncertainty in duration estimates and prevent project completion delays. Some project managers also build a distribution of the project time contingency into the project activities to create a more manageable schedule. Generally, both the estimation and distribution of the project time contingency are conducted by using subjective approaches. Because the project schedule feasibility mainly depends on the variable behavior of the project activities, the estimate of project time contingency and its allocation at the activity level should be obtained by considering the performance variability of each activity rather than basing on human judgment. In this paper, the stochastic allocation of project allowances method, which is based on Monte?Carlo simulation, is proposed to estimate the project time contingency and allocate it among the project activities. The application of this method to a three-span bridge project results in a fair allocation of the project time contingency and provides practical means to control time contingencies at the activity level.  相似文献   

Residential Irrigation Water Use in Central Florida   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Automatic inground irrigation is a common option for residential homeowners desiring high-quality landscapes in Florida. However, rapid growth is straining water supplies in some areas of the state. The first objective of this study was to document residential irrigation water use in the Central Florida ridge region on typical residential landscapes (T1). The second objective was to determine if scheduling irrigation by setting controllers based on historical evapotranspiration (ET) (T2) and reducing the percentage of turf area combined with setting the controllers based on historical ET (T3) would lead to reductions in irrigation water use. The time frame of this study was 30?months beginning in January 2003. Irrigation accounted for 64% of the residential water use volume over all homes monitored during this project. The T1 homes had an average monthly water use of 149?mm/month. Compared to the T1 homes, T2 resulted in a 30% reduction (105?mm/month), and T3 had a 50% reduction (74?mm/month) in average monthly water use. Average monthly water use was significantly different (p<0.001) across the three irrigation treatments. Setting the irrigation controllers to apply water according to seasonal demand resulted in significantly less irrigation water applied. In addition, increasing the proportion of landscape area from 23% (T1 and T2) ornamental plants irrigated with sprinklers to 62% and irrigated with micro-irrigation (T3) resulted in the largest reduction in irrigation water applied. Compared to T2 where only the irrigation controllers were adjusted, this additional decrease in irrigation water applied was a result of low volume application on only a portion of the landscaped beds where irrigation is only applied to the root zone of plants.  相似文献   

Benefits of Flexible Irrigation Water Supply   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a general introduction into the concepts of a flexible irrigation water supply in rate, frequency, and duration together with the benefits to the farmer for doing so. A flexible water supply allows the farmer the opportunity to choose an on-farm irrigation practice that best meets the needs of the desired crop, the cost and availability of labor, and other local economic or social situations. As water quality issues are more closely tied to the issues of water quantity, water use efficiency must improve. A flexible irrigation water supply can lead to improved efficiencies. Non-point-source pollution and in-stream flows also become factors in other social issues such as the care of threatened and endangered species. Flexible supplies can again help. This paper also shows, through a case study, the application of a limited rate arranged system to an irrigation district in Washington State where significant flexibility has led to efficient water use and economic and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

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