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The accuracy of drawing up insulin was tested in a group of randomly selected insulin requiring diabetics. The mean error between patients of drawing up rapid acting insulin was + 5.6%, of intermediate acting insulin, + 4.9% and of a mixture of rapid and intermediate acting insulin, + 1.8%. There was no correlation in percentage error in drawing up insulin the age of patient, duration of diabetes, dosage of insulin nor quality of diabetic control.  相似文献   

Decrease in activity of alpha-GPDG and ATP-ase observed in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with diabetes mellitus correlated well severity of the disease. The lowest indices of enzymatic activity were registered in patients with grave diabetes complicated by angiopathies, foot gangrene, and purulent inflammatory processes. Compensation of carbohydrates metabolism and improvement of clinical picture were accompanied by the trend to normalization of enzymes' activity. Dynamic study of alpha-GPDG and ATP-ase in patients with diabetes mellitus allows to evaluate degree of hypoxia, comprehend the nature of compensation mechanisms and assess effectiveness of the treatment.  相似文献   

The time course of action of regular and NPH insulins injected sc was studied in 15 insulin-treated diabetics over a 24-h period during which they received a constant infusion of glucose. The blood glucose began to decline in 1.2 +/- 0.1 h (range, 0.5--2) and reached its nadir in 5.7 +/- 0.3 h (range, 4--8) after the sc injection of regular insulin. The peak effect of regular insulin usually persisted for several hours, and the total duration of action was 16.2 +/- 1.1 h (range, 9--24). Both the time of peak effect and the total duration of action were considerably prolonged compared to data provided in standard textbooks. Free insulin increased to a peak in 2.7 +/- 0.3 h (range, 1--4) after regular insulin injection and then returned to baseline by 8.8 +/- 0.96 h. Subcutaneous injection of NPH insulin decreased the blood glucose by 2.4 +/- 0.5 h (range, 1--7), with a maximal effect at 11.0 +/- 1.4 h (range, 5--19). The total duration of effect on blood glucose was 25.1 +/- 0.7 h (range, 20--29). These values are similar to those in standard textbooks. Although the total insulin levels increased after the injection of NPH insulin, there was very little if any elevation in free insulin. Recognition of the prolonged effect of regular insulin is important in establishing an insulin treatment regime for diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Nine adult diabetic subjects were treated for two weeks by an intravenous insulin-delivery system that provided preprogramed five-hour pulses of insulin with each meal such that a normal diurnal pattern of plasma insulin was attained. Plasma insulin peaked at 800 per cent of basal and at approximately 45 minutes after the onset of each pulse. On day 14, mean plasma glucose (hourly sampling X 22) was 94 mg./100 ml., with a range of 66 to 125 mg./100 ml. Eighty-eight per cent of all values were between 50 and 150 mg./100 ml. The dose of insulin required correlated significantly with the degree of obesity. On the first posttreatment day, hourly plasma glucose remained significantly below pretreatment levels while the endogenous plasma insulin area increased 46 per cent above pretreatment values (p less than 0.01). Six of the patients still exhibited slight improvement in glucose tolerance for seven days while on diet but not on insulin treatment. It is concluded that insulin replacement, coordinated with meals in a physiologic manner, can virtually normalize plasma glucose even without feedback control of delivery rates. Definite but transient remission of beta-cell dysfunction may follow.  相似文献   

We evaluated portal and peripheral blood immunoreactive insulin concentrations (IRI) after glucose infusion in patients undergoing gastrectomy. Seventy-four patients were divided into following two groups: 68 received 25g glucose infusion in an hour (glucose group), and the remainder received no glucose (control group). Portal blood IRI level in glucose group was about thirty-fold higher than that in control group. However, peripheral blood IRI did not correlate with portal blood IRI in glucose group. In addition, significant negative correlation between portal blood IRI and blood glucose was observed in glucose group. Our results reveal that adequate pancreatic insulin secretion occurs after glucose infusion during gastrectomy, but peripheral blood IRI does not reflect this pancreatic insulin secretion. The results also suggest that blood glucose may be regulated by the liver under these conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several randomized studies about autotransfusion of shed mediastinal blood in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting have resulted in divergent findings concerning reduction of the need for homologous blood transfusions. Most of these studies used less strict criteria for homologous blood transfusion than applied in daily clinical practice. METHODS: A prospective, randomized, controlled study involving 120 patients having elective, uncomplicated coronary artery bypass grafting was performed. The autotransfusion group received transfusion of shed mediastinal blood for 18 hours. Criteria for homologous blood transfusion were hemoglobin concentration less than 5.0 mmol/L in the intensive care unit and less than 5.5 mmol/L during the rest of the hospital stay. RESULTS: Twenty-eight percent of patients in the autotransfusion group received homologous blood transfusion versus 55% in the control group (p = 0.007). Ninety-five percent of the shed mediastinal blood was transfused. In the autotransfusion group, a total of 26 units of homologous blood was used versus 78 units in the control group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Autotransfusion of shed mediastinal blood in patients undergoing elective, uncomplicated coronary artery bypass grafting halves the number of patients needing homologous blood and reduces the amount of homologous blood given.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the occurrence of cytogenetically abnormal rogue cells, characterized by a high frequency of chromosome-type aberrations, in people exposed to ionizing radiation and in non-exposed subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data on rogue cells from a total of nine cytogenetic studies on radiation-exposed populations and controls were collected from three laboratories in the United Kingdom, France and Finland. The studies were conducted on first-division metaphases of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Solid Giemsa-stained, G- or R-banded and FISH chromosome-painted material was included. RESULTS: Rogue cells were found both from controls and from exposed subjects. The highest incidence of these cells was observed in a control group of young trainees (1:400), whereas the lowest incidence of rogue cells (1:36 500) was demonstrated in a follow-up study of people accidentally exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation. Rogue cells were found to be distributed non-randomly among individuals; the highest individual frequency was 1 in 50 analysed metaphases. CONCLUSIONS: The origin of rogue cells is still unclear. The incidence of rogue cells showed a large variability between studies and individuals. No correlation between long-term radiation exposure and the occurrence of rogue cells was demonstrated. Although the presence of rogue cells in astronauts after a 6 month space flight may be attributable to high-LET radiation, the frequencies were not remarkable when compared with those in the other studies in this review.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study on 13 adult female stumptailed macaques, Macaca speciosa, peripheral blood samples were analyzed hematologically and the in vitro response of the lymphocytes to the common mitogens concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen were investigated. The results showed that the total leukocyte and differential counts in each animal remained quite stable throughout the 3-month experiment. The responses in culture to the mitogens showed that there were differences in the stimulation obtained by each mitogen and that the animals may be placed into high, medium and low groups based on differences in their level of response.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In 1981 we described a simple porta-azygous disconnection procedure to stop the bleeding in esophago-gastric varices. This surgical technique included ligature of the splenic artery and the short gastric vessels. In spite of the arterial ligatures, no alteration was seen in splenic circulation. METHODOLOGY: In 1988, Warshaw presented a study of twenty-two cases of distal pancreatectomy without splenectomy. Since then, we have studied our porta-azygous disconnected patients using radioactive substances and found, surprisingly, that there is a normal splenic blood supply. Simultaneously, we started an experimental study with dogs and human cadavers by placing acrylic fluid into the splenic arterial vessels. Solidification and corrosion of soft tissue showed the true arterial architecture of the vessels. RESULTS: Both the animal experiments and the results of injecting acrylic into the arterial splenic arteries of human cadavers demonstrated that in addition to the splenic artery and the short arteries there is another important artery which reaches the splenic hilum. Injecting acrylic into this artery showed that this was the left gastroepiploic artery. CONCLUSIONS: The spleen is irrigated by the splenic artery and the short vessels, but also by the left gastroepiploic artery. These findings suggest surgical applications such as distal pancreatectomy without splenectomy, and, more importantly, that in the portal-azygous disconnection previously described it may not be necessary to ligate the splenic artery.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case in which an apparently normal upper lobe of the right lung was supplied by major systemic arterial and pulmonary arterial vessels. The anomalous artery arose from the descending aorta. Following interruption of this vessel, the machinery-like murmur previously present disappeared.  相似文献   

The circadian pattern of hemocoagulation was studied in patients with decompensated rheumatic heart disease (DRHD) concurrent with stages I-II circulatory failure (CF) during complex treatment or medical treatment with disaggregants. Biorhythmological studies demonstrated that in patients with DRHD and CF chronotherapy with curantyl had some advantages over the traditional therapy during complex drug therapy. In these patients, the chronopatterns of circadian rhythms of hemocoagulative parameters tended to normalize under the influence of curantyl chronotherapy, by diminishing the signs of external desynchronization. Advantages of chronotherapy over the traditional treatment found in patients with DRHD and stages I-II CF, as manifested by its clinical effect in shorter periods (on days 4-5) when small daily and course doses of the drug were used. Based on the biorhythmological studies of hemostatic parameters, a method of curantyl chronotherapy was developed for patients with DRHD and stages I-II CF, which may optimize the therapeutical process in patients with this abnormality.  相似文献   

In a retrospective analysis, the authors studied the pial and dural blood supplies in 74 intracranial meningiomas and quantified their associated peritumoral brain edema (PTBE). The extent and localization of pial blush in relation to the total tumor volume were determined angiographically. The amount of edema and tumor size were calculated using computerized tomography. The edema-tumor volume ratio was defined as Edema Index (EI). There were 49 meningiomas with PTBE; of those tumors, 46 were supplied by pial vessels, and three were supplied exclusively by dural vessels. Tumors without PTBE showed no pial blush. The mean EI in meningiomas with pial blush was significantly larger (EI = 3) than in meningiomas without pial supply (EI = 1.1; p < 0.0001). Meningiomas with a smaller pial supply than dural supply had a significantly smaller mean EI than tumors with a pial supply equal to or greater than the dural supply (EI = 2.9 vs. EI = 3.7; p < 0.015). In 69.9% of cases with pial blood supply, major portions of the edema were located adjacent to the tumor region supplied by pial vessels. Edema index differences among tumors of different subgroups, as defined by size or histology, were significantly related to the pial supply in each subset. Thus, pial blood supply may be associated with the development of PTBE in meningiomas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relation between gonadal steroids and the 24-hour body temperature rhythm. PATIENT(S): Nineteen normally cycling women. DESIGN: Controlled clinical study in volunteer women. SETTING: Clinical hospital. INTERVENTION(S): Eleven women were studied in the early follicular and luteal menstrual phases of cycles with spontaneous ovulation, and 8 women were studied in the early follicular, preovulatory, and luteal phases of cycles with multiple follicular development. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Starting at 5:00 P.M., intravaginal body temperature was monitored continuously for 24 hours and its values were related to E2 and P levels. RESULT(S): Twenty-four-hour body temperature rhythm parameters were related to the P:E2 ratio. Very low P:E2 ratios in the preovulatory phase were associated with a reduced 24-hour mean and an elevated body temperature rhythm amplitude. The progressive increase in the P:E2 ratio in the early follicular and luteal phases was associated with an increase in the 24-hour mean body temperature and a decrease in the rhythm amplitude. Body temperature differences between the luteal and early follicular phases were less pronounced in cycles with multiple follicular development. CONCLUSION(S): A woman's body temperature is related to her P:E2 ratio. Even in the presence of elevated P values, alterations of this ratio may influence negatively the postovulatory rise in body temperature.  相似文献   

To provide an objective measure of the effects of on-call stress on the blood pressure (BP) of a group of pediatric residents, we used a SpaceLabs Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) to compare 37 pediatric residents' on- and off-call BPs. Residents wore the ABPM for 24 h (once on call and again off call) to assess systolic and diastolic BPs every 30 min during the day and hourly overnight. We found significantly higher MESOR (an acronym for midline estimating statistic of rhythm, which yields a mean value more representative of the true mean than an average of a series of measurements) BPs and BP loads (%BP readings > 135 mm Hg for systolic and/or 85 mm Hg diastolic) during the on-call period. Some residents became hypertensive on call, and the normal 24-h pattern of lower nighttime blood pressures was altered during this period. ABPM monitoring may prove useful in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the stress of residency training.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance and increased fat mass (FM) are common in human aging. We aimed to investigate the relationship between the age-dependent increase in FM and insulin resistance (by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp technique), in a homogenous rodent model. The decline in insulin responsiveness was linear until late adulthood when body weight, FM, and epididymal fat reached a critical amount (r > .750, for all). Above this critical point, there was no further decline in insulin responsiveness with aging and with increased BW (p < .00001 for all spline curve analyses). This decline in insulin-mediated glucose uptake was accounted for by a decrease in whole body glycolytic rate with no change in the rate of glycogen synthesis. Thus, in this homogenous model, an early increase in FM is associated with impairment in insulin action until a critical FM is achieved, after which there is no additional insulin resistance with aging. We suggest that decreasing insulin responsiveness, in a heterogeneous group such as humans, will only occur within a specific accretion of visceral or total FM.  相似文献   

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