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超临界水氧化法处理有机污水的应用研究与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了超临界水氧化法反应介质体系的性质与特点,介绍了该方法的原理、原则工艺流程以及国内外采用超临界水氧化法处理污水的研究现状,并展望了这种新兴技术的发展方向和市场应用前景。  相似文献   

在碱性、中性和酸性三种条件下,采用二氯甲烷萃取水中半挥发性有机物(SVOCs),气相色谱质谱法测定饮用水源地水中的60种SVOCs。结果表明,60种SVOCs的回收率为88 %~96 %,相对标准偏差为1.1 %~4.8 %,具有较好的正确度和精密度。目标SVOCs在 0.05~1.00 μg/mL范围内有较好的线性关系,线性相关系数R2>0.99。  相似文献   

A Diabetes Care Management program was developed by PrimeCare, a network model HMO, to improve quality of life health outcomes and reduce the costs of medical care for its members with diabetes. The HMO used a systems-based approach to communicate information about appropriate self-management and standards of care to members and physicians. The focus of the program was to educate and encourage patients to self-manage their illness, and to partner with physicians, other health care providers and community organizations to achieve improved quality of life, clinical and financial results. Clinical process indicators were used to measure results of interventions. Significant increases in the percentage of participants receiving glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) tests, retinal eye exams and lipid panel tests were achieved.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of snoring and symptoms of sleep breathing-related disorders in the multi-ethnic population of Singapore (3 million people, comprising 75% Chinese, 15% Malay and 7% Indian). A multistaged, area cluster, disproportionate stratified, random sampling of adults aged 20-74 yrs was used to obtain a sample of 2,298 subjects (65% response), with approximately equal numbers of Chinese, Malay and Indian and in each 10 yr age group. An interviewer-administered field questionnaire was used to record symptoms of snoring and breathing disturbances during sleep witnessed by a room-mate and other personal and health-related data. The weighted point estimate (and 95% confidence interval) of the whole population prevalence of snoring was 6.8% (53-83). There were pronounced ethnic differences among Chinese, 6.2% (4.4-8.1); Malay, 8.1% (6.1-10.2) and Indian, 10.9% (85-13.4). The minimum whole population prevalence by the most restricted symptom criteria for defining sleep breathing-related disorder was 0.43% (0.05-0.8%). Similar marked ethnic differences in rates were observed using various symptom criteria. The ethnic differences in sleep breathing symptoms paralleled the differences in body mass index, neck circumference and hypertension, but statistically significant differences remained after adjustment for sex, age and these known associated factors. Marked ethnic differences in snoring and sleep breathing-related disorders were observed in Chinese, Malays and Indians in Singapore, which were only partly explained by known factors of sex, age and body habitus.  相似文献   

Planar chromatography is described in the field of water analysis. The principle of automated multiple development (AMD) technique is mentioned, the strategy of the whole procedure which became a German standard is demonstrated and separations of pesticide mixtures, as well as water samples containing pesticides are presented. The suitability of this method was proved for 283 pesticides and the corresponding ISO Standard has been applied for.  相似文献   

Kinins are known to stimulate electrogenic chloride secretion in many mammalian epithelia, including those of the airways and the alimentary tract. In this study the chloride secretory activity of lysylbradykinin (LBK) on murine colonic epithelium has been examined, specifically to discover the primary and final effector mechanisms in this process, i.e., which kinin receptors are involved and which chloride channels are responsible for chloride secretion. The approach used was to modify the mice genetically and assess the effects on kinin mediated chloride secretion using voltage clamping at zero potential. Briefly, LBK increased SCC in mouse colon by approximately 150 microA cm-2 with an EC50 of approximately 5 nM. In null CF mice LBK, 1 microM had no effect on chloride secretion, but reduced SCC due to K+ secretion. This effect is normally masked in wild-type tissues by dominant chloride secretion, but can be shown to occur to the same extent by measuring K+ secretion with radioisotopes. Null CF mice produce no cftr, but CFTR was introduced into CF mice by injecting a YAC containing the human CF gene into the pronucleus of CF zygotes. Colonic epithelia from mice with the incorporated YAC showed the same sensitivity to LBK as wild-type tissues and achieved the same maximal chloride secretory response. Colonic epithelia from mice in which the B2r gene had been disrupted showed no response to LBK at normally supramaximally effective concentrations, although responses to other secretagogues were normal. Similarly des-Arg-BK caused no acute chloride secretory response in colonic epithelia from B2 knockout mice, however small responses appeared if tissues were incubated in vitro for 3-6 h. It is concluded that cftr chloride channels and B2rs are required for electrogenic chloride secretion. Further CFTR can replace cftr with no effect on either the sensitivity or extent of chloride secretion. In vitro, colonic epithelia may generate B1rs which, upon activation, have a minor effect on chloride secretory activity.  相似文献   

The availability of organic carbon is considered the key factor to regulate microbial regrowth in drinking water network. However, boreal regions (northern Europe, Russia, and North America) contain a large amount of organic carbon in forests and peatlands. Therefore, natural waters (lakes, rivers, and groundwater) in the northern hemisphere generally have a high content of organic carbon. We found that microbial growth in drinking water in Finland is highly regulated not only by organic carbon but also by the availability of phosphorus. Microbial growth increased up to a phosphate concentration of 10 micrograms of PO4-P liter-1. Inorganic elements other than phosphorus did not affect microbial growth in drinking water. This observation offers novel possibilities to restrict microbial growth in water distribution systems by developing technologies to remove phosphorus efficiently from drinking water.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates from an unchlorinated potable groundwater system and a chlorinated surface water system were screened by an agar overlay method for the ability to produce bacteriocin-like substances (BLS) inhibitory to the growth of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., and Enterobacter aerogenes. The production of coliform-specific BLS by noncoliform bacteria varied with the site and date of isolation as well as the genus of the producer strain. A total of 448 bacterial isolates were screened from the chlorinated system, and 22.1% produced BLS specific for at least one of the three coliforms. In the unchlorinated system, 7.9% (n = 696) possessed this ability. Flavobacterium/Moraxella comprised 57.1% of all bacteria (from both systems) producing BLS. The possibility that BLS interfere with coliform detection in standard bacteriological water quality tests is discussed.  相似文献   

In the context of evaluating their pathogenic relevance, culture on solid media is the only approach presently suitable for culture of psychotrophic aeromonads from drinking water. In this respect, a check must be effected to ensure that the culture medium cannot engender selective culture losses for individual species. For this reason, media to which e.g. ampicillin has been added are unsuitable.  相似文献   

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