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The present study examines the relationship between technology self-efficacy among university students and gender roles. Previous research has based differences in technology self-efficacy on biological sex and found significant differences. University students were asked to complete a survey dealing with gender roles and technology self-efficacy. The current study shows that gender roles, specifically masculinity, is the source of this difference in technology self-efficacy, and not biological sex alone. Further, masculinity predicts technology self-efficacy above and beyond what can be explained by other contributing factors such as previous computer hassles and perceived structural technology support.  相似文献   

We investigated how the CIO's job has changed over the past years and found that the CIOs’ role has evolved to reflect both the firm's IS infrastructure and strategy. This has led to two versions of the role: an executive-level manager focused on the firm's strategy and processes, and a technical manager focused on minimizing costs by rationalizing and leveraging the existing IS infrastructure. The degree to which a firm has standardized its IS architecture infrastructure, and the degree to which IS enables core products, services, processes, or competitive advantage of the firm impact the nature of the role.  相似文献   

The problem described in this research is to identify which factors influence on engineering students about their acceptance of an academic administrative information system in private universities in Lima, Peru. The objective is to identify factors by proposing a Technology Acceptance Model of an Academic and Administrative Information System. University population is described, both private and public. The investigation is based on two private universities. The results show the relationship between the selected variables. Finally, recommendations are given to act on the variables that determine the acceptance of information technology.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a dramatic proliferation in the number of blogs; however, little is published about what motivates people to participate in blog activities. Based on the theory of reasoned action, we developed a model involving technology acceptance, knowledge sharing and social influences. A survey of 212 blog participants found strong support for the model. The results indicated that ease of use and enjoyment, and knowledge sharing (altruism and reputation) were positively related to attitude toward blogging, and accounted for 78% of the variance. On the other hand, social factors (community identification) and attitude toward blogging significantly influenced a blog participant's intention to continue to use blogs. Together they explain 83% of the variance of intention to blog.  相似文献   

Using data from 1216 students and professionals, this research developed a new construct focusing on beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology, the computing technology continuum of perspective (CP). Results indicated that individuals have different beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology along four dimensions, including beliefs about: 1) intelligence; 2) socialness; 3) control; 4) control of rights. Results further indicated that an individual's CP was related to gender, experience with computers, as well as locus of control, self-esteem, neuroticism and general computer self-efficacy. Implications are drawn for future research investigating various beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology.  相似文献   

Using data from 1216 students and professionals, this research developed a new construct focusing on beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology, the computing technology continuum of perspective (CP). Results indicated that individuals have different beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology along four dimensions, including beliefs about: 1) intelligence; 2) socialness; 3) control; 4) control of rights. Results further indicated that an individual's CP was related to gender, experience with computers, as well as locus of control, self-esteem, neuroticism and general computer self-efficacy. Implications are drawn for future research investigating various beliefs about the social role and capabilities of computing technology.  相似文献   

Participation in virtual communities of practice (vCoP) can be influenced at the same time by technology acceptance and by community factors. To overcome methodological issues connected with the analysis of these influences, learning analytics were applied. Based on a recent vCoP model, the collaborative dialogue comprising 4040 interventions in 1981 messages created by a vCoP located at a US American online university was automatically analyzed. The text-based asynchronous online discussions were scored using a cohesion-based participation and collaboration analysis. Additionally, a sample of N = 133 vCoP participants responded a technology acceptance survey. Thus, a combined research model including the vCoP model and an established technology acceptance model was verified. The results confirmed the vCoP model entirely, and the acceptance model only partially. As consequence for educational research, the CoP model was confirmed and extended to vCoP settings, while the acceptance model appears to need reconsideration. For academic practice, the study initiates the development of assessment tools fostering knowledge sharing through dialogue in vCoP. Also, it suggests how virtual classrooms can be extended to open spaces where value creation takes place through social learning. Learning analytics proved thus successful, provides information that impacts both theory and practice of technology-enhanced learning.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that online leaders play an important role in sustaining community activities. Although the research has contributed to our understanding of how leaders develop effective ways to operate a community, most only provide a snapshot view of online leadership, thus paying little attention to changes in leaders in a communal context. In this study, we adopt the theory of networked influence to investigate the dynamics of online leadership using a longitudinal analysis. Data were collected from an online community in operation for 10 years. By conducting social network analysis using qualitative methods, we identified several types of emerging and coexisting online leadership, i.e., responsive expert leader, multiboard connectors, and social bond leader. The community’s sustainability did not rely on the same leaders throughout its temporal development but rather a “relay event” involving passing on the baton among different leaders with their specific leadership styles, which had a significant positive impact on the sustainability of user participation.  相似文献   

We conducted a quantitative meta-analysis of previous research on the technology acceptance model (TAM) in an attempt to make well-grounded statements on the role of subjective norm. Furthermore, we compared TAM results by taking into account moderating effects of one individual-related factor (type of respondents), one technology-related factor (type of technology), and one contingent factor (culture). Results indicated a significant influence of subjective norm on perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use. Moderating effects were found for all three factors. The findings yielded managerial implications for both intra-company and market-based settings.  相似文献   

王舰  王志宏  张乐君 《计算机应用》2018,38(4):1201-1206
针对舆论传播过程中复杂动力学演化问题,提出一种基于传播动力学的舆论动态演化模型。首先,构建舆论及舆论演化模型,通过方程变换求出静态解;其次,引入Fokker-Planck方程对舆论演化渐近行为进行分析,得到稳态解决方案并求解,构建复杂网络与模型的关联并提出仿真研究实验目的;最后,通过对舆论演化模型及引入Fokker-Planck方程的舆论意见模型进行仿真分析,并以真实微博舆论数据为例进行实证分析,研究舆论在复杂网络中传播和演化的实质。实验结果表明舆论网络演化渐近行为与度分布相一致,网络舆论传播中的连接方式会受到节点意见影响,模型能有效描述微博舆论传播网络形成和演化过程的动力学行为。  相似文献   

为解决二维绘图设计信息散碎、跨专业人员理解难度大、效率低及设计周期长等难题,将BIM技术应用到生态河湖工程中。立足生态河湖工程特点,结合以往工程设计经验,对Autodesk和Dassault 2种BIM软件平台进行对比分析,分析优劣及适用性,最终确定Autodesk的Civil 3D和Revit软件更适用于生态河湖治理工程。根据这2款BIM软件的整体架构特点及适用范围,研究出一套适用于生态河湖工程三维设计的解决方案,并应用于沁阳市城区段生态综合治理工程中。实际应用表明:应用基于BIM技术的全流程解决方案,可创建河道和建筑物BIM模型,自动统计工程量及生成图纸,大大提高生产效率,节约人力、物力和成本,提高出手产品质量。  相似文献   

The aim of study is to examine whether social influence affects medical professionals’ behavioral intention to use while introducing a new Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS). The series of Technology Acceptance Models (TAMs) have been widely applied to examine new technology acceptance by scholars; nevertheless, these models omit system diversity and the user’s profession. On the other hand, causal analysis greatly affects the efficiency of decision-making, and it is usually analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM); however, the method is often misapplied. This research applies the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to explore the causal relationship between the significant Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) variables. Fuzzy concept is applied to illustrate human vague judgment. It is significant that, in contrary with UTAUT, this study found that social influence does not matter in the behavioral intention to use the CDSS for medical professionals.  相似文献   

差分进化算法以遗传算法为基础,在算法中引入扰动矢量,利用个体间的距离和方向等信息进行搜索,克服遗传算法容易“早熟”的缺陷。此外,差分进化算法收敛性及鲁棒性好,控制变量需要得不多,简单易用。分析差分进化算法的寻优性能,并将它应用于铯一铷一钒系低温硫酸催化剂中,SO2氧化反应的参数估计,证明利用差分进化算法得到的模型更加精确。  相似文献   

目前软件体系结构动态演化的元胞自动机模型存在描述单一、元胞间关系不明确、没有详细阐述动态演化过程应用约束条件的缺点。针对这些不足进行相关的研究,重新定义了软件体系结构动态演化的扩展元胞自动机模型,基于扩展元胞自动机模型结合演化应用约束条件,分析了软件体系结构的动态演化过程,运用元胞间控制约束条件和行为相关约束条件来正确地指导SA动态演化。提出了动点稳态转移的概念,对演化程度和一致性进行定义分析,此方法比以往的元胞自动机模型更能准确指导SA动态演化,促进SA动态演化的进一步研究。通过案例验证了该方法的应用价值和可行性,可以更全面地应用于软件体系结构的动态演化。  相似文献   

Appropriate maintenance technologies that facilitate model consistency in distributed simulation systems are relevant but generally unavailable. To resolve this problem, we analyze the main factors that cause model inconsistency. The analysis methods used for traditional distributed simulations are mostly empirical and qualitative, and disregard the dynamic characteristics of factor evolution in model operational running. Furthermore, distributed simulation applications (DSAs) are rapidly evolving in terms of large-scale, distributed, service-oriented, compositional, and dynamic features. Such developments present difficulty in the use of traditional analysis methods in DSAs, for the analysis of factorial effects on simulation models. To solve these problems, we construct a dynamic evolution mechanism of model consistency, called the connected model hyper-digraph (CMH). CMH is developed using formal methods that accurately specify the evolutional processes and activities of models (i.e., self-evolution, interoperability, compositionality, and authenticity). We also develop an algorithm of model consistency evolution (AMCE) based on CMH to quantitatively and dynamically evaluate influencing factors. Experimental results demonstrate that non-combination (33.7% on average) is the most influential factor, non-single-directed understanding (26.6%) is the second most influential, and non-double-directed understanding (5.0%) is the least influential. Unlike previous analysis methods, AMCE provides good fea- sibility and effectiveness. This research can serve as guidance for designers of consistency maintenance technologies toward achieving a high level of consistency in future DSAs.  相似文献   

With remarkable growth of ICT development and the Internet popularity, the widespread use of the electronic service is becoming inevitable. Furthermore, as the user adoption plays an important role for successful and effective implementation of any project, thus, there is a need to assess user acceptance of the e-service technology. This research developed the E-Service Technology Acceptance Model (ETAM) to assess the user acceptance of e-service technology. According to the literature review in the field of e-service technology and acceptance theories, this study identified the main factors influencing the acceptance of e-services, namely satisfaction, security and quality and then, dimensions of these factors were extracted from the previous studies. In order to categorise the dimensions, an exploratory survey was developed and conducted among the university students and then, the exploratory factor analysis was applied. Afterwards, a confirmatory survey was designed and conducted among the 427 Malaysians and tested in terms of validity (content and construct) and reliability and then used to evaluate the ETAM. Finally, the structural equation modelling was applied to validate the casual relations and to assess the goodness-of-fit. The results of this study revealed that quality, security and satisfaction significantly influenced the intention to use an e-service and consequently the acceptance of e-service technology. The ETAM can help evaluate and predict how users will respond to an e-service before starting the development of any e-service project. Additionally, ETAM can be used as a foundation for e-service providers to develop strategies to encourage people to use e-services and increase the usage and acceptance rate of e-services.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, the researchers of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) attempted to do relevant research on natural language processing. With more than 40-year’s effort, HIT has already established three research laboratories for Chinese information processing, i.e. the Machine Intelligence and Translation Laboratory (MI&T Lab), the Intelligent Technology and Natural Language Processing Laboratory (ITNLP) and the Information Retrieval Laboratory (IR-Lab). At present, it has a well-balanced research team of over 200 persons, and the research interests have extended to language processing, machine translation, text retrieval and other fields. Harbin Institute of Technology has accumulated a batch of key techniques and data resources, won many prizes in the technical evaluations at home and abroad. Harbin Institute of Technology has become one of the most important natural language processing bases for teaching and scientific research in China now. This paper gives an introduction to the achievements on NLP in HIT.  相似文献   

It is thought that gains in student learning from the use of digital technologies are more likely to be related to teachers' practice than the technology itself. In secondary schooling, a key aspect of this is concerned with understanding how digital technologies are used to support teaching and learning in specific subject areas. Subject areas have their own conventions and expectations for learning that will influence teachers' technology use and technology-supported student tasks. The aim of this paper is to present confirmatory factor analysis of a scale considering common technology-related tasks in three subject areas. Data included in the current analysis are teacher questionnaires collected in 2010 (N = 3624), as part of a large-scale one-to-one laptop initiative in Australia. Results from the 2010 data confirm a five-factor structure revealing significant differences in teachers' professional and instructional uses of digital technologies among three core subject areas: English, Mathematics and Science. Trends are confirmed through a second teacher data set collected in 2011 for Wave 2 of the same one-on-one laptop initiative. Implications of these findings in relation to understanding and supporting effective technology integration and areas of future research are discussed.  相似文献   

利用社交网络大数据进行用户影响力分析,有助于识别网络环境中影响力强的用户以实现其社会和商业价值。传统方法无法高效处理海量社交网络数据,定量准确地分析用户影响力。为解决该问题,本文提出一种基于PageRank算法的改进的用户影响力评价模型,综合考虑了用户连接程度和活跃程度,并以支持大规模并行图计算的Spark GraphX为工具,快速高效地实现了微博用户影响力的定量分析与评价。实验结果表明,本文所提方法效率更高,得到的用户影响力结果更接近真实情况。  相似文献   

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