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Provides information on testimony before a congressional committee regarding three bills relating to governmental activity in the field of mental health. A statement is provided by Fillmore Sanford on mental health legislation. Information is presented regarding a bill that was before the House Committee on the Armed Services designed to extend to "certain scientists" the same supplemental pay now going to doctors, dentists, and veterinarians on active duty with the Armed Forces. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

From the editor.     
Elliot Jurist, in beginning his third year as editor of Psychoanalytic Psychology, offers a few reflections on the field of psychoanalytic psychology, particularly in relation to the wider field of mental health. He introduces an interview that he conducted with Peter Fonagy, discusses the importance of Psychoanalytic Psychology remaining a scholarly journal, and notes that contributions to the journal are invited that discuss the place of psychoanalytic psychology in relation to the field of clinical psychology and the wider realm of mental health professions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The road to comprehensive mental health parity legislation at the state level often reaches a dead end when mental health advocates are forced to compromise by accepting partial parity for "severe mental illness" (SMI) only. In 1999 Connecticut became the first state to modify a biologically based or SMI mental health parity law into comprehensive mental health and substance abuse parity legislation. In this article we chronicle the fight for mental health parity in Connecticut and discuss subtleties of legislative advocacy. This information should prove useful to psychologists who are pursuing parity in other states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 1994 Maryland passed a mental health parity law. Although the law specified minimums for insurance coverage, it allowed insurers to deny payment if treatments were not medically necessary or through a process of managed care. To learn more about the impact of this law, we conducted 5 focus groups composed of people involved in mental health care in Maryland. The groups suggested that the law was a small step in the direction of improving access to mental health care. However, they also indicated that parity legislation might do better to the extent that such bills provide for monitoring of medically necessary and managed-care provisions and, if warranted, improve them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Summarizes legislation introduced or cosponsored by the author, a US Senator from Minnesota, to respond to Americans' need for mental health services. This legislation included the Medicare Ambulatory Mental Health Services Access Amendments of 1987; S.123, a bill that would amend Part B of the Medicare program to recognize and reimburse psychologists as independent mental health providers; S.763, the Services for Homeless Mentally Ill Individuals Act of 1987; S.809, the Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act; and S.1663, the Child Abuse Prevention Act of 1987. The author encourages mental health professionals to promote public policies that expand Americans' access to public health services through research, effective communication of this research, and preventive mental health efforts (such as programs aimed at preventing teen suicide). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Letter comments on the June 1963 American Psychologist. According to the author, there is a great deal of experimentation and research to be done and an opportunity to funnel into mental health the many behavioral science and technological advances and apply them toward the needs of a growing and problem-wracked society. He states that psychology has a challenge of actively participating, or abdicating and letting other professional groups pre-empt the area of mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 2001 Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest was awarded to Henry P. David. He is cited for his leadership roles and international research contributions in the areas of population, women's issues, and mental health. His pioneering research on reproductive behavior has had worldwide impact, helping to strengthen women's rights, improve access to modern methods of fertility regulation, and encourage responsible parenthood. He also facilitated interactions of psychology with mental health and population concerns in the US and abroad. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Range Way.     
The author explains that the Range Mental Health Center was founded as a result of recognition by interested citizens on the Iron Range that the problems of mental disorder and the stimulation of positive mental health requires a broad program based on strengthening and co-ordinating community resources. The program carries a sociological and public health orientation. The intent is not merely the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, nor is the goal limited to prevention and educational endeavors. Rather, the goal is the conservation, development, and full utilization of human resources for the betterment of the individual and society. The basic philosophy underlying the program is the conviction that assisting people in emotional distress is not a skill restricted to personnel trained in psychiatry, psychology, or psychiatric social work, but rather it is a human skill which all people possess. He goes on to outline the Center's philosophy and practice in addressing mental illness issues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the two sets of criteria that generally categorize mental health: those that emphasize internal events and those that deal with external events. The author discusses the future of mental health in light of many of its current trends, including greater acceptance of diversity, and he discusses the potential future role of the mental health professional. The author notes that greater numbers of mental health professionals have gotten involved with different populations, and suggests that the majority of mental health professionals will probably be experts in handling small units of behavior or experience for a limited time. The very process of making predictions changes the future course of events. Let us hope that this intricate process will result in greater satisfaction for greater numbers of people. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Richard A. Pasewark was born on October 21, 1927, and died on February 2, 2007, at home in Oak Harbor, Washington, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Richard received his bachelor's degree from City College of New York (1949) and his master's (1950) and doctoral (1957) degrees in psychology from New York University. He joined the Wyoming Division of Mental Health in 1957 and by 1959 became its director, the first psychologist in history to become a director of a state division of mental health. In 1961 he joined the faculty at the University of Wyoming (UW), where he remained for 33 years, giving tirelessly of himself to the department, students, faculty, university, and region. No one has had a greater impact on the face of psychology in Wyoming than Richard, who helped to develop licensing laws, commitment procedures, definitions of mental illness, and other legislation related to the practice of psychology. He was instrumental in obtaining grants and establishing community mental health centers and other service organizations throughout the state. In addition to being actively involved at the community, state, regional, and national levels, Richard was also a respected scholar and author of more than 125 publications, 15 grants, and numerous presentations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

John Janeway Conger, one of the 1986 recipients of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest, is recognized for "his remarkable contributions to the public interest during the course of his unique career as a researcher, teacher, administrator and policymaker in psychology. A foremost expert in the areas of childhood and adolescence, he is author of two exemplary texts. He contributed extensive research and policy consultation to the field of highway safety. He has made his expertise in human development and mental health available in influential positions, most notably as member of President Carter's Commission on Mental Health and as the first consultant on Mental Health (later, Vice President) to the MacArthur Foundation. His presidency of the APA focused on public interest issues of particular concern to children and youth. The same sterling qualities of competence and responsibility led to his long tenure as Vice President of Medical Affairs and Dean at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, a leadership role to which he was recently recalled as Acting Chancellor. In all of these roles, he has represented psychology at its best with wisdom, grace, unusual effectiveness and dedication." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Jum Clarence Nunnally was known for his book on the attitudes toward mental health Popular Conceptions of Mental Health (1961). He also worked on measurement methods and published several articles on factor analysis and other issues in measurement. At Vanderbilt University he published four additional books and an additional 110 articles, achieving wide recognition as a research methodologist before his death from cancer on August 22, 1982. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mental Fitness.     
The author explores Andie Knutson's plea for a more appropriate term to describe the positive aspects of mental health (see record 1964-01167-001) and suggest the term mental fitness. She provides the definition of fitness and explains that this concept of mental fitness carries much of the connotation we are groping for. It forms an excellent counterpart for the late President Kennedy's program for physical fitness. At the same time, it avoids the unfortunate connotation of illness, and consequent restriction to medical care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Emory L. Cowen.     
Presents an overview of the career contributions of Emory L. Cowen. For his remarkable contributions to conceptual, empirical and human service advances in the fields of community and clinical psychology, community mental health and education. He has been instrumental in the creation of a field for an entire generation of psychologists. His work has changed public schools throughout the United States. His ideas, research, model programs, program evaluations, and workshops have inspired others to generate new programs that provide affordable human services to thousands of children who are otherwise unlikely to receive help. He pioneered early detection and secondary prevention research. His clear thinking and conceptual challenges have fostered the study of primary prevention and wellness in mental health, both as a field for research and as a social policy. His tireless efforts as President of APA's Division of Community Psychology, a member of the Prevention Task Panel of the President's Commission on Mental Health, and the APA Task Force on Promotion, Prevention and Intervention Alternatives in Psychology are examples of his energetic contributions to psychology in the public interest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of psychologists as health care providers and the parameters of reimbursement for health care services are timely and controversial issues. A landmark decision was reached in this controversy in the 1980 appeal of a Virginia suit by clinical psychologists in which the court ruled that Blue Shield's refusal to directly reimburse psychologists was a violation of antitrust law. Thus, the requirement that psychologists bill through physicians was not upheld. In recent years a specific aspect of this controversy involved psychologists' roles in potential national health insurance programs. A limited study (appearing in the "National Register of Health Services Providers in Psychology" 1976-1978) of clinical psychologists' attitudes toward national health insurance suggests that Congress and psychologists may have disparate views. In addition to favoring national health insurance, over 85% of psychologists surveyed responded that consumers would benefit from such a program with mental health coverage. Only 16% agreed that such a program would constitute a subsidy of the rich by the poor (Albee, 1977). Several areas of conflicting or confusing responses in this study may reflect legitimate reasons for concern by Congress regarding institution of national health insurance. Belief that providers would benefit from mental health coverage in a national health insurance program was shared by 80% of respondents. Ninety-five percent of respondents identified the inclusion or exclusion of clinical psychologists in such a national health insurance as affecting the future of the profession. Curiously, over 50% of respondents agreed that primary care physicians should be reimbursed for mental health services, although such physicians have received no formal training in psychological services. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to commentary by I. Silverman (see record 2007-08963-001) entitled "Review of Pure types are rare": Comment on book review. I do not think that either one of us will change his position, and therefore it is up to the interested (yet disinterested) reader to adjudicate our dispute by checking Professor Silverman's book and his references. In the process, the reader will be forced to consider the thought-provoking implications for our mental health system of some of the incidents which the author describes so vividly, and that will not be a bad thing. There is one point, however, which is worth pursuing further here, for Professor Silverman persists in an elementary statistical fallacy. Let us take the situation which he cites, where the base rate for diagnosing schizophrenia is 50%. Suppose with the same base rate the degree of agreement is in fact 53%; this is far above chance level. It must be emphasized, however, that the 53% agreement under discussion came not from a study where the base rate for diagnosing schizophrenia was 50%, but from one where the conditions were far more stringent since the base rate for diagnosing schizophrenia was around 20%. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author revived the methodology used by David Rosenhan in his controversial 1973 study, titled "On Being Sane in Insane Places" (Rosenhan, see record 1973-21600-001) in order to evaluate whether progress has occurred in the mental health field over the past several decades. In a seminal study by Rosenhan (1973), 8 people without any history of psychiatric illness presented themselves at various mental hospitals. Each of these pseudopatients arrived at the admissions office complaining of a single (feigned) symptom: vague auditory hallucinations. They were all admitted to the hospital, and their average length of stay was 19 days, despite the fact that once they were on the unit, they ceased feigning the symptom and behaved normally. Rosenhan claimed that the results of this study illustrated the powerful role of context in determining how people's behavior is regarded and raised serious questions about the validity of psychiatric diagnoses. The present study is a replication of sorts, modified to suit the contemporary, postdeinstitutionalization state of mental health care. The findings suggest that a significant shift has occurred in mental health care since 1973. At the time of the original study by Rosenhan (1973), the troubling issue was the ease with which people could receive an unwarranted diagnosis and unnecessary treatment for a nonexistent mental disorder. In today's mental health care environment, the troubling issue is the difficulty involved in obtaining treatment that is warranted for conditions that are present. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Volunteering on a disaster mental health team to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina can affect a psychologist in a number of ways that cannot be known until after the experience has taken place. Such an event will have a unique impact based on who the person is, on his or her life experience, and on what activities he or she conducted. This article shares the impact this experience has had on a psychologist who had never before been involved in a disaster mental health effort. The focus is on how this experience has helped to shape and influence the author's present clinical work, both as a practitioner and program administrator. Rather than learning anything completely novel or foreign, instead, this experience has shed light on things known but that were in some ways forgotten or less fully appreciated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The article by Lahey (May–June 2009) provided a timely and important review of a growing body of evidence linking the personality trait of neuroticism to a host of health and psychosocial outcomes with public health significance. Lahey (2009) highlighted the links between high neuroticism and mental health, physical health, and quality of life and described the putative genetic and environmental causes of high neuroticism. He recommended screening for high neuroticism and interventions for those presenting this trait in order to reduce health care costs resulting from the associated conditions. We applaud his treatise but note that it failed to address the impact of high neuroticism among parents on their children’s long-term psychosocial functioning and mental health. In sum, Lahey (2009) provided a compelling argument for considering interventions for persons with high neuroticism as a public health initiative. We strongly support this call for action, as evidence does show that neuroticism adversely affects not only the individual and his or her social environment but the generations to follow. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The statement made on behalf of the American Psychological Association is in support of Senate Bills 755 and 756 developed by Congress in response to President Kennedy's message on mental illness and mental retardation. "The psychologist is vitually concerned with the problems of mental disorders and of mental retardation. He is especially interested in research, and in the provision of services to people through the organized agencies of society, such as the public schools, community mental health centers, hospitals, institutions for the retarded, and rehabilitation agencies of many kinds." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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