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The major immediate-early (MIE) gene products of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are nuclear phosphoproteins that are thought to play key roles in initiating lytic cycle gene regulation pathways. We have examined the intranuclear localization pattern of both the IE1 and IE2 proteins in virus-infected and DNA-transfected cells. When HCMV-infected human diploid fibroblast (HF) cells were stained with specific monoclonal antibodies, IE1 localized as a mixture of nuclear diffuse and punctate patterns at very early times (2 h) but changed to an exclusively nuclear diffuse pattern at later times. In contrast, IE2 was distributed predominantly in nuclear punctate structures continuously from 2 to at least 12 h after infection. These punctate structures resembled the preexisting PML-associated nuclear bodies (ND10 or PML oncogenic domains [PODs]) that are disrupted and dispersed by the IE110 protein as a very early event in herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. However, HCMV differed from HSV by leading instead to a change in both the PML and SP100 protein distribution from punctate bodies to uniform diffuse patterns, a process that was complete in 50% of the cells at 2 h and in 90% of the cells by 4 h after infection. Confocal double-label indirect immunofluorescence assay analysis confirmed that both IE1 and IE2 colocalized transiently with PML in punctate bodies at very early times after infection. In transient expression assays, introduction of IE1-encoding plasmid DNA alone into Vero or HF cells produced the typical total redistribution of PML into a uniform nuclear diffuse pattern together with the IE1 protein, whereas introduction of IE2-encoding plasmid DNA alone resulted in stable colocalization of the IE2 protein with PML in the PODs. A truncated mutant form of IE1 gave large nuclear aggregates and failed to redistribute PML, and similarly a deleted mutant form of IE2 failed to colocalize with the punctate PML bodies, confirming the specificity of these effects. Furthermore, both Vero and U373 cell lines constitutively expressing IE1 also showed total PML relocalization together with the IE1 protein into a nuclear diffuse pattern, although a very small percentage of the cells which failed to express IE1 reverted to a punctate PML pattern. Finally, the PML redistribution activity of IE1 and the direct association of IE2 with PML punctate bodies were both confirmed by infection with E1A-negative recombinant adenovirus vectors expressing either IE1 or IE2 alone. These results confirm that transient colocalization with and disruption of PML-associated nuclear bodies by IE1 and continuous targeting to PML-associated nuclear bodies by IE2 are intrinsic properties of these two MIE regulatory proteins, which we suggest may represent critical initial events for efficient lytic cycle infection by HCMV.  相似文献   

Responses of cytotoxic T-cells (Tc) to human cytomegalovirus (CMV) represent the predominant mechanism by which hosts resist CMV infection. The CMV major immediate-early protein (IE) is present throughout the virus replicative cycle. Studies were performed to determine whether Tc specific for IE effectively lyse CMV-infected targets and are thus capable of providing protective immunity against infection. After in vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with CMV-infected autologous fibroblasts, Tc specific for IE were not readily detectable in CMV-reactive polyclonal Tc lines. However, after stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with cells selectively expressing IE, weak but detectable IE-specific Tc responses were observed. The frequency of IE-specific Tc clones derived from cultures stimulated with IE-expressing cells was 50 to 100 times lower than the frequency of Tc clones specific for other CMV proteins isolated from cultures stimulated with CMV-infected cells. All of the IE-specific Tc clones, which efficiently lysed targets selectively expressing IE, demonstrated minimal lysis of CMV-infected fibroblasts, despite abundant IE expression in these target cells. In contrast to these results with IE, other viral proteins were efficiently presented during all phases of CMV infection. These data suggest that CMV has evolved a unique mechanism for selectively limiting the presentation of the potentially immunogenic IE protein, which may preclude IE-specific Tc from providing protective immunity to CMV infection.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can cause debilitating, sometimes fatal, opportunistic infections in congenitally infected infants and in immunodeficient individuals such as patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Molecular mechanisms that determine cell type specificity of HCMV infection and latency are poorly understood. We recently described a transgenic mouse model for analysis of HCMV major immediate-early (IE) promoter regulation and showed that sites of IE promoter activity during murine embryogenesis correlate with known target tissues of congenital HCMV infection in human fetuses (Koedood et al., 1995). Among various permissive human tissues, the brain is a site where HCMV infections can be devastating. Here, we have used immunohistochemical double-labeling analysis to identify specific cell types with HCMV-IE promoter activity in brains of transgenic mice at several postnatal stages. IE promoter activity was restricted to some endothelial cells, ependymal cells, choroid plexus epithelia, and neurons at discrete locations in the forebrain, brainstem, and cerebellum. Endothelial cells and neurons with activity were proportionately more abundant in neonatal than in adult brains. Although the IE promoter was normally silent in most astrocytes, activity was strongly induced in reactive astrocytes in response to a neocortical stab lesion. The findings support a model, consistent with clinical literature on HCMV encephalitis, whereby tissue damage and gliosis caused by HCMV infection of endothelial and ependymal cells progressively renders adjacent permissive neurons and reactive astrocytes accessible to infection. This transgenic model system should facilitate identification of factors that regulate the HCMV IE promoter with regard to infection permissivity and reactivation from latency.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early promoter (MIEP) is one of the first promoters to activate upon infection. To examine HCMV MIEP tissue-specific expression, transgenic mice were established containing the lacZ gene regulated by the MIEP (nucleotides -670 to +54). In the transgenic mice, lacZ expression was demonstrated in 19 of 29 tissues tested by histochemical and immunochemical analyses. These tissues included brain, eye, spinal cord, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, testis, ovary, spleen, salivary gland, thymus, bone marrow, skin, cartilage, and cardiac, striated and smooth muscles. Although expression was observed in multiple organs, promoter activity was restricted to specific cell types. The cell types which demonstrated HCMV MIEP expression included retinal cells of the eye, ductile cells of the salivary gland, exocrine cells of the pancreas, mucosal cells of the stomach and intestine, neuronal cells of the brain, muscle fibers, thecal cells of the corpus luteum, and Leydig and sperm cells of the testis. These observations indicate that the HCMV MIEP is not a pan-specific promoter and that the majority of expressing tissues correlate with tissues naturally infected by the virus in the human host.  相似文献   

The human adenovirus 5 E1B 55-kDa protein is required for efficient nucleocytoplasmic transport of late viral mRNAs. This protein is shown to have RNA-binding activity which maps to a region of the protein with homology to a family of RNA-binding proteins and which has been shown previously to be essential for functionality of the protein in vivo.  相似文献   

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