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This article describes the planning (including the technical and administrative preparations) as well as the execution of the telecommunications services at the Lillehammer 1904 Winter Olympics. The regulator's role is discussed as well  相似文献   

北京冬奥会大幕即将拉开,届时预计有超过20万部无线电设备在奥运期间集中使用,赛事场馆及核心区域电磁环境非常复杂。为保障赛事指挥调度、电视转播、文艺演出、计时记分等重要业务无线电设备的安全正常使用,数百名"电波卫士"在赛事场馆、指挥中心等一线默默奋战,用自己的专业、辛苦和汗水,为举办一届"简约、安全、精彩"的奥运盛会贡献力量。  相似文献   

当前,智慧城市建设正处于高速发展,然而城市管理相关的数据、应用、部门职责缺乏整合,难以发挥智慧城市整体效益。身份与访问控制技术作为连接中枢,为智慧城市的安全连接、高效共享和集约化管理提供核心支撑能力,因此通过分析智慧城市建设的核心要素和面临的挑战,基于智慧城市万物互联、开放共享的背景,提出了以智能身份与访问管理技术作为智慧城市安全底座的核心组件,为智慧城市建设提供端到端的全流程的可信数字身份服务。  相似文献   

Editor's NoteIt's no secret that undergraduate computer science enrollment, which has suffered through one of its periodic downturns, seems to have bottomed out but is now on an upswing. This cyclic behavior has been occurring for many years now, producing many exciting ideas concerning how to revamp introductory computer science courses to make them more exciting and relevant, and to show beginning students that computer science entails more than just programming. Georgia Tech, one of the active participants in this revamp, has developed the concept of threads (a means to connect chunks of related knowledge across different courses) and is devising techniques to enrich beginning courses using minirobots and multimedia. The present article, written by Andrew Phelps and his group at the Rochester Institute of Technology, describes a parallel effort to use gaming as a way to improve learning and to demonstrate to students that computer science is indeed exciting and cool.—William I. Grosky  相似文献   

根据城市接入网的现状及近期用户需求,提出城市光纤接入网勘察的主要内容。结合光纤接入网分层规划模型模型,对城市光纤接入网的主干层、分配层和引入层的规划设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   

It's no secret that undergraduate computer science enrollment, which has suffered through one of its periodic downturns, seems to have bottomed out but is now on an upswing. This cyclic behavior has been occurring for many years now, producing many exciting ideas concerning how to revamp introductory computer science courses to make them more exciting and relevant, and to show beginning students that computer science entails more than just programming. Georgia Tech, one of the active participants in this revamp, has developed the concept of threads (a means to connect chunks of related knowledge across different courses) and is devising techniques to enrich beginning courses using minirobots and multimedia. The present article, the second of two parts, written by Andrew Phelps and his group at the Rochester Institute of Technology, describes a parallel effort to use gaming as a way to improve learning and to demonstrate to students that computer science is indeed exciting and cool.  相似文献   

指挥中心靠前指挥,全面进入赛时状态 2021年11月10日,张家口赛区无线电安全保障指挥中心正式启用,第一批8名保障队员入驻场馆.11月22日,指挥中心全面开启赛时调度运行模式,场馆保障队员分三批完成入驻.测试赛期间,按照一个团队保障一个场馆、外围团队全力支援保障场馆团队原则,实行一线现场保障与后方技术服务支撑相结合,...  相似文献   

网络结构自调整的柔性内涵初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从微观和定量意义的服务效果对应用要求一致匹配的角度探索了网络重构柔性的内涵,具体地揭示了跟随应用时变要求的时变信道这一可重构网络的核心特征,然后从该时变信道"一致满足"应用要求的目标出发,进一步揭示了重构柔性的"渐变跟随"、"着眼整体"、"隐性隔离"和"自主驱动"4个重要内涵,采用指数移动平均、n:m表决、马尔科夫决策和强化学习定量地刻画了效果对要求的稳定偏离和资源调整幅度的最佳顺序决策。  相似文献   

随着工业经济的迅速发展,颗粒物已经逐步成为我国大气污染的首要污染源,考虑到对人体的健康危害,大气颗粒物的数浓度值可能比质量浓度值更重要,因而对大气细粒子谱分布的研究也就越发显得重要.利用安徽光学精密机械研究所研制的大气细粒子谱分析仪,对北京城区奥运期间的大气细粒子实现从纳米到微米颗粒物的原位、快速、在线、宽范围粒径谱测量,并对奥运期间各粒径段内粒子日平均数浓度及实时变化规律进行分析.同时,结合地面能见度信息,对奥运赛事期间北京大气气溶胶细粒子谱分布特征及其与能见度的相关性进行了定性分析.结果表明,核模态粒子(5~20 nm)主要受气相成核过程的影响,其数浓度呈单峰值结构;爱根核模态(20~100 nm)受人为源及核模态粒子影响较大,其数浓度呈典型的三峰值结构;积聚模态(100 nm~1 μm)数浓度日变化不大,但受大风、降水等天气影响较大,且数浓度的高低将直接影响大气能见度.  相似文献   

随着信息网络技术的飞速发展,各种宽带网络接入技术应运而生,系统介绍几种主流宽带网络接入技术的原理、优点、缺点,并采用EPON+EOC技术方案,应用于高要市城区示范小区。  相似文献   

结合仪征市广电宽带城域网建设,简要分析广电网的优势,介绍几种广电宽带用户接入网的解决方案和成功经验。  相似文献   

Making information and telecommunications available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned to their social, urban and local planning and development, focused on life quality of their citizens and on the effectiveness of public management. Such a challenge requires the involvement of everyone in the city. The objective is to describe the information and telecommunications project from the planning of a digital city carried out in Vinhedo-SP, Brazil. It was built as a telecommunications infrastructure of the kind of “open access metropolitan area networks” which enables the integration of citizens in a single telecommunications environment. The research methodology was emphasized by a case study which turned to be a research-action, comprising the municipal administration and its local units. The results achieved describe, by means of a methodology, the phases, sub-phases, activities, approval points and resulting products, and formalize their respective challenges and difficulties. The contributions have to do with the practical feasibility of the project and execution of its methodology. The conclusion reiterates the importance of the project, collectively implemented and accepted, as a tool to help the management of cities, in the implementation of Strategic Digital City Projects, in the decisions of public administration managers, and in the quality of life of their citizens.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a highly reliable and flexible CMOS differential logic called current sensing differential logic (CSDL). This CSDL eliminates the timing constraints between the enable signal and input signals, which cause difficulties in design with conventional differential logic families, by employing a simple clocking scheme. The power-delay product of CSDL is also reduced by using a swing suppression technique. To verify the reliability and the applicability of the proposed CSDL in large very large-scale-integration systems, a 64-bit carry-lookahead adder has been fabricated in a 0.6 μm CMOS technology. Experimental results show that the critical path delay is 3.5 ns with a power consumption of 27 mW at 50 MHz  相似文献   

概述了海口市光纤接入网规划的必要性和步骤,阐述光网络单元(ONU)规划的主要考虑;重点简介了主干光缆网络规划的思路、考虑因素及主要结论;提出在建设时应注意的几点问题。  相似文献   

简要介绍由电信科学技术研究院牵头承担的国家863计划通信技术领域重大课题“实用化综合接入系统”的前期市场细分与技术路线、系统总体方案、研制过程与成果及试验网与产业化情况。同时还介绍了其在目前各电信运营商兴起的城域接入网中的应用。  相似文献   

随着保险公司的不断发展和规模的逐渐扩大,各个分支机构与总部之间的很多业务都需要通过基于网络的电子商务平台来完成。因此,但通过Internet接入企业总部内网带来的各种安全问题也成为困扰企业信息化部门的问题,而联想网御防火墙则能很好地解决这个问题:在实现企业分支机构安全接入的同时,也能够保护企业内网安全。同时,通过与用户认证系统的结合,还可以将内网的认证系统直接用于外网接入的用户中,便于企业对关键业务系统统一认证、授权和审计。目前,针对这个问题,联想网御防火墙在某保险公司成功得到应用。  相似文献   

介绍数字电视条件接收系统入网测评认证现状,指出现行入网测评认证标准存在的不足,并针对不足之处提出改善建议。重点考虑到条件接收系统产品生产和研发流程的安全性、密钥安全性、测试防作弊和系统稳定性,完善了入网测评认证严密性,保障了入网测评认证公信度。  相似文献   

What makes virtual violence enjoyable rather than aversive? Two 2×2 experiments tested the assumption that moral disengagement cues provided by a violent video game's narrative and game play lessen users' guilt and negative affect, which would otherwise undermine players' enjoyment of the game. Experiment 1 found that users' familiarity with the violent game reduced guilt and negative affect, and enhanced enjoyment, whereas opponents' nonhuman outer appearance and blameworthiness had no effect. Experiment 2 found that fighting for a just purpose, perceiving less mayhem, and framing the overall situation as “just a game” or “just an experiment” reduced guilt and negative affect, whereas the distorted portrayal of consequences did not. Effects on game enjoyment were mixed and suggest that moral disengagement cues may both foster and diminish game enjoyment.  相似文献   

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