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The purpose of the paper is to present the design and performance analysis of a fast frequency-hopped (FFH) spread spectrum communication system employing differential binary phase-shifted-keying (DBPSK) modulation and differentially coherent demodulation. The receiver utilizes a hop time tracking loop to “lock” the hop clock. The authors present an analysis of the average bit error probability of the overall system when it is operating in additive white Gaussian noise plus partial-band noise jamming. The effect of channel phase distortion is also studied  相似文献   

The capacity of a fast frequency-hopped multiple access (FHMA) system is dictated by two major related design concerns: the hopping pattern and the receiver structure. This paper studies the impact of these two factors. We present a maximum likelihood (ML) diversity combiner for detecting asynchronous FHMA multilevel PSK (MPSK) signals in Rician fading channels and analyze the performance of a close approximation of the ML receiver. We compare systems using random hopping patterns and those using optimal hopping patterns of Einarsson (1980). Performance comparisons between chip-synchronous and chip-asynchronous systems are made as well. We propose and examine the effectiveness of a two-stage multiuser detector, in which the first stage makes an initial decision while the second stage tries to reduce multiple access interference (MAI) and resolve the ambiguity left by the first stage detector. The MAI caused by undesired users is constituted by a cochannel interference (CCI) contribution and an interchannel interference (ICI) contribution. This detector is of modest complexity and is capable of removing most of the CCI and part of the ICI. Two methods for mitigating MAI are also examined  相似文献   

GPS软件接收机跟踪环路的设计在环路参数与鉴相器选择上有很大空间.在分析GPS跟踪原理的基础上,对比码环与载波环不同鉴相器的性能,然后在不同环路参数下对跟踪效果进行了仿真比较,最后选择一组鉴相器并设计合适的环路参数,对实际采集的GPS中频信号进行跟踪,跟踪结果验证了设计环路的有效性.  相似文献   

GPS接收机载波跟踪环设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对GPS接收机载波跟踪环环宽与跟踪的动态性能问题,在分析影响GPS信号动态性能的主要参数热噪声、晶振Allan相位噪声、晶振振动相位噪声和动态应力的基础上,通过对不同阶数的锁相环、锁频环跟踪门限分析与仿真,主要解决了如何设计GPS接收机的载波跟踪环路的带宽,并使系统性能达到最佳的问题,即使用环宽为18 Hz的二阶锁相环辅助环宽为10 Hz的三阶锁频环可以跟踪动态范围小于10 g、100 g/s的高动态信号。  相似文献   

针对射频直接采样软件无线电结构在超短波跳频接收机中的应用问题,以FPGA为硬件环境,设计了一种基于能量检测的全数字跳频跟踪环。利用解跳本振的超前滞后支路的能量累积差作为相位误差调整依据,利用浮动双门限方案提高跟踪稳定度和收敛速度。经仿真验证能够以较快的速度消除±0.5Tc(Tc为跳序列的码元持续时间)的相位误差,实现对中频信号的稳定解跳。  相似文献   

付永明  朱江  琚瑛珏 《通信学报》2012,33(6):191-200
以数字锁相环理论为依据,对Gardner定时误差检测器反馈定时环路参数的设计进行了深入研究,基于MATLAB对一阶、二阶环路性能进行了仿真,重点分析了环路阶数和等效噪声带宽对系统性能的影响,得到了等效噪声带宽与定时同步环路性能的关系,为定时同步环路的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The program presented in this paper is intended to provide a valuable aid for teaching antennas to electrical engineers, and to provide fast and accurate pre-designs for professionals. This paper covers the theory and numerical techniques used in SABOR. In summary, this program computes the radiated field of an aperture antenna (horn or reflector), using a common engine based on the Gauss-Legendre quadrature method for evaluating the radiation integrals. For horn, the aperture fields are the usual dominant modes of the feed waveguide, with a quadratic phase correction. For reflectors, the aperture fields are computed using geometrical optics ray tracing from the feed horn. Also, equivalent-reflector concepts are applied for dual-reflector antennas. The paper includes some examples to demonstrate the most important features of the program  相似文献   

Proposes a new fast packet switch architecture-pipeline banyan. It has a control plane and a number of parallel data planes which are of the same banyan topology. Packet headers are self-routed through the control plane to their destinations. As a result, they establish the corresponding routing paths in the data planes. The data planes do not need to do routing decisions, hence their complexity can be significantly reduced. Pipeline banyan can give a close to 100% maximum throughput and can deliver packets in a sequential order. Through analysis and simulation, the authors show that pipeline banyan has a better throughput and packet loss performance when compared with other banyan-type switch architectures  相似文献   

伪码跟踪环的设计是实现非相干扩频接收机的关键环节。为了实现非相干扩频接收机的伪码跟踪,设计了能量归一化的延迟锁定跟踪环,给出了环路的实现结构及环路参数的计算方法。分析了非相干扩频的特点,指出环路设计的关键点,在此基础上阐述了码环鉴别器、环路滤波器、超前滞后码发生器的设计及实现方法,并给出一套具体的实现参数。Modelsim仿真结果及FPGA实测数据表明所设计的环路能对伪码进行精确跟踪。  相似文献   

For pt.II see ibid., vol.31, no.1, p.170-9 (1993). HUTSCAT, a helicopter-borne dual-frequency FM-CW scatterometer, is described. The HUTSCAT measures the backscattering properties of a target with a range resolution of 65 cm. The real-time ranging capability is obtained by performing the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the received time-domain signal. The measurement is made simultaneously at eight channels (VV, HH, HV, and VH modes of polarization at 5.4 GHz and 9.8 GHz). The scatterometer measures the radar return spectrum for eight channels in 16.6 ms, which corresponds to an along-track distance of 0.33 m for the helicopter speed of 20 m/s. The radar system has been designed for remote sensing of forests, sea ice, and snow  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a decision-feedback coherent code tracking loop for pilot-symbol-aided (PSA) direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems, considering the effect of both symbol and channel estimation errors, is analyzed. An analytical closed-form expression on the steady-state jitter variance in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) environments using the linear analysis model is first derived. Then, the upper and lower bounds of the jitter variance in fading environments are obtained based on the analysis of the loop bandwidth variation according to the input signal level. Finally, a second-order coherent tracking loop is designed, and its performance in both AWGN and fading environments is evaluated, along with verification by computer simulations. It is demonstrated that analytical results are very close to the simulation results in AWGN environments and that the jitter variance in fading environments is located between analytical upper and lower bounds with its position depending on the fading rate.  相似文献   

Personal communications services (PCS) require low-power radio technologies. One such transceiver architecture employing frequency-hopped spread-spectrum techniques is presented. System features such as antenna diversity with equal-gain combining and sequential hop combining are incorporated into the transceiver design to achieve robust wireless digital data transmission over fading channels. A direct-conversion architecture from radio frequency (RF) to baseband reduces the overall power consumption by eliminating intermediate frequency (IF) components. High-rate frequency hopping with frequency-shift keying (FSK) modulation is implemented using a direct digital frequency synthesis technique. A multiplierless correlation FSK detector, suitable for direct-conversion receivers, has been designed for quadrature noncoherent detection. Robust acquisition algorithms based on energy detection and pattern matching and tracking architectures using digital phase-locked loops are also described for system synchronization. The proposed transceiver is well-suited for low-power PCS applications and other portable wireless communications  相似文献   

In personal communication networks (PCN), mobility tracking provides the function of locating a mobile user within the service area. We propose an intersection-oriented dynamic location update (LU) strategy, which is designed to minimize the cost of mobility tracking by optimally partitioning the service area into location registration (LR) areas on a per-user basis. A realistic mobility model is proposed in which we consider not only the mobility behavior of the individual subscriber, but also the street layout. Based on this model, a transient Markov process is developed to analyze the tracking cost. To reduce the implementation cost and to make the proposed strategy feasible, the concept of mobile subscriber (MS) grouping, and equivalent quadrangular LR area are also adopted  相似文献   

Driver fatigue severely affects driver's alertness and ability to drive safely. There are vital problems related to drivers fatigue on driving of trains, vehicles and airplanes. Therefore, the driver fatigue research is important. In this paper, we first study the impact of eye locations on face recognition accuracy, with Haar-like feature and AdaBoost classifier, face and eye area can be detected quickly and accurately. In the part of eye tracking, cam-shift based mean-shift algorithm is used to track the eyes. This method could automatically adjust the size of tracking window according to the different posture of driver. The performance of our eye detection method is validated by using image database with more than 6000 pictures. In addition, our real-time eye tracking system has been tested on railway line segment (China). There are 5 train drivers involved in the experiment. The validation shows that our eye detector has an overall 93% eye detection rate.  相似文献   

宫小卉 《光电子.激光》2010,(10):1503-1506
最大缓存时间限制、时延粒度限制、光分组长度限制3大限制因素,对传统光缓存器的前馈型和反馈型两种结构进行了分析。分析表明,影响光缓存器性能的3大限制因素在两种结构中的相互制约关系限制了光缓存器性能的进一步提高。在此基础上提出的一种自适应弹性环光缓存器(E-FLOB)结合了两种传统结构的优势,并分离了3大限制因素间的相互制约关系。结构分析显示,E-FLOB在缓存级数为16时可减少反馈型光缓存器噪声积累约3个数量级。网络性能仿真表明,弹性环结构比前馈型结构使用更少的缓存级数,获得比两种传统结构更低的分组丢失率。  相似文献   

Simultaneous all-optical high-speed wavelength switching and time demultiplexing is experimentally demonstrated using a nonlinear optical loop mirror, an integrated passive wavelength router, and fast optical space switches. With >1.2-GHz wavelength switching speeds and 2.5 Gb/s time demultiplexing speeds, both packet switching and isolated-bit extraction are demonstrated. The time switching can potentially be applied to data rates >100 Gb/s.  相似文献   

针对陆地和船体上稳定平台的特点,设计并研制了一种新型精密海陆伺服跟踪控制系统.首先通过分析双环伺服控制系统的优势,形成了位置外环和速度内环的双环复合控制方案,然后重点对速度内环进行设计.在速度内环中,主要由速率陀螺作为反馈元件,由直流伺服电机作为执行机构,由补偿环节作为校正机构.由陀螺的技术指标和幅相响应的关系,提出了一种新型的选型依据;由实际测量的伺服电机对输入电压的响应,实现了电机模型的降维辨识;针对系统对于快速性和稳定性的要求,设计了一种新型的PIP串联校正方法,分析校正参数的选择过程.最后进行综合理论模拟分析,在实际应用中验证了其有效性和实用性,并对以后的数字速度内环设计进行了展望.  相似文献   

当前的快速充电器不能遵循蓄电池自身的特性进行快速充电,致使析气多,温升大,缩短电池的使用寿命。针对上述问题,创新性地提出应用ANFIS对电池的可接受电流进行预测,保证电池在最佳充电速率下快速无损充电。详细介绍以单片机XC164CM为核心,完成新型快速无损智能充电器的设计,具有电流检测和控制等功能。样机测试表明,充电过程中析气少,温升低,充电效率高,解决了充电速率与电池寿命之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

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