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Data Intermixing and Multi-volume Rendering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main difference between multi-volume rendering and mono-volume rendering is data intermixing. In this paper, we present three levels of data intermixing and their rendering pipelines in direct multi-volume rendering, which discriminate image level intensity intermixing, accumulation level opacity intermixing, and illumination model level parameter intermixing. In the context of radiotherapy treatment planning, different data intermixing methods are applied to three volumes, including CT volume, Dose volume, and Segmentation volume, to compare the features of different data intermixing methods.  相似文献   

光线投射算法中重采样的设计和实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体绘制技术在医学成像和科学可视化领域有着极为广泛的应用,但由于其巨大的计算开销,限制了其实时动态体绘制的应用,因此许多研究人员致力于静态体绘制加速算法的研究,为了提高体绘制速度。分析了三维规则数据场重采样的原理。光线投射算法中对3D数据场重采样的实现方法;根据具体重建对象,提出了在3D数据场重采样中采用球形包围盒的方法,给出了人体头部和眼球的三维可视化结果,实验表明:这种算法能有效地减少重采样的计算量,并使求交计算更加简单。  相似文献   

A Video-Based 3D-Reconstruction of Soccer Games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present SoccerMan, a reconstruction system designed to generate animated, virtual 3D views from two synchronous video sequences of a short part of a given soccer game. After the reconstruction process, which needs also some manual interaction, the virtual 3D scene can be examined and 'replayed' from any viewpoint. Players are modeled as so-called animated texture objects, i.e. 2D player shapes are extracted from video and texture-mapped onto rectangles in 3D space. Animated texture objects have shown very appropriate as a 3D representation of soccer players in motion, as the visual nature of the original human motion is preserved. The trajectories of the players and the ball in 3D space are reconstructed accurately. In order to create a 3D reconstruction of a given soccer scene, the following steps have to be executed: 1) Camera parameters of all frames of both sequences are computed (camera calibration). 2) The playground texture is extracted from the video sequences. 3) Trajectories of the ball and the players' heads are computed after manually specifying their image positions in a few key frames. 4) Player textures are extracted automatically from video. 5) The shapes of colliding or occluding players are separated automatically. 6) For visualization, player shapes are texture-mapped onto appropriately placed rectangles in virtual space. SoccerMan is a novel experimental sports analysis system with fairly ambitious objectives. Its design decisions, in particular to start from two synchronous video sequences and to model players by texture objects, have already proven promising.  相似文献   

The simulation of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning (RTP) is a normal procedure in oncology clinics carried out on a Simulator machine. The Virtual Simulation of RTP replaces the real Simulator machine with a virtual one by using the CT data sets of a patient instead of the real patient. In this paper, we present a collaborative virtual simulation environment of RTP, named EU-VIRTUOSO, which is based on volume rendering and telecommunication techniques. The RTP procedure is visualised on a virtual patient, which is created by using the CT data of the patient. Different volume rendering and volume interaction techniques, such as DRR, MIP, gradient surface, and iso-surface, supply physicians with high quality rendering images to simulate the real working environment of the Simulator machine. In the collaborative environment, physicians distributed at different locations can work together via network to plan the treatment or to validate the treatment plan on-line by a collaborative application sharing approach. Both concepts virtualised planning and collaborative planning improve the efficiency and accuracy of a radiotherapy treatment while reducing the effort for an individual patient.  相似文献   

A method based on computer vision technologies is presented to determine the 3-D spatial locations of joints or feature points of a human body from human motion video. The proposed method first applies the geometric projection theory to obtain a set of feasible postures in some key frames according to predefined 2D video features and 3D-model features correspondence. Next it makes use of the available skeleton controlled human model to get a feasible posture for each key frame. The method is applied to a series of video images to animate artificial 3D human models.  相似文献   

体视化方法综述   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
综述了体视化研究的历史及近年来体视化技术的研究现状和发展情况,其中包括体数据的预处理、三维物体表面重建、直接体视、体图形学等各方面方法的优缺点,并预测了体视化的未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

体绘制技术可将难于理解的三维数据场转化成直观的图像,作为一种最具前景的科学计算可视化技术在医学影像方面有着极强的实用意义。由于体绘制算法需要强大的计算能力,在通常的PC系统上难以实现满足交互式应用的绘制速度,因此阻碍了其普及。研究PC系统上的快速体绘制技术,无疑具有重要的意义.本文使用Shear-warp的体绘制算法,并利用Intel公司的SSE2扩展指令对整个绘制过程进行加速,实现了基于中高档桌面PC系统平台的快速体绘制应用。  相似文献   

Large‐sized volume datasets have recently become commonplace and users are now demanding that volume‐rendering techniques to visualise such data provide acceptable results on relatively modest computing platforms. The widespread use of the Internet for the transmission and/or rendering of volume data is also exerting increasing demands on software providers. Multiresolution can address these issues in an elegant way. One of the fastest volume‐rendering alrogithms is that proposed by Lacroute & Levoy 1 , which is based on shear‐warp factorisation and min‐max octrees (MMOs). Unfortunately, since an MMO captures only a single resolution of a volume dataset, this method is unsuitable for rendering datasets in a multiresolution form. This paper adapts the above algorithm to multiresolution volume rendering to enable near‐real‐time interaction to take place on a standard PC. It also permits the user to modify classification functions and/or resolution during rendering with no significant loss of rendering speed. A newly‐developed data structure based on the MMO is employed, the multiresolution min‐max octree, M 3 O, which captures the spatial coherence for datasets at all resolutions. Speed is enhanced by the use of multiresolution opacity transfer functions for rapidly determining and discarding transparent dataset regions. Some experimental results on sample volume datasets are presented.  相似文献   

The paper describes the process of building Internet‐transmittable, 3‐D digital virtual models of ancient heritage monuments from on‐site data, focusing especially on 3‐D dimensional data acquisition techniques and color processing methods. Section 1 considers project goals and the attendant problems; Section 2 provides a brief summary of state‐of‐the‐art experience and the technologies adopted by the Authors; Section 3 illustrates the key features of the 3‐D color data acquisition methods used as well as the shape and color processing pipeline; Section 4 describes the specific study conducted on single elements and faades of the Coliseum in Rome, while Section 6 outlines future work.  相似文献   

基于八叉树的快速分类Shear-Warp算法,是三维规则数据场可视化的一种经典算法。它适用于三维重建过程中用户需要交互式地动态调整透明度变换函数,以观察三维实体的不同细节的应用场合。论文对算法进行了深入的研究和局部的优化。论文首先介绍算法原理,然后给出算法实现模型,最后给出实验结果和进一步的研究前景。  相似文献   

传统Web体绘制方法主要集中在利用服务器端进行预处理和绘制任务,浏览器端仅用于呈现绘制结果,这样会造成服务器负载过高,同时,当绘制参数发生更改时,必须向服务器请求新的绘制结果,这样也易受网络延迟的影响。为了解决以上问题,实现在浏览器本地进行体绘制和交互,本文提出一种基于WebGL的体绘制方法,以时变体数据为例,在浏览器端实现光线投射体绘制算法。同时,为了提升绘制效率和减少内存占用,本文基于维度压缩方法,优化时变体数据的预处理过程。最后,本文设计了Web体绘制系统,引入暴风时变数据集以验证方法的有效性,结果表明,本文方法能够在浏览器本地对时变体数据进行体绘制,绘制时间在50ms以下,帧速率可达到50 FPS以上,同时支持实时交互,并且当绘制参数发生更改时,系统能够直接在浏览器端进行重新绘制。  相似文献   

顾耀林 《计算机工程》1997,23(2):24-25,36
立体可视化是90年出现的可视化及计算机图形学的一个重要领域。立体可视化质变计算机图形学带来了一场革命,并在其众多的应用领域中取得了突破性进展,不仅容易实现图形演示的虚拟真实性(灵境),而且可以将视野深入至复杂物体的内部世界,文语文介绍立体可视化技术的原理,立体数据的生成,处理及演示。  相似文献   

基于数据场相关性的光线投射算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
光线投射算法是体绘制中的经典方法,这一算污具有结构清晰实现便利的特点。但简单的光线投射算法存在采样效率低和绘制精度低的缺点。本文利用数据场的相关性和不等步长的采样方法来改善泡线投射算法的品质,使它既有快速的优点又具有较高的成象精度  相似文献   

体绘制技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
可视化技术是继计算、实验两大科学研究方法之后的第三种研究方法,体绘制技术作为可视化技术的一个重要分支,已经取得长足发展。对常用体绘制技术进行了分类,并且指出、分析了各自特点及适用场合,为进一步应用、改进这些技术提供参考。  相似文献   

用MATLAB的图像处理箱,采用体绘制法对100张血管切片图像进行三维重建。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a data distribution scheme and an alignment algorithm for parallel volume rendering. The algorithm performs a single wrap-around shear transformation which requires only a regular inter-processor communication pattern. The alignment can be implemented incrementally consisting of short distance shifts, thus significantly reducing the communication overhead. The alignment process is a non-destructive transformation, consisting of a single non-scaling shear operation. This is a unique feature which provides the basis for the incremental algorithm.  相似文献   

Traditional volume rendering does not incorporate a number of optical properties that are typically observed for semi-transparent materials, such as glass or water, in the real world. Therefore, we have extended GPU-based raycasting to spectral volume rendering based on the Kubelka–Munk theory for light propagation in parallel colorant layers of a turbid medium. This allows us to demonstrate the effects of selective absorption and dispersion in refractive materials, by generating volume renderings using real physical optical properties. We show that this extended volume rendering technique can be easily incorporated into a flexible framework for GPU-based volume raycasting. Our implementation shows a promising performance for a number of real data sets. In particular, we obtain up to 100 times the performance of a comparable CPU implementation. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

基于表层剥离原理的传递函数设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵陌 《计算机应用》2008,28(8):2059-2062
针对体绘制领域目前存在的计算开销、经验提取和复杂人工干预等几个重要的应用问题,提出了传递函数设定的表层剥离算法。表层剥离算法通过单程交越检测和高梯度比例边缘检测,解决了表层起伏现象导致的分类误差较大,需要复杂的人工干预调整的问题;避免引入高阶偏导等复杂的计算,保持了较低的计算开销;而且形成了一种简单且能发挥用户直觉,具有较高自动化成分的传递函数设定方式,取得了较好的效果。据此开发的普及型医学图像分析系统验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

直接体绘制技术在地质体三维可视化中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将直接体绘制技术应用于地质体三维可视化,首先对原始钻孔数据进行插值、网格化等预处理得到满足直接体绘制需要的规则体数据,从而建立反映地层分布的地质体三维标量数据场;然后用直接体绘制技术绘制三维地质体,避免了体元建模方法中在对地质体进行剖切等操作时必须要解决的剖面与体元之间复杂的判断求交等过程。采用该方法实现了对某地区地质体的三维可视化。  相似文献   

针对交互式动态体绘制算法生成图像质量差的问题,提出一种改进算法,在减少使用插值的同时,通过增加采样点数和使用采样点间距离作为权值等方法进行图像合成。改进的算法使结果图像的质量有了明显改善,同时保持了较快的速度。  相似文献   

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