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Dehua is one of the most famous white porcelain production areas and one of the main porcelain exporting centers in Southern China. In this part of the study, white porcelain samples from the Song to Qing Dynasties excavated from Wanpinglun, Qudougong, Zulonggong, Jiabeishan and Xingjiao kiln sites were analyzed to investigate microstructure and its physicochemical basis. Physical properties of the samples were also studied, to evaluate the quality of porcelain production of Dehua kiln in ancient times.  相似文献   

德化制瓷,始于唐代,闻名于宋、元,鼎盛于明清两朝,当代的德化瓷雕艺术创作者们继承和弘扬了先辈艺术创作的文化内涵,使之由历史上的单一风格演绎出一脉多姿的艺术奇葩。艺术市场是创新的动力,艺术水平的提高伴随着德化瓷雕一路前行。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2019,45(10):12880-12887
Nanhai I shipwreck, a fully loaded merchant ship of the Southern Song Dynasty, once heading for the Southeast Asia, represents the prosperous international ceramic trades during that time. Recent excavation provides us with the great opportunity to investigate the export porcelain on this ship. Black Porcelain and green porcelain of Cizao kiln, white porcelain of Dehua kiln, bluish white porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln, celadon of Longquan kiln, and white porcelain of Minqing Yi kiln were analyzed chemically and morphologically by polarizing microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. The chemical and microstructural features of each kind of porcelain, evidently different from each other, are discussed in detail in this paper. Among them, the Dehua white porcelain and the Jingdezhen bluish white porcelain may represent the best manufacture techniques for their purest glazes and bodies. Also, anorthite crystals are common in the calcium glazes of the Longquan celadon and the Jingdezhen bluish white porcelain. The most interesting structure among the samples observed is the structure of crystals and MgFe rich phase separation in the black glaze of Cizao porcelain, which is also different from other black glazes studied in previous research.  相似文献   

德化白瓷素以质地坚硬、色泽莹润、工艺精良著称。早在宋元时代,德化白瓷表面就已经采用刻花、划花、印花、贴花、堆花、透雕、衣纹对器型进行装饰处理,以达到简洁、质朴、原生态的艺术效果;进入明代中晚期以来,德化白瓷装饰接受了外来的表现风格,以釉下青花和新彩为陶瓷装饰的主流,并保持人物塑像以衣纹装饰为主的装饰特征。特色开片釉装饰的出现,使德化白瓷在保留其特色的前提下,大大增强其视觉艺术效果,是继承和创新德化白瓷的装饰手法,对于发扬德化白瓷传统将产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

陈雨前 《陶瓷学报》2006,27(3):296-303
元代景德镇青白瓷是对宋代的继承和发展。本文对宋代景德镇青白瓷在元代的流变情况以及对宋、元时期景德镇青白瓷在胎釉、装烧、装饰、造型等方面的不同特征,作了较为深入的讨论。  相似文献   

在景德镇设官监造,宋时已有,元代还成立了专门的官办监陶机构"浮梁磁局"。但是宋元时期监陶官的主要职责是收取地方瓷器生产税,设置目的是为了增加国家财政收入,这与明清时期御窑厂督陶官有很大不同。明清时期,朝廷在景德镇建立御窑厂,专门烧造宫廷用瓷,并委派官员督陶。督陶官作为御窑厂的直接负责人,在御器生产过程中担当着至关重要的角色,对景德镇瓷业乃至中国瓷业的发展有着重要影响。本文通过收集和整理大量的文献史料,对明清时期景德镇御窑厂督陶官及其督陶情况进行了全面梳理和比较分析,使读者对其有一个全面清晰的认识和更为深入的理解,填补了陶瓷史中这部分研究的缺漏。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2021,47(23):32817-32827
Black glaze and brown glaze porcelains were an important part of ancient Chinese iron-based high temperature glazes. The excavation of black glaze and brown glaze porcelains from the Yuan and Ming dynasties at the Qingliang Temple kiln site in Baofeng, Henan, China, in 2014, enriched the firing history of this kiln site and history of Chinese ceramics. In this study, black glaze and brown glaze porcelain samples from the Qingliang Temple kiln site from the Yuan and Ming dynasties were selected and analysed via optical microscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy combined with EDS and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence to determine their microscopic morphology, microzone composition, microstructure and chemical composition. Moreover, the main wavelength range of the brown glaze porcelain samples were measured by UV–Vis–NIR spectrophotometer systems. The main conclusions of this study are as follows. The brown glaze porcelain from the Yuan and Ming dynasties at the Qingliang Temple kiln site has two different colour layers, with the surface is brown and the bottom is black. The presence of a glass phase and α-Fe2O3 phase in the black glaze porcelain samples, and a rare ε-Fe2O3 phase in the brown glaze porcelain samples. The brown colour was a result of ε-Fe2O3 precipitation, whilst the black base layer also enhanced the brown-colouring effect. Different glaze formulations were used for brown glazed porcelain, some of which were similar to those used for black glaze porcelain and derived from the transformation of black glaze porcelain through different firing atmospheres and cooling rates. Although the formula of the brown glaze porcelain samples exhibited differences, the main wavelength difference was not large, was within the 645–682 nm range and belonged to the visible red region.  相似文献   

钧瓷的兴衰与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从大量的历史文献资料及古代钧窑遗址出土的许多钧瓷残片证明,我国宋代五大名瓷之一的钧窑源于唐代,研制于五代,成熟于北宋初期,兴盛于北宋中晚期。经历了由民窑到官窑,又民窑再官窑的发展阶段,开辟了我国陶瓷颜色釉的先河,为瓷器的装饰艺术提供了广阔的空间。  相似文献   

罗二平  陈雨前 《中国陶瓷》2007,43(12):102-106
宋代青白瓷,以景德镇所产为代表。本文从青白瓷的名称和来历入手,简要概述了唐及唐以前景德镇的制瓷情况。通过对五代、宋两个时期景德镇瓷器的器物形制、呈色及其装饰风格、胎、釉原料的科技测试结果和装烧工艺等方面的考察,结合出土文物的考证,考察与探讨了宋代景德镇青白瓷是五代白瓷合乎历史逻辑的产物,也是其自身发展演变的结果。  相似文献   

我国的陶瓷文化有着长达万年的悠久历史,它创造了大量的蕴含着丰富的科学技术和艺术内涵的人间珍宝,陶瓷文化显现了华夏民族的审美情趣和审美风貌。德化的陶瓷滥觞于唐代,闻名于宋、元,鼎盛于明清两朝。德化的陶瓷文化是我国古代文化的一个重要组成部分,它在中国陶瓷文化史上占有重要的地位。继承和弘扬陶瓷文化的丰富内涵,注重陶瓷文化的“精神”能量的释放和提升,其意义不仅仅是满足陶瓷文化本身的范畴,而其目的是带动德化地域文化和经济的整体突破和提升。  相似文献   

江淮名窑寿州窑,创烧于我国南北朝时期,兴盛于隋唐,衰落于五代宋。在其悠长的发展历程里,寿州窑烧制了许许多多的陶瓷用品,大致可分为饮食器、盛储器、酒具、文具、寝具、玩具、建筑用瓷等,釉色崇尚黄、黑釉,造型浑厚饱满,古朴沉稳,姿态万千,多样的的造型符号传递了当时的社会文化背景、瓷器制作水平和审美文化,为深入研究中国古陶瓷文化提供了珍贵的资料,对当今的文创产品开发也大有裨益。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(12):8636-8642
“Oil spot”, which is a famous decorating technique of black glazed porcelain in the Song Dynasty, is a representative handicraft of Jian bowls found in the Jian Kiln in southern China. An oil spot black glaze bowl was found in the Xiao Kiln in Anhui Province in a field investigation, which is the first time that this pattern of porcelain was found in this area. Various techniques were performed on this bowl and on another black glaze porcelain piece from the same archaeological layer, including optical microscopy, scan electron microscopy, XRF, Raman spectromicroscopy and XRD. The results show that its main chemical composition is similar to the black glazed porcelain from the Xiao kiln, and the chemical characteristics of the glaze are high Fe2O3 (5.14%) and CaO (7.26%) and low Al2O3 (11.85%) and the RO content is 0.83which is indicative of a calcium glaze and is close to the components of oil spot porcelains from Shanxi in northern China. The ferric oxide crystalline on the glaze surface indicates the phase transformation of γ-Fe2O3→ε-Fe2O3→α-Fe2O3 in the crystallization layer on the glaze surface and the anorthite crystalline at the junction between the body and the glaze. The vessel could be produced at a relatively high temperature in a specific oxidizing environment.  相似文献   

顾幸勇 《陶瓷学报》1997,18(4):195-199
本文以熔剂成分的釉与胎比值全新分析方法,对我国南方古名窑瓷(越窑、德化窑和景德镇窑)进行了区分研究,结果表明,该新方法简明、有效:德化窑瓷在釉与胎比值R2O(釉)/R2O(胎)=1.30以内;景德镇窑瓷在RO(釉)/RO(胎)=14.0以下;而越窑瓷在0.8ROG/B)+27R2O(G/B)-45.5=0.RO(G/B)=13和R2O(G/B)=0.5所构成的直角三角形区域中,该三角形区把德化窑、景德镇窑截然分开。  相似文献   

宋代文化是优雅从容的,宋代文人是温润含蓄的,宋代瓷器是雅正清幽的,而青白瓷更是以"如冰似玉"的釉色闻名天下。宋代提倡"以文治国",但文化上的大放异彩对应着政治上的软弱无能,也正因如此宋代文人彷徨迷茫而寄情于书房,砚滴也因此成为书房里的几案之珍。  相似文献   

对应分析在景德镇历代瓷胎配方演变规律研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用对应因子分析技术分析了景德镇历代瓷胎化学成分数据,结果表明,景德镇古瓷胎配方演变过程可分为三个阶段,即五代十国和宋代为第一阶段;元代和明代为第二阶段;清代为第三阶段。瓷石掺和高岭土的制胎技艺始于元代,成熟于明未清初。在第一阶段内,瓷胎基本是由单一瓷石配制而成;第二阶段内,单一瓷石制胎与瓷石掺和高岭土的制胎工艺同时并存;第三阶段内,瓷胎配方几乎完全属于瓷石掺和高岭土的二元配料体系。  相似文献   

北京龙泉务辽金代瓷器初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对龙泉务辽金代白瓷和黑瓷进行了研究,其胎的组成以高铝、钠和低硅为特征,其组成与北方古代名窑瓷胎有明显差别,样品釉的组成差别较大:一个样品属碱钙釉、三个样品属钙碱釉;二个样品属钙质釉,酱色釉是在强氧化气氛下烧成,故在黑釉表面形成一屋赤铁矿结晶体,使其釉的外观呈酱红色,细白瓷样品的烧成温度为1240℃左右。  相似文献   

Jingdezhen is famous for its bluish white (Qingbai) porcelains of the Song Dynasty, and those decorated with iron spots are distinctive among them. Herein, iron spots on a bluish white porcelain were investigated using a series of microscopic and spectroscopic characterizations. We found the decreasing iron content from more than 8 wt% to about 2 wt% during the glaze color transition from rusty to brown and finally into green, which built a connection on the coloring mechanism of iron-rich crystallized glaze and celadon glaze. We identified the rare ε-Fe2O3, a promising magnetic material, in both the dark brown crystals and the triangular crystals in the rusty area, which is its first discovery among bluish white porcelains. Based on these findings, we discussed the coloring mechanism of iron-spot decoration along with the physical form of the iron oxide crystals, indicating the partially reducing atmosphere during firing process.  相似文献   

陶瓷与茶文化的联系及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国茶文化发展历史长河中,唐、宋、明为其重要时期,唐代的青、白碗盏对烹茶文化,宋代黑釉盏瓶对斗茶文化,明代紫砂、青花瓷对泡茶文化都有重大的影响。唐、宋、明代的陶瓷器皿分别以其特有的审美功能,将茶文化提升到艺术的境界。  相似文献   

高雅春  耿谦 《陶瓷》2003,(5):24-26
针对釉层龟裂缺陷,探讨了釉应力与瓷坯残余石英量、釉层厚度及热稳定性的相互关系与规律。希望能对实际生产具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

宋代是文人当道的时代,文人士大夫的"尚玉"审美情趣代表了社会审美的主流趋向。在青白玉稀缺的情况下,青白瓷应运而生。宋代青白瓷的釉质具有如玉般的美感,具有很高的审美价值,并且深受宋代各阶层人士的喜爱。  相似文献   

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